godknowsrmt · 5 years
I‘m asking myself if this hotness is even legal...
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Roger in leather. 😍
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godknowsrmt · 5 years
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this has been my homescreen for a few months - whenever I unlocked my phone this precious face looked at me like that 😭💕
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godknowsrmt · 5 years
Future Management - Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
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A/N: English is not my first language! I’m sorry for any mistakes. I’ve read so many Queen fics it’s unreal. I just had to try it myself. Please give me feedback, I would like to make a longer series out of this. Future Management is one of my favorites and it fits the plot too (also Roger looks freakin’ gorgeous in the RockPop video of 1981). This could also be Ben Hardy as Roger.
Warnings: cursing (also smut in later chapters)
Word count: around 1.5 k
Plot: Shortly after Freddie joins “Smile“ and re-names the band „Queen“, the gigs are getting bigger, the masses are screaming louder and the record label is getting uncomfortably clingy. Therefore a qualified manager is needed. Considering her graduation in management, reader might be really useful for the rockstars to-be. Luckily she is an old friend of Brian and might just find herself in the job of her dreams. Only if there wouldn’t be a certain blonde letting her question everything - especially her morals.
Tags: @perriwiinkle
„We can’t do this on our own anymore!“, Brian leans back in his chair ruffling his locks. Freddie raises a brow, watching Pete, a guy from the record label, hotly debating with Roger.
„These never ending fights with the label are tiring us out.“ Brian states, while Freddie remains silent taking in the view of Roger starting to throw sheets of lyrics at Pete. „It’s not the sound of Queen if the label wants to blemish every song we write!“ Roger spits, prompting Pete to flinch.
„Maybe we should do something.“ John suggests, not bothering to detach his gaze from the bass, playing a random melody out of increasing boredom.
„And what would that be darling? Producing songs with no label at all? That’s ridiculous.“, Freddie laughs.
„How about a manager?“ Brian proposes. 
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godknowsrmt · 5 years
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this man is so adorable I cannot
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godknowsrmt · 5 years
Future Management - Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
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A/N: English is not my first language! I’m sorry for any mistakes. I’ve read so many Queen fics it’s unreal. I just had to try it myself. Please give me feedback, I would like to make a longer series out of this. Future Management is one of my favorites and it fits the plot too (also Roger looks freakin’ gorgeous in the RockPop video of 1981). This could also be Ben Hardy as Roger.
Warnings: cursing (also smut in later chapters)
Word count: around 1.5 k
Plot: Shortly after Freddie joins “Smile“ and re-names the band „Queen“, the gigs are getting bigger, the masses are screaming louder and the record label is getting uncomfortably clingy. Therefore a qualified manager is needed. Considering her graduation in management, reader might be really useful for the rockstars to-be. Luckily she is an old friend of Brian and might just find herself in the job of her dreams. Only if there wouldn’t be a certain blonde letting her question everything - especially her morals.
Tags: @perriwiinkle
„We can’t do this on our own anymore!“, Brian leans back in his chair ruffling his locks. Freddie raises a brow, watching Pete, a guy from the record label, hotly debating with Roger.
„These never ending fights with the label are tiring us out.“ Brian states, while Freddie remains silent taking in the view of Roger starting to throw sheets of lyrics at Pete. „It’s not the sound of Queen if the label wants to blemish every song we write!“ Roger spits, prompting Pete to flinch.
„Maybe we should do something.“ John suggests, not bothering to detach his gaze from the bass, playing a random melody out of increasing boredom.
„And what would that be darling? Producing songs with no label at all? That’s ridiculous.“, Freddie laughs.
„How about a manager?“ Brian proposes. 
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godknowsrmt · 5 years
1981 Roger owns my heart
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3K notes · View notes
godknowsrmt · 5 years
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90 notes · View notes
godknowsrmt · 5 years
Future Management - Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
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A/N: English is not my first language! I’m sorry for any mistakes. I’ve read so many Queen fics it’s unreal. I just had to try it myself. Please give me feedback, I would like to make a longer series out of this. Future Management is one of my favorites and it fits the plot too (also Roger looks freakin’ gorgeous in the RockPop video of 1981). This could also be Ben Hardy as Roger.
Warnings: cursing (also smut in later chapters)
Word count: around 1.5 k
Plot: Shortly after Freddie joins “Smile“ and re-names the band „Queen“, the gigs are getting bigger, the masses are screaming louder and the record label is getting uncomfortably clingy. Therefore a qualified manager is needed. Considering her graduation in management, reader might be really useful for the rockstars to-be. Luckily she is an old friend of Brian and might just find herself in the job of her dreams. Only if there wouldn’t be a certain blonde letting her question everything - especially her morals.
Tags: @perriwiinkle
„We can’t do this on our own anymore!“, Brian leans back in his chair ruffling his locks. Freddie raises a brow, watching Pete, a guy from the record label, hotly debating with Roger.
„These never ending fights with the label are tiring us out.“ Brian states, while Freddie remains silent taking in the view of Roger starting to throw sheets of lyrics at Pete. „It’s not the sound of Queen if the label wants to blemish every song we write!“ Roger spits, prompting Pete to flinch.
„Maybe we should do something.“ John suggests, not bothering to detach his gaze from the bass, playing a random melody out of increasing boredom.
„And what would that be darling? Producing songs with no label at all? That’s ridiculous.“, Freddie laughs.
„How about a manager?“ Brian proposes. 
John stops playing and stares at Brian while Roger enters the room fuming with rage. „We need someone to handle the business we have no clue of. Record label guys for example“, he explains pointing at Roger who starts walking towards the couch.
„This stupid twat has no fucking clue what he’s talking about. Can we just throw him out the window or somethin’?“ Roger whines and takes a seat next to Freddie.
