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I’ve returned from my vacation! Unfortunately I brought back a nasty cold with me, but while I lay back and recover tomorrow, I’ll be conducting an activity check and announcing our first group event!
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Who is the most wanted out of Alessia, Yael, and Katya?
All three of those lovely ladies are very much wanted! I know our Sal and Aurora would love to have their sister around, and I'd personally love to see a few more of our criminals taken!
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Aurora Giordano
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That concludes tonight’s acceptances!
Now, to pop in with a quick update. While Hannah deals with some (very exciting!) real life commitments, she’ll be on a temporary hiatus. During this time, if she’s unavailable, I’ll be handling acceptances for all of our characters.
I’d also like to announce that I’ll be heading away for vacation on Saturday, so my activity (both on the main and on my character accounts) will be slightly spotty in the coming week. I’ll return in full swing on Monday March 6th, but will be accessible on mobile for the duration of my time away to answer any questions, update the app count, and announce our next acceptance date.
Once I return, I’ll be announcing our first event!
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Congratulations ANGELA! You have been accepted as AURORA GIORDANO.
Note from Admin Jade: This application demonstrated such a beautiful portrayal of Aurora from start to finish. From the delicate naïveté shown in your sample to your description of the icy queen that now stands in the place of the slain princess, you’ve painted a stunning multi-faceted portrait of this complex character. We can’t wait to see what you and your Aurora bring to the dash!
Name: Angela Age: 25+ Preferred Pronouns: she/her Timezone: CST Activity Level: I work a full time job with 12 hour shifts, so there are some days that I cannot get on and do much, but I am still a very active RPer and at least check in every day even if I cannot write a big reply. I always let my admins and partners know what’s going on. Triggers: REMOVED Anything Else? Some very minor tweaks since last time, specifically in the motives section.
Desired Character: Aurora Marice Giordano
Aurora: Dawn Marice: “Star of the sea” (Latin) or bitterness (Hebrew) - the dichotomy in meaning is particularly appropriate for this stage in Aurora’s life Giordano: Descend or Flow Down
Describe this character in your own words:
Aurora is a girl whose upbringing was steeped in fairy tales and wonder until it all come crashing down around her. She was beautiful, protected, bright, and adored; the image of her mother and the joy of her father. Her family delved into darkness but none of it seemed capable of attaching itself to her. She was like a creature from an old hollywood film, beautiful and untouchable. Incorruptible. Audrey Hepburn mixed with Grace Kelly and Cinderella. Her life was enchanted, perfect, and as lovely as she was. A hopeless romantic, she was content to wait for true love, the kind of love that existed in fairy tales. When she met Christian, that was exactly what she believed she found.
Her brother’s best friend made her heart leap like no one had before. He was brilliant and gorgeous despite his lonesome upbringing. The fact that he had her brother’s friendship and her father’s blessing made it all the more clear that they were meant to be together. He treated her like the princess she had always considered herself to be, playing the part of the princely gentleman to perfection.
They say hindsight is 20/20 and Aurora never fully understood what that meant until her wedding day. Her sister in a white gown, the love of her life leaving her broken hearted and humiliated. All of a sudden those little things she’d let blur into nothing as she focused on her love came into sharp focus. The way Christian and Giuliana would whisper to each other. The questions about what her family did and how they did it. The way he’d wormed his way into the heart of the business through her and her brother. And she’d been so stupid, so blinded by her love for him that she had given him everything. Love like that, all consuming, could not survive. It burned too hotly, too fiercely to be extinguished, it could only rage and burn itself out until she had nothing left but hurt, betrayal, and the desperate need for revenge.
Christian LeFevre would regret this action until the moment he died, hopefully at the hand of a Giordano. And Giuliana? Her betrayal would be her undoing, Aurora would see to that herself. Gone is the naive heroine of the fairy tale, gone is the little girl who dreamed and danced and knew nothing of the darkness. That darkness was her birthright and had always lurked in her soul, waiting for the right catalyst. The fact that she was able to distance herself from it for so long only makes it stronger now. There is a hissing in her ear, a voice similar to Christian’s, telling her that no one is trustworthy, they all have their own agendas so she might as well serve only her own. She cannot trust anyone but herself. Given the right motivation, anyone and everyone will turn on you.
