gigglinggoblin ¡ 7 months
Not at all! Go for it!
Favorite hypno-related adjectives?
Two that are definitely in my top 10 are “compliant” and “mindwiped.” Uuunnfff. You?
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 8 months
i am doing clean sketch commissions at half off my normal pricing!
prices are as follows:
$12 bust
$17 halfbody (from the thighs up)
$22 fullbody
$35 sketch page
+$10 to add flat color
i can draw furries, humans, non-human humanoids, monsters, robots and regular animals (for example, if you have a dnd character with an animal companion you want drawn)! for basic non-anthro animals the prices are halved again. for robots and mech its double the price. additional fees may be required for very complex designs or NSFW. NSFW requires ID verification. i can draw any body type! i can/will draw almost anything so just ask!
turnaround time is 2 weeks to a month.
you can dm me here if interested!
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 8 months
ok inspired by last reblog (the urge to say LRT is overwhelming, smh) but
subtop begging their dombottom to grant them entrance to their hole, to finally allow them inside, to engulf and surround and swallow them whole with the all-consuming warmth of their walls that squeeze the last remnants of thought from their subtops mind, while the dombottom laughs meanly and pets their hair and calls them a good toy
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 8 months
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 8 months
Is now the WORST time to start a hypno themed content channel? (Yes, but do it anyway!)
So this is going to be a wild ride into hypnosis content creation, inspired a lot by my recent return to making it and how things have shifted over the years. This is in no way trying to deter people from making content, quite the opposite, I want to inspire others to take this as a sign to go for it if you've been thinking about it.
So WTF is going on online?
Welcome to YouTube a platform where anyone with some good ideas can start their own hypnosis channel. A place where you can be a spiral with text, an asmr creator moonlighting as a hypnotist, full cam video or an anime girl with a passion for mind breaking. It's actually wild how things have evolved and I love the shift in the medium. Back in the early days of hypnosis YouTube it really was the wild west, and a lot was able to slip by the community guidelines without a blink of an eye, and I should know, I really did push my luck with some of my own videos. YouTube isn't the only platform in this situation now where you can do hypnosis. You have here on tumblr, twitter (or x, make up your mind Elon), patreon, soundgasm, hypnohub, devient art, twitch. Name a platform or site and odds are someone is doing hypnosis there. This is great because it means the community is growing and the potential reach is expanding but it also means that working as a hypnosis creator is now harder than ever.
Back in 2017 I started a YouTube channel which I had no clue would as of today lead me to 95k subscribers and my entire income being funded through patreon. But if you look at my content from then to now there had to be some massive leaps to keep my name and my work in peoples attention span. Most content creators don't last years, I know I am an outlier and not a norm. This is due to the fact that over time tastes change, the algorithm changes to reflect this audience shift and what you did back then is just not good enough comapred to now. I had to be drastic to weather the storms of mental health, physical health, audience rention and analytics galore, branding shifts, shifts in community. It's all a lot to deal with but if you want to do this in any format you have to be ready to put yourself through it to be a success and even then I look at my work now and I don't think it's truly successful, yet.
I haven't made it and I don't think I ever will because that "made it" feeling, the top of the hill, is such a subjective metric that's hard to describe. Back in 2017 if you'd asked me, "Secret, when will you know that you are a great creator?" and I would have told you, "100k on YouTube, I want my silver play button." I still do want it, but not like I did before. Before it was clout to be quite honest. 100k means you are powerful enough to do what you want to do, to be able to reach brands, to make friends and collab with the bigger channels, to have people look at you and take you seriously as a creator. But none of that matters now. Subscribers are less important than ever. What matters now is attention. Retention. Clicks, engagement and views.
Now back in 2020 I was really rude. I made a video called Seduced into Obedience that blew up my channel. It got half a million views before YouTube made me take it down earlier this year. It's an achievement I could never expect to relive and it was all based on cheating the system. See I knew that back in "the day" people loved doing those audios on YouTube where you would "comment I am a good slave" in the comments. Knowing what I know about YouTube I decided to run a little test, an experiment on my channel. A risk that I thought just might pay off and if not, oh well, worth a try. I made an audio with the aim of making people like it, and comment in the comments. In the same style of those before me, I took a concept that was not often seen and honestly a little stupid, I made it and the worst part is, it worked. It got me seen by huge content creators in the mainstream who memed on me for it. It skyrocketted in views and kept going. It was my first video to hit 100k on YouTube and it is a moment that will never happen again. It was age restricted which killed the growth but the channel kept going and it wasn't a viral hit, but it was a dark horse that built my reputation on YouTube and then I went and changed everything.
