glasead0gym · 7 months
hmm my mother only has like… 1 million rupiah left in her bank account. which, okay, it sounds a lot probably but to give you context on how little it actually is: imagine a family of three eating at mcdonald's. with 1 million rupiah you can only eat there thrice
so, uh, please help by donating
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glasead0gym · 2 years
Mod post///
As if being busy wasn't enough my tablet pen is acting up now as well, so I'll go on an undefined hiatus rn until the issue is fixed and I have some more time to tend to this blog bc it's been seriously fun
Genuinely glad ppl enjoy the mix of text and art posts as well!! But since I've been planning to make art for a lot of the asks in my inbox the next posts will take a little longer even once my pen is fixed so I'm pleading for patience
Thank you all for understanding :3 have a good day!!
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glasead0gym · 2 years
Snowborader, gym leader, doesn't matter to me, I'll always keep cheerin for you Grusha! And I'm sure many others feel the same!
Honestly reading this after a messy week like this was very uplifting. I appreciate it a lot, thank you.
Kinda reminds me of the fanclub I used to have too, maybe they're still around but I'm not sure. Either way, what this reminded me of was them gifting me a snowboard with all their signatures on it when they found out I was in the hospital with my injuries. I couldn't appreciate it back then and felt rather mocked by it but now I have it displayed on my wall. It was a really gentle gesture tbh and they also kept writing me similar stuff like you did with this, so yeah. Thank you
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glasead0gym · 2 years
bunny suit for year of the rabbit? pretty please sir? 🥺
I feel like I'd get very much in trouble for posting something like that... I also want you to realize that a bunny suit is not the most comfortable thing for a guy to wear, so yeah, I'm sorry to disappoint.
Maybe I'll think about it who knows.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
So Paldea is a little hard to navigate and the PokeCentre advice on where to go is. Questionable. At best. Do you get a lot of challengers who are super under-levelled?
I do but more often than not I pick up trainers that attempted to scale the mountain but were severely underprepared. Since this happened so often already I let my Pokemon roam free, so they can notify me or, in the case of Beartic and Cetitan, pick them up and bring them to me, so I can call a flying taxi.
Though usually a lot of them seem to regain their fighting spirit after sipping on some hot chocolate under a blanket for an hour or two, asking me to battle them right after they warmed up. I guess this is just the determination it takes to be a trainer.
I can call it mildly endearing but I don't indulge them, sending them on their way to rest up or get stronger first.
The weirdest cases I've had were people who just wanted to take pictures though. I'm no Tulip, so I'm not photogenic at all but if it makes them happy I let them take one.
On a side note, you can treat Pokecentres as a sightseeing tour. I wouldn't take their advice for training but I know a lot of people starting as trainers make that mistake.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
hey so what happened to end your snowboarding career early?
I kinda apologize for the long post but asks like these have been piling up so I want to answer them all in one post.
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This was me in the hospital
I got into an accident a few years ago which messed up my left leg and my left hip. Reason for this was nothing more than my stupidity and thinking I could go out and train in horrible weather conditions, so I'm the one at fault for destroying my life
The picture was taken by my parents and at the time they were pretty optimistic about my situation. That I would recover and get back on track with my career. They talked about how excited journalists would be to cover my story and how I'd gain so much public sympathy and so on. But.. it did dawn on me that that wouldn't be the case...
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Considering my age I could have had many years of snowboarding ahead of me. I could have made it up to 30 or even longer if my body kept it up and retire then. The issue is just my stupid body.
When I was still in the hospital I remember one of the first things the doctor told me was that I would never be able to professionally snowboard again.
I think I shut down completely hearing it because I can't remember much after that.
At first, I tried to deny it, you know. I was working hard to get my body back in shape and get back to training as soon as I left the hospital, but no matter what I did my leg ached and hurt so much I couldn't focus. I guess that was the moment when I realized that there would be no future for me anymore and I got horribly depressed. Around that time I also dropped from social media and stopped going out in public.
