take a step back after moving forward
Nick smiled, because what else could he do? it was his stringed smile yet, all edges and no wormth. who could blaim him to be honest? it was full of graudge, anger and uncomftrbleness. it always hit diffrent. it depended if he was in a good state of mind to react to this, yet it always pained him to see it. they all hated it. it was a horrible sight, but he had to smile. just to… he didn’t know.try and aluude to an atmosphire of normality? he wasn’t sure.
he watched, all smile and no personality, as Portia took the letter.
it was her tenth letter this week, and it was always sent on an old parchment paper. Nick hated it. he hated it so much.
“well!… it seemed this one is not as long!” she said while holding the letter. her hands already shaking. this sucked
before Nick could say anything Will already took a step up, and snatched the letter from Portia’s weak hands. not giving her a chance to even blink her tears away from sight.
if they could just stop her form getting the mail every morning that will be nice, or better, Will would have actually bothered to wake up to grab it like he promised. 
but this wasn’t the time for dealing with Will’s forgetfulness, it wasn’t even 7 am when Nick ran outside, chasing after Portia’s edger steps to get the mail as she walked to the store. excited that the pride center will be open early to get some stuff before pride comes next week, when she stopped by to get the mail from their tiny mail box.
Will didn’t think, he just tore the letter into pecises, they will not be dealing with abusive toxic dads today! and hopefully, not ever again if he has something to say about it! he threw the pecies on the ground stomping on it with his comically large boots that he liked to wear everywhere now. now that he’s more “punk” as he said. 
Nick siged at the semi comical sight, as Will, after jumping on the letter for good mesure, slipped and almost crushed to the floor, realising some tiny laugh from the still shoked Portia, while he walked fowood. making sure ti step in Portia’s clear eye sight before giving her a side hug, which she didn’t resipicate, but did lean into. good. some real wormth finally started to leap into him. defeting the last few chills of the still cold morning..
finishing his tirade, Will walked forword as a winner, looking high and mighty with his night goun and the heavy army boots the docks made their signiture sound as he walked towords them, slowing his trimfent walk to look at Portia’s face. which to be fair… Nick have sort of neglected to look, too scared of the emotions that that will bring.
which is where Will comes in. Will’s profession is handeling emotions right on! attackeing them with his cutting words and defensive wit, ready to splinter and et to the bottom of things that shouldn’t be things like political feelings (his own emotions? not as much, but he will run away from them at the same determanation). 
without sparing too many looks to his rather anxoies boyfriend, Will looks at Portia’a line of sight as well,and turns his head to the side a little. approching carfully (which was a sudden change from the cutting triamfe walking)and opening his arms
without missing a bit, Portia suddenly left Nick’s side, all but running to Will’s inviting arms, burring her face in his chest.
at that, Nick took his time to leave, he knew that Will and Portia will need some hot coco after this debacle
“why does it not get easier?”
Will was ready! well… sort of ready anyway, for nything. emotions were tricky, but he was ready for them! ready to emarse himself in everything they will bring!
that’s what he learnd, that was the way to live and remember and to hold and ignore life’s problems, it was to focus on the emotions of peope other then himself. people that are… very importent to him.
but sometimes those people… had a very similer time to him
“easier? im not sure Poa… we both know that life never gets easier”
“but isn’t it supposed to?” she looked up, and oh, suddenly he was transphormed to that time when she hugged him for the first time, all excited and happy after she first moved in, like all of life’s problems suddenly will go away now! the big bad guy is defited! oh wow… they were navie back then, but even then he knew, that things don’t just suddenly get easier… emotions… are hard,and mega scary to explore and to reachek, and she knew that! yet she still loved to belive that she can solve them as easaly as follwong her own heart is.
oh how she inspired him then, she still insipred everyone homestly, the girl was the sole reason that he managed to write him own first poam book! he loved to tacke emotions head on to escape them, but she, in her naive and ruthless optamizim, made him at least to try and see, if its possible even, to try and give the same passion to what lies in his own hear as well.
but with her naive optamisem she ofen forgets. that the first step, ever so easy to her fast legs, is the eaiest one indeed
“i get tierd, i get tierd of the suprises! why the aftermath of choosing to not seeing my father again will just be done already! ‘snif’ its been a whole year now… why am i not… happy?” 
“but you are!”
“-why does it look like that with every step forword i take, everything takes two stepps back??”
“because you are fast! you, Portia-” he pused to lightly boop her nose which made her smile gratfully, “-are one of the fastest people i know! taking your stepps with such a vorasity that a whole army could not stop you. always changing, always chasing what is in your heart first, and forgeting that sometimes we gotta deal with things, even after we decided to leave them behiand”
“like your emotions?” she said, suddenly getting a little of her snarkyness back, looking at will without the foginess of tears in her eyes
“like your choices as well too” he shakes his head to the sides he is trying to teach her a life lesson! but as usual, Portia has managed to hit the point to fast, that she looked ahead and applied it to her teacher, the boldness of this girl will kill him one day.
he ignored her little scounching of the nose, not willing but managing to see his point yet again, as he stepped away from her, makig sure to hold her hand all the way, and started moving them back towords the house.
