gidcons ยท 6 years
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gidcons ยท 6 years
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โ€œI turned seventeen?โ€ JJ shrugged.ย ย โ€œItโ€™s kinda been a dull summer.โ€ย ย 
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ย โ› ย FUCK, DID I miss that?ย ย โœ ย yeah, he has had plenty on his plate lately, but he still felt like a less than stellar friend. ย โ›ย  sorry, jj. yeah, seventeen, though. feeling any different?ย ย โœ ย 
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gidcons ยท 6 years
โ€œWorking, working out, sleeping, eating, playing with a hyper kitten. Visiting dad every weekend to prove a point.โ€ Howard listed with a shrug.ย โ€œHonestly I thought Summer would have been a little more interesting. But here we are.โ€
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ย  ย ย โ› ย AT LEAST YOUโ€™RE not sulking anymore. proud of you, bro.ย ย โœ ย and it had taken him long enough, in his opinion. ย โ› ย whatโ€™s up with that anyway? ย โœย  he asked when the older stark mentioned their father.ย ย 
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gidcons ยท 6 years
โ€œI watched an episode of the Bachelor in Paradise and I lost few brain cells this fine summer,โ€ Xander said jokingly,ย โ€œI may have done worse.โ€
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ย ย โ› ย BACHELOR IN PARADISE?ย ย โœย ย the boy found himself questioning, he had never even heard about that one.ย ย โ› ย is that the new version of the bachelor or were they able to come up with yet another shit faux reality show? ย โœ ย 
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gidcons ยท 6 years
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โ€œGenerally speaking I do,โ€ she shrugged.ย ย โ€œI think it was just the sheer number of looks, you know?ย  Way too many all at once.ย  Some people just need to get a life.โ€
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ย  ย HE NODDED, COULD kind of get it, or at least just understand where she was coming from. ย โ› ย i donโ€™t think theyโ€™d pay half as much attention to it even if they had one.ย ย โœย 
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gidcons ยท 6 years
โ€œwhat the holy hell is monster world?โ€ she asked, sending her brother a questioning look as she took a sip of her coffee. โ€œdefinitely done better than you it seems, you know the usual - flirting with dadsโ€™ teammates and crushing it at saturday night karaoke.โ€
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ย  ย โ› ย ARE WE REALLYย related? i need a second opinion,ย ย โœ ย he quipped. the worst thing was that he knew his sister wasn't even joking about it.ย ย โ› ย for fucks sake, nor? who are you hitting on now?ย ย โœย  why was this his life?
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gidcons ยท 6 years
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ย  โ› ย AS MUCH ASย i do love my house, i canโ€™t believe summer is half gone and the most exciting thing iโ€™ve done was finish monster worldโ€™s main story,ย ย โœ ย he half-joked. ย โ› ย have you had better luck?ย ย โœ ย 
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gidcons ยท 6 years
โ€œTrust me, Gideon, I wish I could figure out a way to do so that would not turn him into a monster.โ€ In truth, Bruce had considered that option, but knew no one deserved to live with this curse. He already imposed it on Jenn. He couldnโ€™t do that to Tony too.ย 
ย  ย โ›ย  I FUCKING HATE ย this,ย  โœย  he sighed, frustrated. he hated how useless he was with the whole situation, and just wished there was anything he could do to help his father. to save him.
