gingerrooted · 4 years
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Bamberri Update!
Hey everyone, first off I wanna thank you all for the amazing support you’ve shown our store! We are so grateful for how well it’s done, we never imagined the grand opening to be as successful as it was. It definitely keeps us going!
With that being said, we have had a bunch of new additions to the store! This adorable dinosaur set is the feature but there are a handful more of great new items as well! Hope everyone is as excited about this update as we are!
Shop Bamberri Now! 🦌
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gingerrooted · 4 years
omg i love your CC !! i want more of them >.<
((( Thank you! ❤️❤️ )))
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gingerrooted · 4 years
Thank you so much for such a quick response, Ginger! I will be on the lookout for the descriptions. I've looked through the site on my phone (because I'm at work lol) and sooooo many things look absolutely adorable! I'm going to be going on a little spree on your site as soon as I get home :) :)
((( Of course!!  <3 )))
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gingerrooted · 4 years
Hey, thank you for all of the new cc everything is so cute! I was just wondering is everything considered high poly or just the diaper bag?
 ((( Hi!! So imo the limit for something to be considered high poly is around 10k or above. That being said most of the stuff on the store is not high poly or anywhere close to that! If it is, it’ll be stated in the item’s details :) )))
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gingerrooted · 4 years
Hey Ginger! Your Bamberri site looks awesome, I'm really looking forward to it! I was wondering if the content is going to be functional or purely deco? I actually play my game and use the SBP site a lot as they're usually the only ones that make awesome kids stuff that's also functional. It'd be really nice to have another place to look for functional baby stuff. Thank you for answering!
((( Hi, thank you so much for your kind words! I try my best to make all my objects functional but I know that things like beds, appliances, and plumbing items are trickier to actually make functional. I will go back through and specify on the product’s page if it is purely decorative that way you will know for sure! ))) 
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gingerrooted · 4 years
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Bamberri Grand Opening
Welcome to Bamberri, where price and style join without compromise.
Founders Clementine and Emery have always had an eye for style but know that style usually comes with a high price tag that not everyone can afford. Thus Bamberri was born! With products for women, kids, and for your home, Bamberri is sure to become a one stop shop for all your needs! Stay tuned to see even more from us here at Bamberri!
Shop Now!
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gingerrooted · 5 years
Go say congrats to my bff Del on their beautiful new addition!
Hi everyone..! It's been a while, I know. The last several months have been crazy. The holidays, parties, seeing friends, life in general. In 2020 I'll try my best to update here more! With that being said, Happy New Year! I hope everyone had the best holidays, I know I did. The new year has already been crazy so far.. which brings me to next point, I gave birth! Friday, January 10th to be exact, around 11AM my sweet baby boy Chandler was born. I really wanted to document more throughout my pregnancy, but let me just tell you, the last few months of pregnancy combined with life in general, it gets rough.
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Chandler is the most precious baby boy. Delivery went so smooth this time and he's happy and healthy, as am I. Aster was so excited to meet her baby brother, I already know she's going to be the best big sister.
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All in all, 2020 has been the best year I could've asked for so far. I love my little family so much and I can't wait to document more adventures on here. Till next time.
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gingerrooted · 5 years
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Happy 1st Birthday To My Gingersnap 🧡
Hazelynn Amelia Castillo, a year ago you came into this world and you were the best possible thing that could have happened to me. You are sweet, sassy, and such an independent little princess. Your laugh brings a smile to my face even on the darkest of days. I’d be lost without you. You’re so so big and I love you more than you will ever know.
Now that I’m all teary eyed, I want to thank everyone who came out to Hazel’s petting zoo party! Hazel’s two best friends Atlas and Aster came. You can find more of Aster over at @hartinhands​!
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She had a great time opening her gifts, smashing into her cake, and she honestly had the best time playing with all the balloons.
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One successful birthday down, several more to go, but thankfully not for another year!
