glenyspierre · 3 years
This was before and after process for Landscape
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glenyspierre · 3 years
ARTIST STATEMENT: I just want to finalize that I have truly learned and grown so much from this class. From not even knowing so much about blending colors to being able to paint different pieces using two colors because of my new understanding of color value. One of my goals this semester was to be actually able to paint anything because I knew nothing about painting. I was always good with drawing and sketching but I never thought I had the capability paint something. Even though I am not perfect, I have a good understanding of how to use my brush and paint. My next goal for next semester is a self-portrait. In my whole learning experience, I would say my favorite material to use was my sketchbook especially when I was first beginning the semester. I was allowed to make mistakes and do better using my sketchbook. The sketchbook gave me more leniency compared to a canvas where it’s not easy to keep making mistakes. Also, I had so many pages to use in my sketchbook compared to using a canvass which was limited. 
My favorite assignment would have to be the monochromatic paining where we only had to use one color and apply our new fond understanding of color value to our work. This really challenged me and help me to learn that it is possible to get many values from three colors: the main color, white, and black. My second favorite was the museum that I did. This time, I did not think too hard but just used my inspiration to guide me with this piece.
Some of the obstacles I faced was painting certain things that I thought I could paint but realized I was not advanced enough to paint. Another obstacle I faced was running out of paint and canvasses to complete the given assignment. I also experienced times where I used the wrong color or shade which would through the whole process off. Learning wise, there were a lot of issues with blending well. But surely, I am making progress at blending my colors properly.
To finalize my thought, constant practice and even painting different things that were not included in the assignment helped to overcome to obstacles I did face in painting. No one can become an artist in one day. It all requires practice. This may be my final assignment but not my final piece. I will continue to paint and see what other things I can create.
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glenyspierre · 3 years
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This is my final Dyptich. These two painting tell a different story all on their own. In the first painting we see a family crying near a Covid patient unit because they probably have a family member that is sick in their they can not see or have passed away due to Covid. In the second image, we see a team doctors surrounding a patient and outside the room there’s a sign that says “test subject 4 vaccine inside.” This can help you indicate that that patient is a test subject for the vaccine. When we put these two images together we see that this family is weeping because their love one or whoever that person is to them has passed away as you can see by the heart meter. We are in a pandemic and people feel as if the vaccine was made too quickly and people could be dying from the side effects of this.
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glenyspierre · 3 years
Thiebaud Inspired dessert painitngs: These are three desserts that are well eaten and valued in the Haiti community
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glenyspierre · 3 years
This is the last desert I have to show today which is called Crème caramel which is also called Flan. This desert is also well enjoyed in Haiti. It’s a custard desert
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glenyspierre · 3 years
This was a monochromatic still life painting that I painted a while back and never got to submit. Hope you guys enjoy
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glenyspierre · 3 years
This is my rendition of another famous desert we also enjoy in Haiti called blan manje. It’s a Haitian coconut cake we serve in our culture. One thing about our desert especially for the cakes, they might not always be nicely decorated and most likely homemade, making them much more unique
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glenyspierre · 3 years
Process for Haitian cultural desert
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glenyspierre · 3 years
This is a well known desert around Haiti called ti carol. I believe this desert in El Salvador as well better named as Charamusca (Migueleñas) as well. This desert is a frozen milk-based desert with different flavoring and colors. This is mixed with water, milk, and natural fruitings. This is common desert enjoyed all across of Haiti
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glenyspierre · 3 years
Process for Thiebaud food assignment
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glenyspierre · 3 years
This is the progress so far for my final assignment
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glenyspierre · 3 years
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MIDTERM ASSIGNMENT: PAINTING INSPIRED BY MUSEUM: This piece right here was inspired by this artifact at the Lowe Museum at UM. This was the first work of art that captured my attention. It captured my attention cause it was one of the works that were at the center of attention amongst others. This is my rendition of it, hope you enjoy
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glenyspierre · 3 years
This allegorical painting demonstrates the allegory of love🤎 the song that comes to mind is “As the World Caves In” by Sarah Cothran. In the pic we can see the fire is trying to consume them but like lyrics says, “as the earth burns to the ground, oh girl it’s you that I lie with.”
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glenyspierre · 3 years
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Process of final exam painting
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glenyspierre · 3 years
We are almost at 500 million download, Praise God
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glenyspierre · 3 years
MONOCHROMATIC PAINTING: My rendition of a monochromatic still life using three colors: red, blue, and yellow but in the same canvass. 3 pictures and one video attachment
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glenyspierre · 3 years
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This is the original “Still Life with Fish” by Suzanne Valadon
This was my rendition of Suzanne’s painting for still life with fish. I tried capturing the same essence even though the background was a bit different
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