glennrheesdaughter · 1 month
Negan: you know I have a queer kid
Rick: you have a kid?
Negan: yup Nonbinary Pansexual
Rick: And your okay with that?
Negan: I'm not a monster Rick
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glennrheesdaughter · 4 months
Daryl: Just the first name could be fine
Merle Jr: Middle name not looking so good
Daryl: Your in trouble
Daryl: Shit! Run kid
Merle Jr: Wait for me Dad
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glennrheesdaughter · 9 months
*y/n crying*:
Daryl: Whats wrong? Did somebody die?
Y/n: No
Daryl: Then we can fix it, what happened?
Y/n: Negan taunted mom and I about Dad and Abraham
Daryl: Excuse me, Darlin
*a few moments later*
Darl:*covered in blood*: Wanna go hunting
Y/n: Sure
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glennrheesdaughter · 10 months
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The wind howled outside, rattling the windows and whipping debris through the air. Dark clouds swirled ominously overhead as the residents of Alexandria hurriedly sought shelter from the approaching tornado. In a small house near the center of town, Rick and Glenn, along with a few survivors, frantically placed mattresses against the windows, hoping to barricade themselves from the wrath of the storm.
Y/N, a frightened 9-year-old girl, watched the chaotic scene unfold with wide eyes. Her small frame trembled as she clung to Daryl's hand, seeking comfort in his presence. She looked up at him, her voice trembling with fear, "Daryl... I'm scared. Is everything going to be okay?"
Daryl, known for his tough exterior, felt a softness in his heart as he looked down at Y/N. He crouched down to her level and gently squeezed her hand. "Hey, don't you worry none, Y/N," he replied in a soothing tone. "We're gonna be alright. We've been through worse before, remember?"
Y/N nodded, but her worried expression remained. "But what if the tornado comes here? What if it destroys everything?"
Daryl gave her a reassuring smile. "We're doing everything we can to stay safe. We've got this place locked down tight, and everyone's helping to protect each other."
Just then, a loud crash echoed from outside as a nearby building succumbed to the force of the tornado. The house shook, causing Y/N to grip Daryl's hand even tighter. Fear etched across her face, she looked up at him pleadingly, "Daryl, I'm really scared. Can you stay with me?"
Daryl's tough exterior melted away completely as he tenderly brushed a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear. "Course I will, sweetheart," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth. "I ain't going anywhere. I'll be with you every step of the way, no matter what."
Y/N's eyes brightened slightly, finding solace in Daryl's comforting words. She felt a surge of courage as she looked at the other survivors around her, who were huddled together with determination. Inspired by their resilience, she mustered a small smile. "Okay, Daryl. We'll stick together."
As the storm raged on, Rick and Glenn joined the group, their faces grim but determined. Rick surveyed the makeshift defenses they had put up and nodded approvingly. "We've done what we can to protect ourselves," he announced. "Now, we need to stay calm and stay strong. Hold on to each other, and we'll make it through this together."
The survivors exchanged nods and reassuring glances, finding comfort in their unity. They huddled together, finding strength in one another as the tornado unleashed its fury outside. The wind howled, the house creaked, but their resolve remained unbroken.
Hours passed, and the storm finally subsided. As the survivors cautiously emerged from their shelter, they surveyed the destruction left in the tornado's wake. Y/N clung to Daryl's hand as they stepped outside, seeking solace in his presence. Despite the devastation around them, a glimmer of hope shone in their eyes as they realized they had survived yet another trial.
"Daryl," Y/N whispered, gazing at him with awe. "You kept me safe, just like you promised."
Daryl smiled at her tenderly, his heart swelling with affection. "Always, Y/N. Always."
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glennrheesdaughter · 10 months
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Y/N sat on the porch of her Alexandria home, a gentle breeze rustling through the trees. As she gazed out into the distance, her mind wandered back when everything seemed uncertain and dangerous.
