glowtooth · 4 years
[   repost,   don’t  reblog.    bold  whatever  applies.   ]
GOTHIC  HORROR.    gaslights.  corsets.  ballrooms.  candlelight. mist.  starless  nights.  full  moons.  cobbled  streets.  horse - drawn  carriages.  mysterious  strangers.  bogs.  moors.  forests.  mountains.  castles.  velvet.  silver. brass.  gold.  jewels.  domino  masks.   the  opera.  dangerous  romances.  tragic  romances. violins.  roses.  lilies.  empty  graves. crosses. cemeteries.  snow.  ice.  the  gallows.  crows.  ambiguous  illness. fangs.  pointed  nails. something  howling  in  the  night.  capes.  gloves.  top  hats.  straight  razors.  lightning.  pipe  organs.  underground  caverns.  bats.  mice.  rats.  ravens.  cats.  pearls.  attics.  talismans. axes.  wood.  isolation  in  a  room  full  of  people. vampires.  werewolves.  ghosts.  coffins.  western  europe.  eastern  europe.  bones.  churches.  catacombs.  mausoleums.  spiders.   books.
CLASSIC  HORROR.    black  and  white.  powder  puffs.  red  lipstick.  winged  eyeliner.  white  kitten  heels.  black  lace  lingerie.  icy  blue  eyes.  rain.  abandoned  cars.  skeletons.  acid.  poison.  voyeurism.  switchblades.  strangling.  overcoats.  looking  over  your  shoulder. trans - atlantic  accents.  private  detectives.  dinner  parties.  haunted  mansions.  alcohol  in  glass  decanters.  cobwebs.  perfect  blonde  curls.  kitchen  knives.  shock. cellars.  dust.  dark alleys.  empty  streets.  driving  at  night.  horn - rimmed  glasses.  radiation.  zombies.  serial  murder.  paranoia.  the  city.  witches.  the devil.  cannibalism.  conspiracies.  amulets.  abject  terror. the  american  south.  the  american  northeast.  england.  analog  cameras.
SLASHERS.   bloodbaths.  massacres.  wanton  nudity. newspapers.  leather  jackets.  letterman  jackets. converse  sneakers. obscured  faces.  social  unrest. bonfires.  lakes.  babysitters.  suburbia.  high  school.  lockers.  dead  leaves  in  the  fall.  jack - o’ - lanterns. outdated  television  sets.  nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals.  unstoppable  forces.  gunfire.  police. landline  telephones.  household  objects  turned  into  improvised  weapons.  halloween.  secrets.  revelations.  character  masks. scrunchies.  queerness.  wild  curls. jeering  children.  parties.  fire. swearing.  revulsion.  california. the  american  midwest.  ambulances.
PARANORMAL  HOROR.   malevolent  spirits. seances.  spells. missing  bodies.  hidden  graves.  white  noise.  static.  flickering  lights.  rings  of  salt.  demons.  poltergeists.  dark  histories.  old  buildings. cold  air.  mausoleums.  wells.  urban  exploration.  a  dog  barking  at  something  you  can’t  see. black  ooze.  old  photographs.  faces  you  can  swear  you’ve  seen  before  but  can’t  for  the  life  of  you  figure  out  where.  dark  bodies  of  water.  crucifixes.  priests.  possession. exorcisms.  dolls.
CRYPTIDS  &  URBAN  LEGENDS.    aliens.  blinding  light.  dark  woods.  driving  at  night. claw - marks.  bite - marks.  men  in  black.  memory  loss.  dismembered  bodies.  sewers. flashlights.  cell  phones.  video  cameras.  cars  with  tinted  windows.  abandoned  houses.  unlabeled  cassette  tapes.  bugs. big  cities.  urban crimes.  clowns.  something rustling outside your window. glowing light.  unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest.  the american midwest.  hiking / backpacking.
