godreamnft · 1 year
The Complete Crypto Investment Bible: Everything You Need to Know About Bitcoin, Ethereum, and More.
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What is Cryptocurrency Investing?
Cryptocurrency investing is the act of buying and selling digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum in order to make a profit. Cryptocurrency investments are similar to investing in stocks and bonds, but with one important difference: cryptocurrency investments are unregulated and much more volatile than traditional investments. This means that investors must be careful when they are making decisions and must understand the risks that come with investing in cryptocurrency.
What are the Best Investing Books out there?
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“The Internet of Money” by Andreas M. Antonopoulos
“Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor’s Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond” by Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar
“Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies” by Andreas M. Antonopoulos
“The Little Bitcoin Book” by J.D. Salinas
“Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps” by Daniel Drescher
“Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing: Beginners Guide To Trading & Investing In Bitcoin, Alt Coins & ICOs” by Aimee Vo
“Digital Gold: Bitcoin and the Inside Story of the Misfits and Millionaires Trying to Reinvent Money” by Nathaniel Popper
“The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains” by Antony Lewis
“The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology” by William Mougayar
“The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything” by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey.
Crypto Investing Books Reviews
Here are a few popular books about cryptocurrency investing and their general reviews:
“The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains” by Antony Lewis – Recommended for those new to the crypto market and provides a comprehensive overview of the technology and economics behind cryptocurrencies.
“Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor’s Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond” by Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar – This book is highly regarded for its focus on the investment aspect of crypto assets, including risk management and portfolio strategy.
“Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps” by Daniel Drescher – This book is praised for its clear and concise explanations, making it accessible to a wide range of readers, including those without a technical background.
“Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies” by Andreas M. Antonopoulos – This book is a comprehensive guide to the technical aspects of Bitcoin and blockchain technology and is recommended for those who want a deeper understanding of the technology.
“The Little Bitcoin Book: Why Bitcoin Matters for Your Freedom, Finances, and Privacy” by Andreas M. Antonopoulos – This book is a concise and easy-to-read introduction to the world of Bitcoin and its potential impact on the financial industry.
Note that these are just a few examples and it is always a good idea to do your own research.
How to Choose the Right Crypto Investment Book?
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The reputation of the author: Look for authors with expertise in the financial and technology industry.
Objectivity: Find a book that provides an objective analysis of the crypto market and different investment strategies.
Coverage: Make sure the book covers the latest developments in the crypto market, including regulations, security measures, and emerging technologies.
Readability: Choose a book that is easy to understand, even for those with limited financial knowledge.
Relevance: Look for a book that is relevant to your investment goals, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced investor.
It’s also a good idea to read multiple books and reviews from other readers before making a final decision.
What are the main Takeaways from the Crypto Investing Books?
The main takeaways from cryptocurrency investing books vary depending on the author’s perspective and approach. However, some common themes include:
Understanding the technology: Most books provide an overview of the technology behind cryptocurrencies, including blockchain and its applications.
Risks and reward: Most books discuss the potential risks and rewards of investing in cryptocurrencies and provide guidance on managing risk.
Investment strategies: Many books provide information on investment strategies, such as long-term holding, day trading, and swing trading.
Market analysis: Some books provide an analysis of the cryptocurrency market, including market trends, regulations, and emerging technologies.
Diversification: Many books emphasize the importance of diversifying one’s portfolio to minimize risk.
Education and awareness: Many books stress the importance of staying informed and educated about the crypto market, as well as staying up-to-date with the latest developments and trends.
These are just a few examples of the main takeaways from cryptocurrency investing books. It’s important to remember that the crypto market is constantly evolving and that the information contained in these books may become outdated quickly.
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godreamnft · 1 year
The Best Cryptocurrency Investment Platforms You Should Know About
Cryptocurrency investment platform can be a great way to diversify your portfolio and increase your financial security. But if you're new to the world of cryptocurrency, it can be challenging to know where to start. That’s why it’s important to understand the basics of cryptocurrency investing before taking the plunge.
This article will provide some essential tips for beginners looking to get started with cryptocurrency investments. We'll discuss things like creating a diversified portfolio, researching potential investments, and understanding the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your first foray into cryptocurrency investing is a successful one!
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What are the best cryptocurrency investment platforms for long-term investors?
Investing in cryptocurrencies can be a great way to diversify your portfolio and potentially reap rewards with the potential for long-term gains. However, it can be difficult for long-term investors to find the right platforms for their needs. That’s why it’s important to identify the best cryptocurrency investment platforms that offer the features and benefits that are ideal for long-term investors
Here are some of the best cryptocurrency investment platforms:
Coinbase: Coinbase is one of the most popular and user-friendly cryptocurrency investment platforms. It is available in over 30 countries and supports more than 40 assets. Coinbase is a broker exchange, meaning it allows you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies with fiat currencies.
Binance: Binance is one of the largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges available. It supports a wide variety of assets and trading pairs. It also offers low transaction fees, secure storage, and fast transaction processing.
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Kraken: Kraken is a secure, reliable, and user-friendly cryptocurrency exchange. It supports a wide range of coins and is available in multiple countries. It also offers margin trading and advanced order types.
eToro: eToro is a social trading and multi-asset brokerage platform that offers a variety of services for cryptocurrency investors. It allows investors to copy experienced traders and participate in social trading.
Gemini: Gemini is a New York-based cryptocurrency exchange that offers a secure platform for investors to buy, sell, and store a variety of digital assets. It also offers a custodial service for institutional investors.
What are the best features of a good cryptocurrency investment platform?
When it comes to choosing the right crypto platform, there are a few key features that are important to consider.
One of the most important features of any crypto platform is its security. A platform that is secure will protect your coins from being stolen or lost. It is also important to make sure that the platform has a strong security system in place so that you can be sure that your personal information is safe.
User Interface
A good crypto platform should have an easy-to-use user interface. This means that you will be able to quickly and easily access your coins and make transactions. It is also important to make sure that the platform is user-friendly so that new users will be able to easily understand how it works.
Trading Functionality
The trading Function in a good crypto platform should provide the following features:
-Ability to trade multiple assets simultaneously
-Flexible order types
-User-friendly interface
-Precise order execution
-Robust security features
-24/7 customer support
By providing these features, a good crypto platform will make it easier for traders to execute trades and track their portfolio performance. In addition, a good platform will provide users with detailed real-time market data that can help them make informed trading decisions.
What are the best cryptocurrency investment strategies?
Investing in cryptocurrency can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be a risky one. With the right knowledge and strategies, beginners can make wise investments in cryptocurrency. To help you get started, here are some of the best tips to consider when investing in cryptocurrency.
First, it is important to do your research on any potential investment platform you are considering. Make sure that the platform is reputable and secure before investing any money into it. Additionally, try to find out more about the team behind the project and their track record with other projects.
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It is also important to diversify your portfolio when investing in cryptocurrencies. Try not to put all of your eggs into one basket by investing in a single currency or asset class. Instead, look for different types of cryptocurrencies that have different levels of risk associated with them so that if one fails, you won't lose all of your money at once.
Cryptocurrency investment strategies vary depending on the individual investor's goals and knowledge. However, some general strategies include:
Do your own research.
Consider buying and holding.
Consider trading.
Consider investing in tokens or coins.
Consider investing in a specific cryptocurrency or blockchain project.
Consider investing in a cryptocurrency index fund.
Consider using a cryptocurrency wallet.
Consider using a cryptocurrency exchange.
What are the best cryptocurrency investment tips for beginners?
1. Do Your Research: Before investing in any cryptocurrency, it’s important to understand the technology behind it and research the project’s team, roadmap, and community.
2. Diversify Your Portfolio: Diversification is key when investing in any asset class, and cryptocurrency is no exception. Consider investing in multiple types of cryptocurrencies to reduce your risk.
3. Set Realistic Goals: When investing in cryptocurrency, it’s important to have realistic expectations and goals. Don’t expect to get rich overnight, and remember that losses are a part of investing.
4. Avoid FOMO: Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a common phenomenon in investing, and it can lead to bad decisions. Don’t invest in something just because it’s popular, and don't invest more than you can afford to lose.
5. Use a Secure Wallet: When investing in cryptocurrency, it’s important to use a secure wallet to protect your funds. Look for wallets with two-factor authentication and other security features.
What are the benefits of using a crypto platform?
Investing in cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly popular, and the use of a cryptocurrency investment platform can provide many advantages. A cryptocurrency investment platform allows investors to easily create and manage their own portfolios of digital currencies, allowing them to take advantage of the potential profits that come along with investing in cryptocurrencies. Additionally, these platforms provide investors with access to real-time market data and analysis tools that can help them make informed decisions about their investments. With a cryptocurrency investment platform, investors can also benefit from features such as automated trading strategies, portfolio diversification options, and secure storage solutions.
The most important step in the search for generating a passive income stream is to identify a specific lucrative asset that has, over time, generated dividends. Most all assets will generate dividends if held long enough, but there are some exceptions to this rule. Also, past performance does not guarantee future results. Therefore, another important key factor for successful dividend hunters is diversification. This means investing in different markets and asset classes with the goal of earning the highest possible returns with minimal risk.
Overall, there are a variety of cryptocurrency investment platforms available to investors and traders. Each platform has its own set of features and services, so it is important to do your research and find the best platform that meets your needs. When selecting a platform, make sure to consider the fees, security, customer service, and ease of use. Additionally, it is important to understand the basics of cryptocurrency investing, such as the different types of coins and tokens, the different exchanges, and the different strategies that can be used. With the right platform and knowledge, investors can take advantage of the potential of the cryptocurrency market
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godreamnft · 1 year
Profit from Cryptocurrencies: The Ultimate Guide for Malaysians
If you want to invest in cryptocurrency, this guide is for you! What is the best investment in crypto? The current state of crypto investment in Malaysia? Cryptocurrencies have been around for more than a decade and they have been growing exponentially over time.
Back in 2013, when Bitcoin was trading below $100 per coin, there were only around 100 people who owned it. Today, we are seeing more and more Malaysians buying into cryptocurrency every year because it offers them an alternative way to store value and make money from their investments without having to rely on banks or other financial institutions as intermediaries (which many people dislike).