Why change if it was going so well?
So one thing about the internet is you have to follow the success where it takes you. I could have made several more Seduced audios for YouTube and in fact I did do that for a little while but, tastes change. I changed. I stopped doing what I was doing and started being a vtuber, a faceless creator and I got into ASMR. At the time ASMR roleplaying was massive so this was a strategy I wanted to try, mix my love of acting and fantasy with my love of hypnosis see what happens. It worked pretty well as those videos also started doing pretty good and now I have a bunch of videos over 100K on YouTube. But this also trapped me in a box. Now I have had time to have a break and come back I noticed, YouTube especially is really hard on ASMR creators. It's hard on hypnosis creators. It's hard on creators because the platform is loaded with content. You have to be unique to stand out. You have to play to your audience. You have to gain people's attention through interest and ideas that are still fresh but not too specific to turn away the people who watch you. It's a battle to keep it going and it's one I have made many, many mistakes in. You have to give your audience the most, but not too much. You have to be avaible to people in the comments, but not too much. It's a fine balancing act and one that will drive you insane if you don't have a great support system.
So why am I sharing this with you?
I'm at a stage in my career as a creator where I am fearless to try new stuff. I am trying not to care about my reputation as a domme or as a person (more on that in a later essay, I'm sure). I'm trying to lead with my creative spirit and not be upset when a video doesn't "hit" or "pop off". I'm not going to leave a livestream anymore and cry because no one came to see me do a thing. I'm splitting my time between making music, gaming and creating fun things for me and making hypnosis and asmr roleplays for the people who want it and not being sad if my song doesn't go viral right away. Because recently after a death in my family, a health scare that nearly ended my career and the loss of a huge opportunity that turned out not to work for me, I have learned that life is too short not to make the fun things I want.
I want to share with content creators that doing this fulltime is scary and it is hard. It is tough to see posts do nothing. It's scary to see that platforms want to ban hypnokink. It's rough to have other creators disown you for being the wrong kind of degen. But if this is your passion and your dream to make this work, you can do it.
How do you get noticed in this challenging environment?
Lead with passion and your own point of view.
I'm not kidding here, it's the best and worst advice I can give you. Too different and you alienate people, not different enough and you aren't memorable. But you have to lead with passion. Passion carries through the screen. People can hear it in your voice, see it in your work. But outside of that, here are some other things you might want to think about if you are going to commit to making content of any kind:
Who is your target audience? If you say yourself, great! What do you like? What do you want? What are you goals with interacting with content? Follow that.
What is your brand (and can you say it in a single sentence) I'm literally not kidding. If you can't describe what you do in one sentence your branding needs work. Eg, hi I'm Secret and I'm a hypnotic nyanpire from New Zealand.
If someone was to see you on the internet, what should they remember? The other day I got a great comment on a piece of art I commed, "I saw this and I immediatly thought of Secret Subject, and then I looked and saw it was posted by her", your branding should be that strong because people see thousands of posts a day. What makes you different? For me, it's purple. It's goth mommy. It's cats and bats. Find your vibe and own it. Do not be afraid to double down and make your entire thing about it. Everytime I get art made, I make it about my character and it must have purple hair because that keeps the brand strong in someone's mind.
What is your purpose? For me without a goal of "this is why I make the content I do" I would be lost and unmotivated. Find your why and write it down, put a post-it on the wall. Tell a friend. Whatever you need to remind you, this is why I do what I do. When times are hard or you run out of steam/ideas go back to this and really hone into what it is you want to say.
Own your mistakes and bad days. We all have them. That thing didn't do well. That video wasn't great. There was a mistake in this thing or I accidentally made a tweet that went viral for all the wrong reasons. It happens. Be honest with yourself but exercise kindness. Own your mistakes and show people you are human even if you play as an anime vampire catgirl online.
Make connections for the right reasons. As an ex-vtuber I can tell you it's hard when people use you or befriend you "for something". It's okay to build business connections and make this all about business but be honest with people, it does go a long way. Have respect for people who are fellow creators and if you seriously are looking for "friends" that's fine but also know that being friends and colleagues in content are not the same and the lines get very blurry at times.