THRILLERS.  daylight.  fluorescent lighting. morgues.  asylums.  unwavering eye contact. tension.  lit rooms with no one inside them. a dog digging in the newly - planted flower bed.  steely gazes. paperwork.  anagrams.  codes.  convicted killers.  missing persons.  law enforcement.  federal agents.  small towns.  suspicion.  paranoia. subdued terror.  dimly - lit parking lots.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃  𝐁𝐘   :   - 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆   :   -
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glowtooth · 4 years
Grimes - Oblivion
See you on a dark night
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glowtooth · 4 years
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Sylvia Plath — The Bell Jar
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glowtooth · 4 years
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In the Dark + The Truth Hurts (2.06)
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glowtooth · 4 years
[   repost,   don’t  reblog.    bold  whatever  applies.   ]
GOTHIC  HORROR.    gaslights.  corsets.  ballrooms.  candlelight. mist.  starless  nights.  full  moons.  cobbled  streets.  horse - drawn  carriages.  mysterious  strangers.  bogs.  moors.  forests.  mountains.  castles.  velvet.  silver. brass.  gold.  jewels.  domino  masks.   the  opera.  dangerous  romances.  tragic  romances. violins.  roses.  lilies.  empty  graves. crosses. cemeteries.  snow.  ice.  the  gallows.  crows.  ambiguous  illness. fangs.  pointed  nails. something  howling  in  the  night.  capes.  gloves.  top  hats.  straight  razors.  lightning.  pipe  organs.  underground  caverns.  bats.  mice.  rats.  ravens.  cats.  pearls.  attics.  talismans. axes.  wood.  isolation  in  a  room  full  of  people. vampires.  werewolves.  ghosts.  coffins.  western  europe.  eastern  europe.  bones.  churches.  catacombs.  mausoleums.  spiders.   books.
CLASSIC  HORROR.    black  and  white.  powder  puffs.  red  lipstick.  winged  eyeliner.  white  kitten  heels.  black  lace  lingerie.  icy  blue  eyes.  rain.  abandoned  cars.  skeletons.  acid.  poison.  voyeurism.  switchblades.  strangling.  overcoats.  looking  over  your  shoulder. trans - atlantic  accents.  private  detectives.  dinner  parties.  haunted  mansions.  alcohol  in  glass  decanters.  cobwebs.  perfect  blonde  curls.  kitchen  knives.  shock. cellars.  dust.  dark alleys.  empty  streets.  driving  at  night.  horn - rimmed  glasses.  radiation.  zombies.  serial  murder.  paranoia.  the  city.  witches.  the devil.  cannibalism.  conspiracies.  amulets.  abject  terror. the  american  south.  the  american  northeast.  england.  analog  cameras.
SLASHERS.   bloodbaths.  massacres.  wanton  nudity. newspapers.  leather  jackets.  letterman  jackets. converse  sneakers. obscured  faces.  social  unrest. bonfires.  lakes.  babysitters.  suburbia.  high  school.  lockers.  dead  leaves  in  the  fall.  jack - o’ - lanterns. outdated  television  sets.  nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals.  unstoppable  forces.  gunfire.  police. landline  telephones.  household  objects  turned  into  improvised  weapons.  halloween.  secrets.  revelations.  character  masks. scrunchies.  queerness.  wild  curls. jeering  children.  parties.  fire. swearing.  revulsion.  california. the  american  midwest.  ambulances.
PARANORMAL  HORROR.   malevolent  spirits. seances.  spells. missing  bodies.  hidden  graves.  white  noise.  static.  flickering  lights.  rings  of  salt.  demons.  poltergeists.  dark  histories.  old  buildings. cold  air.  mausoleums.  wells.  urban  exploration.  a  dog  barking  at  something  you  can’t  see. black  ooze.  old  photographs.  faces  you  can  swear  you’ve  seen  before  but  can’t  for  the  life  of  you  figure  out  where.  dark  bodies  of  water.  crucifixes.  priests.  possession. exorcisms.  dolls.
