girlfromsouthphl · 2 days
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girlfromsouthphl · 12 days
That moment when you listen to a song that completely reminds you of someone you’re not supposed to be missing.
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girlfromsouthphl · 24 days
I think it’s important to realize that you can miss something, but not want it back.
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girlfromsouthphl · 1 month
Lately, I've been feeling like I'm not making much progress in my life, and it's been weighing on me. I see people around me achieving big things, like moving abroad, earning advanced degrees, and exploring new opportunities. Some of my friends are even starting families and having children. It's hard not to compare myself and feel like I'm stuck in the same place I was eight years ago. I have dreams and goals I want to pursue, but starting over feels daunting. I'm afraid of change and worried about not succeeding in what I want to do.
Despite these fears, I'm determined to find a way through this. I want to learn to be okay with where I am while also taking steps to improve my situation. I know that change won't happen overnight, but I believe that by taking small steps and being patient with myself, I can make meaningful progress. I hope to gain the courage to pursue my dreams and find fulfillment in my own path, even if it looks different from others.
I know everyone has their own timeline, and I want to remind myself that it's okay if my journey looks different. In the end, I want to be proud of the journey I'm on, no matter how long it takes or where it leads.
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girlfromsouthphl · 9 months
“Sometimes you end up never speaking to someone who meant the world to you again. And that’s okay. You cope and you survive. Don’t let your losses keep you back from new gains.”
— I wish someone had told me this when I was hurting, y.g.
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girlfromsouthphl · 9 months
Mastering the art of remaining silent.
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girlfromsouthphl · 9 months
"Silence is better than unnecessary drama." - Unknown
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girlfromsouthphl · 11 months
But no matter how mad I’ve been, I never for one second stopped wanting you here with me.
— Colleen Hoover, Hopeless
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girlfromsouthphl · 11 months
Today the moon asked me, “And where is the person you used to compare me with?”
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girlfromsouthphl · 1 year
I possess a profound longing to embrace motherhood and to be lovingly addressed as "mom." However, there are apparent obstacles currently hindering the realization of this dream. I'm uncertain whether these challenges stem from my own circumstances or those of my husband, but I know that something isn't quite right. Despite frequently acknowledging my reservations about being fully prepared for motherhood, what I genuinely yearn for is the opportunity to become a parent.
My husband and I have shared two years of unwavering love in our marriage. Nonetheless, I can't help but worry that, at some point, either my husband or I might contemplate seeking alternative paths to fulfill our shared desire for a child with someone else. I earnestly hope such a situation never arises. The pressure to conceive at this stage in our lives can be overwhelmingly stressful on occasion. Nevertheless, I persistently maintain hope, continuously praying that one day a miracle will occur, and we will finally welcome our long-awaited child into our lives.
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girlfromsouthphl · 1 year
I don’t miss him anymore. Most of the time, anyway. I want to. I wish I could but unfortunately, it’s true: time does heal. It will do so whether you like it or not, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. If you’re not careful, time will take away everything that ever hurt you, everything you have lost, and replace it with knowledge. Time is a machine: it will convert your pain into experience… It will force you to move on and you will not have a choice in the matter.
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girlfromsouthphl · 1 year
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girlfromsouthphl · 1 year
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Jane Austen, from Sense and Sensibility
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girlfromsouthphl · 1 year
We were never meant for each other but I'm glad that even for a sheer moment it felt like we were.
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girlfromsouthphl · 1 year
In the depths of my heart, a painful truth resides, A love so strong, but fate collides. Though my soul longs to be by your side, Circumstances dictate our love must hide.
In dreams, I see our worlds entwined, But reality's grip leaves our love confined. For reasons beyond our control, we must part, Aching souls, forever bound by a broken heart.
The timing is wrong, the stars misalign, Leaving our hearts yearning, aching, and confined. Distance and circumstances create this divide, A love that can't be, no matter how we tried.
The universe whispers its cruel decree, Our love's potential, never meant to be. Though it pains me deeply, I must let you go, Release the strings that hold our love's echo.
In memories, we'll cherish what we shared, A love that in our hearts forever bared. But the path we tread leads us astray, To different destinies, we must obey.
So, my love, I bid you a bittersweet goodbye, With tears in my eyes and a heavy sigh. Know that my heart forever holds you dear, Even if our love can't exist in this sphere.
May life bring you joy, fulfillment, and bliss, And may you find a love that you'll never miss. I'll treasure the moments we had, so true, But I can't be with you, no matter how I wish I could.
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girlfromsouthphl · 1 year
In the realm of memories, where echoes reside, I reflect upon a love we once held, side by side. We danced in the realm of passion's embrace, But now, our paths have led to a separate space.
Like a symphony of emotions, our love bloomed, A tapestry woven, our hearts consumed. But seasons change, and so did we, Drifting apart, like leaves from a tree.
We shared laughter and tears, moments so dear, But destiny's call whispered a different frontier. Our love, once vibrant, now a faded ember, A chapter closed, a love we must remember.
Though time has passed, and wounds may heal, I still cherish the moments our hearts did feel. For in our story, I found growth and grace, And love's bittersweet essence leaves a trace.
So here's to you, my dear ex-lover, once mine, For the lessons learned, and the love divine. May your path be filled with joy and light, As we embark on separate journeys, day and night.
As we part ways, let no bitterness reside, But gratitude and fondness for the love we tried. In the tapestry of life, you'll always remain, An integral part, a beautiful refrain.
Farewell, my dear, may life treat you kind, May happiness embrace you, peace you find. Our paths may diverge, but love's legacy we keep, As we move forward, in our hearts, memories leap.
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girlfromsouthphl · 1 year
Normalize to distance yourself when you feel unwanted.
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