godofdreams · 4 years
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godofdreams · 4 years
Dream Recall Exercise
Dream Recall is a very effective method of gaining control over dreamtime. In its ultimate form it can reveal areas of Magickal Memory and much initiated work can be done whilst in dream state, on the “astral plane”, including lucid-dreaming.
This Dream Recall Technique has also been termed Reverse-Remembering. The mind makes thousands of decisions every day. It does this automatically and in ‘forward-thinking’ mode. If you are asked to remember a list of groceries you always remember the one at the top of the list first and then 'chain’ them together. When re-remembering them you begin at no.1 and move down the list. The mind automatically thinks this way. However just because this fits into our mundane life more efficiently does not mean that the mind is limited to thinking linearly. Not so. The mind can be taught to remember in reverse sequence by command, although it does take some effort on behalf of the operator. Try counting from 100 down to zero for example. You have to think and put effort into the result, whereas counting from zero to 100 you do not think, it is automatically accomplished by familiarization. Of course there is a limit to what we can accomplish by sequential remembering in the forward mode. Eventually we run out of things to remember because they have not yet happened. We then have to move into clairvoyant realms. However in reverse remembering we can continue much deeper and farther into the realms of experience and Being and pull out of our memories information and data which can really help us in our daily lives. It helps if the mind is in a state of repose when this reverse remembering goes on and the best results are when allied with sleep although once adept at it you can reverse-remember at any peaceful time. The knack of reverse remembering is time-phased and memory-phased. That is to say that you can trace back and reverse remember all that has gone on in your mind the night previously. You can also reverse remember previous lives. 
The key to attempting reverse remembering is simply familiarization. To begin with, reverse remembering is very difficult. Within a week you will be absolutely amazed at the progress you have made and after several months it will become second nature and will be available to you at will.
This technique goes like so::
1. Just prior to going to sleep close your eyes and try to think of what you did before you got into bed. 2. Make a detailed memory-picture of every action and statement in reverse order from laying your head down to climbing the stairs. 3. As you move along in your mind things will become more and more difficult to remember and most beginners lose track after half a dozen 'remembrances’. 4. You may find you have dropped off to sleep upon waking up in the morning. 5. Persist in this exercise; every night reverse remember. The more you attempt it the more successful you will be. It will become easier. 6. Whilst you are training yourself in this you must also keep a notepad and pencil beside your bed. In the morning sit up sharp; before anything else has entered your mind and remember what happened whilst you were asleep. 7. You will find to begin with that this is very difficult but persistence will prove successful. You will find that your first success comes when you reverse remember a particularly strong emotional sequence in a dream. 8. Once you have fixed upon this then forward remember from that point. When you have completed this as far as you can go and put all this down on paper, then switch concentration back to the first part of the dream and reverse remember. This is the most difficult task of all for it takes much effort and only by parts do you succeed initially. However the prize you are after is worth it and even partial success is stupendous when it occurs. Once you have mastered this part improvement will flow quickly. lt will not be long before you can 'map’ out the highlights of the psychic work you have 'subconsciously’ done during the night and truly begin to benefit from the third of your life you normally waste 'asleep’. You should record everything in your dream journal.
Some “daylight” exercises to help you with your “reverse remembering” are: 1. Learn to count backwards from 100 to zero as quickly as you can from zero to 100. 2. Use the old child’s game of having someone show you a tray with around 30 small objects thereon, for a limited period of time. Then try and remember, and then reverse remember them. As you get better, have more objects or/and less time to view them. 3. Take 20 playing cards. Shuffle them. Remember their sequence after looking through them once. As you get better, increase the number of cards. When you get really good reverse remember the cards after looking through them the other way.
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godofdreams · 4 years
A Spell to bring Prophetic Dreams
A spell to bring to you prophetic dreams and can improve your dream divination and dream work.
You will Need:
Indigo String
Yellow String
Optional: beads, charms and small wooden pieces
Take your indigo and yellow string and braid it together into a ‘rope’ of a good length. Keep ends untied for now
Take your braided rope of string and wrap it around your amethyst until it is hold in place where it won’t fall out. If your amethyst has a hole in it or a ring on it to be used for jewelry you may just pass braided string though this.
Optional: add your other beads and charms to it where you wish
Tie both ends together tightly into a square knot
hang it over bed on your wall to promote prophetic dreams
Charging: be sure to charge it occasionally in the moonlight
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godofdreams · 4 years
Dream Journals and Dream Work
What are Dream Journals?