CRYPTIDS  &  URBAN  LEGENDS.    aliens.  blinding  light.  dark  woods.  driving  at  night. claw - marks.  bite - marks.  men  in  black.  memory  loss.  dismembered  bodies.  sewers. flashlights.  cell  phones.  video  cameras.  cars  with  tinted  windows.  abandoned  houses.  unlabeled  cassette  tapes.  bugs. big  cities.  urban crimes.  clowns.  something rustling outside your window. glowing light.  unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest.  the american midwest.  hiking / backpacking.
THRILLERS.  daylight.  fluorescent lighting. morgues.  asylums.  unwavering eye contact. tension.  lit rooms with no one inside them. a dog digging in the newly - planted flower bed.  steely gazes. paperwork.  anagrams.  codes.  convicted killers.  missing persons.  law enforcement.  federal agents.  small towns.  suspicion.  paranoia. subdued terror.  dimly - lit parking lots.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃  𝐁𝐘   :   - 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆   :   -
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glowtooth · 4 years
The brokenness in her chest was not clean. It was not a straight line or a single throb. She couldn’t see it but it consumed her.
Helen Oyeyemi, White is for Witching (via luthienne)
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glowtooth · 4 years
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Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet: Faceless
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glowtooth · 4 years
@starlightwalked: “ this is just a blob ”
         you quirk an eyebrow, your disappointment evident from the stranger’s insight. no shit it’s a blob. but you want to know what kind of blob it is. he seemed to know more than you about ... blob-related topics. you run a red-gloved hand through ratty hair, an exaggeratedly exasperated sigh escaping. “ i know it’s a blob, but a blob of what? it won’t move, + it’s in my way. i’ve got rewiring to do. ” you cross your arms, shifting weight to one side.
savor the peelies.   /   accepting.
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glowtooth · 4 years
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starters  /  prompts taken from various game grumps’   ten minute power hour   videos .  feel free to change pronouns  /  tenses as necessary . 
“  stop throwing stuff  ,  what is wrong with you  ?!  ”
“  turn on the magic of colored lights  ,  you jerks  ”
“  there’s a warrant out for my arrest  ”
“  this is just a blob  ”
“  i’m yelling in general not at you  ”
“  what if a child ate these  ,  then they would die of glass poisoning  ”
“  how did kids do this when they were childs ?  ”
“  take your cup off the raft you animal  ”
“  how do you not know your soda trivia  ,  you dope ?  ”
“  it tastes like cough medicine but good  ”
“  i think i’m losing feeling in my right arm  ”
“  i should be in a carnival  ”
“  i got the sugar shakes  ”
“  it’s a four  ,  as in the amount of days i have left to live  ”
“  i feel so weak  ”
“  i don’t have a sense of smell anymore  ”
“  drink it you armadillo  ”
“  ew no no oh no no  —  oh that’s not bad  ”
“  it tastes like if i ate a fridge magnet  ”
“  i love MSG  —  that stands for mighty good soup  ”
“  if we could get something sharp and dangerous that would be great  ”
“  the moral of the story is you have to have a huge hat  ”
“  i’m your dad  ”
“  you need to grow up .  it’s time to grow up  ”
“  i can’t open my eye it’s glued shut  ”
“  i’m a little bumblebee  ,  bzzzzz  ”
“  who knew that eating frosting could be such great exercise ?  ”
“  great news on the friendship front :  you’re my friend  ”
“  we better call some hospitals  ”
“  i’m already so sweaty  ”
“  there’s some kind of dinosaur wearing pants  ”
“  looking at this makes me feel like i’m having a stroke  ”
“  what does arizona look like ?  ”
“  i’m here with all of my friends in a hot  ,  nasty  ,  sweaty corner  ”
“  you see a spiced up dino  ,  you want that boy to smile  ”
“  i’m not gonna pretend i’m not jealous  ”
“  dude you got a scoodily doop dee woop doop doop wah wah wah  ”
“  we don’t have the necessary amount of woops  ”
“  i don’t want a pumpkin growing in my belly  ”
“  what are you  ,  my bully from middle school ?  ”
“  pumpkins were made by god to scare children away  ”
“  he’s already dead  ”
“  i feel good about what we’ve done here today  ”
“  ooo  ,  sparkles  ”
“  i’m trying to be beautiful  ”
“  oh we’re gonna fucking die  ”
“  are we penalized for screaming ?  ”
“  we look tasty  ”
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glowtooth · 4 years
small tag drop.