„Brian just talked about getting a manager. What do you think about that?“, Freddie spoke.
„Well, then at least someone else had to deal with this leech and we could make music in peace.“ Roger says gesturing to Pete, who is engaged in a serious talk with another guy from the label.
„Any suggestions on who is qualified for this?“ John asks. „Personally I don’t know any managing agencies.“ he adds. Brian gets up from his chair remembering a certain friend of his with a degree in the exact thing they are searching for.
„I might just know the perfect person for this job.“ Smiling he leaves the room while leaving the others guessing.
„You would be perfect. I trust you. You’re witty, funny, diplomatic and most of all loyal. You could keep us in check. You know us.“ For a solid half hour Brian tried to talk you into accepting his job offer. Sitting in a small café on the university campus you take a sip of your Latté. Never had you expected something like this, when Brian called you the other night, asking if you’d like to meet up.
„That’s really sweet of you Brian, but I just finished education, I don’t know if I’m ready for such a responsible position. Also, would the four of you even obey my instructions?“
Brian draws circles in his English Breakfast tea, looking rather disappointed.
„Listen Y/N, I know you can do it. You have to start somewhere, why not help out a friend and gain some experience. It’s a win-win situation! You’ll know how to handle us, you’ve handled me for such a long time now.“ He beams and you couldn’t deny he had a point. Managing Queen? A bright, rising star in rockstar heaven? What if you messed up? You could never forgive yourself if you would harm your friends dream.
Your relationship with John, Freddie and Roger limits to a tiny amount of time whenever you spent time with Brian. Being a band, they just happened to be there too. You got along, but you never gave a thought about meeting them outside of your rather coincidental encounters. But you had to confess, the boys were indeed entertaining you with their permanent bickering. Maybe you would be quite good at keeping them in line.
„What if I mess something up and somehow destroy the bands success. Or worse, I make a mistake and don’t drive you to success at all.“ You tell him your worries hoping he would understand your fears.
Brian snickers. „Oh love, you couldn’t do anything like this. Just give it a try. If you hate it that much I’ll search for someone else to manage us. Deal?“ He holds out his hand for you to shake.
The pressure on your chest releasing a bit, you thought about it for a few seconds. Impatiently Brian taps his finger on the table, his silver rings making clap noises. Sighing you reach out your hand. In fact, you have to find a job sooner or later and you got nothing to lose, right?
„Deal. But just on a trial.“, you say shaking his hand.
„For now.“, he smirks.
You saw them perform before. Of course, since Brian is a good friend of yours. But watching them, knowing they are your band in one way or another, makes it somewhat… different.
Your gaze lingers on the four men, taking in every detail of their magical performance. The way they play their instruments has you melting under their melody. Never had you heard anything like it.
You close your eyes and hum along to the sound of “Killer Queen“ forgetting your surroundings completely.
When the song ended, you realize how hyped the audience is. People screaming and whistling. Girls throwing their tops on stage. When a girl with incredibly long red hair screams „Roger we love you!“ your attention is drawn to the blonde behind the drum set. He just gives her a wink causing a strange feeling to erupt in your stomach. You had to admit he does look annoyingly handsome.
Tearing your stare away from Roger you realize the redhead handing a note to the security guard next to the stage before she floats back to her friends. Since the gig is going to end soon anyway, you head into the backstage area waiting for the boys to come join you.
While waiting you talk to Melissa, one of the interns at Queens record label, asking her about the issues with Pete Dawson.
„It’s just the classic disagreements. Mr. Dawson wants this, Mr. Mercury wants that, it’s a never ending circle of nerve-wrecking arguments.“, Melissa sighs.
„Well, from now on I wanna be informed about everything going on with the label. As Queens manager I am the communicational intersection between Mr. Dawson and my boys. Nothing’s going to happen without my knowledge anymore, alright.“ Your tone is serious as you enlighten Melissa about certain changes and your plans for the future.
„I see. You’re gonna be very good at it.“, she says winking at you.
„Good at what?“
„Being a boss ass manager, not taking any of the labels shit.“,  Melissa laughs and you join her. Maybe this whole manager thing is actually a great idea. It definitely is fun to kick some asses now and then.
„How did you like it.“ A sweaty Brian grins widely and chugs a bottle of water when entering the backstage area. You stand up from the couch making your way over to him.
„You were amazing! All of you!“ You state watching John, Freddie and Roger coming through the door as well.
„Thank you love, glad you liked it. You’re kind of our mother from now on.“, Freddie smirks causing you to blush. „Mother? I’m younger than all of you.“, you laugh while taking a bottle of vodka mixing it with some orange juice.
„Thanks for trusting me with this.“, you say, bringing the cup to your mouth. „Ah, thank you dearly.“ Roger takes the drink out of your hand with a smug expression on his face. He downs all of it immediately and all you could do is stare at him in disbelief.
„Hey!“, you complain after a few seconds, but Roger already steps out of the room explaining himself with an „Sorry, can’t be late to my rendezvous in the bathroom.“
You thought back to the girl handing a note to the security guard. Well played, that certainly is a way to get Roger Taylor to notice you.
Anger bubbling inside of you, you turn around mixing another drink for yourself. How dare he? You are his bands manager from now on, not some random girl lingering around.
A lesson concerning “respect towards your management“ is what this drummer needs badly. In your head, you try to come up with ideas, to show Roger who the boss really is.
This is my first fic EVER! I never liked anything or anyone enough to actually WRITE A FIC for them. Come get me demons, I’m all yours.
I can’t wait to continue this story, but I’d love to hear some feedback first so I know I’m not falling on deaf ears. Have a lovely day y’all!
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