glockonmyrock · 4 years
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this is non apex related but here’s my among us character:) i drew him and his child!
names: (big one) lapis (small one) kevin
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
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Pathfinder skin concept:), (it could be pathfinders version of bloodhounds red knight skin) but what do you think let me know💕 and give me anything I can work on I need all the help I can get.
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
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Day 2 of 31 days of apex: blood
This took me all day, it could’ve been better but for how long it took it’s alright.
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
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Bloodhound chronicles 🌝
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
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Day one of 31 days of apex: memory
*My own personal memory*
At the beginning of season four when they first added harvester I was playing with two friends and one of them decided to drop us into the giant lazer in the sky and kill the whole squad.
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
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Bisexual pride smiley boi:)
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
Pathinder: “hey do you have any light ammo?”
Lifeline: “sorry pathy I only have 340 rounds none to spare.”
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
Wraith: Welcome to the bread bank.
Wraith: We sell bread, we sell loafs.
Wraith: We got bread on deck, bread on the floor.
Wraith: ROASTED-
Revenant: shut the fuck up
Revenant: Listen, I just need a baguette and a brioche.
Wraith: We don't have either of those, you can get the gluten free white bread, the potato bread-
Revenant: what the fuck is gluten, take that shit out
Wraith: it's gluten free
Revenant: I don't care if it's free
Wraith: swear on your fuckin
if you wanna fight, we gonna fight
Revenant: You trying be on Worldstar?
Wraith: What, are you gonna record it?
Revenant: yeah
Revenant: I got my dollar store camera
Revenant: ON
Caustic: What's the fuckin situaaaation?
Revenant: What
Revenant: The fuck
Revenant: Do you want?
Caustic: I'm the motherfucking
Revenant: At the bread store?
Revenant: Tell her
Revenant: To take
Revenant: The motherfucking gluten
Revenant: out the bread
Caustic: I need you to shut that bullshit up chief.
Caustic: We can't take shit out the bread
Revenant: Why put it in in the first place?
Revenant: I know y'all smoking that pack
Caustic: We have crackers. No gluten
Revenant: fuck crackers
Wraith: It's gluten free, you want the gluten or not?
Revenant: Hell no
Revenant: You better take the gluten out that damn shit
Caustic: Look, we got
Whole wheat, gluten free
Texas toast, gluten free
Revenant: fuck all of that
Revenant: What
ass planet are you from
Revenant: where they got this bullshit at?
Caustic: Gaea
Revenant: i knew it
Wraith: Look, you can either take this yeast
Wraith: Or I'm calling, the police
Revenant: I'm going weast
Caustic: no, don't call the police, i got a warrant
Revenant: Honestly, fuck y'all
Revenant: I ain't never seen nobody act like this over no bread
Caustic: What the fuck
Caustic: Are you saying?
Revenant: All I'm saying is fuck your bread
fuck the gluten
and fuck them crackers
Wraith: but the crackers don't have gluten
Revenant: i'll take those
Wraith: Okay, that's gonna be five-
Revenant: Nah, fuck that, I'm not paying
Revenant: *leaves*
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
Okay but whoever ships my bby pathinder and rev can perish.
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
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I drew speedy boi octane:)) hope you guys like it:3
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
Welp, I fell asleep and burned the pizza I was making, and the thing that woke me up wasn't the burning smell, or even the fire alarm..It was Bangalore lifting me up like a bag of kiwis.
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
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i love this game
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
Lmaooo this sent me
HOT TAKE: Teenage bloodhound wearing goggles is such a mood because this kid was probably high af on alien drugs and trying to hide it from their strict uncle. It just became a way of life after doing whipits with anti freeze and fucking up their whole face. What a legend.
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
Look at me.
I notice. I notice alot of things. 
It’s mind bending really. how’d I managed to start paying more attention to…a certain meatsuits. That bubbly girl-annoying. When she’d laugh her brown eyes became crinkled, Or when she’d smiled it was bright. blinding almost. The accent she spoke with made it hard for people to understand so she’d speak with such volume and clearness. she was persistent in the games, making sure that her pitiful squad-mates met the quota to survive. she’s a piece of work, determined to the brim. i don’t like her type, I tried everything to get rid of her when i’m paired with the likes of her. Always on my back about something, Always telling me about my condition. Like I want to live. 
Keep reading
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
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Here’s the new OC I created there’s two Versions based on purple and orange
Name: Blair
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Cause of death: suicide
Height: 5,8
Sexuality: homosexual
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glockonmyrock · 4 years
Legends Go To The Supermarket
Lifeline: Makes a list. Attempts to go alone but all the legends end up following. Has to apologize multiple times to customers and employees for certain legends behavior, especially when the police show up. Doesn’t end up getting anything she needed.
Bloodhound: Unable to shop since they are left arguing at the entrance with employees over the fact that they can’t bring Arthur into the store.
Wattson: Goes to the bakery and gets treats for everyone. Stops to smell the flowers. Then heads to the candy section. Finds a cute plushie along the way and carries it throughout the store.
Caustic: Goes straight to the cleaning and electrical aisles. At checkout, his questionable assortment of products causes the cashier to ask for some ID. The store has yet to find this cashier since. He also buys Wattson’s snacks and plushie for her while the others aren’t looking. Stares down the law when they arrive, and is able to walk with Wattson out of the store without trouble.
Crypto: Cautious when first entering. Manages to scope out the entire building, even the restricted areas. Ends up in security to tell them how flawed their operation is. Sneaks out the back as he hears sirens approaching.
Octane: Runs down each aisle multiple times trying to beat his previous record. Bothers each legend to get them to push him around in a shopping cart as he grabs items off the shelves. Follows Crypto into security so he can ‘make announcements’ on the loudspeaker. Is still holding onto a microphone as he is escorted out by cops.
Mirage: Finds himself in the health and beauty section. Pushes Octane around in a cart for a while. Ends up spilling beer everywhere when he tries to pick up a six pack and the bottles fall through the holder. Makes an effort to charm his way out of being kicked from the store but fails.
Wraith: Wonders around. Passes the time mainly looking through the book and magazine displays. Loses her cool after one too many times of Octane almost running her over with his cart. Ends up throwing whatever she can get a hold of at him each time he passes by. Is confused as to why she is also being tossed out.
Pathfinder: Helps out his friends find what they need. Unintentionally knocks over several displays. Says hello to the live fish and lobsters in the seafood gallery. Has conversations with the various automated checkouts. Tries to high five the officers as they take some of his friends away.
Bangalore: Also makes a list but actually completes it. Can be found lingering in the beer and wine aisle. Acts like she doesn’t know the rest of the legends. Is able to calmly walk out unbothered when law enforcement arrives.
Gibraltar: Walks with Lifeline and helps her out. Presents a calming attitude and presence amidst the chaos. Convinces officers not to arrest anyone, but rather just leave them with a warning and ban from the store.
Revenant: The one who called the police.
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