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glowtooth · 4 years
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lines taken from various characters and events found in  american mcgee’s  game  ,  alice : madness returns  ( 2011 ) .  feel free to change pronouns   ( he , she , they , i , etc )   &  tenses as you feel necessary .
“ another day  ,  a different dream perhaps ”
“ i know what’s real ”
“ i know i’m guilty of something ”
“ punishment hardly ever suits the victims of a crime ”
“ you’ve used me and abused me  ,  but you will not destroy me ! ”
“ i want to forget ”
“ it’s not a dream  ,  it’s a memory ”
“ how is one to find her way ? ”
“ i didn’t kill my family ”
“ i’ve not come back here looking for a fight ”
“ i’m not afraid to die ”
“ when you’re not on edge  ,  you’re taking up too much space ”
“ threats  ,  promises  ,  and good intentions don’t amount to action ”
“ every picture tells a story .  sometimes we don’t like the ending .  sometimes we don’t understand it ”
“ delusions  ,  too  ,  die hard with memory ”
“ only the savage regard the endurance of pain as the measure of worth ”
“ forgetting pain is convenient  ,  remembering it  :  agonizing ”
“ a secret is only a secret when it is unspoken to another ”
“ different denotes neither bad nor good  ,  but it certainly means not the same ”
“ how fine you look when dressed in rage ”
“ is our situation not dismal ? ”
“ every adventure requires a first step ”
“ only a few find the way  ,  some don’t recognize it when they do — some don’t ever want to ”
“ everything’s a nail  ,  is it  ,  miss hammerhead ? ”
“ forgetting’s just forgetting  ,  except when it’s not ”
“ a good guest does not overstay  ,  a perfect guest stays home ”
“ who benefits from your madness ? ”
“ what you claim not to know is merely what you’ve denied ”
“ authority must be obeyed  ,  or it must be overthrowned ”
“ you shouldn’t ask questions you know the answer to ”
“ make your survival mean something ”
“ memory is more often a curse than a blessing ”
“ the past must be paid for ”
“ you’re as randomly lethal and entirely confused as you ever were ”
“ return to whatever hovel’s home to you ”
“ your presence here is unwelcome ”
“ everyone here has an excuse for doing nothing ”
“ this world is not so either  /  or ”
“ what’s true of the living is often true of the dead ”
“ this life is full of random death ”
“ death is the ultimate equalizer ”
“ all have the right to be eaten ”
“ you’re not that good a liar  ,  and i’m not that stupid ”
“ your madness will be punished ”
“ come to receive your punishment then ? ”
“ the damage is done ”
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glowtooth · 4 years
[   repost,   don’t  reblog.    bold  whatever  applies.   ]
GOTHIC  HORROR.    gaslights.  corsets.  ballrooms.  candlelight. mist.  starless  nights.  full  moons.  cobbled  streets.  horse - drawn  carriages.  mysterious  strangers.  bogs.  moors.  forests.  mountains.  castles.  velvet.  silver. brass.  gold.  jewels.  domino  masks.   the  opera.  dangerous  romances.  tragic  romances. violins.  roses.  lilies.  empty  graves. crosses. cemeteries.  snow.  ice.  the  gallows.  crows.  ambiguous  illness. fangs.  pointed  nails. something  howling  in  the  night.  capes.  gloves.  top  hats.  straight  razors.  lightning.  pipe  organs.  underground  caverns.  bats.  mice.  rats.  ravens.  cats.  pearls.  attics.  talismans. axes.  wood.  isolation  in  a  room  full  of  people. vampires.  werewolves.  ghosts.  coffins.  western  europe.  eastern  europe.  bones.  churches.  catacombs.  mausoleums.  spiders.   books.