With a soft smile playing on her lips, Y/N began to sing quietly to herself, the lyrics resonating with her heart. "There's something there, that's almost kind," she sang, her voice carrying on the wind. "Cause he was mean and he was wrong and unrefined."
Her mind traveled back to that fateful day at the prison. Y/N had been wary of Daryl, his rough demeanor and unpredictable nature raising alarms in her mind. Yet, there was passing day.
As Y/N sang, memories flooded her mind like a montage. She remembered the countless missions they embarked on together, the battles they fought side by side, and the moments of vulnerability they shared. Each memory painted a vivid picture of their journey together, from the prison to the sanctuary of Alexandria.
Lost in her thoughts, Y/N didn't notice Daryl approaching from behind, drawn by the sound of her voice. He leaned against the porch railing, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he listened to her sing. "Now he's here and I'm so unsure," Y/N continued, her voice wavering slightly with emotion, "Why I didn't see it there before."
Daryl reached out, placing a hand gently on Y/N's shoulder, causing her to startle slightly before turning to face him. "You got a real pretty voice, y'know?" he said, his voice gruff but filled with warmth.
Y/N blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and affection for the man standing before her. "Thanks, Daryl," she replied, her voice softening. "I was just thinking about when we first met, about how much has changed."
Daryl nodded, the memories of their tumultuous journey flashing through his mind. He could still recall his initial distrust and reluctance to let anyone in, and yet, Y/N had managed to break down his walls and find a place within his heart.
"I reckon we both changed a lot since then," he said, his eyes meeting hers with a deep sense of gratitude. "Ain't no easy road we've been walkin', but I'm glad you're here with me."
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with love for the man who stood beside her. "I'm glad too, Daryl," she whispered, her words carrying a world of love and acceptance. "You were right there all along, and it took me a while to see it. But now, I couldn't imagine my life without gaze softened, his fingers gently intertwining with hers. "I feel the same way, Y/N," he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. "We ain't perfect, but together, we're stronger. And that means somethin'."
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the weight of their shared history hanging in the air. As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over the horizon, Y/N rested her head on Daryl's shoulder, feeling a profound sense of peace in his presence.
"I love you, D," she whispered, her voice filled with unwavering certainty.
Daryl turned his head, his eyes locking with hers, and he smiled, a rare genuine smile that made Y/N's heart skip a beat. "I love you too, Y/N," he murmured, his voice holding all the tenderness that words could convey.
And in that moment, as they sat together on that porch, enveloped in the memories of their past and the promise of their future, Y/N knew in her heart that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she had found her home in the arms of Daryl Dixon.
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glennrheesdaughter · 10 months
Nightly Chats
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Daryl Dixon and his wife, Y/N, found themselves nestled in the comfort of their bed, wrapped in each other's arms. As the soft moonlight poured in through the window, Daryl gently caressed Y/N's rounded baby bump, his rough fingers tracing delicate patterns.
Y/N sighed contentedly, leaning into his touch. "I love moments like these, Daryl. Just us, our little one, and the quiet."
Daryl smiled, his eyes filled with adoration. "Yeah, ain't nothin' better than this, Y/N."
Y/N's fingers played with a loose strand of Daryl's hair as they started discussing baby names. "So, any ideas for names? We've gotta come up with something special for our little boy."
Daryl pondered for a moment, his thumb still caressing Y/N's belly. "How 'bout Glenn? After our friend, Glenn Rhee. He was a good man, and he saved my life more than once."
Y/N's eyes lit up with recognition. "Glenn. I like it. It's a strong name."
Daryl nodded, his voice filled with certainty. "Glenn Abraham Dixon. Sounds right."
Y/N chuckled softly, feeling a twinge of discomfort. "He's killing my back, Daryl. I can't wait to meet him, but he's already making his presence known."
Daryl smirked, leaning in closer. "Stop complainin', Y/N. He can probably hear you in there."