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Meaning of crypto investment
Today, there are more than 1,500 cryptocurrencies available for investors to choose from. While most of them are based on Bitcoin or other digital currencies, some have their own unique value proposition and technology. We’ll give you a brief rundown on the different types of cryptocurrency investment and how you can make money from them but first.
What is Cryptocurrency?
A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, control the creation of additional units and verify the transfer of assets, and verify the transfer of funds in accordance with a set of rules established by its developers and can be divided into categories:
Bitcoin (BTC) – A peer-to-peer payment network and digital currency created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. It is the first decentralized digital currency. Bitcoin has gained significant popularity over the years due to its low transaction fees, fast transaction times, and high-security features. However, it comes with a high-risk factor because hackers could target your wallet address or personal information anytime.
Ethereum (ETH) – Built on blockchain technology which allows users to make transactions without involving banks. Ethereum launched in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin who later left Ethereum in 2018 after he developed his own blockchain platform known as ‘Bitcoin 2.0’ which will be based on a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm
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There are a variety of reasons why people are investing in cryptocurrencies. Some believe that cryptocurrencies are a safe investment, as they are not subject to the same risks as traditional investments, such as stock markets. Others believe that cryptocurrencies have the potential to become a global currency
The current state of crypto investment in Malaysia.
Malaysia has seen an increase in crypto-related activities, with a growing number of exchanges and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). This has made it easier for investors to get into the crypto market and start trading. Furthermore, Malaysia’s central bank has recently approved several cryptocurrency exchanges that have been operating in the country since 2018.
In Malaysia, cryptocurrencies are not considered legal tender. This means that they aren’t widely accepted as a form of payment for goods and services. However, you can still invest in them using a digital wallet — which is essentially an online account where you store your coins. In addition to this, there are also cryptocurrency exchanges where you can buy and sell digital currencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).
Malaysia has strict money laundering and anti-terrorism laws that prohibit all types of digital currency exchanges and trading platforms. If you want to get involved with cryptocurrencies in Malaysia, you’ll need to purchase them on an exchange and then sell them on another platform. The good news is that plenty of cryptocurrency payment systems are available in the country. You can find one that suits your needs by using our platform or checking out their websites directly (some require registration). To make things easier for you, we’ve also included links so that you can find exchanges easily.
Types of crypto investment In Malaysia
Cryptocurrencies offer investors a range of opportunities to make money. You can buy them on an exchange, mine them using computer power, or use them in a peer-to-peer transaction. Each type of investment has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Buying cryptocurrencies on an exchange is one of the most popular ways to invest in digital assets. Exchanges provide investors access to a wide variety of coins and tokens, allowing them to diversify their portfolios and take advantage of market movements. Mining cryptocurrencies is another way to invest in digital assets. This involves using computer power to solve complex algorithms that generate new coins or tokens as rewards for the miner. Finally, peer-to-peer transactions allow users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other without going through an intermediary like an exchange.
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What is the best investment in crypto?
Cryptocurrencies are volatile, which means their value can change rapidly. However, some cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, have had a long track record of stability. Cryptocurrencies are also digital, which makes them difficult to store and spend.
There is no one answer to which cryptocurrency is the safest crypto. Each cryptocurrency has unique properties that make it a good choice for different investors. Some of the most popular cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum
Risks associated with an Investment in Crypto Malaysia
Cryptocurrency is a relatively new asset class, and it is still subject to a lot of volatility. As such, investing in cryptocurrency carries with it the potential for both large gains and large losses. Before investing in any cryptocurrency, it is important to understand the potential risks associated with doing so. These risks include market volatility, regulatory risks, cybersecurity risks, and liquidity risk. It is also important to be aware of how taxes may apply to any profits gained from investing in cryptocurrency. By understanding these risks and taking appropriate steps to mitigate them, investors can ensure that they are making informed decisions when it comes to their investments in this exciting new asset class.
Cybersecurity risk refers to the risk that the network, decentralized apps (DApps), or blockchain technology itself could be exploited by malicious actors, who may use viruses and malware to hack into personal devices and private information. This may result in a loss of coins/tokens, in some cases, theft of all crypto-assets. Regulatory risks associated with particular countries’ regulations on cryptocurrencies. For instance, some countries have explicitly banned cryptocurrencies and related activities such as trading them for fiat currencies. Others have created regulatory
Final Thoughts
There are a lot of people who are looking for a secure crypto exchange but are scared about their security. They worry their crypto will be stolen or hacked.
The best way to secure your crypto is to keep your private keys in a safe place where only you can access them. You should also make sure that you have a backup of your wallet. If someone hacks into your computer, they won’t be able to get at your coins unless they find the private key.
There is no such thing as a 100% safe investment, but investing in a good cryptocurrency is one of the safest ways to support it because it goes up and down with the market.
Cryptocurrencies are not just used for speculation anymore; there are many real-world applications for them too! For example, Bitcoin used in real estate transactions, remittances, and international money transfers!
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godreamnft · 1 year
The Ultimate Crypto Wallet List: Top 5 in 2023
The purpose of a crypto wallet is to provide a secure place to store your cryptocurrencies and to allow you to spend them. There are a number of different types of cryptocurrency wallets, and each one is designed for a different type of user.
Here are the five cryptocurrency wallets likely to be the most popular in 2023: Ledger Nano S plus, Trezor Model T Wallet, Coinbase wallet, Crypto Defi Wallet, and Exodus Crypto Wallet.
How do you use a crypto wallet?
To utilize a cryptocurrency wallet, you must first create an account. This is accomplished by entering your name, email address, and password. You will then be handed a one-of-a-kind key to unlock your wallet. After you have made an account, you must enter your wallet address.
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This is a one-of-a-kind string of characters that corresponds to the email address you used to set up your account. Your wallet address may be found on the same page where you established your account.
Why are crypto wallets important?
Crypto wallets are vital for both individuals and firms wishing to use cryptocurrency. A digital platform that allows users to store, transmit, and receive cryptocurrency is known as a crypto wallet. It usually includes a graphical user interface for managing transactions and storing keys. Crypto wallets are useful because they allow users to keep their cryptocurrency offline. This is significant because it enables users to protect their cryptocurrency from hackers. Furthermore, crypto wallets enable users to transfer and receive cryptocurrency without relying on a third party. Crypto wallets are also beneficial to companies since they enable them to accept cryptocurrency as payment.
Different Types of Crypto Wallets
There are many different types of crypto wallets, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before using a crypto wallet, it's important to understand the different types and choose the one that's right for you.
There are a few types of crypto wallets that are available on the market.
Cold Crypto Wallet
Wallet stored in an offline computer, such as a USB drive or hard drive. Cold wallets are the most secure type of crypto wallets because they are not connected to the internet and cannot be hacked.
Hardware wallets: Hardware wallets are physical devices that store your private keys offline and allow you to make transactions without having to connect to the internet. Hardware wallets are generally considered the safest way to store cryptocurrencies because they're not connected to the internet or any third-party servers. You can even use them on multiple devices at once.
Paper wallets: Physical representations of public addresses and private keys. You can print out a paper wallet for Bitcoin or Ethereum and store it in a safe place. This way, you will have an advantage when it comes to cyberattacks as people don't know about your wallet details unless someone steals it from you or hacks into it via malware infection (which is highly unlikely)
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Hot Crypto Wallet
The wallet is stored online, such as in a web browser or on an exchange’s website. Hot wallets are not as secure as cold wallets because they can be hacked
Mobile wallets: The most popular and easiest to use. They are convenient because you can access them on any mobile device and easily import your existing crypto assets. Mobile wallets often have good security features such as 2FA (two-factor authentication) and PIN codes.
Web Wallets: Online applications that store your private keys online, but they do not hold any cryptocurrency themselves. They send and receive cryptocurrency from a digital wallet address created by the application when you use it. This type of wallet allows you to access your funds from anywhere in the world using an internet connection, as long as you have an active internet connection
Desktop Wallets: Desktop wallets are similar to web wallets in that they allow users to manage their digital assets using a web interface. However, desktop wallets are more secure than web wallets because there is no reliance on an internet connection for transactions between the client application and server
If you are looking for a digital wallet that can store different types of cryptocurrencies, you might want to consider a cold wallet. A cold wallet is a wallet that does not require a connection to the internet. This is great for securely storing your cryptocurrencies offline.
However, not all digital wallets are created equal. Some are more secure than others. For example, a hot wallet is a digital wallet that is connected to the internet. This is because hot wallets are typically used to store cryptocurrencies that are being traded on exchanges.
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godreamnft · 2 years
Crypto crash In 2023, here's how to protect yourself.
The latest crypto crash has resulted in large price drops for various crypto coins: Bitcoin, Ethereum, FTX, and LUNA have all plunged dramatically. What is going on? There are several reasons for the surprise price drop. To begin with, there is a lot of regulatory uncertainty around cryptocurrencies. As a result of the uncertainty, investors are leaving their cryptocurrencies. Second, there is a lot of bad information flowing around the internet about cryptocurrencies. As a result of this unfortunate news, the long-term viability of these digital assets is being called into doubt. So, what should you do now? First and foremost, do not panic! This price cut is just temporary. So, without further ado, let's get started on learning how to defend oneself.
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What is a Crypto Crash?
A crypto crash is a sharp drop in the value of cryptocurrencies, typically triggered by a fear of a wider financial market crash. This fear can be caused by a number of factors, including news stories about financial regulator's crackdowns on cryptocurrency trading
Why is Crypto Crashing?
Cryptocurrencies are crashing for a variety of reasons. The most popular cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum, are down about 30% from their all-time highs. Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and EOS are all down about 50%. The causes of these crashes are many and varied, but they all have one common denominator: fears about the future of cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin and Ethereum were both created as digital currencies. They are not physical objects like dollars or euros. This means that they are not subject to the same laws and regulations that govern traditional currencies. This has given cryptocurrencies a lot of freedom, but it also means that they are not that stable.
Regulation of Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009.