CLASSIC  HORROR.    black  and  white.  powder  puffs.  red  lipstick.  winged  eyeliner.  white  kitten  heels.  black  lace  lingerie.  icy  blue  eyes.  rain.  abandoned  cars.  skeletons.  acid.  poison.  voyeurism.  switchblades.  strangling.  overcoats.  looking  over  your  shoulder. trans - atlantic  accents.  private  detectives.  dinner  parties.  haunted  mansions.  alcohol  in  glass  decanters.  cobwebs.  perfect  blonde  curls.  kitchen  knives.  shock. cellars.  dust.  dark alleys.  empty  streets.  driving  at  night.  horn - rimmed  glasses.  radiation.  zombies.  serial  murder.  paranoia.  the  city.  witches.  the devil.  cannibalism.  conspiracies.  amulets.  abject  terror. the  american  south.  the  american  northeast.  england.  analog  cameras.
SLASHERS.   bloodbaths.  massacres.  wanton  nudity. newspapers.  leather  jackets.  letterman  jackets. converse  sneakers. obscured  faces.  social  unrest. bonfires.  lakes.  babysitters.  suburbia.  high  school.  lockers.  dead  leaves  in  the  fall.  jack - o’ - lanterns. outdated  television  sets.  nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals.  unstoppable  forces.  gunfire.  police. landline  telephones.  household  objects  turned  into  improvised  weapons.  halloween.  secrets.  revelations.  character  masks. scrunchies.  queerness.  wild  curls. jeering  children.  parties.  fire. swearing.  revulsion.  california. the  american  midwest.  ambulances.
PARANORMAL  HORROR.   malevolent  spirits. seances.  spells. missing  bodies.  hidden  graves.  white  noise.  static.  flickering  lights.  rings  of  salt.  demons.  poltergeists.  dark  histories.  old  buildings. cold  air.  mausoleums.  wells.  urban  exploration.  a  dog  barking  at  something  you  can’t  see. black  ooze.  old  photographs.  faces  you  can  swear  you’ve  seen  before  but  can’t  for  the  life  of  you  figure  out  where.  dark  bodies  of  water.  crucifixes.  priests.  possession. exorcisms.  dolls.
CRYPTIDS  &  URBAN  LEGENDS.    aliens.  blinding  light.  dark  woods.  driving  at  night. claw - marks.  bite - marks.  men  in  black.  memory  loss.  dismembered  bodies.  sewers. flashlights.  cell  phones.  video  cameras.  cars  with  tinted  windows.  abandoned  houses.  unlabeled  cassette  tapes.  bugs. big  cities.  urban crimes.  clowns.  something rustling outside your window. glowing light.  unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest.  the american midwest.  hiking / backpacking.
THRILLERS.  daylight.  fluorescent lighting. morgues.  asylums.  unwavering eye contact. tension.  lit rooms with no one inside them. a dog digging in the newly - planted flower bed.  steely gazes. paperwork. ��anagrams.  codes.  convicted killers.  missing persons.  law enforcement.  federal agents.  small towns.  suspicion.  paranoia. subdued terror.  dimly - lit parking lots.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃  𝐁𝐘   :   - 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆   :   -
0 notes
glowtooth · 4 years
[   repost,   don’t  reblog.    bold  whatever  applies.   ]
GOTHIC  HORROR.    gaslights.  corsets.  ballrooms.  candlelight. mist.  starless  nights.  full  moons.  cobbled  streets.  horse - drawn  carriages.  mysterious  strangers.  bogs.  moors.  forests.  mountains.  castles.  velvet.  silver. brass.  gold.  jewels.  domino  masks.   the  opera.  dangerous  romances.  tragic  romances. violins.  roses.  lilies.  empty  graves. crosses. cemeteries.  snow.  ice.  the  gallows.  crows.  ambiguous  illness. fangs.  pointed  nails. something  howling  in  the  night.  capes.  gloves.  top  hats.  straight  razors.  lightning.  pipe  organs.  underground  caverns.  bats.  mice.  rats.  ravens.  cats.  pearls.  attics.  talismans. axes.  wood.  isolation  in  a  room  full  of  people. vampires.  werewolves.  ghosts.  coffins.  western  europe.  eastern  europe.  bones.  churches.  catacombs.  mausoleums.  spiders.   books.