Y/N blushed, realizing the truth in his words. She cleared her throat and tried to sound more composed. "You're right." She looked down and cleared her throat." Please don't have a big head!"
Daryl burst into laughter, his deep chuckles filling the room. "Please, Y/N, don't start teasing the kid before he's even born."
Y/N joined in his laughter, feeling the warmth of their connection. "Alright, alright. I'll be nice. But you know, Daryl, we're gonna be great parents."
Daryl's eyes softened, his love for Y/N shining through. "Yeah, we will be. We'll protect him, teach him, and love him with all we got."
Y/N snuggled closer, resting her head on Daryl's chest. "I can't wait to see you holding him, Daryl. You're gonna be an amazing father."
Daryl kissed the top of Y/N's head, his voice filled with tenderness. "And you, Y/N, you're gonna be the best mom. I promise."
As they lay there, wrapped in each other's embrace, their hearts filled with anticipation and love. The journey ahead would have its challenges, but together, Daryl and Y/N knew they were ready to face them head-on, with laughter, love, and a little bit of teasing along the way.
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glennrheesdaughter · 11 months
A Million Dreams
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Y/N Dixon and Carl Grimes stood side by side, gazing at the house they had finally found in Alexandria. It was a place they could call their own, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the world they lived in. As they took in the sight, they began to sing softly, their voices intertwining with the hope and dreams that filled their hearts.
"I close my eyes and I can see," Y/N sang, her voice filled with longing. "The world that's waiting up for me, that I call my own."
Carl joined in, his voice harmonizing with Y/N's as he added, "Through the dark, through the door, through where no one's been before, but it feels like home."
As they continued to sing, their voices carried the weight of their shared experiences and the hope for a better future. They knew that others might call them crazy, but they didn't care. Together, they could build a world of their own design.
"There's a house we can build," Y/N sang, her eyes shining with excitement. "Every room inside is filled with things from far away, the special things I compile, each one there to make you smile on a rainy day."
Carl smiled at Y/N, his love for her evident in his eyes. "They can say we've lost our minds, but I don't care if they call us crazy. Let's runaway to a world that we design."
Their voices grew stronger, filling the air with a sense of determination and unwavering love. The dreams they shared were becoming a reality, and they reveled in the joy of their connection.
As the song drew to a close, Carl gently placed his hand on Y/N's baby bump, feeling the precious life growing within. They exchanged a knowing look, their voices softening as they sang the final lines together.
"For the world we're gonna make," they sang, their voices blending beautifully. The fire crackled in the fireplace, casting a warm glow on their faces as they held each other close.
In that moment, surrounded by love and the promise of a future, Y/N and Carl knew that they were creating a world worth fighting for. As they stood there, their voices lingering in the air, they were filled with hope and the belief that together, they could make a difference.
And so, they embraced their dreams and held onto the vision of a better world, knowing that with love and determination, they would build a future where their child could thrive. For the world they were going to make was filled with endless possibilities and the strength of their love.
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glennrheesdaughter · 11 months
Home Again
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Daryl had been taken by Negan six months ago, leaving his wife, Y/N, devastated and praying every night for his safe return. Night after night, she would kneel beside their bed, her hands clasped tightly together, tears streaming down her face as she pleaded with whatever higher power would listen to bring Daryl back to her.
But tonight was different. Tonight, as Y/N knelt in prayer, her heart heavy with longing, she heard a commotion outside the walls of Alexandria. Hope flickered within her, and she rushed to the gate, her eyes scanning the crowd that had gathered. And then she saw him, walking through the gates, battered and bruised but alive. Daryl.
Without any hesitation, Y/N ran towards him, her arms outstretched, and they embraced tightly, their tears mingling together in a mixture of relief and joy. Daryl buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent, unable to believe that he was finally home.
As they pulled away, Daryl's eyes fell upon a small bundle in Y/N's arms. His heart skipped a beat as he realized it was their son, Merle the Second. He had missed the birth of his own child, and now he stood before him, overwhelmed with emotions he couldn't put into words.