The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies has led to a variety of legal challenges. For example, some countries have sought to regulate cryptocurrencies as money, while others have considered them commodities. In January 2018, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced plans to regulate the cryptocurrency market. The SEC has also brought enforcement actions against individuals and companies for fraud and other violations
At present, there is no single regulation regime that applies to cryptocurrencies. This is in contrast to traditional financial products, where a well-defined set of regulations applies to them. In fact, there is no single regulatory regime that applies to cryptocurrencies either: different jurisdictions have adopted a variety of different regulations
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Crypto Crash Influencers
Cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more popular, but some people are concerned about the potential for volatility. Some people believe that the volatility of cryptocurrencies will cause them to lose money.
Some cryptocurrency influencers believe that volatility is a good thing. For example, John McAfee believes that volatility is a sign that cryptocurrency is growing. John McAfee believes that volatility is a sign of a healthy market.
Some people believe that the volatility of cryptocurrencies will cause investors to lose money. For example, Warren Buffet has said that he doesn’t understand cryptocurrency and that he doesn’t believe that it is a good investment
There are a number of regulatory bodies around the world that are still working to understand and define cryptocurrencies. This has created a lot of uncertainty in the market and has caused investors to pull their money out of cryptocurrencies.
Many experts believe that the regulatory environment will eventually become more favorable and that the value of cryptocurrencies will rebound. However, until that time happens, the market will continue to decline.
What to Do About a Crypto Crash
Cryptocurrencies have seen a meteoric rise in value in recent years, with some coins seeing a 500% increase in value in just a few months. However, this meteoric rise has not been without its share of bumps in the road. In recent weeks, cryptocurrencies have been hit hard by a global crypto crash, with many coins seeing their values plummet by as much as 80%.
Always take profits
Always take profits. This is a general rule of thumb for any person who trades in the stock market.
It’s not enough to just buy and hold stocks or cryptocurrencies, it’s important to know when to sell as well. If you are looking to make a quick buck off of an investment, you will need to be prepared to get out at the right time.
Always use stop-losses
Cryptocurrency is a volatile market with high price swings. This makes it hard for traders to judge when to buy and sell. This can be dangerous for inexperienced traders, who may not know when to cut their losses and sell at the right time.
A stop-loss order is an order to sell or buy a security at a specified price if it reaches a certain point in time, thus limiting your loss on an investment. It may also be referred to as a "stop order" or "stop-loss limit".
The purpose of this is that you don't have to monitor the markets all day long in fear of missing out on opportunities and you can sleep better knowing that your losses will be limited if the market moves against you.
Understand why the market is Crashing
In a market as volatile as cryptocurrency, it may be impossible to predict when a slump would occur. The value might fall much more, resulting in even larger investment losses. It is critical for an investor to understand how assets behave and their historical performance.
Consider the Big Picture
Do not be seduced by the crash into selling. A long-term perspective ensures that you have a sound investment strategy, preventing you from making decisions that you may later regret.
Diversify Your Investment Portfolio
Every person's investment portfolio is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. One of the best ways to diversify your portfolio is to invest in a variety of different asset classes.
Some asset classes that are good for diversification include stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. When you invest in these different asset classes, you are taking on a more diverse set of risks and are therefore more likely to make money over time.
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When you invest in a diverse range of asset classes, you are also more likely to have a higher return on your investment. By investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities, you are spreading your risk and are likely to earn a higher return on your investment.
My Final Take on Crypto Crash?
When it comes to cryptocurrency investment, it’s important to diversify your portfolio. That means investing in a variety of cryptocurrencies and tokens. Here are some tips for diversifying your crypto portfolio:
Invest in a variety of cryptocurrencies and tokens.
Diversify your holdings across a variety of exchanges and markets.
Avoid investing all of your money in one cryptocurrency or token.
Consider using a cryptocurrency diversifier tool, such as CoinMarketCap, to help you track and analyze your holdings.
Stick to a long-term investment strategy when investing in cryptocurrencies and tokens.
By following these tips, you can help diversify your crypto investment portfolio and potentially increase your portfolio’s returns.
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godreamnft · 2 years
Cryptocurrency Trading: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners.
Cryptocurrency Trading has become the latest trend in the world of finance. With Bitcoin skyrocketing to $20,000 in 2017 and other cryptocurrencies following suit, it is difficult not to get excited about this new phenomenon.
However, trading in cryptocurrencies is not a walk in the park. You need to know what you are getting into before you start investing your hard-earned money. This guide will provide you with all the information that you need to know about Cryptocurrency Trading so that you can make an informed decision before investing your money in this volatile market.
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What is cryptocurrency trading?
Cryptocurrency trading is the buying and selling of digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Cryptocurrency trading is similar to traditional stock trading in that it involves buying and selling securities on an exchange. However, the difference between stock and cryptocurrency trading is that the latter does not involve fiat currency. Instead, it involves cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. You can also trade other cryptocurrencies such as Dash or Litecoin against Bitcoin if you wish to diversify your portfolio.
How do cryptocurrencies work?
Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that is created and stored electronically. They are created by the process called mining, which involves solving complex mathematical puzzles.
There are many reasons for the growth in cryptocurrency popularity. Firstly, it is free from government censorship and manipulation, so it can be used as a hedge against inflation or economic downturns. Secondly, you can use cryptocurrency to buy goods and services online without paying any additional transaction fees or commissions.
Thirdly, cryptocurrencies have low transaction costs associated with them; this allows for micro-transactions which would not be possible with other forms of payment such as credit cards. Finally, there is no need to provide sensitive personal information when using cryptocurrencies; this provides anonymity when making transactions online.
What are the benefits of cryptocurrency trading?
The benefits of cryptocurrency trading are many. Firstly, it is not regulated by a central authority. This means that there are no limits on the amount you can withdraw or deposit in your account. Secondly, it offers high liquidity with low transaction fees which makes it easier to trade with more frequency. Thirdly, there are no geographical restrictions which makes cryptocurrency trading accessible to everyone all over the world.
There are also other benefits to trading cryptocurrencies such as increased anonymity and privacy. Cryptocurrency transactions are secure and anonymous, so there is no need for third parties such as banks and credit card companies. With a traditional bank account, you have to provide your name, address, and date of birth when opening an account; with cryptocurrency accounts, this information is unnecessary as they do not track their customers’ movements or profiles (although some exchanges may ask for personal information).
Cryptocurrencies also offer better security than traditional currencies because they do not rely on banks or governments for protection against fraud or loss of funds; instead, they rely on technology such as blockchain technology which acts as an electronic ledger that records every transaction made using cryptocurrencies.
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How to start cryptocurrency trading?
Cryptocurrency trading is a high-risk and high-return investment that can be very profitable. Before you start trading, it is important to understand the basics of cryptocurrency trading and the cryptocurrency market.
What are the risks of cryptocurrency trading?
Cryptocurrency trading is a high-risk activity. It can be very profitable and most people who trade cryptocurrencies make a lot of money, but it’s not for the faint of heart.
Cryptocurrency trading can be confusing because there are so many different kinds of exchange, different types of cryptocurrencies, and lots of different ways to buy and sell them.
Before you start trading cryptocurrency, you need to understand how it works. Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that use cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of additional units. They’re decentralized, meaning they don’t belong to any government or company
The risks of cryptocurrency trading are not as high as trading in the stock market. However, there are still some risks that can impact your trading results.
Exchanges and Trading Platforms.
The biggest risk for cryptocurrency traders is the exchange or platform they use. There is no central authority that regulates these platforms, so there are no guarantees that they will be able to pay you back if anything goes wrong.
Crypto Exchanges have been hacked before and many times people have lost their funds. Some of the largest exchanges have been hacked several times and lost millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies in the process. It is important to remember that this happens every day and even if it doesn’t happen to you today, it could happen tomorrow!
Social Engineering Attacks (Social Engineering).
Social engineering attacks are when someone tries to trick you into giving away your private information by pretending to be someone else or using social engineering tactics like phishing emails or texts. The best way to prevent this kind of attack is by being aware of scams and if someone contacts you asking for your private information without proof, don’t provide it!
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Tips for successful trading?
Cryptocurrency trading is a complex and risky investment. There are many things that can go wrong and you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.
Some of the tips for successful cryptocurrency trading are:
– Never invest more than you can afford to lose
– Do not trade with money you need in the near future
– Set clear goals and make sure they are realistic
– Make sure to buy cryptocurrencies from exchanges that have high-security standards
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godreamnft · 2 years
Ethereum Ultimate Guide and its Relation to NFT 2023.
The purpose of this guide is to provide a definitive resource for anyone who wants to understand what is Ethereum, how they work, and its relationship with NFT. We will aim to provide some background information on them as well as discuss some of the key issues relating to NFTs. This article will provide an overview of what Ethereum is, why it matters in the NFT space, and whether you need to be a part of it.
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What is Ethereum?
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third-party interference. People use Ethereum to create new businesses, applications, and contracts. It has already inspired many new startups and developers to create their own projects based on its platform. One of the most interesting aspects of Ethereum is that it uses a new type of digital asset, called NFTs.
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What is NFT?
What is a “non-fungible token”? A non-fungible token is a token that is not related to any other token in a blockchain network. This is because a token is a type of asset and not a type of currency. Unique NFTs cannot be duplicated. They are also not subject to predefined supply or demand.
Difference Between Ethereum And NFT.
There are several differences between the price of Ethereum and NFT. In the blockchain, ownership is based on supply and demand. In the NFT market, however, the demand is high and there is a high scarcity of the tokens. Despite this, there is still a demand for digital tokens from collectors, gamers, and investors.
The main difference between these two types of coins is that Ethereum’s a global public utility, while NFTs are a decentralized asset. Any exchange that accepts Bitcoin can trade the latter The difference between the two currencies is the way that the two systems work. Ethereum users are not locked to any particular platform
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Ethereum and NFT Ownership
In contrast, creators create NFTs. They will earn royalties from the sale of their NFTs. However, the current system is not efficient and accurate. Creators do not get paid for resale; they are paid for the work they do in creating the NFT. This is because NFTs are similar to Ethereum’s, but they solve different problems. The NFTs are similar, but they are different. Ethereum has a more secure platform, but the NFTs are similar in the fact that they have a lower price.