They might have killed the princess, but in her place stands a queen, icy and untouchable.
What are this character’s motives? What drives this character? What are their goals?
Since the aborted wedding, Aurora’s goals and motivations have changed drastically. Once she wanted to live happily ever after, now she truly understands that was never an option. She stayed out of the family business before, but now she’s going to make up for lost time. Christian’s love may have been a lie, but she still learned things about the man when they’d been sharing their lives and her bed. The gauzy, immaterial goals for her future that she’d clung to as a child have warped, crystallized and hardened, focused with laser precision on the destruction of the Lefevre’s stolen empire.
Giordanos have ruled in this city for generations and she will do whatever it takes to ensure that they continue to do so, regardless of the personal cost. She has to find a way to hurt those who hurt her family, who hurt her, and to make such an impression with the pain that they’ll never be able to get up and try again. You do not cross the Giordano family and live to tell about it. It is a lesson she is all too eager to teach her selfish, ungrateful sister and that bastard husband of hers. With the anger burning so hotly inside her, it is difficult for her to flesh out a truly poetic plan the way she knows she needs to, but it will come to her. It might be temporarily satisfying to burst into their home and mow them down with a machine gun, but she knows it’s will be far more satisfying to destroy their marriage, their very souls, before they are taken out entirely. The games have only just begun.
Despite this, Aurora is not as reckless as her little sister, actually going out in the night and committing acts of violence herself, but she can understand Alessia’s choices in theory. She still wants to protect her and would prefer if she let those hired to do the unsavory aspects do their work in peace but Aurora can identify with the need to make sure it’s getting done. It might even comfort her to know that her little sister is smart enough to make sure she doesn’t let anyone get under her defences.
At this point in her life, self preservation comes first. And second. No one will ever hurt her the way Christian and Giulianna did. Never again will she allow herself to be in a position where that could happen. There must always be a piece of her she keeps back, something held in reserve to ensure she cannot be broken so completely. Additionally, she has started keeping track of the things that can be used against others if needed, even those she loves. Or tries to remember how to love. Minor grievances that would have once been shrugged off are now carefully catalogued in her memory. She ignored the red flags once, but never again.
What potential plots do you foresee for this character? Where do you see this character’s story going? What potential storylines would you like to explore, both with the character themselves and as a part of the group as a whole?
Would you be open to this character’s death? Though we’d love to keep all characters alive and well in an ideal world, the nature of this group may put some characters’ lives in danger at one point or another. Should your character’s death be necessary for the furthering of the plot, would you be open to the idea of killing them off and working with the admin team to create a new role for you to take on? Absolutely. I’m all for it if it’s in the best interest of the RP.
The day of the wedding dawned bright and clear, the sky a brilliant blue and the air sweet with flowers and birdsongs. Though Aurora had hardly slept, she bounded out of bed with a smile and began her preparations. Nothing could slow her down or dampen her spirits. Not today. The morning flew by in a whirlwind of manicures, hair appointments, makeup, and photographs. It was everything she dreamed it would be and more. She was the center of attention, the golden princess buoyed up by love and joy and excitement. This was her fairy tale, the start of her own happily ever after.
He loves me.
People kept asking if she was nervous, if she had any cold feet and she could tell them honestly that she did not. Christian was her soulmate, she could no more doubt true love than she could doubt that the stars shone in the sky. She was so blinded by her own devotion that she completely missed the snarl behind her oldest sister’s smile and the fact that she wasn’t getting ready with the rest of them. Giuliana had her hair and makeup done, the style remarkably similar to Aurora’s own, but she had yet to put on her dress as she sipped a glass of champagne. The wedding planner would make sure her sister got ready in time, Aurora wasn’t worried.
He loves me.
Before she knew it, guests had poured in and everything was set. It was time.