Be persistant instead of consistent. You've probably been told "constancy is key" a bunch here, hell, you may have heard it from me. I used to teach this as part of my content class at cons but it's not as important as just sticking with it. We are not robots. We can't just all schedule tweets to go out perfectly timed and are all amazingly funny all the time. You need time to come up with quality so take it, but do not give up. If you give up and throw in the towel often you won't make it. Especially on social media. Taking a break or hiatus is fine, I just had one myself, but if you everytime it gets too hard say "I'm done" and then come back on a cycle you are just hurting yourself.
Perfection is a creativity killer. Just post that thing. Sometimes just posting that thing will lead to a new classic for the community.
Time to make your mark
I'm still grinding, we all are still out here making it happen in our own ways. I am so excited to watch the next gen of hypnosis creators florish and thrive. I am a huge simp for my friends who take on this challege because they all work so hard and have so much passion for this weird niche kink we all have. I am in awe of people who feel the fear of this journey and keep doing it. I'm in awe of people who started before me and are still here doing it, because it is not easy and I am over pretending it is.
We need diversity in content and especially in hypnosis kink. I am a person from New Zealand, a small country where a lot of us tend not to make a big splash in the world. People like me don't get the kind of platform I am lucky and insanely grateful to have. I encourage you to take your point of view as a kinkster, and make your mark on the world too. Play safe, care about your content and do good. Remember that you don't need thousands of dedicated fans to be popular and you can be someones favorite regardless of how "seen" your work is.
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 9 months
It's funny, I feel like I'm getting more and more notifications lately. Is it happening? Is this place stuttering back to life?
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 9 months
returning to Tumblr just for this because Molly is in middle school 😭😭😭
Overworked Blorbo Battle Round 3 Poll: 11
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 1 year
“Did you think you were somehow immune to me? Did you think you were better than the sluts being paraded around the club floor downstairs? Every single one of them came to me just like you did, and every single one broke right here, in this very spot. It’s too late to do anything about it now. If you wanted me to believe you didn’t want this, the least you could do is not look so excited at the prospect of losing.”
- excerpt from Untitled #2
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 1 year
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Bouquet Bound, Garden Ablaze starts today!
HI FOLKS I'VE BEEN SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS! In case the HTPYCL sequel (first chapter on ROM too!) wasn't enough, I have a Bouquet Bound sequel starting today too. Not only that, it's actually a prequel and sequel. Half of the chapters will focus on Lily and Magnolia, 5 years past the events of the first story. Magnolia wants to make some changes to their relationship; unfortunately, things are never as seamless as they'd like. The prequel will focus on Magnolia's journey through undergrad, business school, and becoming increasingly more unhinged and power hungry. I think they'll both be fun stories. This chapter is the first of the sequel half!
Read it on SubscribeStar for $5+ a month here!
In case folks didn't remember, the original Bouquet Bound was a catharsis pr0nz story, written during a time of deep grief. After the events of this past year, I wanted to do similarly, though obviously with different grief. The author's note in the beginning should give an ample description.
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Are you, Lily? :)
Enjoy the ride everyone! TYSM for reading! Here's the original Bouquet Bound; it's recommended to read that first (and witness my weird writing choices!)
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 1 year
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Bouquet Bound, Garden Ablaze starts today!
HI FOLKS I'VE BEEN SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS! In case the HTPYCL sequel (first chapter on ROM too!) wasn't enough, I have a Bouquet Bound sequel starting today too. Not only that, it's actually a prequel and sequel. Half of the chapters will focus on Lily and Magnolia, 5 years past the events of the first story. Magnolia wants to make some changes to their relationship; unfortunately, things are never as seamless as they'd like. The prequel will focus on Magnolia's journey through undergrad, business school, and becoming increasingly more unhinged and power hungry. I think they'll both be fun stories. This chapter is the first of the sequel half!
Read it on SubscribeStar for $5+ a month here!
In case folks didn't remember, the original Bouquet Bound was a catharsis pr0nz story, written during a time of deep grief. After the events of this past year, I wanted to do similarly, though obviously with different grief. The author's note in the beginning should give an ample description.
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Are you, Lily? :)
Enjoy the ride everyone! TYSM for reading! Here's the original Bouquet Bound; it's recommended to read that first (and witness my weird writing choices!)
