luminous-grace · 4 years
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jensen, u are FILTHY [x]
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luminous-grace · 4 years
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I already had my Thoughts(TM) on cockles discourse on discord last night so /enjoy/. Take your anti-rps shaming elsewhere, mans literally made a buttsex joke to Misha Collins and approved its release to the public, We Are Not The Problem
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luminous-grace · 4 years
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You are human disorder incarnate.
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luminous-grace · 4 years
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luminous-grace · 4 years
The best cover for Bruce Wayne would be dumb carefree playboy who is also Instagram Optimistic, everyday he’s posting a selfie of his smiling at his breakfast with a caption like “it’s a waffle day! #goodvibesingotham #grateful” or a picture of a sunrise with a caption that’s just “wow #blessed” 
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luminous-grace · 4 years
a little destiel fluff for dear @woefulcas, whose birthday is today!! everyone please go wish her a happy birthday. ❤️
Dean stumbled into the bedroom, placing his gun on the side table before he fell onto the bed next to where Cas was laying, face in the pillow. "Tired," he said, voice muffled by the cotton.
Cas's fingers began playing with his hair. "How did the hunt go?"
"'m alive, arent i?"
Cas put down his book, resting it on his chest. "Was it a wendigo like you thought?"
"Yeah. Big son of a bitch, too." Dean rolled over onto his back, his arm flopping across cas's face. "But we ganked him."
"Wonderful," Cas said with a grimace. He tried to roll away from Dean's body. "You smell."
Dean pushed his armpit further toward cas's face. "Tough shit."
"The polite thing to do would be for you to shower."
"Yeah, it would." Dean didn't move, just grinned up at Cas.
Cas rolled his eyes, pushing Dean's arm away. "Is this revenge for eating the last piece of pie last week?"
"It was LABELED, and you knew exactly what you were doing," Dean said. He put up both arms, rolling his sweaty and wendigo's-guts-covered-body onto Cas. "Pay your penance."
Cas snorted with laughter, trying to push dean away. They both ended up halfway off the bed, Dean locking his arms around Cas's shoulders, Cas's arms around Dean's waist. They grinned at each other.
"I missed you," Cas said.
"Was only gone for two days, you sap."
"Still." Cas unraveled one of his arms to hold onto Dean's left hand, his fingers playing with the wedding band around Dean's ring finger. "I don't think it's sappy to miss one's husband."
Dean's grin grew wider. He kissed Cas, soundly and gently. Cas tipped into the kiss, his breath coming out faster as the kiss grew deeper.
"You should shower too, you know," Dean said against Cas's lips.
"I showered a few hours ago. I can't possibly smell as bad as you do."
"You should shower," Dean said again, emphasizing his point by snaking his hand down to Cas's ass and squeezing, "with me."
Understanding bloomed in Cas's eyes. "Ah." He slid off the bed, his hand still locked with dean's. "Let's shower the hunt off you, then."
"Hell yeah," Dean agreed, and let himself be led by Cas out of their bedroom.
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luminous-grace · 4 years
i know everyone’s super preoccupied with bi!dean and oh boy do i get it but have we considered the absolute chaos that is fresh bi!dean and recently human!cas.
cas comes back from the empty totally human, and he and dean just… avoid each other in the bunker because cas is embarrassed and doesn’t want to pressure deal also well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions–while dean is quietly freaking out because he loves his man but he’s human now and what if he’s changed his mind? he might have changed his mind. he is definitely sleeping in his own room because he’s changed his mind.
and dean’s love confession, when it does happen, is something halting and loud. Blurted out like an argument–I love you, okay?!–because he’s trying, he’s really trying, but big emotions still make a powder keg of him, no matter if they’re rooted in anger. and cas is overjoyed, and they kiss a lot, but there’s this weirdness surrounding sex because, hey, the last time cas slept with someone he was killed, and dean’s relationship with fucking has been equal parts trying to put food on the table + a tool for care and positive touch. 
and then it also turns out that you don’t just un-learn 41 years of repression because a really great guy is in love with you. so dean postures for people needlessly, and is equal parts an embarrassed, proud, terrified mess in public with cas, while also sometimes flirting with the waitress on autopilot. he stops himself from touching cas only to remember he doesn’t have to, and sometimes he’s brave enough to keep reaching but sometimes he isn’t. and every day, he wishes he was more open, more honest, just… better to cas. and every day he is, a little. 
and while dean is out here being a complete mess, our friend castiel is coming to terms with the fact that he’s mortal now. the first time he gets injured, there’s hell to pay; he won’t stop bitching and moaning. his first cold? fucking forget it. he’s unbearable. he’s grumpy, and feeling helpless sometimes makes him mean; he’s petty and bitter and he spends whole days in the gym working himself to the bone. he goes for long runs. is neat as a pin. won’t quit on research until he’s asleep on top of the book. when dean gets hurt, he forgets he’s human and presses two fingers to his forehead–cas can’t fly away but he disappears for two days. when he informs dean that he’ll be driving an motorcycle from now on, dean has a fucking heart attack and the argument lasts for a week. 