Y/N smiled through her tears, gently passing their son to Daryl. "Meet your daddy, Merle," she whispered, her voice filled with love and pride. Daryl held the tiny baby in his arms, his rough hands trembling ever so slightly. He marveled at the miracle of life before him, vowing to protect and cherish his family with everything he had.
But as the initial shock subsided, Daryl's thoughts turned to the ones they had lost. "Him and Abraham, are they okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern and hope, his eyes searching Y/N's face for answers.
Y/N's smile widened, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "They're more than okay," she said, her voice laced with a hint of magic. "You see, Daryl, I'm a witch. Magic works wonders." Daryl stared at her in disbelief, his mind racing to comprehend what she was saying.
And then, as if defying all logic and reason, Y/N explained how she had used her powers to bring Glenn and Abraham back to life. She recounted the moments of despair and desperation, how Glenn had appeared to her in a dream, guiding her through the darkness, giving her the strength to carry on.
Daryl's eyes filled with tears once more, this time tears of gratitude and awe. He couldn't believe the lengths Y/N had gone to bring their friends back, to reunite their fractured family. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for never giving up on me, for bringing them back."
Y/N's smile was radiant as she leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "Love knows no bounds," she whispered. "And with love and a touch of magic, anything is possible."
In that moment, as Daryl held his son close, he knew that he was home. He was surrounded by love, by family, and by the incredible power of a love that had defied even death itself. And together, they would face whatever challenges came their way, with unwavering strength and a bond that could never be broken.
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glennrheesdaughter · 11 months
It's my birthday!!!!
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glennrheesdaughter · 11 months
Mama's Home
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The survivors huddled together, their backs pressed against a crumbling brick wall. Daryl stood tall, his crossbow ready, as he positioned himself protectively between the group and the approaching threat. Judith clutched onto his leg, her wide eyes scanning the chaotic scene. Carl and Rj stood close by, their young faces etched with a mixture of fear and determination.
Grunts and yells echoed through the air, growing louder with each passing second. The tension was palpable as the survivors braced themselves for the impending danger. Suddenly, the noise ceased, and all heads turned towards the source of the commotion.
There, standing amidst the fallen enemies, stood a figure panting heavily. It was Daryl's wife, Y/N. Sweat glistened on her forehead, and her hands trembled with adrenaline. She locked eyes with the survivors, a fierce determination burning in her gaze.
"Mama's home," Y/N declared, her voice a mixture of exhaustion and triumph. Her words hung in the air, causing a stunned silence to settle over the group. They had believed her to be lost, taken by the enemy, but here she was, standing strong before them.
Daryl's eyes widened, his heart swelling with a mixture of relief and love. He stepped forward, his voice filled with awe and reverence. "I love that woman," he murmured, his words carrying a weight of admiration that only true love could convey.
The survivors broke into a mixture of gasps, relieved laughter, and tearful smiles. They surrounded Y/N, embracing her tightly, their gratitude pouring out in heartfelt words and gestures. She had fought her way back to them, proving her strength and resilience in the face of unimaginable odds.
As the adrenaline began to ebb away, Y/N allowed herself to lean into Daryl's embrace. He held her tightly, cherishing the feeling of her warmth and presence. They stood together, a united front against the harshness of their world, finding solace and strength in each other's arms.
The children, Judith, Carl, and Rj, looked up at their parents with wide eyes, their faith in their family restored. They knew they were safe because their parents would do anything to protect them. They clung to their parents' legs, finding comfort in the strength and love that surrounded them.
In that moment, the survivors realized that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other, they would persevere. They were a family, a resilient force that would continue to fight for their survival, no matter the odds. And with Y/N's return, their hope burned brighter than ever before.
Together, they stood, ready to face whatever the world threw at them, knowing that love, determination, and the unbreakable bond of family would guide them through the darkest of times.