CLASSIC  HORROR.    black  and  white.  powder  puffs.  red  lipstick.  winged  eyeliner.  white  kitten  heels.  black  lace  lingerie.  icy  blue  eyes.  rain.  abandoned  cars.  skeletons.  acid.  poison.  voyeurism.  switchblades.  strangling.  overcoats.  looking  over  your  shoulder. trans - atlantic  accents.  private  detectives.  dinner  parties.  haunted  mansions.  alcohol  in  glass  decanters.  cobwebs.  perfect  blonde  curls.  kitchen  knives.  shock. cellars.  dust.  dark alleys.  empty  streets.  driving  at  night.  horn - rimmed  glasses.  radiation.  zombies.  serial  murder.  paranoia.  the  city.  witches.  the devil.  cannibalism.  conspiracies.  amulets.  abject  terror. the  american  south.  the  american  northeast.  england.  analog  cameras.
SLASHERS.   bloodbaths.  massacres.  wanton  nudity. newspapers.  leather  jackets.  letterman  jackets. converse  sneakers. obscured  faces.  social  unrest. bonfires.  lakes.  babysitters.  suburbia.  high  school.  lockers.  dead  leaves  in  the  fall.  jack - o’ - lanterns. outdated  television  sets.  nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals.  unstoppable  forces.  gunfire.  police. landline  telephones.  household  objects  turned  into  improvised  weapons.  halloween.  secrets.  revelations.  character  masks. scrunchies.  queerness.  wild  curls. jeering  children.  parties.  fire. swearing.  revulsion.  california. the  american  midwest.  ambulances.
PARANORMAL  HORROR.   malevolent  spirits. seances.  spells. missing  bodies.  hidden  graves.  white  noise.  static.  flickering  lights.  rings  of  salt.  demons.  poltergeists.  dark  histories.  old  buildings. cold  air.  mausoleums.  wells.  urban  exploration.  a  dog  barking  at  something  you  can’t  see. black  ooze.  old  photographs.  faces  you  can  swear  you’ve  seen  before  but  can’t  for  the  life  of  you  figure  out  where.  dark  bodies  of  water.  crucifixes.  priests.  possession. exorcisms.  dolls.
CRYPTIDS  &  URBAN  LEGENDS.    aliens.  blinding  light.  dark  woods.  driving  at  night. claw - marks.  bite - marks.  men  in  black.  memory  loss.  dismembered  bodies.  sewers. flashlights.  cell  phones.  video  cameras.  cars  with  tinted  windows.  abandoned  houses.  unlabeled  cassette  tapes.  bugs. big  cities.  urban crimes.  clowns.  something rustling outside your window. glowing light.  unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest.  the american midwest.  hiking / backpacking.
THRILLERS.  daylight.  fluorescent lighting. morgues.  asylums.  unwavering eye contact. tension.  lit rooms with no one inside them. a dog digging in the newly - planted flower bed.  steely gazes. paperwork.  anagrams.  codes.  convicted killers.  missing persons.  law enforcement.  federal agents.  small towns.  suspicion.  paranoia. subdued terror.  dimly - lit parking lots.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃  𝐁𝐘   :   - 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆   :   -
0 notes
glowtooth · 4 years
should i like .. add lizz/e benn3t ..
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glowtooth · 4 years
Psycho Killer by Talking Heads except playing over the loudspeakers of an abandoned mall while you’re running from a serial killer, who always seems to be one step behind you.