My doctors told me I could restore some mobility to my leg and gave me different tasks to do but knowing that it wouldn't bring me closer to snowboarding I couldn't be bothered to do them, leading to me having chronic issues with my leg and hip.
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Geeta pulled me out of this slump pretty quickly. I remember my parents talking about how the champion wanted to see me and offer me a new opportunity. They were so excited about it.
She quickly made it clear to me that she saw potential and that she wanted me to take a spot as one of the gym leaders. ...Thinking back on it I don't even know why I said yes. But all the attention and work that followed made me feel useful again, so I guess I have to be thankful in some way.
Right now though... I'm feeling apathetic about my job as a gym leader.
I don't have a lot to do and if I do it doesn't take long, so I have a lot of free time on my hands. I guess that's both a positive and a negative.
You're alone with your thoughts a lot if you don't have anything to do and I've been often thinking about what I'm even doing here. I guess some part of me still yearns to be able to snowboard again, that I can wake up one day and I'm back to the day when my whole life changed just so I can make a different choice.
But that's not possible in this reality, so I've been trying to accept it.
...So yeah, I hope my answers were satisfactory. I don't talk a lot about this topic usually but a lot of people were curious, so I wanted to indulge them.
Maybe this helps at least a few people remember that they're not invincible and to take care in what they're doing, cherishing that they can do what they like.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
You're adorable
Thank you.. but I'm not doing anything adorable, I think? Though if your goal was to get me to blush, you succeeded. I'll give you that much.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
There's really no good reason to come up here, so don't worry. Eating in Medali sounds good though.
I'm relatively free considering I don't get a lot of people who want to challenge me, so yeah, I'll message you.
Hello. I see that our boss asked you to make an account too. Rika said I should reach out to you... she thinks we're similar. I don't know about that.
Anyway, you'll probably be better at this blog thing than I am. The people on this site aren't so bad... mostly.
Thanks, Larry
Yeah, Geeta probably has the right idea with making us promote our gyms and cities. It's just.. a bit unpleasant about how she goes about it.
Anyway I wouldn't really say I'm better than you in this and from what I've seen we're both doing a pretty good job. I don't know what you're doing to get all those thirsty people though.
Now about those similarities... I can't say I know of any but we also haven't really talked yet.
Maybe we could meet up sometime for that because honestly being up on this mountain all the time makes me want a change of scenery. There's just nothing there. It depends on you though, so just tell me what works for you. Our boss would certainly be happy seeing her gym leaders get along, I guess.
Considering your earlier posts you probably have a hangover though, so I wouldn't mind waiting until you feel better.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
I've been informed calling someone cute is flirty now, I guess, and that I should abstain from it. This woman (no one in particular and certainly no one starting with G) makes me a little crazy sometimes..
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glasead0gym · 2 years
I feel like you have a dry yet witty sense of humor that turns completely sarcastic when you know someone well. Am I right? ...Please tell me I'm right.
This means a lot to you, huh. Kinda cute.
But hmm.. I think so? I'm not close with enough people to give a real statement to this ask but generally I think you're on the right track with it since I have been told to have a pretty dry sense of humor.
Only issue is that a lot of people seem to miss it.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
I'm glad you've been enjoying my post with my wet Altaria. I usually call her soggy cereal but wet beast is very enjoyed as well.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
which of your pokemon is the most difficult when it comes to bathtime?
I think this will already answer your question.
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She takes ages to dry, so I can only wash her at home. Definitely the most difficult one to wash and dry, but she doesn't mind the actual process of it at all.
Now my Weavile doesn't enjoy being washed at all and rather licks himself clean, so I kinda gave up trying mainly to avoid getting scratched bloody. My Frosmoth doesn't like being washed either, so I brush her instead.
Cetitan and Beartic don't care at all and enjoy being washed a lot. It's also easy for them to dry off, so they're the easiest.