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glennrheesdaughter · 11 months
Blown Away
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As the survivors huddled around the campfire, the crackling flames casting an eerie glow, Y/N felt a weight on her chest that she could no longer bear. The haunting melody of "Blown Away" filled the air, resonating with the storm of emotions brewing inside her. She glanced at her husband, Daryl Dixon, knowing that it was time to reveal the dark secrets that had haunted her past.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N's voice quivered as she began to speak, her words echoing in the stillness of the night. "Daryl, there's something I need to tell you, something about my past." Her voice trembled, mirroring the vulnerability etched across her face.
Daryl turned to face her, his piercing blue eyes filled with concern. He reached out, gently placing a hand on her arm. "Ya know ya can tell me anything, Y/N. I'm here for ya."
Y/N nodded, finding strength in his unwavering support. "My childhood wasn't easy. My daddy was a mean, abusive man, and my mama... she was an angel who suffered in silence until she passed away." Her voice cracked as she fought back tears, her gaze fixed on the flames dancing before her.
The survivors listened intently, their eyes filled with empathy and understanding. They knew the importance of this moment, the catharsis that awaited Y/N.
"The weatherman called for a twister," Y/N continued, her voice wavering. "And in that moment, as the storm raged outside, I prayed for it to blow down our house, to wash away the sins that stained its walls."
Daryl's grip tightened on Y/N's arm, silently urging her to go on.
"There's not enough rain in Oklahoma to wash away the sins," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Not enough wind to rip the nails out of the past."
Y/N took a deep breath, her voice gaining strength. "I locked myself in the cellar, seeking shelter from the storm. But it was more than that. It was my sanctuary, my refuge from the chaos. It was where I plotted my escape, my sweet revenge against the darkness that had consumed my life."
As Y/N's words hung in the air, a mix of emotions flickered across Daryl's face. He pulled her into a tight embrace, offering solace and understanding without uttering a word.
The survivors, too, were moved by Y/N's bravery and resilience. They shared nods of support, silently acknowledging the strength it took to confront one's past.
Y/N wiped away her tears, her voice quivering yet resolute. "I'm sharing this with you, Daryl, because I want you to know every part of me, even the broken pieces. And I want us to build something stronger, something that can withstand any storm."
Daryl held her even tighter, his voice a mere whisper against her ear. "We'll get through this together, Y/N. Always."
And as the haunting melody of "Blown Away" faded into the night, Y/N felt a glimmer of hope amidst the wreckage of her past, knowing that she had found a love that could weather any storm.
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glennrheesdaughter · 11 months
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Glenn and Maggie looked at each other with a mixture of excitement and nervousness as they stood outside the small, dilapidated building. They had just met Y/N, a young girl who had been in foster care even before the apocalypse struck. Y/N had been through so much in her short life, and now, fate had brought her into their lives.
As they walked inside, Y/N's eyes lit up with hope and curiosity. They could tell she was unsure, but there was a glimmer of trust in her gaze. Glenn and Maggie introduced themselves, their voices gentle and warm, assuring her that they were there to take care of her.
Days turned into weeks, and Y/N began to settle into her new life with Glenn and Maggie. They became her constant source of love and support, and she started to feel like a part of their family. They shared meals, played games, and explored the world together, creating precious memories amidst the chaos.
One evening, Y/N's laughter echoed through the camp as they played a game of cards. But as the night grew colder, Y/N's laughter turned into sniffles. Glenn noticed her shivering and touched her forehead, realizing she had a fever. Concern etched on his face, he turned to Maggie, who nodded in understanding.
"We need to take care of you, kiddo," Glenn said softly, scooping Y/N into his arms. Maggie rushed ahead, gathering blankets, a hot water bottle, and some medicine. They set up a makeshift bed in a separate tent, ensuring Y/N had a comfortable space to rest and recover.