it’s hard; cas needs things dean’s only just starting to be able to give himself, and dean needs stuff cas is only just starting to learn–i love you isn’t that enough?–but like… there’s so much that’s so good. dean being so blindly happy that he forgets to be afraid or self-conscious, dean shyly pecking cas’s mouth in the parking lot of the mini-mart. cas forcing himself not to run, but to get… comfortable; he starts to leave his 50 used mugs all over the place, and forgets his socks in the dean cave after date night. cas learning to drive a motorcycle and taking dean flying, beaming the whole time as dean hangs on for dear life. cas channeling his frustrations into crafting (badly). 
they sleep together half a dozen times before it gets really really good–before cas stops thinking and dean quits worrying; cas makes some lame joke when he’s half inside him and dean can’t stop laughing. they both realize that there are a lot of different ways and reasons to sleep together; that it can be intense and aggressive and slow and sweet and silly and fun.
there are good days and there are bad days, and one morning dean wakes up and realizes he doesn’t feel conflicted or ashamed anymore. one morning, cas looks at dean and realizes he actually really likes being human. are they absolutely obnoxious about their new discoveries? of course they are.
but sam and eileen have had to bear witness to every other obnoxious aspect of their relationship, so what’s one or two more?
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luminous-grace · 4 years
everyone having hope for 15x20 being perfect:
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luminous-grace · 4 years
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luminous-grace · 4 years
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Escaped from the Empty and newly human, Cas is coming for Dean in more ways than one 🤡💙💚
(Don’t repost)
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luminous-grace · 4 years
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I need nothing as long as I have you.
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luminous-grace · 4 years
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“What are they doing?”
“Burying the necromancer.”
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luminous-grace · 4 years
the knowledge of what has occurred in 15x18 and the entertainment weekly photoshoot taking place right after they’d finished wrapping and had to halt production for covid…….lives in head. rent free
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luminous-grace · 4 years
"I'm all sticky," Misha says to Jensen, as if Jensen wasn't covered in quickly drying champagne himself.
"We'll get you cleaned up, Mish, don't worry about it," Jensen smiles at him, soft and easy.
"Oh we will, will we? You got a hose?"
Jensen's grin grows wider.
"Don't answer that," he scolds.
"It's not my kink, Mr. Kinky."
Misha rolls his eyes. "I'll put a kink in your hose."
Jensen laughs loudly. "You promise?"
Misha glares.
It's been a long day that somehow went quick. Photoshoots are hardly rocket science or an Olympic workout, and this one was especially fun and relaxed, but it wasn't without it's challenges, and it's been weirdly emotional throughout. Jensen knows Misha's ready to leave whenever they can. "You okay?" He touches the back of Misha's shirt and wonders if he'll leave a handprint.
"I'm fine, I just need a shower."
"Your hip acting up?"
He shakes his head. "It's okay. No worse than normal. Do you think we could use the shower inside?"
"Oh, yeah totally, Jared's already in there."
"What? Why didn't you say anything? Is there another one?"
Jensen smiles. "Why do you think I came to get you?" He bounces his eyebrows, grabs at Misha's shirt where his hand rests.
Misha stares. "There's a dozen people here."
"And most of them are leaving, and also I don't care."
Misha's makes Jensen light up with a simple, "Okay," followed by "Let's go find it then."
The shower is probably not as big as whatever master suite Jared found, but they can both fit inside comfortably.
"Wish we coulda gone down to the beach and jumped in." Misha says as his hands hold onto Jensen's bare waist like they're dancing.
"But in here it's warm," Jensen thumbs at one of Misha's nipples and sways them a bit so maybe they are dancing. "And I can do this," he kisses Misha, and Misha hums against him.
"Fair point." Misha thumbs at Jensen's bottom lip, and Jensen licks at him.
"You taste good."
Misha's thumb pushes further into Jensen's mouth and back out again. "I liked when you kissed me earlier."
"Mmm? When?"
"In front of the camera. Came out well too, didn't it?"
"Mm-hmm, got her to send me a copy."
Misha chuckles, "Good."
Jensen looks up into Misha's eyes. The sadness from earlier is still present, but it's fading. He leans in give to Misha a kiss on his cheek, by his ear, rubs his nose there so that maybe it'll tickle. "I like kissing you," he says, because it's a secret, and he likes saying his secrets out loud.
Misha kisses him right back, a soft press of lips to Jensen's stubble. "I like kissing you too," he whispers, grabs Jensen's waist a bit firmer.
Jensen leans back. "I like you," he says, just cause it's true.
Misha smiles, and the sun comes out. "I like you too."
Jensen kisses him again, on the lips, soft and pliant warmth under his hands. "I really, really like you," he says against him.
Misha kisses him back. "I really, really like you too."
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luminous-grace · 4 years
spn pilot: dean is the macho-man brother who loves drinking and gambling. he is not a nerd. he is very cool and likes rock and roll. cars! guns! day old stubble!! heterosexual!!!!!
dean, actually:
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luminous-grace · 4 years
I do love how Misha, when he was getting emotional, moved toward Jensen instinctively before the cheek kiss. And even without looking, Jensen knew. Like. He just. I’m still not okay.
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luminous-grace · 4 years
have y’all ever noticed how misha tends to wait until jensen makes the first move, like he never wants jensen to be uncomfortable and he lets him take initiative it’s so soft and so fond and i can’t handle it 
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