Another difference between NFT and ETH is their ability to prove ownership. The NFT is very easy to prove, whereas the ETHs cannot be. An NFT is a digital file with a private key. An owner can prove ownership by signing a message to purchase or sell anything. The owner can also earn royalties by reselling their asset on any market that supports the NFT.
As a cryptocurrency, an NFT can validate a piece of digital artwork. The NFT is a digital form of proof of ownership in the real world, and this is the same with a digital collectible. The NFT can store data such as images and movies. They verify ownership as well as authenticate artworks.
NFT and Ethereum Popularity
The NFT market is booming. Many digital artists and celebrities have started to use NFTs for their art. The popularity of NFTs has exploded, and NFTs have been used by many celebrities. As an added benefit, they are more reliable than traditional currency. In addition to being a form of currency, they can be a representation of unique assets. Among the advantages of NFTs are that they can store and transfer assets
The NFT marketplaces are notorious for their high degree of security. This is because of the fact that they use proprietary software that runs outside of the crypto blockchain. This means that thieves have become increasingly successful at stealing NFTs. A common scam involves gaining access to the market and relisting prized NFTs at ridiculously low prices. Once the prized NFTs are relisted, the thieves will be able to trade them for full value.
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Minting NFT! What is minting?
Minting NFTs is a process of creating and issuing digital tokens that represent assets or services. A key step in the issuing and trading of NFTs. On a blockchain platform, minting entails creating new tokens, issuing them, and verifying the identity of the issuing parties. Minting is essential to ensure that the NFTs are a reliable and stable means of representing assets.
An NFT can be stolen before it has been released, or it can be resold as an NFT. It is important to note that both of these types of digital tokens have different uses. Some are more useful than others. Make sure you have the appropriate permissions to use a non-fungible token.
The ETH and NFT communities are rich with potential. They both have the potential to form the foundation for a new type of digital currency and to help users automate their lives. They also have the potential to work together to create amazing things.
Here are some of the few differences that we compiled for you:
Ethereum does not support NFTs.
Ethereum does not store or use NFTs.
Use NFTs to pay for services.
NFT offers a way to trade Ethereum doesn’t.
Ethereum does not offer a way to purchase NFTs.
NFTs offer a way to pay for goods or services.
Ethereum does not offer a way to use NFTs to pay for debts.
Ethereum does not offer a way to use NFTs to store value.
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godreamnft · 2 years
Crypto Exchange 2023: How to Trade Best Cryptocurrency
Is this your first time hearing about cryptocurrency? I know it was for me. But guess what in 1983 David Chaum took privacy policies too seriously that he created an anonymous payment system “DigiCash” for the digital age. This was before the Internet was made for public use, fast forward 39 years and the world has crypto, so let’s dive into what you need to know.
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What is Cryptocurrency?
In simple terms, cryptocurrency is a digital currency. It is not controlled by a specific organization or government, unlike the traditional currencies, we are used to. It is decentralized and works on the basis of cryptography. Cryptocurrency works through a technology known as the blockchain.
The most popular cryptocurrency exchange in the world is Bitcoin. Bitcoin was launched in 2009 and since then, it has been quite successful in the market. Bitcoin prices have risen significantly over the years and today, it has become one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world
In the simplest terms, cryptocurrency is money that only exists digitally or virtually. It’s like an online version of cash
How Does Crypto Work?
Cryptocurrency works exactly like any other form of currency. It can be used for transactions, and can also be traded.
Cryptocurrency trading is similar to Forex trading in that they both involve exchanging one currency for another. For example, you can exchange Bitcoin for Ethereum or Litecoin. Cryptocurrencies are often exchanged against fiat currencies (USD, GBP, EUR) but can also be exchanged against other cryptocurrencies.
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Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and prices often fluctuate by 10-20% in a matter of minutes. This volatility makes cryptocurrency markets a prime target for day traders who seek to make money online through short-term trades on price fluctuations.
What Should You Look at When Choosing a Cryptocurrency Exchange?
The first thing that you should consider when choosing an exchange is how simple the registration and verification procedures are. If you need to jump through a lot of hoops just to get your account verified, it might be worth looking elsewhere. The cryptocurrency exchange that you go with should make it easy for you to start trading as soon as possible.
The second thing that you definitely want to look at is the number of cryptocurrencies that the exchange supports. If you want access to a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, then it makes sense for you to use an exchange that supports them all. This will allow you to diversify without having to open multiple accounts on different platforms.
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The third consideration is whether or not the platform has an app or not. Cryptocurrencies are volatile and if you don’t have access to your account at a moment’s notice, then this could cause some serious problems for your trading strategy.
Crypto Exchange Fees
Crypto Exchange Fees refer to the cost of buying and selling cryptocurrencies. The fees can vary depending on the exchange, we’re going to take a look at the different types of fees you can expect to encounter when using a crypto trading platform.
Deposit Fees
These are the fees charged for depositing funds into your account. These vary from exchange to exchange and usually depend on the type of deposit method you choose and the volume of deposits made.
Withdrawal Fees
Like deposit fees, withdrawal fees also vary depending on the exchange and payment method. If you’re planning on making frequent withdrawals, it is important to keep an eye out for low withdrawal fees and other benefits like cashback that may offset these costs.
Trading Fees
Most cryptocurrency exchanges charge a trading fee, which is calculated as a percentage of each transaction amount. For example, if you buy $100 worth of Bitcoin with an exchange that charges a 0.1% trading fee, you will pay $0.10 in fees.
How to Buy Crypto to Trade
The leading cryptocurrency exchanges of the world are Coinbase, Bittrex, Kraken, and Poloniex. These exchanges allow you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies like Etherium and others.
In order to trade on any of these exchanges, you will first need to open an account with them. It is easy to set up an account on any of these exchanges. The process is similar to opening a bank account. You will first have to register your name, email address, mobile phone number, country, and other details. Then you will have to upload some identity documents in order to verify your identity before you can proceed with trading.
Once you have an account on any of these exchanges and have verified your identity, you can start buying and trading cryptocurrencies supported by the exchange. A common trading strategy is to buy and hold – traders will buy a cryptocurrency asset and hold it for a period of time before selling it at a profit.
How Much Should You Invest in Crypto?
The amount that you should invest in crypto depends on how much risk capital are you willing to lose without affecting your personal finances or life. This amount may vary from person to person.
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The general rule of thumb is that one should not invest more than 10% of their total investment capital into crypto trading. If you want lower risk then that percentage could be even lower than 10%.
Pros and Cons of Investing in Cryptocurrencies
Investing in cryptocurrencies is always risky, but the rate of cryptos’ growth is phenomenal. If you think it will continue to grow, you should try trading cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrency trading consists of buying and selling digital coins. You can buy them on exchanges and then store them in your Crypto wallet.
Try using more than one exchange to trade. To choose the best exchange for you, pay attention to the following features:
Trading volume – As more people trade on an exchange, its fees are going to be lower and transactions will be faster
Fees – all exchanges charge transaction fees. The fee is usually a percentage of the total amount you want to sell or buy
Payment methods – some exchanges accept only bank transfers or credit card payments while others offer PayPal or other types of online payments
User interface – if you’re a newbie, you might not want a complicated interface
Security – check how secure is an exchange before you start trading on it
Country availability – some exchanges don’t allow users from certain countries to register accounts on their platforms
Conclusion: Cryptocurrency trading steps
The first step is to define your investment goals and learn the rules of trading. You should decide whether you want to get some extra money or build a career as a professional trader. Next, find out the trading risks that may affect your crypto exchange.
Then, choose a cryptocurrency exchange and register on it. After creating an account, you must verify it and make a deposit on the platform. Now, you can start trading crypto coins.
The next step is to research tools and strategies for crypto trading. It is advisable to develop your unique methods so that they fit your financial goals and style of trading.
Finally, analyze your performance regularly to improve your skills and increase profits from a cryptocurrency exchange.
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godreamnft · 2 years
Top 5 Best Proven, Analyzed NFT Marketplace 2022.
The NFT Marketplace is a platform where users exchange virtual assets using cryptocurrencies, as well as exchange virtual assets utilizing a peer-to-peer network. The marketplace will be available to users worldwide and will be online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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There are several NFT marketplaces accessible today, and this list will only expand in 2022. Here are the five best NFT marketplaces in 2022:
Crypto- Overall Best NFT Marketplace
There are many NFT marketplaces in the world, but only one is the best. That’s right, I said it. And it’s true. I know you might be skeptical, but the Crypto marketplace is the best choice for your NFT needs. The Crypto platform has a slick, flawless design – an easy-to-use interface that makes it easy to buy and sell NFTs.
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You may also use your Crypto account to make purchases on other websites like eBay or Amazon! Crypto Platform is designed for mobile, so you can conduct all your shopping on your phone or tablet! Trustworthy reputation – Crypto Marketplace has earned a strong reputation among its users as one of the world’s leading NFT exchanges. Fast transactions – If you want to buy or sell an asset on Crypto
Binance- Low fee NFT Trading Platform
Binance key strengths are; low fees, high security, and fast transactions. However, it is not just an exchange, but also a platform for trading Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) based on Ethereum’s blockchain. Binance provides a wide range of NFTs for trade; virtual pets and assets, digital art, and licensed items like CryptoKitties, CryptoCelebrities, and CryptoHorse Racing Club.
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Binance NFT Marketplace brings together artists, creators, and crypto enthusiasts on a single platform to create and trade top NFTs
This makes it a great option for investors who want to get involved in the NFT market, but don’t want to spend a lot of time learning how to trade.
OpenSea- Top NFT Marketplace with a Diverse Asset Portfolio
OpenSea is a top NFT marketplace with a huge asset selection that makes it easy to find the NFTs you’re looking for. It offers a large range of games, collectibles, and even real-world assets. Kevin Doering founded the platform in 2018. He has been working in the blockchain industry since 2014.
The platform makes it easier for people to buy, sell and collect NFTs without third parties or complex systems.