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 1 year
aww what's that baby? you want more? you want me to give you more than just the tip? aw you're such a desperate little thing aren't you? begging me to push it all in. you look so cute like this, desperate and needy to be fucked properly. isn't that right? yeah it is. you just want me to push it in and fuck that little head silly. stretch you out until you can't think about anything except how full you are. how deep i am inside you that your useless little brain is falling out. yeah i know you want it that bad baby but you're gonna have to beg much prettier than that for it. gotta show me you really want it, now go on and beg for me darling
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 1 year
Aww, what's the matter, sweetie~?
You don't want to take your girl pills? Why not? Don't you want to be a good hypnoslut for me?
Aww, the spironolactone tastes like a rough-skinned newt ate a mint and died~?
Hypnosis can do nothing for this.
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 2 years
for succubi like anne and mandy who have phallic tails, is the tail an erogenous zone?
Oh, yes. But you'll find that every zone of a succubus is a little erogenous. Their bodies are deeply and fundamentally built for intimacy. Even asexual succubi tend to be impossibly kinky, and their sensitive forms tend to come into play in unexpected ways--like a succubus who's dangerously horny for headpats, neck touches, kisses, etc.
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 2 years
Does this mean you’re gonna be putting some old flashfics back up on Tumblr?
Maybe! I'm working on getting all my stories, like, organized. They're kind of in a shambles right now, and have been for years. I'm not sure when that will change, but I'm hoping I can get some sort of website together, ideally.
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 2 years
Could the Chosen’s techniques successfully brainwash a lotus drone?
Oh, my, that would be a spectacularly bad idea.
But yeah, they could probably do it. Once.
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 2 years
I'm so happy you're back. I don't know anyone else (besides maybe the people who write Corruption of Champions II) whose work I can read so enjoyably regardless of whether I'm horny or not, and I will never stop praising your worldbuilding. I look forward to what you do next <3
Aw, thanks so much! To you and everyone who's messaged me with kind messages. I'm really excited to do some worldbuilding on here, though I may employ a lighter touch than last time around.
The truth is, I think there's something to be said for not answering every question. A recurring theme of my worldbuilding was "mortals insist on categorizing everything even when it doesn't work well", and yet I couldn't help but rigidly define that no, adept and wizard weren't the same thing, all rose dryads were like X, etc, etc, etc. I want to be a little more careful with boxing myself in this time, and the Glowpebble Path is designed to be a bit of a patchwork quilt world.
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gigglinggoblin ¡ 2 years
Hey, huge apologies if I’m sending this to the wrong writer, but I think awhile back you uploaded a work about literal brainwashing (the hypnotist taking a bath with the person they’re hypnotizing) and in it a trans boy watched from afar and was slowly hypnotized as well. I think it got taken down with the adult content ban and I would never ask you to try and track it down, but if that was you that wrote it I just wanted to say thank you.
It feels so stupid to thank you for writing smut, but I found that piece years ago at a time in my life where id only recently started identifying as a boy and I didn’t think trans people could be seen as sexy or desirable. it really helped me with my own self image reading about a trans character that wasn’t fetishized or a charicature in smut, they were just there. So, thank you.
Oh, sure!
CW: This story describes a transmasc character as having a "pussy", which is something I was actually called out for at the time.
Don't Watch
“You really shouldn’t watch them, you know,” she whispered in his ear. 
Melkan bit his lip. His pussy was already a little wet from the sight, and it was with surprising difficulty that he tore his gaze away. “S-sorry,” he mumbled, fidgeting with his hands. “I didn’t… didn’t mean to offend your Mistress. Or her… guest.” 
“Oh, you didn’t.” The maid giggled, tossing red curls. “Mistress is��quite singleminded when she is seeing to a, ah, friend. I’m sure she doesn’t even notice we’ve opened the door. And as for the friend… well, she looks a bit no-minded right now, wouldn’t you say?” 
Melkan looked back reflectively. Now that he thought about it, the Mistress’s ‘friend’ seemed almost entranced. He stared into her glazed, fluttering eyes… and found his eyes sinking back down to the finger running slowly, smoothly over her pussy. 
It almost made his head spin to watch, imagining that finger between his legs. He bit his lip. 
“In fact, feel free to stare,” the maid chirped, and he jumped. He’d almost forgotten she was still next to him in the doorway. She winked. “Mistress might even want to make you next in line if she sees you drooling like that.” 
Melkan swallowed, feeling his cheeks heating up. He stared at the maid, who smiled widely, her curly red hair framing a heart-shaped face and bright green eyes. He fumbled for something to say, and recalled what had started all this awkwardness to begin with. “So why’d you say I… shouldn’t watch?” 