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gidcons ยท 6 years
โ€œperfectโ€ she replied, โ€œyou call your dads and I call mine.โ€ she teased. She responded with a simple shrug, โ€œwell I was thinking old school amanda bynes like sheโ€™s the man, and what a girl wants. or i was thinking like mission impossible super actiony stuff.โ€
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ย  ย โ›ย ย TO BE FAIR, i wouldnโ€™t put past my dad to come up with the most ridiculous suggestion just to make my life harder, ย โœ ย he chuckled. but at least he could trust one of them to actually be helpful.ย ย โ› ย mission impossible, definitely.ย ย โœ ย 
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gidcons ยท 6 years
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โ€œIโ€™ve been dealing with weird looks from people who should know better,โ€ she explained.ย ย โ€œBut thanks.โ€
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ย  ย ย THE BOY SHRUGGEDย again. he had long gotten used to people acting just like that and had quickly learned not to give a crap. ย โ› ย just ignore them. people who pay too much attention to someone elseโ€™s lives are just bored with their own.ย ย โœย 
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gidcons ยท 6 years
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โ€œYes, I know my hair is purple today.ย  I was in a purple mood.โ€
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ย ย โ›ย ย OK?ย  โœย  HE SHRUGGED.ย purple hair was hardly the strangest thing he saw around the halls of academy.ย ย โ› ย good for you. itโ€™s a good look.ย ย โœย 
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gidcons ยท 6 years
โ€œthis is a very serious emergencyโ€ cassie said, looking over at the other person in the room, โ€œi have no idea what movie to watch.โ€
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ย ย THE TEEN SMILEDย at the blonde. โ› ย sounds like a crisis, we should get the avengers on it,ย ย โœ ย he joked. ย โ›ย  do you have options? i happen to have a great taste on movies.ย ย โœ ย 
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gidcons ยท 6 years
โ€œYou knowโ€ฆ likeโ€ฆ Hulk accidents,โ€ Matty pointed out.ย โ€œHe doesnโ€™t want me to hurt anyone or hurt myself. He does it for the good of me,โ€ he explained.ย โ€œI do โ€“ I think. I want to be a doctor. I think heโ€™s going to let me.โ€ย 
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ย  HE NODDED WITH understanding, it couldnโ€™t be easy to live the possibility of hulk incidents like the one at the science building. โ› ย thatโ€™s a weird logic, dude. ย โœย  he didnโ€™t get how working for the army would help with that, but just shrugged.ย ย โ› ย i mean, youโ€™re here so he obviously wants you to get a more formal education sort of thing. ย โœย ย 
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gidcons ยท 6 years
Tony pursed his lips at the words and shook his head.ย โ€œDonโ€™t fucking talk to me like that again, Gideon. Understood? Iโ€™m your dad. Drunk or not. Iโ€™m an adult, I know what Iโ€™m doing. Iโ€™m entitledย to a damn drink every once in awhile.โ€ย 
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ย  ย THE BOY VISIBLYย flinched, stepping back without even noticing. ย โ› ย i know you are,ย ย โœ ย he whispered. and that was exactly why he was so worried -- scared. dads and alcohol wasnโ€™t a good mix, it never ended up well for him.ย ย โ›ย  not when youโ€™re a fucking recovering alcoholic, ย โœย  he retorted, voice raising a little. it was so frustrating that the other didnโ€™t see it.ย ย โ› ย i donโ€™t want you to be like him, ok?ย ย โœย  rationally, he knew it wouldnโ€™t happen. he knew his dad was nothing like jeremy, but fear was an awful thing. hard to shake off when it set and not rarely irrational.
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gidcons ยท 6 years
The truth was Bruce needed Tony just as much as SHIELD, this school, and the rest of the world did. Maybe that made him selfish, but he was the face of innovation. He jump-started clean technology and pried military tech out of the hands of dangerous people. Tony would never see the good heโ€™s done, but thatโ€™s what he had the Avengers for.ย 
โ€œIโ€™d do anything if it meant keeping your father alive. Thatโ€™s something the big guy can agree on with me.โ€
ย  HE LOOKED ATย  the man, and despite his displeasure with everything that had happened, he could see the truthย in the words. ย โ›ย  to bad he canโ€™t just give him his regeneration.ย  โœ that would have been too easy, and life was anything but. that much he knew.ย 
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gidcons ยท 6 years
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gidcons ยท 6 years
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Legs stretched out on the grass, she saw thinking while shuffling a deck of cards, Rosa couldnโ€™t stop thinking about what she left behind at home but knew it was the right choice to be here again. Sure it wasnโ€™t a bad gig and helping student with French was pretty easy for her as it was a second language to her.ย Looking down at her hands, she watched the cards move effortlessly before throwing one to hit the tree next to her. She felt a presence and noticed there was someone standing near her. Taking the card out the tree, she began reshuffling them giving the other person a smile.ย โ€œIs there anything I can help you with or are you amazed with my amazing card trick?โ€ she asked.ย 
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ย  โ›ย  THE CARD TRICK,ย  โœย he smiled, moving closer to the female. he had been crossing the quad aimlessly when the flying card had grabbed his attention.ย ย โ›ย  is there a class around here i can register to learn that?ย ย โœย ย he doubted, of course, and was merely joking.ย 
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