Til next time,
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gingerrooted · 5 years
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Hey, It’s Me Again...
Wowza. It has been a crazy long time since I’ve posted here! I find it hard enough to even post on my Instagram regularly. But if you’d like to see more consistent updates from me, I’d suggest heading over that way. I’m sorry I haven’t been more active around these parts though. The holidays were cray-zee. I was so busy turning 24, traveling to see family, preparing for family to come see me, the list goes on and on. Speaking of -- Happy New Year! I hope this year is your best one yet!
Hazel turns one tomorrow and I am so emotionally unprepared. I cannot actually believe it’s been a year, but I promise to leave all the sap for my post tomorrow. On top of the holidays and running around after what is basically a one year old, I have actually began my own business with my best friend and sister-in-law, Emery! It’s super top secret, under wraps stuff so more to come on that later.
It was great getting back on here and sharing with you the chaos that is my current life, ha.
Til next time,
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gingerrooted · 5 years
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Self Care Sunday!
I’ll be honest with you, being a mom is a lot of pressure. There’s a lot of eyes on you at all times, waiting for you to slip up so they can judge you. I’m one person with a lot on my plate. Not only do I have a baby, I have a marriage, a house, and a career that I’ve had the luck to put on hold temporarily so I can focus on my family. It’s stressful to say the least. I’ve been feeling pretty ragged and rundown lately. So I had my mom take Hazel for the day so I could do some things for myself. 
I started with a hike. My job constantly has me out in the most amazing places. And since I have taken personal time off, I haven’t gotten to explore out in nature that much and it felt so good to get back out there, literally. Got some much needed sun on my skin and fresh air.
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After my hike I came home and took a colorful bath, thanks to my amazing bath bombs. They left my skin soft, smooth, and smelling delightful. I can say that this little bit of self care did wonders for me! Don’t forget that along with all the other things you are, you are a person first. You can take breaks, in fact, you need to take breaks. So pamper yourself a bit and be the best you can be! 
Til next time,
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gingerrooted · 5 years
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Stuffed Peppers ~
Prep: 30 min Cook: 35min Serves: 6 So I love to make these because they are full of flavor and you can eat a little and be full, thanks to the meat and the rice. So here’s what you’ll need:
1 1/2 cups cooked rice
6 bell peppers (or 3 large ones for fewer servings)
2 teaspoons olive oil
3/4 cup onion, chopped
1 pound lean ground beef (or turkey)
2 cloves of minced garlic
15 oz. diced tomatoes
8 oz. tomato paste
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 cup of shredded Monterey Jack cheese, divided into 2 parts
Click below for the directions!
Cook rice according to package and let cool.
Preheat oven to 400F.
Cut peppers into halves, removing the stem and seeds.
 Heat olive oil in large skillet, and cook onions 2-3 mins.
 Add meat to pan and brown. Add garlic and stir 30 sec.
 Add diced tomatoes, tomato paste, salt and pepper to pan. Simmer 2-3 min. Remove from heat and stir in rice and half the cheese.
Pour 1/2 cup water into 9x13inch baking dish. Fill peppers with meat and rice mix and place them in the dish. Sprinkle on remaining cheese.
Cover with foil, bake for 30 mins. Uncover, and bake 5 more mins to slightly brown cheese. Serve and enjoy!
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I can smell this photo. These are soo good and savory. If you try this recipe out, let me know what you think!
Til next time,
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gingerrooted · 5 years
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Hi everyone, so I’m new to this whole blogging scene if it isn’t obvious. I’m Clem. I’m 23, soon to be 24, and I am a professional photographer, a wife, and 8 months ago I became a first time mom! This handsome guy is my husband, Ezra. This cutie is my daughter Hazelynn and she is the absolute light of my life. 
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Hazel is sweet, curious, sassy, and did I mention the cutest thing in the world?I’m super excited to share our lives with you, and I look forward to getting to know other moms and families! Off we go on our next adventure!
Til next time,
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