“least i have people to remind meto take a break sometimes ha? all this… things catching up to me, im glad i have someone that helps me to get ahead once again”
ok is she trying to kill her with her adorablness again??? because she will one day, shit. “you want to go inside or not? im sure Nick already made your coco”
“Coco??? fuck yes!” she smiled as she give him once last big hug and run into the house, already giggling her heart out after leaving Will speachless back at the yard. Portia, as usal, cought him off gaurd. 
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take a step back after moving forward
Nick smiled, because what else could he do? it was his stringed smile yet, all edges and no wormth. who could blaim him to be honest? it was full of graudge, anger and uncomftrbleness. it always hit diffrent. it depended if he was in a good state of mind to react to this, yet it always pained him to see it. they all hated it. it was a horrible sight, but he had to smile. just to... he didn’t know.try and aluude to an atmosphire of normality? he wasn’t sure.
he watched, all smile and no personality, as Portia took the letter.
it was her tenth letter this week, and it was always sent on an old parchment paper. Nick hated it. he hated it so much.
“well!... it seemed this one is not as long!” she said while holding the letter. her hands already shaking. this sucked
before Nick could say anything Will already took a step up, and snatched the letter from Portia’s weak hands. not giving her a chance to even blink her tears away from sight.
if they could just stop her form getting the mail every morning that will be nice, or better, Will would have actually bothered to wake up to grab it like he promised. 
but this wasn’t the time for dealing with Will’s forgetfulness, it wasn’t even 7 am when Nick ran outside, chasing after Portia’s edger steps to get the mail as she walked to the store. excited that the pride center will be open early to get some stuff before pride comes next week, when she stopped by to get the mail from their tiny mail box.
Will didn’t think, he just tore the letter into pecises, they will not be dealing with abusive toxic dads today! and hopefully, not ever again if he has something to say about it! he threw the pecies on the ground stomping on it with his comically large boots that he liked to wear everywhere now. now that he’s more “punk” as he said. 
Nick siged at the semi comical sight, as Will, after jumping on the letter for good mesure, slipped and almost crushed to the floor, realising some tiny laugh from the still shoked Portia, while he walked fowood. making sure ti step in Portia’s clear eye sight before giving her a side hug, which she didn’t resipicate, but did lean into. good. some real wormth finally started to leap into him. defeting the last few chills of the still cold morning..
finishing his tirade, Will walked forword as a winner, looking high and mighty with his night goun and the heavy army boots the docks made their signiture sound as he walked towords them, slowing his trimfent walk to look at Portia’s face. which to be fair... Nick have sort of neglected to look, too scared of the emotions that that will bring.
which is where Will comes in. Will’s profession is handeling emotions right on! attackeing them with his cutting words and defensive wit, ready to splinter and et to the bottom of things that shouldn’t be things like political feelings (his own emotions? not as much, but he will run away from them at the same determanation). 
without sparing too many looks to his rather anxoies boyfriend, Will looks at Portia’a line of sight as well,and turns his head to the side a little. approching carfully (which was a sudden change from the cutting triamfe walking)and opening his arms
without missing a bit, Portia suddenly left Nick’s side, all but running to Will’s inviting arms, burring her face in his chest.
at that, Nick took his time to leave, he knew that Will and Portia will need some hot coco after this debacle
“why does it not get easier?”
Will was ready! well... sort of ready anyway, for nything. emotions were tricky, but he was ready for them! ready to emarse himself in everything they will bring!
that’s what he learnd, that was the way to live and remember and to hold and ignore life’s problems, it was to focus on the emotions of peope other then himself. people that are... very importent to him.
but sometimes those people... had a very similer time to him
“easier? im not sure Poa... we both know that life never gets easier”
“but isn’t it supposed to?” she looked up, and oh, suddenly he was transphormed to that time when she hugged him for the first time, all excited and happy after she first moved in, like all of life’s problems suddenly will go away now! the big bad guy is defited! oh wow... they were navie back then, but even then he knew, that things don’t just suddenly get easier... emotions... are hard,and mega scary to explore and to reachek, and she knew that! yet she still loved to belive that she can solve them as easaly as follwong her own heart is.
oh how she inspired him then, she still insipred everyone homestly, the girl was the sole reason that he managed to write him own first poam book! he loved to tacke emotions head on to escape them, but she, in her naive and ruthless optamizim, made him at least to try and see, if its possible even, to try and give the same passion to what lies in his own hear as well.
but with her naive optamisem she ofen forgets. that the first step, ever so easy to her fast legs, is the eaiest one indeed
“i get tierd, i get tierd of the suprises! why the aftermath of choosing to not seeing my father again will just be done already! ‘snif’ its been a whole year now... why am i not... happy?” 
“but you are!”
“-why does it look like that with every step forword i take, everything takes two stepps back??”