The maid smirked, glancing down towards his trousers. Her eyes glimmered in a strange, hungry way. He noticed her fingers twitching. “I can see you’re wet,” she whispered. “If you want to watch, you can.” 
He stared in shock. She grinned, patted him on the cheek, and nudged him back around. He found himself turning willingly to stare once more at the Mistress and her lover, lost in each other arms. 
Well, one of them seemed a lot more lost than the other. 
It was just so… hot. That mischievous smile on the Mistress’s face as she slyly worked her fingers beneath the sloshing water against the guest’s clit, the warm, flickering candlelight’s soft reflections on their skin, the little whispers the guest was releasing—as if she was repeating a mantra— 
Slowly, Melkan became aware of a soft little whispering. He couldn’t tell if it was coming from her, or from his own mind. He blinked rapidly. 
Stroking makes pets wet and weak. Edging makes pets soft and sweet. 
“I, um…” His mouth was dry. He couldn’t speak. Could barely think. His hands strayed towards his groin, but he stopped himself, biting his lip hard. “I was supposed to… here for job interview.” 
The candlelight danced over the walls. Melkan noticed dimly that the room the maid had led him to carried a strange, heavy odor. Like incense, or beeswax. 
He only noticed it now as his head started to swim. His mind felt sluggish. Slow. 
“Oh? Well, then, in case you get hired, let me give you some advice.” As he stared, entranced, he felt a hot body press against his, and felt fingers slipping beneath his trousers. 
He knew he should resist this. Knew he should push the maid away. Instead, he stared, mouth hanging slightly agape, as the fingers slid down and began toying around his own wet pussy. 
Hot breath tickled his neck. “If you see an adorable boy wandering the castle alone, encourage him to catch a glimpse of Mistress in action, so we have to brainwash him.” 
He blinked. Breathed in slowly, shuddering under the teasing touches. 
“I… uh… guh?” 
And then the woman in the bath spoke. 
“Seela, you naughty thing,” murmured the Mistress with a smile, still lazily drawing her fingers over the moaning woman’s pussy. “I’m already recruiting one new maid assistant for you. We don’t need another.” 
Her voice was like… like melting candlewax. Melkan knew he needed to focus on the words, but everything felt so heavy, and the fingers slipping inside his cunt felt so good, made him so wet… so weak… 
“Sorry, Mistress,” breathed Seela as she ran her lips over Melkan’s neck. He started to whimper, and he felt her smile. “But… he’s already so soft for you! We haven’t gotten a boy in forever!” She giggled. “Especially one with a pussy this drooling. What a little toy he is!” 
His tongue lolled. He was panting, trembling. He needed to think. But he needed to cum more. 
“Can’t we keep him?” the maid went on. “Please? I’ll look after him and feed him and edge him stupid and everything, Mistress! Oh, please!” 
Stroking makes pets wet and weak. Edging makes pets soft and sweet. 
“Seela.” The Mistress’s voice was stern, and reflexively, both Melkan and Seela flinched. “It’s too much fuss. I’ll just have to mindwipe him, drop him back in the village, and—” 
Seela’s finger sped up over Melkan’s clit as she kissed him. So overwhelmed by sensation, Melkan was unable to contain a long, breathy moan, squirming helplessly against her merciless hand. 
The Mistress paused, turning to look him over. She licked her lips. 
He stared back at her, mouth agape, vision hazy as he whined and wriggled. 
“Well,” she said, smiling slightly, “hello, there, little pet. It seems Seela has a mind of her own, doesn’t she?” She winked. “We’ll just have to work on stroking that out of her…” 
He heard Seela give a little whine. 
“… as soon as we’re done doing it with you, of course.” Mistress spread her arms wide with a giggle. “Come to Mistress, boy.” 
Melkan started stumbling forward, still feeling disoriented. Seela led him with two fingers thrust inside his cunt as though he was a handpuppet. 
As he was guided closer, the scent of the candles—and the sound of the pet’s mantras—grew more and more overpowering. He swayed, leaning heavily upon the same arm that was stroking him, making him wet and weak, soft and sweet… 
“Let’s see what we can make you into,” Mistress whispered, as Meela helped the other pet out of the tub. “There’s a good boy. Time to get you nice and clean.” 
Some mindweavers favor a rather literal approach to the concept of ‘brainwashing’.
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