Dream Journals are notebooks or journals that contain information recorded about one’s sleep patterns and dreams. These dreams recorded can be everything from simple dreams, to dream interpretations, to nightmares, to daydreams/waking dreams and self reflections on one’s own dreams. To a witch who does dream work, they are also important record keeping books used to write down own’s notes on dream divination, astral travel, dream walking, visions, lucid dreaming, spells and their effects.
What can I put in my Dream Journal?
All sorts of things! But some suggestions on what to put in it:
Dream Records
Dream Interpretations
Your nightly routines
Sleep records
How you feel before and after going to bed
Nightmares and the effects of them
Correspondences in Dream Work/Dream Magic
Crystals, herbs, incense, colors, animals, etc
Astral Travel notes and experiences
Daydreams you have and how they make you feel
Memorable dreams you had years ago that you still remember and why you may still recall them
Illustrations and doodles from daydreams or dreams
Images of things that keep reappearing in your dreams
Dream Divination predictions and results
“Deja vu” events that happen that relate to a dream you had
Tea and potion recipes for sleep or dreams
Meditation exercises/breathing exercises
Favorite types of dreams (ie: flying dreams)
Notes on recurring dreams or nightmares
Information on nocturnal creatures/beings that can effect or enter dreams
Perhaps your own experiences with them
Sleep spells and dream spells
Notes on said spells
Dream encounters with deities and entities
Lucid Dreaming notes
Conditions in which you are sleeping in that night
Location, stuffed animals, blankets you’re using, number of pillows, if there is light or music/sound, etc
How do I take notes on Dream Spells?
This is a question I get rather often. Dream spells can be more difficult to ‘keep records’ of in a sense that their effects happen when you are asleep rather than your waking life. Well here are some images of how I take notes of my dream spells straight from one of my own Dream Journals.
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First, I write down what spell I am using. Here I list the spell, the ingredients in the spell and what they are suppose to contribute to this spell, my intent and things that I feel should also be noted related to the spell. Here I am trying to work on a spell to improve my dream experience and my dream recall as well as see if I can still lucid dream while using this spell. I made note of where I put this crystal sachet and also the food I ate before going to bed.
Immediately the next morning I began notes in my Dream Journal about the dream I had the night before. Here I speak of what I can remember visually and “plot-wise”.
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I then recorded how I was when I first woke up. In this case I felt a bit tired though this is most likely due to the fact I slept longer than I usually do and how I did not immediately recall my dream until I had been moving around a bit.
After that I began notes on my spell and how each thing either did or didn’t do its job. I then began dream interpretations in both the sense of how they are interpreted by the book and in some cases how I personally feel about certain things.
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After my interpretations had finished I read over them again and made a summary of what the dream most likely meant.
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I finished this particular Dream Journal entry with other miscellaneous notes such as what time frame I slept, how I wish to prepare for bed tonight and notes on the spell and some changes to it I am considering after some more trials.
I hope this has been helpful to anyone new to Dream Work and Dream Journals. Treat them as you would a Book of Shadows and a Grimoire, they are a magical tool to help you. They are highly personal, use whatever you wish in them. I personally like using notebooks and mine are rarely super artistic. But make them how you wish to make them, they are an extension of your craft. Good luck and happy witching~
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godofdreams · 4 years
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godofdreams · 4 years
Morpheus Masterpost
For the continually growing population of Hellenic polytheists, pagans, witches, etc, there is very little information or recognition of Morpheus, simply described as the god of dreams (but it’s not quite that simple). I made this post to spread some more information on this important god and hopefully help anyone interested in worshipping him find out where to start. 
Keep reading
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godofdreams · 4 years
Devotional Activities: Morpheus
Dream Pillows: Make dream pillows or herbal satchels filled with lavender to place under your pillow for better sleep
Dream Journal: Keep a dream journal. Each morning make a ritual of writing down and dreams you've had
Sleepy time tea: An hour before bed make yourself some hot sleep time tea to help settle you in for the night
The gift of sleep: Know someone with insomnia? Why don't you give them one of the before mentioned items in honor of Morpheus.
Sleep routine: As simple as it seems, just having a routine makes such a difference to your life and doing so in his name is a good way to on a daily basis give thanks to him
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godofdreams · 4 years
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My little fin bitter 🙃 He’s cute though
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godofdreams · 4 years
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William Reynolds-Stephens (1862-1943), ‘In The Arms of Morpheus’, “The Magazine of Art”, 1897 Source
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