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As the platform grows, so does its user base. With more users comes more activity on OpenSea which means there are more opportunities for you to make money.
OpenSea is a great place for new collectors to start their journey. If you have never owned an NFT before, you will want to begin your search for your first one.
Cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and many others are available through ShapeShift integration into OpenSea’s marketplace system.
Nifty Gateway- Best NFT Platform for Rare Drops
Nifty is the only platform that allows users to view and experience the entire ecosystem of NFTs. Designed to be a one-stop shop for all types of digital assets in the blockchain space. It is a secure, transparent, and efficient marketplace that facilitates faster transactions between users and sellers. The platform uses smart contracts to facilitate buying, and selling, with zero transaction fees for both buyers and sellers.
The Nifty Gateway platform offers various features including:
Scalability-Our team has years of experience building scalable products and we have planned out the architecture of our platform so that it can handle millions of transactions per day.
Security- Our platform has been built with security as a top priority. We utilize the latest technology such as 2FA, encryption, and database encryption to ensure that all users can trade safely on our platform.
Fast Payments: We use a proprietary payment system that allows us to process payments quickly, even if there are millions of transactions happening at one time!
Selling – Users can sell their digital assets directly through the Nifty Gateway platform by setting up an auction or adding a fixed price for their item(s). This will also help
Listing – Users can list their digital assets on the Nifty Gateway platform which will allow others to view them when searching for items they want to buy or sell on the network. The listing process takes less than 5 minutes depending on how many details you would like to add about your item(s).
GameStop- Upcoming NFT Platform for Blockchain Gaming
GameStop is a leading retailer of video games, gaming consoles, and accessories. They have been around for over 30 years and its mission is to provide the best gaming experience to customers.
GameStop has announced that they will soon launch their own NFT marketplace called GameStop NFT Market.
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GameStop NFT Market will be a fully-featured virtual goods marketplace where gamers can buy and sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs) from popular games like CryptoKitties, Gods Unchained, and more. Enjin Coin will be the first game publisher to make its game assets available on this new marketplace.
The platform will enable users to list items for sale in a single click, and allow users to see detailed information about each item such as its rarity level, which can help them decide if they want to make an offer on it or not.
Users will be able to purchase items using major cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, or ENJ tokens, or fiat currencies like USD through PayPal or credit cards
Final Thoughts
In the coming years, it’s possible that NFTs will become ubiquitous in everyday life. Going to the movies, buying a gift for a friend, or even going out to eat at a local restaurant—you’ll likely have the option of paying with an NFT of some sort or another.
It might not be bitcoin or Ethereum, but an NFT could very well be their gaming mat or their food card. There are thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs on open NFT markets right now, and if you’re one of them, this is your greatest hope for success.
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godreamnft · 2 years
Crypto Wallet? How To Setup; Reliable, Simple Guidelines
Crypto wallet?! but first, what is Cryptocurrency? They are a hot topic, it’s easy to see why: they’re decentralized, and can be used for almost anything. They have a lot of value as a payment method, and the price of each cryptocurrency goes up and down based on supply and demand.
What is a Crypto Wallet?
A crypto wallet allows you to store your private keys in a secure place, the private keys act as the signature that proves ownership of your coins, in fact, your public key acts as your address.
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It allows others to send you funds but if you lose your key then you lose access to your wallet. This is why it’s so important to keep it safe and secure!
How do I create a crypto wallet?
There are several sorts of wallets available in this case, so it’s critical that you select the best one for you, Pointing out that Some wallets accept payments with or without the blockchain. Altogether, there are wallets that connect to the internet directly while others function on your PC or mobile phone offline.
A web-based wallet (hot wallet) is susceptible to hacking attempts. For security and convenience, in this case, cold storage wallets (offline wallets) are the only way to go.
Go to the website of your chosen digital currency and click “Buy” or “Sell”.
You choose how much money you want to invest in cryptocurrency
After choosing the amount of money you want to invest, click the “Continue” button next to it.
Fill out the correct details this is where your cryptocurrency transactions will come from.
Click on the “Register” button at the bottom of the page for a complete set-up
Types of Crypto Wallets
There are lots of different types of crypto wallets available on the market today: hardware and software wallets; exchange-issued wallets; and paper wallets ( Only recommended for long-term storage).
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Here are some of the most popular types of crypto wallets:
Desktop Wallet: Accessible only by someone who has physical access 24/7 and can be downloaded in advance plus they offer more privacy because no one can see and still track what you do with them. All in all the disadvantage is they are prone to Cybercrime.
Mobile Wallet: This allows you to securely send and receive cryptocurrencies from anywhere at any time with this in mind they’re great for people who want to keep track of their assets while on the go.
Hardware Wallets: Hardware wallets are physical devices that store your private keys offline on a microSD card or USB stick. Holding large amounts of cryptocurrency without fear of getting hacked can be achieved by using cold storage
Risks and Benefits of Having a Crypto Wallet
Here are the main ways cryptocurrencies can harm you:
Lost or stolen cryptocurrency.
Hackers can steal your private keys, thereby causing you to lose your cryptocurrencies. This is why ensuring your account is secure and only accessed from trusted devices is crucial.
You can access password-protected wallets from any computer with an Internet connection. This means that if you lose your password to regain access to your wallet without help from an expert is quite a task.
Fraudulent ICOs (initial coin offerings).
It’s fraud when a corporation makes an uncontrolled offering of tokens or coins for sale, Recently, many fraud ICOs have been launched even with celebrity endorsements again be careful about which projects you invest in as not all are legitimate.
Besides, the advantage of creating a crypto wallet is you get access at any time anywhere. Since money transfers have become simple without the need to go via banking institutions saving us both time and money.
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A secure, reliable, and easy-to-use crypto wallet is the only way you can enjoy all the benefits of cryptocurrency easily. Installing a crypto wallet on your computer or mobile device is easy
They’re many types of crypto wallets, above all the two main ones to choose from are hardware and software. Hardware wallets are physical devices that securely store your digital assets. You can download software wallets onto your computer or mobile device and keep them in an app.
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godreamnft · 2 years
NFTs and Their Relation to Crypto Market.
In this article, I will talk about non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and why they are good for the crypto market. NFTs are a type of digital asset that is not interchangeable with other tokens because each token has a unique ID and some characteristics that make it different from other tokens. NFTs can represent physical objects, virtual objects, or intangible concepts like ownership of land in a game or access to an event.
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The idea behind NFTs is that each token is unique and can’t be replaced by another token. They are perfect for use cases where uniqueness matters such as art auctions, online games, and crypto collectibles. If a token is not fungible, it means that it’s unique and has properties distinguishing it from other tokens. For example, if you were buying a painting at auction, you would have to pay the same amount of money no matter what the painting looked like.
What is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT)?
NFTs are a digital representation of a unique item that you own. Because it is intended to be used for the purchase of digital goods and collectibles, it differs from other cryptocurrencies. NFTs are not fungible tokens because they each represent something unique, with their own history, or story. Copyright law, trademark law, or both can protect NFTs. They have the potential to revolutionize the way we think about ownership and intellectual property rights. The idea for non-fungible tokens came about when Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, asked Stuart Haber from MIT if the digital collectibles market was too big for any one company to manage.
Decentralized tokens are used to retain and represent digital assets. Recently, more investors have been investing in companies that make trading platforms for these tokens like CryptoKitties.
What are the Benefits of NFTs?
NFTs have a variety of benefits that make them an attractive investment to many people. Hence they are an emerging asset class that is not only accessible to the wealthy and institutional investors, but also to retail investors. NFTs have a variety of benefits that make them an attractive investment to many people.
These include liquidity, transparency, efficiency gains, and the ability for holders to easily trade their tokens in the secondary market. The term ‘non-fungible’ refers to unique tokens that can’t be replaced with any other token. This means when you buy one token, you own it forever and nobody can take it from you or give it back to you.
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NFTs have a variety of benefits that make them an attractive investment to many people. These include liquidity, transparency, efficiency gains, and the ability for holders to easily trade their tokens in the secondary market. NFTs are not tied to other assets like gold or stocks and thus their true value cannot be manipulated by external factors like inflation or interest rates, Both utility and security tokens are anticipated to be part of the crypto-token future. Utility tokens are economical in nature and their value derives from the demand for them. Security tokens offer some form of asset or another type of guarantee, such as dividend payments that come from the profits of a company
The Rise of Non-Fungible Tokens and Why They are Blowing Up
Non-fungible tokens are one of the newest developments in the blockchain space. They represent a digital asset that is unique and has a specific value. Users can use these tokens to represent different things. Each token has its own property and is difficult to replace with another. NFTs are also a subset of ERC-20 tokens. ERC-20 is a technical standard for smart contracts that allows for the creation of Ethereum (ERC) compatible tokens The initial token produced in accordance with this standard is a non-fungible token.
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It spurred a worldwide craze in collecting these digital assets. Non-fungible tokens are the most popular in use in the gaming industry. Players can’t alter other players’ collections. Since the games are distributed in an open and transparent format, no one owns the game data. NFTs have been used for a range of purposes, but many are digital and found in video games.
How to Create Your Own NFT?
There are a lot of ways you can create your own NFT, but it is important to know that each method has its pros and cons.
One of the most common methods is by using Ethereum smart contracts. As long as the platform accepts ERC-721 tokens, you may use this to produce an NFT token that can be used on just about any platform. The downside is that this requires some knowledge of Ethereum programming and how smart contracts work. Another option is using OpenSea’s marketplace which allows you to create a custom token in less than five minutes with no coding required. The downside is that they take a commission fee, which ranges from 10-30% depending on the project and if you have any special features.
How Can You Trade NFTs?
NFTs only traded in decentralized markets. Nearly all major blockchain platforms allow for the exchange of NFTs, like Ethereum and EOS. What is a decentralized application? DApps collect data on the blockchain in a decentralized way. In contrast, a decentralized application has no single point of failure. Most users publish their own apps and receive donations in cryptocurrencies to fund the ongoing development of the app.
How to use NFTs in the Crypto market?