As the night settled in, the other survivors respected Y/N's need for rest and gave her the space she needed. Glenn and Maggie took turns sitting by her side, wiping her forehead with a damp cloth and offering her sips of water. They whispered comforting words, assuring her that they would be there for her no matter what.
Feeling the warmth of their care, Y/N's eyes fluttered open. Weak but grateful, she looked up at Glenn and Maggie, her voice barely a whisper. "Thank you, Mum and Dad," she said, her words filled with a depth of emotion that touched their hearts. Maggie couldn't hold back tears of love and joy, her voice trembling as she replied, "You're our precious daughter, Y/N. We love you."
Glenn's smile widened, his eyes shining with pride. "We're a family, Y/N. We'll always be here for you, no matter what." Y/N's eyes closed once again, comforted by the love surrounding her.
In that moment, in the midst of a broken world, Glenn and Maggie realized the depth of their bond with Y/N. They knew that they would do whatever it took to protect and cherish this little girl who had found her way into their hearts. And as they held each other, they knew their family had grown stronger, bound together by love and a shared journey through the darkness.
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glennrheesdaughter · 1 year
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The Alexandria community had decided to have a big picnic to celebrate the beautiful summer weather. The sun was shining, and a light breeze made it the perfect day for an outdoor gathering. Glenn and Maggie had brought their son Hershel along, and Glenn had set up a blanket for them to sit on. Hershel was playing with a toy truck, while Glenn watched him with a smile.
Y/N was playing tug of war with Dog, the community's beloved canine member. She was determined to win, pulling with all her might as Dog resisted. Daryl, who was sitting nearby, called out to her, "Time to eat, Kiddo." But Y/N was too focused on her game to pay attention.
"I can't, I'm at war!" she yelled, determined to win against Dog. "And I refuse to lose to a dog!"
Daryl smirked, amused by her determination. He surprised her by tickling her, causing her to lose her grip on the toy. "Looks like you lost, Kiddo," he said as he picked her up and carried her over to the table.
Everyone laughed as they settled down to eat. The community had brought a variety of dishes, and the table was filled with delicious food. Glenn and Maggie had brought some of their famous biscuits, which everyone raved about.
As they ate, they chatted and laughed, enjoying each other's company. The survivors had joined in on the fun, happy to be a part of this community. Rick and Michonne were sitting next to each other, enjoying the moment of peace. Carl was playing catch with some of the other kids, and Judith was happily babbling away in her stroller.
Daryl was sitting next to Y/N, teasing her about her defeat in the tug of war game. "You'll get 'em next time, Kiddo," he said with a grin.
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be ready next time."
Glenn and Maggie were sitting nearby, watching their daughter with pride. "She's growing up so fast," Maggie said, a hint of sadness in her voice.
Glenn nodded, "Yeah, it seems like just yesterday she was a baby."
Y/N overheard them and chimed in, "Hey, I'm still a kid, you know!"
Everyone laughed, and Hershel looked up from his toys, curious about the commotion. Maggie scooped him up and held him, giving him a kiss on the forehead.
The rest of the day was filled with fun activities. Some of the community members started a game of volleyball, while others went for a swim in the nearby lake. The survivors joined in on the fun, happy to forget about their troubles for a while.
As the sun started to set and the picnic began to wind down, Rick stood up to give a speech. "I just wanted to say how grateful I am to be a part of this community. We've been through so much, and it's moments like these that remind us of what we're fighting for."
Everyone cheered, and Daryl added, "Yeah, and we couldn't have done it without each other. We're a family, and we gotta stick together."
The rest of the night was spent around a campfire, sharing stories and enjoying each other's company. As the survivors settled down for the night, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the sense of community they had found in Alexandria. They knew that no matter what the future held, they would always have each other.
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glennrheesdaughter · 1 year
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As The Survivors made their way through the dense woods, they heard the faint cries of a baby. They followed the sound until they found a small bundle in a clearing. The bundle was wrapped in a blanket and left alone. Y/N, who was known for her stoic demeanor, immediately ran over to the bundle and picked it up, cradling it in her arms.
