ghostroasttoast6 · 10 hours
I’m gonna redo the drawings I made for another au again.
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ghostroasttoast6 · 1 day
You know how like the TMNT fandom had made their own iteration of the show. What if I did that but with Osomatsu San instead? Like a reboot of the show. Like if the sextuplets were still given separate personalities but different than in the San version. Just throwing out an idea here.
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ghostroasttoast6 · 4 days
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It’s CC! Ichi’s regular cat form! Such a cute kitty I hope nothing bad happens to him-
(CW: Implied Animal Death)
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And that’s Ichimatsu’s backstory in the Creature Cryptid AU.
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ghostroasttoast6 · 4 days
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Sometimes when you need a volleyball, you have to have backups.
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ghostroasttoast6 · 6 days
Creature Cryptid AU: So a Ghoul and Skeleton walk into a bar. (Or a bridge for that matter.)
(Note: This is my first time writing a fanfic so it might be O.O.C and if it is I’m sorry. Anyway enjoy!)
The cold midnight air brushes against Karamatsu’s face as the hooded man rushes down the city sidewalk underneath the faintly moon-lit night sky. The only sounds he can focus on is his panicked breathing and his sneaker hitting the pavement with every step he takes. 
He can’t even think straight but how can anybody when something so absurd and horrific happens to you all at once? 
The blue-hooded man then ducks into an narrow alleyway passage as he backs up against the brick wall of building behind him as he slides down onto the asphalt ground. Karamatsu tries to calm himself down but he is still stuck within a that feeling of paranoia as if somebody was following him as he ran. After realizing that he is most definitely alone at the moment, he lets out a shaky sigh as he sits up a little, readjusting himself to get his thoughts straight. 
“Okay…I’m fine..I’m fine. That whole experience was just a hallucination from my lack of sleep, it’s not real.” 
Karamatsu tries to reassure himself, that the Shinigami he spoke with was just his imagination. A very vivid one but still not real! He puts on a grin as he rebuilds up his confidence once more. Like the Karamatsu himself would be put off by a creepy death god!…but now that he thinks about it maybe this was real and he’s just still in denial about the whole thing. 
He looks down at his sickly pale skin now tinged with a unsettling shade of light blue. A shade of blue you could only get with a fresh corpse that had been strangled and drowned all at once. That description caused a creeping feeling of nausea to build up in Karamatsu’s stomach as he swallowed back the saliva in his mouth, holding back the bile threatening to come out. Dead, he was practically a zombie but without the urge to constantly devour people’s brains…as that made him anymore comfortable with his new realization of his form.
Glancing around the alleyway only gave him a slight distraction from his situation. The old cracked brick walls of the buildings around him caused a sense of claustrophobia and the dumpster next to him gave off the pungent odor considerably less than his rotting aroma which he was glad was only noticeable if he was wet. The puddle just in front of him showed Karamatsu the now hideous and ghastly appearance of his face; eyes puffy from tears, dull and sunken with dark eye-bags, his nose now with only a nasal bone in its place, cheekbones more noticeable than ever as they poked from his dry, cracked and freezing skin.
“God…how am I ever gonna face people again like…like this!? I’m practically hideous beast at this point!!” 
The tears begin to form back into his eyes as he wiped furiously at them. He couldn’t even attempt use his usual theatrics to help brush off his emotions after his whole life was just taken away in an instant from a manipulative skeleton demon who gave him what he dreamed of becoming. Yes, Karamatsu had made a dumb, hell, a stupid decision! He just wanted to be able to sing and perform for others, he wanted to be able to captivate audiences with his voice. The anger bubbling up inside him  grew more and more as he was utterly furious at his current situation.
“Now I can’t use my voice if nobody can even look at me for more than a second! This is- this..UUUUUUURRRRRRRGGGGGGHHH!!!”
 Letting out a yell of pure fury as he punches the dumpster behind him, turning around as he swung his fist at full force at the large plastic looking bin then immediately yelping in pain not a second later. After some time, that same hand is now bruised as Karamatsu begins to trudge along on the sidewalks again after calming down. He shoves both of his hands into his hoodie’s pockets as he arrives at the park. He plops himself down on a lone wooden bench nearby an oak tree that has seen better days. The white noise of the distant city and the soft breeze of the wind helped kept Karamatsu to feel a bit better about his situation not by a lot but it was giving him a peace of mind. However it didn’t take his mind off about the whole incident with the Shinigami he encountered.
“Tell me your greatest desires and I’ll help them come true my ass.” The blue ghoul grumbles bitterly with a hint of sarcasm. “I got my wonderful voice from that deal but at the cost of what!? My face?! I wish that didn’t have to happen at all! Woe is me..” 
Just as Karamatsu is about to continue his self-pity monologue to himself he overhears some noise that sounded like rattling. 
He snaps his head up and tries to listen for the faint sound which becomes louder as it causes the young man to shiver in slight alarm. 
Yeah it’s probably the best time he gets going like, right now. He begins to shuffle rather quickly across the park’s pathway, trying to get away from the unsettling rattling noise; he doesn’t want to come across a monster at night let alone this one who can made such a racket like that. The noise still followed him as it’s faint rattles turned into a deafening clanking as the undead man sprinted until his energy drained more and more when had to stop at the bridge nearby to regain his lost energy back. 