NFTs represent ownership of digital goods, rights, or access to specific features on a Blockchain network. For example, a token such as BAT or TRX is used to “buy” the right to access content on a Blockchain platform. How will it work? The NFT marketplace will be accessible via an interface on the company’s website and by using Blockfolio, which is available for iOS and Android devices. What is the difference between Cryptocurrency and a token? A cryptocurrency (such as Bitcoin) uses cryptography to secure its transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.
A token is an economic mechanism that represents a particular share of an ecosystem. It can be a share of the ownership in a publicly-traded company or as a unit of account to trade or transfer value. Numerous articles have outlined the basic features of blockchain, with potential applications ranging from land registration to international commerce regulation.
What are the Advantages of NFTs?
A brand-new type of digital asset traded on the Blockchain are non-fungible token. They are scarce, divisible, and fungible. NFTs can be divided into fractions. That means they are divisible. They also have the same value, no matter what the look or name is.
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How the technology works in order to make it possible for users to trade digital assets, developers needed a way of turning digital assets into physical ones and vice versa. The process is known as Tokenization, in which an asset outside the blockchain is represented as tokens on the blockchain.
What are the risks and challenges of using NFTs in the crypto market?
The lack of regulation of NFTs is one of the main problems with employing them. This means that it is hard for people to trust and invest in them. Another challenge of using NFTs in the crypto market is that they are not as easy to use as other cryptocurrencies. They are not as user-friendly as they may be and users often struggle to grasp how to use them. The risks associated with using NFTs in the crypto market include lack of liquidity, high volatility, and lack of security. NFTs in the crypto market include CryptoCard, CryptoKitties, and Coindroids.
What are the future prospects of NFTs in the crypto market?
NFTs are gaining a lot of traction in the crypto world. They are a way to solve problems that exist in the current crypto market. NFTs solve many problems that exist in the current crypto world. Chris Kline coined the term “NFT” and he is currently the Head of Art at http://Earn.com. Rachel Metz first used the term in her article “An App Made New Collectibles.” Many apps and games have already begun to introduce NFT into their business models. This is due to the new and exciting ways achieved with these digital assets. Additionally, it’s a way for traditional companies to experiment with potential new revenue streams without opening the company up to a lot of risks.
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godreamnft · 2 years
Minting NFT? How to mint NFT from Smart Contract.
Smart contracts provide value to your NFT by enabling you to design rules, conditions, and extra benefits for your token holders. The parameters of a smart contract might include a physical good, a service, or anything else you would want to include. Minting NFT is a common practice to introduce fresh digital assets to the market. This is achieved by creating a new digital asset and making it freely available to everybody. Each digital asset has a unique minting procedure.
What Is NFT Minting?
What exactly does NFT minting imply? Minting is the process of transforming a digital file (or complete file “collections”) into a blockchain asset that cannot be modified after it has been generated, and nothing on the blockchain can be removed, updated, or changed.
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To mint a token, all you have to do is create a digital file, upload it to a platform, decide on the terms of the underlying smart contract (where you describe all the features of the NFT that would draw purchasers), and then complete the listing.
Minting an NFT converts the content into a digital asset that can be bought and sold using cryptocurrencies on NFT marketplaces.
How Long Does It Take To Mint An NFT?
Not to mention, it’s as easy as uploading your desired media file, writing any terms for your smart contract, and setting a price. In order to mint an NFT, obtain a crypto wallet and purchase your blockchain’s accepted cryptocurrency for transaction fees.
Before Minting an NFT
Although minting an NFT might be exciting, simply creating an NFT does not guarantee you will generate money. In fact, if you’re not careful, you might lose money.
You can mint just about anything into an NFT if you want. In the same manner, an NFT that also implements the use of smart contracts allows you to write your own terms.
Choose a marketplace to offer up your NFT to your consumers. The marketplace availability is based on the blockchain where you minted your NFT.
Minting NFT for Free
For a long time, minting NFT costs has been a hot topic in the crypto industry. What exactly is the minting NFT charge, and why is it important?
A Minting NFT fee is a cost levied when transferring a Minting NFT between wallets. Therefore, this price is proportional to the quantity of data necessary to create a minting NFT. Hence, the fee is also related to the amount of time it takes to generate the minting NFT.
Minting NFT costs can be free by using an ERC-20 token as a medium. However, if you want to use your own Ethereum address, then you need to pay a minting gas fee in ETH. This fee will be determined by how much time it takes to complete the transaction and how many computational steps are required for that transaction.
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The minting fee is the cost of creating a new token.
Some of the most likely fees charged when minting NFTs include:
Gas fees: On the contrary, most blockchains require at least one transaction on the network.
Account fees: Varies and depends on your choice of NFT marketplace.
Listing fee: While there is some platform that allows creators to mint NFTs for free, listing them for sale on their marketplace would cost you a fee.
Save money and pay the lowest fees possible to discover the optimum time to mint NFT at a substantially lesser cost.
NFT Marketplaces to Mint NFT art
There are many different blockchains you may choose to mint your NFT on. Each blockchain comes with its own pros and cons example Rarible is now providing a new service to create NFTs for free, with their new “lazy minting” feature
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Customers can convert their digital commodities into NFTs in a matter of minutes. In fact, before minting an NFT, users must first create a crypto wallet that is compatible with the Ethereum Blockchain and then choose an NFT marketplace where they wish to mint their NFT.
Minting NFT on OpenSea.
OpenSea allows you to create and sell NFTs across multiple blockchains without paying gas fees. In other words, you may buy NFTs on OpenSea based on any of these chains. One of its key features is the ability to mint, purchase, and trade NFTs. In essence, no coding skills are required to utilize the platform.
Step 1- Connect your Wallet
Set up your wallet of choice. With your wallet, you will be able to send and receive ETH.
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Step 2- Create your Collection
Go to the top right corner of your profile and select My Collection, then press Create to start a new collection. After creating your collection, click Add New Item to mint your first NFT art, then upload your name, and add additional information about your digital item to further describe it.
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Step 3- Mint your First NFT
Click “Add New Item” to mint an NFT under the collection you just established. You’ll be sent to a screen where you may input the name of the NFT and add data like a photo, video, or audio clip. Furthermore, you may also include details such as the year the NFT was developed to assist potential purchasers in filtering NFTs in your collection.
How to Mint on Rarible
First of all, choose which blockchain you’d like to mint your NFT on.
Select whether your NFT will be a single or multiple edition. Therefore, choose “single” to make a one-of-a-kind piece or “multiple” to make a series of the same work.
Upload your file. It can be a PNG, GIF, WEBP, MP4, or MP3. Keep it under 100 MB in size.
Choose a collection for your NFTs. The collection is like a folder for your NFTs—create your own to make it easier for fans to find some of your work.
Often, think about giving your artwork a catchy title and an engaging description so that people can’t help but buy it!
Choose the sale type: fixed price, open auction, or timed auction.
Select the royalties you want to receive from every secondary sale (you receive these fees based on the total sale price each time your NFT sells).
Add unlockable content like secret links, vector files, or other things (that’s optional).
Finally, enable Free Minting to skip gas fees (if you want to).
How to Mint on Polygon
Polygon effectively permits the minting process to take place outside of the Ethereum network but first, you will need to create a wallet. So you can use the Polygon project wallet or any other wallet that supports ERC-721 tokens.
Polygon offers a solution to this problem and enables much cheaper transactions and minting of NFTs to be sold to buyers
1. Select My Collections by clicking the profile icon on your page.
2. Click Create a collection.
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3. Include your collection’s logo, description, banner, social media connections, and account information.
4. Select Polygon blockchain as default.
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5. You may now add a new NFT item to your collection. Upload your file and personalize your NFT information! with the addition of items
There are a few ways to mint NFTs from a smart contract. Mint takes an address as input and returns a new NFT with the same token balance as the input.
Please note that minting NFTs from a smart contract is not guaranteed to work and may result in lost funds. Before minting NFTs, be sure to consult with an expert to ensure your smart contract is safe and will, Minting NFTs is a necessary step in the process of creating a decentralized digital economy.
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godreamnft · 2 years
Coinbase Marketplace: How to Buy NFT on Coinbase.
In an announcement, Coinbase stated that it would establish and run a peer-to-peer NFT marketplace as its entry into the NFT business. Currently, Coinbase NFT is only available to US consumers, but the business has plans to expand the platform internationally. The company also announced that it would create an NFT marketplace, though it gave few specifics about when this would happen. Coinbase released the beta version of “Coinbase NFT” with collections of NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.
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How to buy NFT
Unlike money or stocks, NFTs cannot be freely traded, each NFT token is unique and has a seller-set asking price or a market-determined value, allowing it to represent anything that can be created.
If you’ve come here with little knowledge of what NFTs are or the community surrounding them, that’s okay. If you want to use a marketplace’s simple minting facilities, you’ll only be able to use those formats. The Ethereum blockchain-powered NFT marketplaces are the most well-known (and straightforward to use).
The platform’s signup process appears very simple, and users won’t need to log in using the standard email and password technique. With just your self-custody wallet, you can access the app, which keeps track of every NFT that has been bought, made, and sold.
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1. Download Coinbase Wallet
A self-custody wallet, such as Coinbase Wallet, is required to purchase NFT. Coinbase Wallet is available as a mobile app and browser extension.
2. Choose a Coinbase Wallet username
You must select a username while configuring your wallet. Other Coinbase Wallet users can send you cryptocurrency with ease. The username is optional; however, it is necessary to access the account.
3. Securely store your recovery phrase
You are issued a 12-word recovery phrase when you create a new self-custody wallet. Anyone with access to your crypto knows your recovery phrase because it is key. Keep your recovery phrase a secret from others.
Always keep in mind not to tell anyone your recovery phrase. No one from Coinbase will ever ask you for your recovery phrase. Additionally, Coinbase cannot assist you in accessing your wallet if you forget your recovery phrase.
4. Understand and plan for Ethereum network fees.
Fees vary according to the amount of traffic on the network, the complexity of the transaction, and how quickly you need the transaction to finish. Consider saving some money for fees.