The baby was small and fragile, with big blue eyes that looked up at Y/N. She was no more than a few weeks old, and it was clear that she had been left there on purpose. The group was shocked and didn't know what to do with the baby.
Daryl, who had always been known for his rough exterior, looked over at Y/N and said, "Hun, you look so motherly." Y/N playfully responded, "Say that again and I'll steal your tongue." Daryl laughed, and the group continued their journey back to Alexandria.
As they walked, Y/N held the baby close to her chest, wrapped in her shawl. The baby seemed to be content and calm in the arms of the stoic survivor. It was as if Y/N had a natural way with children, even though she had never mentioned having any of her own.
Once they arrived back at Alexandria, Y/N and Daryl made the decision to adopt the baby girl. They named her Primrose, after the beautiful yellow flowers that bloomed in the spring.
As the days passed, Y/N and Daryl took on the role of parents and cared for the baby with love and affection. The other survivors were surprised at how well Y/N had taken to motherhood, as they had never seen her show any kind of emotion before.
Y/N spent most of her days caring for Primrose, singing her lullabies and rocking her to sleep. Daryl would often watch from a distance, admiring the way Y/N had taken to the role of mother.
One day, as Y/N was walking through Alexandria with Primrose in her arms, she was stopped by Carol. "Y/N, I never knew you had it in you," Carol said with a smile. "You're a natural mother."
Y/N smiled back at Carol, holding Primrose even closer to her chest. "I never knew I had it in me either," she replied.
As the months passed, Primrose grew bigger and stronger. She had a smile that could light up a room and a laugh that was infectious. Y/N and Daryl couldn't imagine their lives without her.
One day, as Y/N was sitting on the porch with Primrose, she looked up at Daryl, who was working on his motorcycle. "I never thought I could love something so much," she said softly.
Daryl looked over at Y/N, a small smile on his face. "Me neither," he replied. "But I'm glad we took her in."
Y/N nodded, looking down at Primrose, who was playing with her toes. "I can't imagine what her life would have been like if we hadn't found her," she said.
Daryl walked over to Y/N and Primrose, sitting down next to them. "Well, we'll never have to know," he said, wrapping his arm around Y/N.
As the sun began to set, Y/N, Daryl, and Primrose sat on the porch, watching the world go by. They were a family, and they knew that no matter what happened in the future, they would always have each other.
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glennrheesdaughter · 1 year
Safe and Sound
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Carol had been in the kitchen, preparing dinner, when she first heard the distant rumble of thunder. She knew that her daughter Y/N was upstairs in her room, and she hoped that the storm wouldn't wake her. But as the thunder grew louder and the rain began to beat against the windows, Carol knew that her hopes had been in vain.
She hurried up the stairs and opened the door to Y/N's room. Her daughter was tossing and turning in her bed, clearly having a bad dream. Carol sat down on the edge of the bed and gently shook Y/N's shoulder.
"Y/N, honey, wake up," she said softly. "It's just a storm."
Y/N's eyes opened slowly, and she looked up at Carol with fear in her eyes.
"It's okay, baby," Carol said, wrapping her arms around Y/N. "I'm here. You're safe."
But Y/N continued to tremble, and Carol knew that she needed to do something more to comfort her daughter. She began to sing softly, a song that she had learned from her days on Hershel's farm.
"I remember tears streaming down your face," Carol sang, her voice soothing and gentle. "When I said, 'I'll never let you go.'"
Y/N's breathing began to slow as Carol continued to sing, and soon she was able to drift off to sleep once again. But Carol continued to hold her daughter, singing softly as the storm raged outside.
As she sang, Carol became aware of a presence in the doorway. She turned to see Daryl standing there, concern etched on his face.
"Is she okay?" he asked, his voice low.
Carol nodded. "Just a bad dream," she said. "The storm scared her."