“because you are fast! you, Portia-” he pused to lightly boop her nose which made her smile gratfully, “-are one of the fastest people i know! taking your stepps with such a vorasity that a whole army could not stop you. always changing, always chasing what is in your heart first, and forgeting that sometimes we gotta deal with things, even after we decided to leave them behiand”
“like your emotions?” she said, suddenly getting a little of her snarkyness back, looking at will without the foginess of tears in her eyes
“like your choices as well too” he shakes his head to the sides he is trying to teach her a life lesson! but as usual, Portia has managed to hit the point to fast, that she looked ahead and applied it to her teacher, the boldness of this girl will kill him one day.
he ignored her little scounching of the nose, not willing but managing to see his point yet again, as he stepped away from her, makig sure to hold her hand all the way, and started moving them back towords the house.
“least i have people to remind meto take a break sometimes ha? all this... things catching up to me, im glad i have someone that helps me to get ahead once again”
ok is she trying to kill her with her adorablness again??? because she will one day, shit. “you want to go inside or not? im sure Nick already made your coco”
“Coco??? fuck yes!” she smiled as she give him once last big hug and run into the house, already giggling her heart out after leaving Will speachless back at the yard. Portia, as usal, cought him off gaurd. 
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Shylock The Nice Jew pulled down his pants and SHAT on Bottomcest :)) ❤❤❤
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Shylock shits on Bottomcest :))
(qualities bad cause I couldn��t find any proshot photos with Shylock in them)
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First look at the 2020 Something Rotten production, photos courtesy of 엠씨어터 M-Theatre. ( 1 / 4 )
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today i offer you a pair of dumbos and a pair of munchkins respectively 
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Nigel: B-but…
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how cans’t thou make an omelette when one of the eggs be rotten?
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hello there!! i have been busy latley with starting a new job, but my search for something rotten servers was fruitless (maybe becasue i didn’t look hard enough who knows)
but it did make my friends and i to create a something rotten discord ourselves!!
so, if you love something rotten and want to hear more about my takes on it, or just hang out and talk about this amazing show, or even just looking for more spaces to ramble about your incorrect quotes. please do not hezitate to join us!
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Ok but i got the name fpr the Will x Nick x Bea ship!!!
The Bards and the Beas
(get it? Like the birds and the bees but with Bards-)
Thank you discord server for helping me to come up with that
Feel free to use if this ever crosses your mind!
And one for Will x Nigel x Portia you may ask??? Well we came up with:
Bard cross loves
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Will: Portia, please peer pressure me into finishing my writings?
Portia: Do it or you're straight.
Will: I said peer pressure not THREATEN.
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Everyone 👏 in this family 👏 needs cuddles 👏
Portia: What if I...left the call to spend time with my dad?
Will: Imagine spending time with your family.
Nigel: Imagine having a family.
Bea: Can we go ONE day without making EVERYTHING depressing?
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I can't wait to see em!! 👀👀
I already have ideas for incorrect quotes.
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Welcome to the Renaissance is the perfect opening for Something Rotten. It gives the audience enough information about the time period and the characters. The way they have Shakespeare as a rock star is perfect since we mostly talk about him when it comes to the time period.
Fun fact: before quarantine, I was going to use this song as a way to introduce Romeo and Juliet because of the amount info.
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I love that
God I Hate Shakespeare is a song for everyone who hates Shakespeare. Nick is everyone and Nigel is the literature and English majors. Though you can be an English Major and not like Shakespeare. I know a few.
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This is so cute and adorable and warms my heart so much
He teaches Portia how to act and gives her advice on writing sonnets!
Portia: ... I don't think i can do this
Will: why on earth not???
Portia: i love all of these great writers, but all this time i just admired them from a far... What if im not good enough-
Will, [picking her up and hugging her tight]: listen, even if you were not good enough, and you are don't give me that look-, everyone start somewhere! Even the Bard,
Portia: you??? You are amazing!!
Will: well i started somewhere as well you know! And anyway, it will be a great outlet for emotions! Instead of crying and shouting, all valid emotions of course, you can look cool by making them into sonnets!!
Portia: ...you really think that will work?
Will: why won't you just try?
And they try, and even if its not that good, Portia will always know that Will be there for her
At least until Nigel, Nick and Bea learn how to, the connection between Will and Portia will always help Portia along the way
A Portia and Will hc for the masses!
So Portia is very, very sensitive, and sometimes her father’s constant shouting and belittling can get too much for her. When that happens, she sleeps over at Will’s place because he’s an absolute sweetheart towards her.
Usually, she comes over distressed, so Will tries to cheer her up. He’ll read his sonnets to her, he’ll give her her favorite foods, he’ll just hold her, all that sweet stuff.
And when she decides it’s time for bed, he’ll sing her a lullaby.
He wants her to know that the world simply isn’t meant for someone as precious as her.
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oh honeyyyyyyy yes
Bea, to the cashier: *Gestures to Will* Is that for sale?
Will: Oh honey, I got a husband.
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