godlydating101 Ā· 4 years
Podcast Episode 37. Should Christians Masturbate?
Podcast Episode 37. Should ChristiansĀ Masturbate?
We have a bit of aā€¦. ā€œtouchyā€ subject today! Pun intended.
Thereā€™s no bible verse thatā€™s explicitly anti-masturbation. However, letā€™s see what the word may imply by this.
Ask yourself these questions in regards to this or when tempted to do it again:
1 ā€“ Am I doing this out of lust?
ā€œGodā€™s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin. Then each of you will controlā€¦
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godlydating101 Ā· 5 years
We Launched a Podcast!
Hey everyone! No long post today, just a quick blog to inform you all that we have recently launched a new podcast! Thatā€™s right! A new podcast. This is long overdue, but itā€™s here now!
One thingā€¦ Would you do us a favor by helping us to promote it? The podcast is currently on all of the major apps we stream podcasts on. Click the link below for where you plan on subscribing and listening:
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godlydating101 Ā· 5 years
What Age can I Start Dating?
What Age can I StartĀ Dating?
I know that many of you by the title alone may not click this blog, but I am aware there are thousands of youth that follow this page and ask questions along this line frequentlyā€¦
Can I start dating now?
How old do I have to be?
My parents said I canā€™t date now, but why not?
Are you saying Iā€™m not mature because Iā€™m not in my twenties or thirties?
Iā€™ve had people personally tell me crazyā€¦
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godlydating101 Ā· 5 years
6 Things You Shouldnā€™t Do After a Breakup
Some things in life are inevitable ā€“ like breakups. Not all relationships last and thatā€™s fine. Whatā€™s not fine may be our approach or how we handle our heartbreak. There are a few things I believe we shouldnā€™t do after our relationships end. Here are just a few:
1. Try mending it without Godā€™s approval!
I cannot emphasize this enough! PLEASE DO NOT RUN BACK TO THE PERSON GOD FREED YOU FROMā€¦
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godlydating101 Ā· 5 years
40 Questions to Ask the Person Youā€™re Interested In!
ā€œOne who never asks either knows everything or nothing.ā€ ā€“ Malcolm Forbes
I hear people say that the person theyā€™re with changed. When in reality, the truth is finally hitting them in the face. Some marriages fail because of issues that were existing for months or years, but they were never noticed or simply overlooked. I believe that we have to learn to ask questions because we canā€™t just assumeā€¦
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godlydating101 Ā· 5 years
6 Healthy Boundaries to have in Your Relationship
Many people always ask me what are some boundaries they can set in their relationship. I donā€™t always post about it because I feel what works for some may not be needed for others. And little boundaries for you can lead to my downfall. However, I felt there are a few that should be universal! Letā€™s jump into 6 boundaries I believe we all can establish in our relationships!
1. Avoid being alone inā€¦
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godlydating101 Ā· 5 years
How to Meet Other Single Christians?
I received this question recently and Iā€™m shocked that Iā€™ve never posted on this subject before. This is actually a very real issue for people in the church. I remember being single and not feeling like there were any options at times. However, I do know that was just the enemy discouraging me so Iā€™d look for someone lost in the world or just any single person whoā€™s not a psychopath and liveā€¦
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godlydating101 Ā· 5 years
My Thoughts on Online Dating
Before I start this blog, please understand that everything Iā€™m about to say is just my opinion. You do not have to see this the same way as I do. Feel free to take the good and leave the bad. Alright. Here we goā€¦.
Online dating is probably one of the scariest things a person can ever do in my opinion. I know many who met their spouse online and theyā€™re happy now. I mean legitimately married forā€¦
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godlydating101 Ā· 5 years
What are some ā€œRed Flagsā€ in the Pre-dating phase?
I believe that it is possible for people to change after theyā€™re married. As in, you married an angel, but 3 years in youā€™re convinced this person is a ā€œfallen angelā€. However, I feel thatā€™s a very rare case. Many times, the person youā€™re married to was that way while you two were dating.And chances are that if they were the same person while dating, they were exhibiting the same characteristicsā€¦
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godlydating101 Ā· 5 years
5 Things to do Before Getting Married
Are you planning on getting married soon or in the future? Iā€™m sure you are, thatā€™s why youā€™re here! Check out these five things I believe you must you do.
1. Seek God.
First and foremost, with every decision you make in life, seeking God should come first. I strongly believe that most of our issues in life are due to the fact that we seek God after weā€™ve already made up our minds. Then whenā€¦
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godlydating101 Ā· 6 years
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Lord, teach us how to wait on You.... ā€œBe still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.ā€ (Psalmsā€¬ ā€­46:10ā€¬)
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godlydating101 Ā· 6 years
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godlydating101 Ā· 6 years
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In this season of your life, you need to be with likeminded people that can push you closer to your purpose.
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godlydating101 Ā· 6 years
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When they keep trying to flirt, but God didnā€™t sign off on that relationship. šŸ™„šŸ˜‚
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godlydating101 Ā· 6 years
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Pride and immaturity destroys more relationships than youā€™d think. Walk in humility. I promise it is okay to be wrong and apologize.
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godlydating101 Ā· 6 years
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Guard your heart from distractions.
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godlydating101 Ā· 6 years
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Everything doesnā€™t require an argument. Learn to let things go and walk in humility.
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