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glowtooth · 4 years
[   repost,   don’t  reblog.    bold  whatever  applies.   ]
GOTHIC  HORROR.    gaslights.  corsets.  ballrooms.  candlelight. mist.  starless  nights.  full  moons.  cobbled  streets.  horse - drawn  carriages.  mysterious  strangers.  bogs.  moors.  forests.  mountains.  castles.  velvet.  silver. brass.  gold.  jewels.  domino  masks.   the  opera.  dangerous  romances.  tragic  romances. violins.  roses.  lilies.  empty  graves. crosses. cemeteries.  snow.  ice.  the  gallows.  crows.  ambiguous  illness. fangs.  pointed  nails. something  howling  in  the  night.  capes.  gloves.  top  hats.  straight  razors.  lightning.  pipe  organs.  underground  caverns.  bats.  mice.  rats.  ravens.  cats.  pearls.  attics.  talismans. axes.  wood.  isolation  in  a  room  full  of  people. vampires.  werewolves.  ghosts.  coffins.  western  europe.  eastern  europe.  bones.  churches.  catacombs.  mausoleums.  spiders.   books.
CLASSIC  HORROR.    black  and  white.  powder  puffs.  red  lipstick.  winged  eyeliner.  white  kitten  heels.  black  lace  lingerie.  icy  blue  eyes.  rain.  abandoned  cars.  skeletons.  acid.  poison.  voyeurism.  switchblades.  strangling.  overcoats.  looking  over  your  shoulder. trans - atlantic  accents.  private  detectives.  dinner  parties.  haunted  mansions.  alcohol  in  glass  decanters.  cobwebs.  perfect  blonde  curls.  kitchen  knives.  shock. cellars.  dust.  dark alleys.  empty  streets.  driving  at  night.  horn - rimmed  glasses.  radiation.  zombies.  serial  murder.  paranoia.  the  city.  witches.  the devil.  cannibalism.  conspiracies.  amulets.  abject  terror. the  american  south.  the  american  northeast.  england.  analog  cameras.
SLASHERS.   bloodbaths.  massacres.  wanton  nudity. newspapers.  leather  jackets.  letterman  jackets. converse  sneakers. obscured  faces.  social  unrest. bonfires.  lakes.  babysitters.  suburbia.  high  school.  lockers.  dead  leaves  in  the  fall.  jack - o’ - lanterns. outdated  television  sets.  nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals.  unstoppable  forces.  gunfire.  police. landline  telephones.  household  objects  turned  into  improvised  weapons.  halloween.  secrets.  revelations.  character  masks. scrunchies.  queerness.  wild  curls. jeering  children.  parties.  fire. swearing.  revulsion.  california. the  american  midwest.  ambulances.
PARANORMAL  HORROR.   malevolent  spirits. seances.  spells. missing  bodies.  hidden  graves.  white  noise.  static.  flickering  lights.  rings  of  salt.  demons.  poltergeists.  dark  histories.  old  buildings. cold  air.  mausoleums.  wells.  urban  exploration.  a  dog  barking  at  something  you  can’t  see. black  ooze.  old  photographs.  faces  you  can  swear  you’ve  seen  before  but  can’t  for  the  life  of  you  figure  out  where.  dark  bodies  of  water.  crucifixes.  priests.  possession. exorcisms.  dolls.
CRYPTIDS  &  URBAN  LEGENDS.    aliens.  blinding  light.  dark  woods.  driving  at  night. claw - marks.  bite - marks.  men  in  black.  memory  loss.  dismembered  bodies.  sewers. flashlights.  cell  phones.  video  cameras.  cars  with  tinted  windows.  abandoned  houses.  unlabeled  cassette  tapes.  bugs. big  cities.  urban crimes.  clowns.  something rustling outside your window. glowing light.  unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest.  the american midwest.  hiking / backpacking.