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5. Coinbase Exchange; Buy and transfer ETH
To purchase Ethereum, you must first open a Coinbase account if you don’t already have one. Using the mobile app or the Chrome extension will affect how you send ETH to your Wallet.
6. Use your ETH to buy NFT in the trade tab.
You can buy NFT directly in the Coinbase Wallet app if you have a smartphone, then select the “Trade” option to exchange ETH for any token that adheres to the Ethereum protocol (also known as “ERC-20 tokens”). Select NFT by tapping “choose coin.” Enter how much ETH you want to convert to NFT. Don’t forget to budget for transaction costs. To complete, confirm your purchase and adhere to the on-screen instructions. Tap the “Convert” button if you’re using the Coinbase Wallet plugin, and enter the Coinbase fees you wish to swap for NFT when searching for NFT. Don’t forget to budget for transaction costs. To complete, confirm your purchase and adhere to the on-screen instructions.
By not charging a transaction fee when purchasing NFTs in the early stages of its existence, Coinbase is placing itself in a strong position to acquire a substantial portion of the market share of the Opensea NFT platform. For NFT purchases, the company plans to eventually impose single-digit pricing. Both cryptocurrencies and credit cards can be used to buy NFTs
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godreamnft · 2 years
Practical Metamask NFTs with Secure Ethereum DApps.
Metamask is a powerful Ethereum wallet that enables you to securely store your ether and other ERC20 tokens. Allows you to access and control your ether and tokens from any device. Metamask is a Chrome browser extension that connects to the Ethereum network to perform transactions.
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Store and use Metamask NFT
Metamask is a decentralized application that allows users to create and manage NFTs. NFTs are a new type of digital asset that can be used to represent any kind of value.
A great tool for users who want to explore the possibilities of NFTs. It allows you to easily create and manage your NFTs, store them on the Ethereum blockchain, and exchange them with other users, it also provides users with a secure way to access their NFTs. You can use Metamask to sign transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, so you can be sure that your NFTs are safe.
Protect Your Metamask Network
The Metamask Network is a decentralized network that allows users to manage their own private keys and transactions. Metamask also allows users to interact with the Ethereum network and other decentralized applications that run on the Ethereum blockchain.
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The 12-word seed phrase generated when creating a wallet is the sole way to recover a wallet. Technical support cannot assist customers in regaining access to their passwords or seed phrases since MetaMask is a non-custodial wallet.
How to use Metamask Mobile?
Metamask is a browser extension that allows users to interact with the Ethereum network. It provides a convenient way to manage and access your Ethereum wallets, as well as to interact with decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts.
Metamask is available for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera browsers. You can install it by clicking the “Add to Chrome”.
Once installed, you can launch it by clicking the “Metamask” icon in the upper right corner of the browser.
Metamask token
If you want to receive an ERC-20 token, you first need to create a wallet where you can store the token. There are many different wallets available, so it is up to you to find the best one for you. Once you have your wallet, you can log in to find the token’s address. The easiest way to do this is to go to the token’s website and look for the “info” tab. Here, you will find the address and other important information about the token. Once you have the address, you can send the token to your wallet.
To use Metamask, you first need to create a wallet.
Creating an Ethereum Address on Metamask
Metamask is a browser extension that allows users to interact with decentralized applications (Dapps) and smart contracts. To create an Ethereum address on Metamask, follow these steps:
Open Metamask and click on the “Add Account” button.
Enter your email address and password.
Click on the “Create New Account” button.
On the “Account Details” page, click on the “Eth Address” tab.
On the “Eth Address” page, click on the “Generate New Address”
Securely store your ERC20 Tokens.
An ERC-20 token is a digital asset or utility token that uses the Ethereum blockchain. ERC-20 tokens are unique in that they use the Ethereum blockchain to manage their transactions, rather than a central authority. This allows for greater security and transparency when exchanging and trading ERC-20 tokens.
An ERC-20 token is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which means that it uses smart contracts to manage its transactions and ownership. Smart contracts are simply contracts that are computer codes that can be used to automate a variety of contractual obligations. This makes them a powerful tool for companies and individuals who want to take advantage of the benefits of blockchain technology.
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There are mainly two places you can send your Metamask coin from your centralized exchange (Binance, Coinbase, etc) and a software wallet, also called a hot wallet (Metamask, Trust Wallet, etc).Some of the most popular blockchains. Polygon, Binance Smart Chain.
Research the compatibility of wallets beforehand. Ensure that your wallet does not only support ERC-20 tokens but also lists the specific token you intend to receive
Metamask Airdrop
Metamask is a decentralized platform that allows users to install and use a suite of blockchain-based DApps. The platform also allows users to conduct transactions and manage their identities without needing to attach their personal data to the blockchain.
Currently in the process of conducting airdrops for its users. The airdrops will distribute MET to users who complete simple tasks such as signing up for the platform, creating a new account
Final Thoughts
MetaMask generates passwords and keys on your device, so only you have access to your accounts and data. You always choose what to share and what to keep private. It’s available as an in-browser application for desktop or laptop computers, as well as a smartphone app available on both major app stores. What makes it so popular is its seamless integration with many different major crypto websites, including NFT marketplace OpenSea, and decentralized exchanges
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godreamnft · 2 years
Polygon Network: What Makes It So Powerful
The Polygon NFT Platform will be comprised of a series of interconnected blockchains that allow for cross-chain tokens to be transferred between blockchains securely and at a low cost. In fact, Polygon Network will also have its own native token ($MATIC) which will be used as a form of payment within the network and as a utility token for decentralized applications built on the network.
It is the first well-structured, user-friendly Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development platform. Polygon SDK, a modular, adaptable framework that facilitates constructing and integrating two primary types of solutions, is its essential component:
Secured chains (Layer 2 chains)
The goal of the project is to create a Layer 2 solution that can support many different Layer 2 solutions.
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The first use case is to provide a framework that allows you to connect multiple Layer 2 solutions together with the second use case is to provide a framework that allows companies to build their own Layer 2 solution, thus reducing the burden on Ethereum for security.
There are two ways of thinking about Polygon’s approach:
A user can then make requests to the application via Polygon, which will then propagate these requests through the chain of services until they reach their destination (e.g., another application).
Stand-alone chains (Sidechains)
They exist independently of any other chain, and they are often called sidechains because they are not only independent but also somewhat isolated.
Side chains are created when an enterprise or project wants more independence than Ethereum offers but doesn’t want to lose access to Ethereum if it needs to interact with it in some way.
In theory, stand-alone chains used for almost anything: Decentralized storage and transfer, financial instruments, computer programs (e.g., smart contracts), etc. But in practice, stand-alone chains have mostly been used for decentralized exchanges and decentralized marketplaces where users don’t need access to Ethereum in order to use them (and where they don’t need access to Ethereum because they don’t really care about using Ethereum).
It offers the highest level of independence and flexibility, with the tradeoff of a normally lower level of decentralization and security with their own validator pool
Polygon and Ethereum
The future of Polygon and Ethereum is symbiotic. With the recent Polygon zkEVM breakthrough, developed bleeding edge technology that will process transactions at dramatically reduced costs and increased speeds–necessary to onboard a billion users to the Ethereum Ecosystem
The next chapter for Polygon and Ethereum is to create a decentralized exchange (DEX) on top of Polygon’s blockchain infrastructure. This would allow users to trade any sort of cryptocurrency directly with one another without the need for a third-party mediator.
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This is a critical step towards mass adoption, for it allows anyone in the world with an internet connection to be able to buy or sell cryptocurrencies without having to rely on an intermediary. The decentralized nature of this new ecosystem means there’s no longer any need for middlemen—no more exchanges, no more brokers, and no more banks—allowing people from every country in the world to trade freely.
Polygon Network Details/Architecture
The most remarkable feature of Polygon Network’s architecture is its design. Matic uses Plasma-based sidechains to deliver scalable, safe, and quick transactions. In a nutshell, it enables anybody to construct scale DApps while maintaining Ethereum’s security.
The architecture of Polygon Network is based on the Ethereum blockchain. The main difference is that Polygon Network uses a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, which means it’s not as energy intensive as Proof-of-Work.
In addition, unlike other networks that use proof-of-work, such as Ethereum and EOS, Polygon Network doesn’t have any mining fees. This is because it doesn’t require miners to confirm transactions.
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How do you use the polygon platform?
User deposits crypto assets in the Matic contract on the mainchain (currently implemented with Ethereum blockchain only)
Once deposited tokens are validated on the main chain, then mirrored on the Matic chain.
The user can now transfer tokens to anyone they want instantly with Mickey Mouse fees. Matic chain has faster blocks (approximately 1 second or less).
Once a user can withdraw remaining tokens from the main chain by establishing proof of remaining tokens on the Root contract (contract deployed on the Ethereum chain)
Polygon NFT Platform/ Marketplace
Some cryptocurrencies are not listed on the major cryptocurrency exchanges. That will not be an issue with Polygon. It’s accessible on a number of well-regarded exchanges, including; Coinbase and Binance.
The user experience for people accessing Opensea via Polygon is similar to that of those accessing OpenSea via Ethereum. Users may see their Polygon NFT alongside their Ethereum NFTs on their profile and can also access transaction data by visiting the corresponding Polygonscan websites.
Users can do the following actions:
Perform lazy minting – a process that allows creators to make NFTs without any upfront gas cost
Pay for NFTs with ETH, DAI, or USDC
Buy Polygon NFTs in fixed-price sales
Make and accept offers on Polygon NFTs
Polygon platform in a Nutshell
In comparison to its competitors, the network differentiates itself as a layer-2 solution to be reckoned with. And, while the Polygon NFT platform is still in its early stages, it looks to have the best possibility of effectively scaling Ethereum.
For example, by retaining decentralization while scaling without losing security.
Key things Matic wants to do:
Solve scalability by providing Layer 2 solutions
Application platform for DApp developers on Matic (Like Stripe for DApps/payments)
Provide assets interoperability for DEXs through 0x protocol and other DApps
Better UX/UI for mass adoption while having better security and scalability
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godreamnft · 2 years
The Next Big Thing in Crypto Insurance
There is an increasing demand for cryptocurrency insurance, particularly for events such as theft. However, the most problematic question for insurers is the financing process, which becomes challenging due to a lack of steady regulations in the crypto-insurance industry.