Thank you for your question.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
Hello. I see that our boss asked you to make an account too. Rika said I should reach out to you... she thinks we're similar. I don't know about that.
Anyway, you'll probably be better at this blog thing than I am. The people on this site aren't so bad... mostly.
Thanks, Larry
Yeah, Geeta probably has the right idea with making us promote our gyms and cities. It's just.. a bit unpleasant about how she goes about it.
Anyway I wouldn't really say I'm better than you in this and from what I've seen we're both doing a pretty good job. I don't know what you're doing to get all those thirsty people though.
Now about those similarities... I can't say I know of any but we also haven't really talked yet.
Maybe we could meet up sometime for that because honestly being up on this mountain all the time makes me want a change of scenery. There's just nothing there. It depends on you though, so just tell me what works for you. Our boss would certainly be happy seeing her gym leaders get along, I guess.
Considering your earlier posts you probably have a hangover though, so I wouldn't mind waiting until you feel better.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
I need your skincare routine 😍
Thank you but there's not a lot I do. The most important thing is to apply sunscreen and wash your face. Besides that, I sometimes use products Tulip promotes. I'd like to be immune to the billboard ads but I'm not strong enough. She's a very beautiful woman.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
Here's the obligatory new year's post, hope everyone had a good one. I didn't stay up long but all my pokemon got some treats and I watched a few fireworks. Levincia was even brighter than usual and it was honestly quite beautiful.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
Can you tell us more about Altaria? What's their personality? Can I pet them
Of course I can tell you more and I think it's nice of you to ask. Genuinely.
Altaria has been my partner since forever and she's the first pokemon I've ever trained, too.
I met her as an abandoned egg out in the snow, way before I had my accident. At first, we weren't even sure if anything would hatch out of it at all since the egg was so cold, and obviously, I had no idea how long it had been abandoned for either.
Luckily my parents allowed me to keep it, so I started with building a makeshift nest to keep it warm. I remember being so excited to see what'd hatch.
When it finally started to crack open and a little bundle of fluff and feathers emerged I was so proud of myself for saving the little thing. She was very weak at first and I started to understand that the mother probably knew the egg wouldn't have made it under her care in the wild and therefore abandoned it. But I was very happy to care for her instead.
Training her was a very slow process because she was quite frail and couldn’t take a hit, but we were both determined to not give up. Especially after I got into my accident it seemed like she felt the need to get even stronger which in turn caused her to evolve shortly after.
Then when I was scouted to be a gym leader and assembled my team, I was kind of afraid I couldn't have her with me since it's kind of daunting fighting with Pokemon you barely know.
But then I heard about changing your Pokemon's tera type at this restaurant in Medali and immediately went to try it out. It took a lot of meals until I got access to it but it was certainly worth it and now I can fight with her by my side which I'm grateful for.
I also have some old pictures from when Altaria was still a Swablu that I still keep around.
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The ribbon you can see there is handcrafted and very old. When I was younger I was extremely passionate about contests and felt especially inspired by Lisia and her Altaria since I had my own Swablu right by my side. Of course, with my career as a snowboarder laid out for me, it was pretty clear I couldn't be a contest icon but whenever they showed contests from Hoenn or Sinnoh I was glued to the TV. Considering everything now a career change might have helped avoid all of this but I guess it doesn't matter now.
On a different note... Personality wise my Altaria is truly the greatest. She's loyal and very loving, eager to cheer me up whenever. She also loves peanut butter sandwiches, so if you got one of those ready she will let you pet her.
Guess I gotta say thank you for that ask. It's been a while since I could ramble like this.
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glasead0gym · 2 years
is winter your favorite season or is that presumptious?
I don't have a favorite season now, but when I was little I loved it because I loved anything that had to do with snowboarding.
That drastically changed after my accident happened and now I'm more neutral if not sour about it. I guess it makes sense if you consider how I can't do what I love the most anymore.
It's like getting excited at the smell of your favorite food but remembering that you're deathly allergic to it.
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