kagehina-fluff-ball · 8 months
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I thought they were roasting the movie before it even came out
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 8 months
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 8 months
1.5 hours for a popular anime is a joke
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 2 years
Why is there hardly any Naruto angst, I’m starving for sad content here
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 2 years
For the Take Two AU you wrote that beautiful drabble about Kakashi dying as himself and waking up as Aizawa and his students being still young and seemingly untouched by time and beside his deathbed, but also wouldn't normal aging apply to Sakura as well? She's not some sort of demigod reincarnation bullshit like Naruto and Sasuke are... Just thinking about Sakura dying from old age and leaving Naruto and Sasuke as the last two... Not alone, still together, but missing two of the most important people of their lives...
They realize, some years after Kaguya, that there is something different about Naruto and Sasuke both.
Something that goes beyond everything they'd already known.
And it starts, not with them, but with Kakashi.
Kakashi who, despite running his body ragged, despite tasting death time and time again, is not aging as he should.
Gai has laugh lines now. Genma is slowing down, old wounds acting up. Kurenai has glasses.
Kakashi is still, somehow, Kakashi. Calmer yes, more at peace, but still he hasn't slowed down. Even if he's younger than many of the others he's still lived more of a shinobi's life than many of them and for longer.
And yet he remains the same.
It takes them longer to realize that whatever gift of longevity he's been given has been extended to Sakura too.
Sakura who, like Naruto and Sasuke both, still retains a flush of youth that Ino and Hinata and all of the others have slowly begun to lose.
Sakura is the one who figures it out. Who discovers the connection between Naruto's golden chakra and the slowed degeneration of her and Kakashi's cells.
They tell no one.
Shikamaru, of course, knows. The rest of their friends probably do too.
But no one says anything.
It's an open secret of sorts, like so many other things about Naruto used to be.
Publically Kakashi's aging is attributed to a Hatake Clan trait. The Hatake Clan had been devastated in the Clan wars, driven as they all always were, and there is no one left alive who truly remembers Sakumo besides Kakashi. And his father had not, after all, lived long enough to be considered old. So, in the end, it's just another aspect that will forever be a part of the legend of Hatake Kakashi.
No one bothers to question Sakura's youthfulness. She is, after all, Senju Tsunade's student.
And so time passes.
Eventually, Kakashi goes, the Shinigami finally catching up with him after all these many years.
He dies as all sensei should, surrounded by and before his precious students, alive and gloriously blossomed, with a smile on his face.
His students grieve him desperately but they do it with love, with pride, and while they never forget him, while they will spend the rest of their lives turning in his direction despite him being gone, they do eventually let him rest in their hearts as well.
Decades pass.
Sakura eventually resorts to using Tsunade's technique, not out of vanity but because she cannot bear the aching grief she sees in Sasuke and Naruto's eyes every time their attention is caught by the far too slowly spreading streak of grey in her hair.
She will not have them mourn her so long before her time.
So Sakura stands tall and proud at their sides through the decades, unwavering and true.
But then she watches Sasuke rage over the death of his and Naruto's firstborn. She watches Naruto hold him together and then she chases Naruto halfway across the continent and watches him crumble a mountain in his grief.
She sits at Ino's deathbed, her love's hand wizened and gnarled but still so beautiful in her own.
She watches the first of her own children fade.
Sakura realizes that, unlike the two men who will always own a part of her heart, she is not built for eternity.
Not like them. Not even with them.
But if there is one thing Sakura had learned at Naruto's side and beneath Kakashi's guiding hand, on the opposite side of Sasuke's rage and grief, and at Tsunade's knee, it is loyalty.
And so she stays.
She stays and she lives and she stands with them until she is the last. The last of their generation besides these two boys demigods who have defined so much of her life. Who she has watched and helped to change the world.
And when she knows her time has come she drags them both out of the village proper with her.
She does her best not to cry when Sasuke sweeps her into his arms when her legs give out. When Naruto holds her hand and flirts and calls her Sakura-chan again. When he talks about what they'll have for dinner or what they'll do tomorrow or how yet another one of Gaara's descendants is coming to the village soon in yet another attempt to woo him into leaving Sasuke.
All things they all know she won't be around to see.
So together they go to the one place Sakura has wanted to see again since the moment she knew her end was finally approaching.
She dies there, her head in Naruto's lap, her hand held gently in Sasuke's own, in the middle of the flower field she and Ino had married in.
She dies peaceful and loved and happy to go because she knows that, for all they'll miss and mourn her as they still do Kakashi, they'll still have each other.
They will always have each other.
Another little part of Naruto and Sasuke both goes with her but, as she and Kakashi both had known, they endure.
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 2 years
My brother in Christ there’s hardly any Naruto in the Akatsuki fanfiction
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 3 years
Did we all just decide that Sakusa is a rich boy or is it canon in the manga
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 3 years
Me, a stupid American trying to figure out how their school year schedule works in Haikyuu:
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 3 years
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So I’m an Atsumu kinnie that’s in love with Oikawa... am I okay wtf
Ok I don't normally share these but this one was top notch and so well done. Take this quiz and reblog with who you got!
I got (surprisingly)
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Tag whoever you want this was just a really good quiz ♡
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 4 years
I am literally itching for the next Terminal Curiosity part to come out
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 4 years
Headcanon that the Miya Twins are actually triplets but the third one decided to go to different schools from the other two, so Osamu and Atsumu just act like they’re twins.
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 4 years
No shit, I’ve never seen so much content about a fic before without it being The Fic for a fandom. You see art and posts about Twist & Shout, Heat Waves, and In Another Life, but I’ve seen actually so much about Terminal Curiosity it’s insane. I love it. I hope the authors know just how much so many of us love the series <3
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 4 years
You’ve got a good grasp on what siblings are like lmao
hey, somebody is here to pick you up
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 4 years
I’m finally getting to Terminal Curiosity 8.1 and I’m :) not :) ready :) for :) the :) angst :):):):)
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 4 years
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Yes they’re so canon. That’s a kiss on the cheek.
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 4 years
I don’t think I’ve changed my blog since I made it years ago but uh here ya go. I’m obsessed with Miya Atsumu to the surprise of probably nobody
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kagehina-fluff-ball · 4 years
In my head, whenever Sakusa is angry he acts kinda like Five from The Umbrella Academy
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