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Most well-known cryptocurrency exchanges have at least some insurance to protect digital assets in their custody from theft and other security issues. Individuals can, however, purchase insurance policies on their own.
What Are Non-Fungible Tokens?
An NFT is a digital asset that symbolizes physical stuff such as art, music, in-game items, and movies. Purchased and traded online, usually using crypto encoded using the same underlying software as many cryptocurrencies. Anything non-fungible -has unique features preventing it from being interchanged with something else.
NFTs are “one-of-a-kind” digital assets, purchased and sold like any other piece of property but have no physical form of their own. People are unsure what to make of this trend and whether they should participate in the hype or ignore it. NFT in-depth
The blockchain defines ownership of an NFT as having no inherent legal meaning and does not inherently grant ownership, property rights, or other legal rights over its associated digital file. An NFT does not prevent the sharing or duplicating of its associated digital file, nor does it prevent the creation of NFTs that reference the same file.
What is Crypto Insurance?
Crypto insurance is a policy that protects investors from losses caused by cryptocurrency scams and cyber attacks. Insurance provides the necessary protection for investors, allowing them to expand their investments with the assurance that they will be compensated in the unlikely event that their property is stolen.
Because cryptocurrencies are not legal tender, banks do not insure them in the same way that traditional deposits are. There is no reason why digital assets are not insured in the same way that other valuable physical assets. However, there is the possibility of cybersecurity breaches in a digital world, but with adequate precautions such as crypto-insurance, one can protect themselves from such incidents. They provide owners with some insurance to protect their digital assets from breaches and theft.
Type Of Crypto Insurance Policies
To reduce your risk as an investor, use an insured cryptocurrency exchange and crypto wallet. The rise of Defi crypto insurance governed by smart contracts automates payouts and eliminates the need for the know-your-customer (KYC) process. The model, however, was chastised for not being as decentralized as it claims.
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Many companies in the cryptocurrency industry are known for making bold claims, particularly about the security of their digital assets. However, an insurance policy can give those claims more weight. Here are some cryptocurrency insurance platforms worth investigating:
Nexus Mutual: Best for Decentralization
Nexus Mutual uses smart contracts to pool funds and distribute insurance claims. In addition, the company provides protection for funds deposited in centralized finance services.
Companies insured by Nexus mutual pay into the fund with NXM tokens {Nexus tokens}
Coin cover Insurance: Best for Crypto Wallets
Coincover’s insurance solutions safeguard cryptocurrency investments, technologies, and businesses against suspicious activity and unauthorized access. Provides an encrypted vault that securely stores private keys and assists in their recovery if misplaced.
It stores its private keys in an offline vault, making internet hacking nearly impossible.
Evertas: Best for Theft & Loss
Evertas insures your cryptocurrency not only against online hacks, technology errors, and omissions but also against the loss of your private keys. Private keys allow you to access your cryptocurrency wallet.
smart contract failures, exchange outages, and hardware malfunctions are examples of technical errors and omissions.
Crypto Wallet Insured?
Cryptocurrency gets stolen despite the fact that several large wallets and exchanges are installed and actively enhanced their security. As a result, in addition to security, those involved in the cryptocurrency industry, such as exchanges, wallets, and crypto traders, should consider investing in cryptocurrency insurance.
By using certain wallets, you will be protected from all types of theft and loss, including brute force attacks, cyberattacks, device theft, and hacking. And if your cryptocurrency is stolen because Coincover’s technology fails, Coincover will reimburse you up to the amount you’re eligible for (this amount is determined by the level of protection provided by the wallet you purchased).
What are the risks of NFTs?
NFTs are becoming increasingly popular, and you’ve probably heard something about them. They are extremely popular in the crypto world and are gaining traction in other industries. In the digital world, you can collect, sell, buy, and even destroy NFTs. Blockchain technology will keep a record of every transaction you make, as well as the price of that NFT, which will be accessible to everyone on the internet.
The market for NFTs is massive and only growing. However, while the possibilities of NFTs may appear limitless, as with any new investment class, you should proceed with caution due to the extremely risky and speculative nature of new, undefined markets. Here are some of the risks:
Evaluation Challenges
Given that it depends on numerous factors, the price of an NFT is extremely unstable. The NFT’s value is constantly influenced by the original creator, their influence in their field, the scarcity of the NFT, any exclusive benefits, and a slew of other variables. As a result, collectors find it difficult to estimate their value at the time of purchase or in the long run from an investment standpoint.
Legal and regulatory challenges
The problem of defining NFT correctly is still a problem for the laws that are currently in place. As the market and variety of NFTs expand, it is becoming increasingly difficult to establish a solid foundation for NFT compliance. It is due to different approaches taken by governments around the world to recognize NFTs as digital assets eligible for trade under existing financial systems and agencies.
Cyber Threats and Online Fraud Risks
Fake NFT stores are another prominent challenge associated with the risks and challenges associated with NFTs in cybersecurity. Fake NFT stores may sell NFTs that were never present in the first place. The concerns related to artist impersonation or fake NFTs must also be taken into consideration by buyers.
Staying Insured in the Crypto world
Although cryptos are incredibly safe, the method in which they are kept might leave them accessible to attackers if security considerations are not taken sufficiently.
It has never been more important to be safe when purchasing, trading, and holding cryptocurrencies. People who have access to the private keys to cryptocurrencies have complete control over their funds.
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You greatly reduce your chances of becoming a hacker’s victim by selecting a reputable and extremely secure exchange, we’re pointing out some of the more obvious here;
Use 2-factor authentication (2FA)
Buy a cold storage wallet.
Distribute your crypto among several wallets.
Thorough Run Research on Exchanges
Use a strong password
Do not share your passwords, key, and wallet details with anyone
Since cryptocurrencies are still largely unregulated, most exchanges are not required to adhere to procedures for protecting investors in securities. Even so, exchanges that prioritize the security of their users’ assets will take extra precautions to protect their funds from theft—using some exchanges can enable you to gain a greater sense of assurance knowing that your losses will be affected in the event of an emergency.
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godreamnft · 2 years
Crypto Investment: How to Easily Invest Without Any Risk
Crypto investment is a new and growing market that is quickly becoming mainstream. The benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies are numerous, but the challenge is understanding which ones are the best to invest in. In this guide, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the best cryptocurrency investments and how to make the most out of your investment.
First and foremost, it is important to understand that cryptocurrencies are not SEC-regulated and are not backed by any government entity. As a result, they are highly volatile and can be quite risky. Before investing, it is important to do your own research and understand the risks involved.
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What is Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Cryptocurrencies are often traded on decentralized exchanges and can also be used to purchase goods and services.
Crypto Investment Guide.
Cryptocurrency investment is one of the most popular and rapidly growing investment opportunities today. However, if you’re looking to get started, it can be a little daunting to know where to start. We’ll walk you through the basics of how to easily invest in cryptocurrencies without an institutional broker.
First, you’ll need to decide what type of cryptocurrency you want to invest in. There are a number of different types of cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Each has its own unique set of properties and benefits, so it’s important to choose the one that suits your need.
5 Types of Crypto Investment Platforms.
Bitcoin (BTC)
Blockchain technology was first used in Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency. For both institutional and individual investors, bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency. It is ideal for new crypto investors looking to buy an established cryptocurrency with a strong reputation for steady growth.
Ethereum (ETH)
Because of its potential uses, including so-called “smart contracts” that automatically execute when certain conditions are fulfilled and non-fungible tokens, Ethereum—which is both a cryptocurrency and a blockchain platform—is a darling among programmers (NFTs).
Binance Coin (BNB)
Binance Coin (BNB) is a cryptocurrency that is used to trade and pay fees on Binance, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges. BNB Coin has grown beyond simply conducting deals on Binance’s exchange platform since its inception in 2017. It is now possible to utilize it for business, payment processing, and even organizing trip plans. Traded or swapped for other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum or Bitcoin.
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Coinbase is constructing the crypto economy, which is a more equitable, accessible, efficient, and transparent financial system enabled by cryptocurrency. The startup was founded in 2012 with the novel premise that anybody everywhere should be able to send and receive Bitcoin effortlessly and securely. Coinbase now provides a reliable and simple platform for accessing the larger crypto-economy.
Crypto Marketplace
Crypto Marketplace accepts more than 20 different fiat currencies for the purchase of Bitcoin and over 250 other cryptocurrencies. Coin staking is also accessible for some of the coins available on the site.
Different Crypto Investing Strategies.
While some of these eye-popping returns may be alluring to chase after, investing in cryptocurrencies is a speculative venture, so it’s crucial to never risk more than you’re ready to lose. Because cryptocurrency is still in its infancy and provides an alternative to traditional investments, you have a few options:
Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) investment
Instead of making one large investment into cryptocurrency, this technique recommends making several smaller, more frequent ones. It’s a popular tactic in unpredictable markets since it may help you avoid trading with emotion and stick to a strong investing strategy.
Become a crypto miner or validator
Mining cryptocurrency or acting as a validator in a crypto network earns rewards in cryptocurrency, which they may either store as investments or swap for another currency.
Invest in cryptocurrency-focused funds
Instead, invest in a cryptocurrency-focused fund. You can choose from a variety of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), including index funds and futures funds.
Invest in cryptocurrency companies
Invest in firms that have a partial or complete emphasis on cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency mining firms, mining hardware manufacturers, and corporations like PayPal Holdings Inc. that support varied levels of crypto exposure are among your alternatives.
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Buy cryptocurrency directly
You have the option of immediately purchasing and storing one or more cryptocurrencies. Your choices vary from the most well-known digital currencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin to comparatively obscure coins that were just issued in an ICO.
Conclusion: Crypto Investment Advice
Cryptocurrency risk is still impacted by a variety of factors, but the industry matures as crypto adoption rates rise. Individuals and organizations are looking for direct exposure to cryptocurrencies because they believe it is safe enough to invest large sums of money.
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