Daryl stepped into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed next to Carol. "You did good, Carol," he said, his hand resting on Y/N's shoulder. "Real good."
Carol smiled at him, grateful for his presence. "Thanks, Daryl," she said. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Daryl shrugged. "Just doin' what needs to be done," he said. "That's all any of us can do these days."
They sat in silence for a few moments, watching as Y/N slept peacefully. The storm raged on outside, but inside the room, there was only the sound of Carol's singing.
Eventually, Y/N stirred and opened her eyes once again. She looked up at Carol with a sleepy smile.
"Mommy?" she said.
"I'm here, sweetie," Carol said, stroking her daughter's hair. "I'm not going anywhere."
Y/N snuggled deeper into Carol's embrace, and Daryl stood up to leave the room. "I'll be downstairs," he said. "Just holler if you need anything."
Carol nodded, grateful for his presence. She knew that they were all in this together, and that they would do whatever it took to keep each other safe.
As the storm began to subside, Carol continued to sing softly to her daughter, the words of the song wrapping around them both like a warm blanket. And in that moment, despite the dangers that lurked outside, Carol felt a sense of peace and contentment that she hadn't felt in a long time. For in that moment, she was safe, and so was her daughter.
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glennrheesdaughter · 1 year
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As Y/N and Maggie approached the front door of their home, they could hear faint snoring coming from inside. As they entered the house, they were greeted by the sight of Glenn, fast asleep on the couch with their son, Hershel, nestled on his chest.
Y/N couldn't help but smile at the sight. Glenn and Hershel always had a special bond, and seeing them together like this was heartwarming. She quietly walked over to the couch to get a closer look, but before she could reach them, Maggie spoke up.
"Shh, you'll wake them up," she whispered.
Y/N nodded and turned her attention to the other side of the room, where she saw her husband, Daryl, sitting in the recliner with their children, Judith, Sophia, and Merle, cuddled up next to him. He had his arms wrapped around them, and they all looked so peaceful and content.
"Hey," Daryl said, noticing Y/N and Maggie's arrival.
"Hey," Y/N replied, walking over to him. "How long have you been here?"
"Since you left for your run," he said. "I figured I'd let you have some alone time with Maggie."
Y/N smiled and leaned in to give him a quick kiss. "Thanks," she said. "How were they?"
"Good," Daryl said. "No problems at all."
Y/N nodded and took a seat next to him on the recliner. She wrapped her arms around Sophia and Merle, and they snuggled into her.
"It's like a little family reunion in here," she said, looking around at everyone.
Maggie laughed. "I know, right? It's nice to have everyone together like this."
They all sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company. Eventually, Hershel stirred and started to fuss, waking up Glenn in the process.
"Hey, little man," Glenn said, sitting up and taking Hershel in his arms.
Y/N watched as Glenn rocked him gently, humming a soft tune. Hershel's eyes slowly closed again, and he settled back into a peaceful slumber.
"He's getting so big," Y/N said.
"I know," Maggie said. "It's crazy how fast they grow up."
Daryl chuckled. "Tell me about it. Seems like just yesterday Judith was born."
Judith, who had been dozing off, perked up at the sound of her name. "What about me?"
Daryl smiled at her. "Just saying how fast you're growing up, kiddo."
"I'm not a kid," Judith protested, but she was smiling too.
Sophia, who had been quiet up until this point, spoke up. "When can we go outside and play?"
Y/N looked out the window and saw that it was starting to get dark. "Maybe tomorrow, sweetie. It's getting late."
Sophia pouted. "Okay."
"Hey, how about we all watch a movie together?" Maggie suggested.
Everyone agreed, and they spent the rest of the evening huddled together on the couch, watching one of Hershel's favorite animated films. Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, for the love and warmth that surrounded her. It was a small reminder that, even in the midst of the apocalypse, there were still moments of joy to be found.
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glennrheesdaughter · 1 year
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