THRILLERS.  daylight.  fluorescent lighting. morgues.  asylums.  unwavering eye contact. tension.  lit rooms with no one inside them. a dog digging in the newly - planted flower bed.  steely gazes. paperwork.  anagrams.  codes.  convicted killers.  missing persons.  law enforcement.  federal agents.  small towns.  suspicion.  paranoia. subdued terror.  dimly - lit parking lots.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃  𝐁𝐘   :   - 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆   :   -
0 notes
glowtooth · 4 years
[   repost,   don’t  reblog.    bold  whatever  applies.   ]
GOTHIC  HORROR.    gaslights.  corsets.  ballrooms.  candlelight. mist.  starless  nights.  full  moons.  cobbled  streets.  horse - drawn  carriages.  mysterious  strangers.  bogs.  moors.  forests.  mountains.  castles.  velvet.  silver. brass.  gold.  jewels.  domino  masks.   the  opera.  dangerous  romances.  tragic  romances. violins.  roses.  lilies.  empty  graves. crosses. cemeteries.  snow.  ice.  the  gallows.  crows.  ambiguous  illness. fangs.  pointed  nails. something  howling  in  the  night.  capes.  gloves.  top  hats.  straight  razors.  lightning.  pipe  organs.  underground  caverns.  bats.  mice.  rats.  ravens.  cats.  pearls.  attics.  talismans. axes.  wood.  isolation  in  a  room  full  of  people. vampires.  werewolves.  ghosts.  coffins.  western  europe.  eastern  europe.  bones.  churches.  catacombs.  mausoleums.  spiders.   books.
CLASSIC  HORROR.    black  and  white.  powder  puffs.  red  lipstick.  winged  eyeliner.  white  kitten  heels.  black  lace  lingerie.  icy  blue  eyes.  rain.  abandoned  cars.  skeletons.  acid.  poison.  voyeurism.  switchblades.  strangling.  overcoats.  looking  over  your  shoulder. trans - atlantic  accents.  private  detectives.  dinner  parties.  haunted  mansions.  alcohol  in  glass  decanters.  cobwebs.  perfect  blonde  curls.  kitchen  knives.  shock. cellars.  dust.  dark alleys.  empty  streets.  driving  at  night.  horn - rimmed  glasses.  radiation.  zombies.  serial  murder.  paranoia.  the  city.  witches.  the devil.  cannibalism.  conspiracies.  amulets.  abject  terror. the  american  south.  the  american  northeast.  england.  analog  cameras.
SLASHERS.   bloodbaths.  massacres.  wanton  nudity. newspapers.  leather  jackets.  letterman  jackets. converse  sneakers. obscured  faces.  social  unrest. bonfires.  lakes.  babysitters.  suburbia.  high  school.  lockers.  dead  leaves  in  the  fall.  jack - o’ - lanterns. outdated  television  sets.  nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals.  unstoppable  forces.  gunfire.  police. landline  telephones.  household  objects  turned  into  improvised  weapons.  halloween.  secrets.  revelations.  character  masks. scrunchies.  queerness.  wild  curls. jeering  children.  parties.  fire. swearing.  revulsion.  california. the  american  midwest.  ambulances.
PARANORMAL  HORROR.   malevolent  spirits. seances.  spells. missing  bodies.  hidden  graves.  white  noise.  static.  flickering  lights.  rings  of  salt.  demons.  poltergeists.  dark  histories.  old  buildings. cold  air.  mausoleums.  wells.  urban  exploration.  a  dog  barking  at  something  you  can’t  see. black  ooze.  old  photographs.  faces  you  can  swear  you’ve  seen  before  but  can’t  for  the  life  of  you  figure  out  where.  dark  bodies  of  water.  crucifixes.  priests.  possession. exorcisms.  dolls.
CRYPTIDS  &  URBAN  LEGENDS.    aliens.  blinding  light.  dark  woods.  driving  at  night. claw - marks.  bite - marks.  men  in  black.  memory  loss.  dismembered  bodies.  sewers. flashlights.  cell  phones.  video  cameras.  cars  with  tinted  windows.  abandoned  houses.  unlabeled  cassette  tapes.  bugs. big  cities.  urban crimes.  clowns.  something rustling outside your window. glowing light.  unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest.  the american midwest.  hiking / backpacking.
THRILLERS.  daylight.  fluorescent lighting. morgues.  asylums.  unwavering eye contact. tension.  lit rooms with no one inside them. a dog digging in the newly - planted flower bed.  steely gazes. paperwork.  anagrams.  codes.  convicted killers.  missing persons.  law enforcement.  federal agents.  small towns.  suspicion.  paranoia. subdued terror.  dimly - lit parking lots.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃  𝐁𝐘   :   - 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆   :   -
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