The Revolution of Touch Screen Technology
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Probably one of the most revolutionary global technology solutions created, the touch screen technology has not only changed the way we interact with our objects, but has also made the connection between the physical world and data more seamless than ever.
There were a few niche developments and applications of the touch screen technology since the mid-1960s, but it was not until Apple Inc. introduced their iPhone in 2007 that touch screens were able to take off as a mainstream input mechanism and achieve the kind of influence it has today. From homes to cars and even planes, the use of touch screens today is almost universal.
As global technology solutions for touch screens continue to evolve, so will their capabilities and possibilities. Have a look at the revolution of touch screen technology by reading this blog.
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The busier the world becomes, the warmer it gets due to the increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) we emit from every single move and activity we participate in. 
Fortunately, plenty of EMS company in the Philippines, along with the rest of the global manufacturing industry, has already started their shift to cleaner and more sustainable energy systems as early as now. One good example is the automotive market, specifically the road and rail transport systems, which has been slowly introducing electric cars and trains to the public since the 2000s.
Having witnessed the electrification of the automotive market, the aviation industry is also on its way to making its operations electric by conducting studies and test flights. 
However, are electric aircrafts ready for take off? Read this blog to know the answer.
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Even before the age of rapid global manufacturing improvements, the two major industries of aerospace and automotive market have already been manufacturing different major kinds of vehicles—one for flying and one for cruising the land. They obviously serve different markets and purposes. However, given the nature of their products, it is possible that some people may wonder if the two industries are similar or totally different from each other, as well as if it is possible to combine them and make them work together. 
To answer any curiosities, it is important that we see and understand the similarities and differences of the Aerospace and Automotive Market.
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Manufacturing in Asia: the Past, the Present, and the Future
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There are three main sectors comprising an economy—the raw material extraction industry such as agriculture and mining, manufacturing industry, and the service industry. After shaping a robust agricultural sector, it is followed by the shift to manufacturing. If timed well, it usually brings transformation and improvements in all aspects of society which rises the country’s status globally, especially now that manufacturing is more connected than ever.
Asia, in particular, prospered with the rise of global manufacturing in the region after the Second World War, mostly due to the export-oriented manufacturing engineering in the region. However, the Asian manufacturing is currently facing a decline, especially with the recent China-U.S. trade war.
Although the manufacturing industry worldwide is currently on its lowest state since its emergence, experts see a slow but steady to slightly stronger growth in the future. Here is a look to manufacturing in Asia: the past, the present, and the future for further reading.
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Benefits and Importance of Precision Machining
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The benefits and importance of precision machining are what make it a highly sought after process in the global manufacturing industry. Read this blog to know more.
As technology continues to advance, the global manufacturing industry becomes more competitive as well. One of the best ways to stay ahead out of the competition is to engage in safe and accurate manufacturing practices.
Used to create tools and components for a wide range of manufacturing industries, precision machining is a process of removing material from a sheet or block of material, and then cutting it into exact shapes and sizes. This was achieved with the use of relatively rudimentary tools such as blades and hammers in the early days, but computer numerical controlled (CNC) machines are what manufacturers use these days.
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The Future of Medical Electronics
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Changing the way the global manufacturing industry operates, Industry 4.0 (I4.0) or the fourth industrial revolution is enabling global manufacturing companies to expand their capabilities to keep up with the rapid technological advancements and changing nature of consumer demands.
The future of medical electronics industry in particular is going looking great thanks to I4.0. Concerned with designing devices and techniques for the improvement of healthcare services worldwide, the medical electronics industry is expecting many new revolutionary innovations made possible by the utilization of Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Services (IoS), as well as outstanding increase of market value.
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Top 3 Trends That Will Dominate the EMS Industry in 2019
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The technology trends of the world continue to evolve, and they are evolving faster and faster as time goes by. As a result, global manufacturing providers are working hard to keep up with the latest trends in the industry in order to stay relevant in the competitive marketplace. In 2019 alone, there are already three probable trends that will dominate the electronic manufacturing service (EMS) industry.
Increased leverage on IoT. IoT or Internet of Things is the concept of extending internet connectivity beyond conventional computing platforms to non-internet-enabled objects including animals and humans, which allows more effective monitoring of the natural world.
Shift of business relationship focus from business-to-business to business-to-business-to-customer. Switching to this business model gives EMS providers the opportunity to get more accurate demand predictions that can then help them create, manufacture, and offer what their consumer base actually wants.
Making the most out of AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality). These two technologies allow AME engineering or product developers to experience a product during the design phase and make modifications before proceeding to the manufacturing stage.
This is to note that all global manufacturing providers should be on the lookout for more of the upcoming ems industry trends this 2019 so they could be ready for clients’ demands!
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Welcome to Integrated Micro-Electronics, Inc.!
One of the leading global outsource manufacturing solutions provider, Integrated Micro-Electronics Inc. (IMI) ranks 18th in the list of top 50 EMS providers in the world by the Manufacturing Market Insider based on 2017 revenues, and is the 5th largest EMS provider in the world per New Venture Research.
IMI specializes in highly reliable and quality electronics for long product life cycle segments such as automotive, industrial electronics and, more recently, the aerospace market. IMI also delivers customized solutions for safety and security for the automotive segment, manufactures security and access control devices, power modules, and asset tracking systems for the industrial segment, and provides various wireless solutions using satellite communications for the aerospace segment through the recent acquisition of Surface Technology International Enterprise.
A wholly-owned subsidiary of the Ayala Corporation and the manufacturing portfolio of AC Industrial Technology Holdings. Inc., IMI currently provides engineering, manufacturing, and support and fulfillment capabilities to diverse industries globally from their manufacturing plants located in the Philippines, China, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Serbia, United Kingdom and the United States. For more information, kindly visit our website.
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