Not wanting to accept his fate that he was most likely gonna die right here and now, Karamatsu just  began pleading with the person creeping and rattling walking closer to him as he looked down at the river just below the bridge. 
“What ever fiend is out there it would much of a difficulty to try and eat me! Trust me for I am not a human as my skin is so pale it could be compared to Dracula of all creatures-“
“Ow! That was so painful I can feel my ribs breaking apart!”
 A rather oddly lax voice pipes up, interrupting Karamatsu’s dramatic plead for mercy as a confused expression appears on his face and lifts his head up slowly. As he turns around to face the source of the voice he is filled with nothing but shock and fear. 
A skeleton…an fucking actual skeleton monster with grayish-white bones, red literal fiery hair styled similar to his bowl cut and two bright red pupils from inside his sockets. The red horse jockey rider uniform they were wearing would cause Karamatsu to laugh a little at the sight but due to his overwhelming fear all he could do was let out the loudest scream he could muster at the skeleton man.
This caused the skeleton to slap his fingerless gloved palm over Karamatsu’s mouth in a panic after being startled by his scream.
“Hey! Shhhh! Calm down, I’m not gonna eat you or whatever. But geez man, at least give a man a warning first!” He calms the young undead man down as he lightly scolds him with a hint of mild annoyance in his voice. The skeleton then takes his hand off of Karamatsu’s mouth as takes in a gasp of air and glances back up at the bony figure feeling a bit peeved off as well.
“Then why did you chase after me?!” Karamatsu snaps back at the strange skeleton. He was about to answer that blue hoodie man’s question when he peers in closer into his face. “Hold on…what’s with the hood? You’re not going anywhere unless I get to see the person who so rudely screamed at me!” He rubs his finger under his nose chuckling as he goes to grab Karamatsu’s hood to pull it down as the latter tries to sway away the skeleton’s arms to stop his attempt which was all in vain in the end.
The skeleton’s mischievous grin was wiped cleaned off his face as he manages to pull down the hood to reveal the hideous face of the man he though was human he was chasing. He lets out a gasp as he pulls his bony hand away from Karamatsu and gives him a uneasy look. “What the hell!? Your face it’s- it’s-”
“Terrifying? Ghastly? Maybe unsightly?” Karamatsu muses as he takes back his hood and puts it over his head again out of shame. The skeleton shakes his head and replies back with “I was gonna say pretty ugly.” Karamatsu grumbles and crosses his arms as he glances to his side, clearly not expecting a blunt response like that from the Skeleton. Yet again, he wasn’t fainting from just a mere glance at his pale ghoulish face which prompted the ghoul to ask a question with a bit a venom to his voice, “Then how come you aren’t fainting from how ugly it is then? All the people I ran into had fainted just from one glance!” 
“Ah that’s what you so were concerned about? Of course they fainted, those were humans! Monsters can’t be affected by powers that only work on humans Ghoul-Chan!” If Karamatsu wasn’t shocked enough before, consider that now his shock has pretty much doubled as his jaw drops in astonishment.“Eh?! Powers!? What the hell do you mean by that?! And my name isn’t Ghoul, Skeleton man!” “Then what it is then?” So with a sigh, the blue ghoul decides to give this rather clingy skeleton his name. “Well if you really want to know I am the Karamatsu…and I suppose you must have a name yourself?”
 “Yep! I’m Osomatsu, the charismatic legend skeleton!” Osomatsu points to himself proudly as he sports a toothy grin. “So Kara-chu, what’s with ya face? You look like a decaying corpse!” Karamatsu doesn’t know either to be angry or just unamused at the remark but Osomatsu’s question needed some sort of answer and so, he nodded and gave him a smirk.
“If you really want to know then I’ll give you a very short summary my bony acquaintance!” Karamatsu clears out his throat and recaps the whole story in one quick motion. 
“I got cursed by a Shinigami, he gave me by wonderful voice for at the cost of decaying me to the point I could not longer call myself amongst the living….” 
The ghoul trails off sorrowfully as glances to the right side of the bridge then back up at Osomatsu who was shocked to his core at the explanation as he stared at Karamatsu, eyes widening with his expression becoming one of pity and empathy?
“You met that son of a bitch?” Osomatsu’s voice sounded a bit melancholic as he spoke, catching Karamatsu off guard. In response, the ghoul nods as the skeleton chuckles hollowly and groans in frustration. “I’m guessing he gave you an offer you couldn’t refuse as well?”
“I did say that earlier but….wait were you-“ 
Karamatsu points at Osomatsu in disbelief as the skeleton claps his hands and jokingly replies. 
“A human? Ding ding ding! Would Somebody get this man a prize because you hit the nail on the head with that one!” The skeleton snapped his fingers together as he finger guns at Karamatsu, with that same shit-eating grin on his face. 
The ghoul is torn between waiting for Osomatsu to continue or if he should just push him off the railing of the bridge. Karamatsu choses the former as he gives the skeleton an exasperated expression. “So? You said the same thing happened to you, aren’t you gonna explain how?” “Very nosy aren’t we?” “I told you why I look like this, why can’t you tell me why you’re a skeleton?!” 
