gideonaceleigh · 3 years
does opening my wip document and making sure my laptop never turns to screensaver by randomly moving the cursor every five minutes count as writing
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
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Happy November!
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
Anyone know where I can find the next chapter of my own book?
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
Repeat after me:
Good rest is required for creativity
I am allowed to rest in order to restore and rejuvenate my creative well
I am not lazy for resting
My WIP will benefit from the rest I give myself and my creativity
My writing requires rest just as much as I do in order to flourish
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
My writing projects: *screams at me* 
Me: *screams back*
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
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partially inspired by this
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
Read more here:
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
@stukkeruva2000   Unmute !
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
Me, waiting for my WIP to write itself
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
its so freeing when you realize you can literally write whatever you want 
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
A reminder to my fellow writers: it’s ok to info dump. It’s ok to drop a few paragraphs of exposition. Especially if you’re still drafting. If it helps you get the plot on paper, then you have permission to do it!! Nothing is set in stone that can’t be changed in the next draft!
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
"i'm a writer," i say, as i stare at a blank document and wish a novel would appear in front of me.
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
me: it’s okay to quit working on a WIP if you’ve lost your interest! write what you’re excited about!!! <3
also me when I want to switch WIPs: you ABANDON WIP? you abandon WIP like rubbish? oh! oh! jail for writer! jail for writer for One Thousand Years!
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
i hope you write, i hope we both write
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
Name Reources
So, you’re writing a thing, and you need to name a character. And, as we all know, naming a character is a giant pain in the ass. I offer this list of shit I use pretty regularly, for this purpose.
Behind the Name (The etymologies are weird as fuck, in a few places, but it’s great if you’ve got a name and need to find other names that are from or derived from the same culture/language)
Behind the Surname (BTN for family names)
Academy of Saint Gabriel Medieval Names Archive (This is the go-to for medieval names in Europe and the Near East. Hardcore scholarship and a distinct lack of fucking around.)
Kate Monk’s Onomastikon (The original internet name resource.)
The Soldier in Later Medieval England (Actual names from English military rolls around the Battle of Agincourt)
England’s Immigrants (Non-native residents of England, 1330-1550)
Celtic Personal Names of Roman Britain
Mapping the Medieval Countryside - People (People appearing in English inquisitions post mortem, 1418-1447)
Wiktionary’s Index of Biblical Names
Ancient Names Galleria (The weird shit is here. If you need Akkadian or Phoenecian names, those are totally covered.)
Trismegistos People (Names extracted from the Trismegistos Texts – mostly names from Graeco-Roman Egypt.)
Personally, I use the shit out of Trismegistos People, England’s Immigrants, and the Ancient Names Galleria. If you’ve got good sources I didn’t hit, feel free to add them in a reblog. I’m always looking for more good name resources. (And almost all of what I have is Europe and the Near East, with a little North Africa.)
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gideonaceleigh · 3 years
I’ve been in crisis mode for most of this year but I’ve been on ADHD meds for a week now so *fingers crossed* lol. Hopefully this is my return to writblr and creativity!!
Helloooo I missed you all!!
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