Kara had a point there and based on the skeleton’s expression, Osomatsu knew he was just trying avoiding the question. “Fine you wanna know!? I’ll tell you! I made a deal with that same Shinigami fucker so I would actually win a race for once in my damn career!” 
Osomatsu shouted rather aggressively at the younger. He didn’t want to bring up the stupid story of his pathetic desperation getting in the way but if it what this ghoul wanted then he’s gonna get it!
“He gave me drink-like bottle that made me practically unstoppable in the horse races! I didn’t realize that it would melt off all my skin, hair and muscles over a span of a month! …So yeah, happy now?” Karamatsu was stunned into silence as the feeling slight guilt creeped onto his face. He glanced over to the left as he tugged the strings of hit hoodie tighter and spoke through his clenched teeth. 
“Ah mistake…I didn’t realize you were very sore about your past.” Osomatsu holds his hands up to stop the ghoul from continuing to apologize, prompting the latter quiet down as the skeleton groaned. “No, no you told me about your regrets, I shouldn’t act like a stubborn jackass when you ask me about mine.” Karamatsu just opens his mouth to make a noise of agreement before the two fall back into silence. Noticing the sun just peeking out above the horizon, the ghoul faces the skeleton, unsure about what else to do.  “So…now what do we do? It’s almost the morning and I can’t go back in public as a supernatural freak in broad daylight…” 
Osomatsu ponders over the conundrum of a problem that Karamatsu is worrying over. “I know a place deep within the forest far far away from the city! Come on Kara-chu, you’ll fit in there just like a moldy sock in a dilapidated sneaker!” 
The skeleton laughs as he puts a arm over the ghoul’s shoulder as he reassures the younger monster as they begin to walk together into the deep forest just outside the forest. As Karamatsu walks alongside his new acquaintance he turns his head around and takes one good last look at the city he once called his home. 
He may not be completely used to be a monster but taking the first step into the deeps woods would most hopefully push him to the path of acceptation and with a deep breath and with the skill of a magician, he disappears into the forest completely and without a trace.
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ghostroasttoast6 · 7 days
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Creature Cryptid AU: The Cryptid Creepers redesigns! (Atsushi came up with the name for the group)
These four had recently just moved from the city down to the forest town of Atasuka Woods after getting hired by a company that hunts for monsters. They are very adamant about impressing the boss until they meet the resort inhabitants and realize that not all monsters are bad. (Due to a recent post I liked from sillystraws, Atsushi and Homura are now half-siblings in this AU.)
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ghostroasttoast6 · 7 days
I’m gonna redesign them cause they seem a bit bland I dunno
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bro look at the cryptid hunters I hired. Here’s the Cryptidzoologists in the CC AU (They were hired to figure out the strange occurrences in the spooky resort in the forests and get rid of it but end up helping the monsters instead with bigger threats.)
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ghostroasttoast6 · 8 days
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More CC! Kara but his 18 year old self after he got transformed. (and one with his normal mask.) So basically after getting turned into a hideous ghoul he runs away and goes town-hopping, never staying in one place as he figures out that humans would faint after looking at him for more than a second. Don’t worry, he does gain back his personality after being taken in by the resort
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ghostroasttoast6 · 8 days
A comic about CC! Kara and his backstory. There is angst (kinda poor but whatever.)
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ghostroasttoast6 · 12 days
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The Primaromas (In order: Rin, Ozzy and, Nori)
I redesigned them. (If you’re wondering why I deleted their old refs)
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ghostroasttoast6 · 19 days
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happy birthday to the worst men of the showa era
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ghostroasttoast6 · 20 days
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Seems like the gang found a new weird cat.
(Also happy birthday to the NEETS.)
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ghostroasttoast6 · 25 days
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bro look at the cryptid hunters I hired. Here’s the Cryptidzoologists in the CC AU (They were hired to figure out the strange occurrences in the spooky resort in the forests and get rid of it but end up helping the monsters instead with bigger threats.)
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ghostroasttoast6 · 28 days
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Creature Cryptid AU: Side Characters! (And the Shinigami OC)
You think I was just gonna make the brothers and not add the side cast to an AU!? There is at least a small amount of people who love the side characters! (There will be more I just gotta draw them soon)
Anyway yeah.
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ghostroasttoast6 · 30 days
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More Monster AU! There’s the Cryptiozoologists which consists of Atsushi, Kin-Chan, Homura and Takahashi. They got hired to investigate the mysterious sightings of monsters in the forest which leds to them finding the Resort.
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ghostroasttoast6 · 1 month
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Creature Cryptid AU refs even though I only showed Jyushi. I’m making this into some weird story about the Oso-San cast as monsters fighting off eviler monsters made by a shinigami and they help run a resort made by the parents. Just posting the brothers for now.
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+ Choro’s Tanuki form.
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ghostroasttoast6 · 1 month
Fuck it, Mothman Jyushimatsu
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I made him for a Monster AU I have and just look at him! (Also Totty cameo).
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