Christian and the rest of the groomsmen stood at the front of the large church and Aurora couldn’t help peeking in to see them. It was bad luck to see him before the wedding, but surely this didn’t count. The wedding was practically underway. He looked as handsome as ever in his crisp black tuxedo standing beside her brother and the priest. Her heart thumped madly in her chest. This was it. The processional began, her mother taking her seat up front before the bridesmaids began to walk down the long aisle to the front of the church.
“Where is Giuliana?” Aurora hissed at her father, clutching his arm as they prepared for their turn. Alessia turned over her shoulder and shrugged. “I thought she was right behind me.”
Waving the younger girl on, Cassius sent the wedding planner to look for his eldest daughter. The woman had no sooner rounded the corner than Giuliana emerged. She was not dressed in the rose pink gown the rest of the bridesmaids wore, but in all white, right down to her bouquet.
Aurora blinked at her, dumbstruck. “What are you doing? What are you wearing?”
Giuliana didn’t answer, she merely moved in front of her sister as the wedding march began to play and strode confidently down the aisle. Whispers rustled through the crowd as the people realized this was not the Giordano they’d come to see married. Christian beamed at her, looking at her like she was the sun, an expression so full of triumph and adoration that Aurora thought she was going to be sick. She stood at the back of the church watching her sister take her place beside her fiancee. Franco looked as though you could knock him over with a feather, Alessia’s face was a dark cloud, and Bella looked confused. Was she supposed to be happy for the couple in front of her or upset for Aurora?
“Dearly beloved,” the priest began, not missing a beat. This had been planned. Extensively planned. Giuliana and Christian were getting married and they’d hijacked her wedding to do it. Heads darted back and forth between the wedding happening in the front of the church and the spurned bride standing at the back as if waiting for the punchline that would never come. A strangled sob sounded from her throat and she turned and fled, dropping her flowers along the way.
He loves me not.
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We’ll be conducting our next acceptance tomorrow night, at 11pm PST! We urge anyone interested in joining us to get their applications in before the deadline or to place a reservation.
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When will your next acceptance be?
Now that we have an app waiting for us, it won’t be long! Once we’ve decided on a time that works for the both of us we’ll be making an announcement, but I think it would be safe to guess that it’ll be sometime this week. We’ll make sure we give at least 24 hours notice, though! And as a reminder, reservations are now open! For any of our upcoming acceptances, you’re welcome to reserve a character that interests you for 24 hours.
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Amara Xiong
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The application count has been updated [ + 01/01 ]
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Please unfollow the following accounts:
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Just a note that I’m considering taking on either Yael Shapiro or Amara Xiong as a second character. If there are any applicants interested in either of them, please let me know!
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The following characters have 24 hours to resume activity and are at risk of being reopened:
Please unfollow the following accounts:
The following characters have been reopened:
Celine Chambers
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The following characters have 24 hours to send in their account and are at risk of being reopened:
Celine Chambers
The following characters have 24 hours to resume activity and are at risk of being reopened:
Please unfollow the following accounts:
Oliver Ruiz
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When will your submit box be opened? I want to apply but can't because it's closed.
I’m so sorry about that! We must’ve forgotten to reopen it after our last acceptance. The submit is now open and ready for new applications!
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Congratulations ALLIE! You have been accepted as CELINE CHAMBERS.
Note from Admin Hannah: If I had to put into one word how to describe this app, I would just have to say wow. There is nothing I love more than when an app is exactly how I picture every little detail - and yours did just that. With every description and every headcanon I was just saying in my head that is definitely Celine. From the way you described her relationship with Lucien, to quoting Sun Tzao in the first line of the sample, even the fact that her cat is her favorite child it was all just perfect.
Name: Allie
Age: 21
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Timezone: EST
Activity Level: Very active! I’m taking time off from waitressing for once so all I’ll be preoccupied with is classes.
Triggers: REMOVED
Anything Else? If you’d like to request an approved FC change, please do so here.
Desired Character: Celine Chambers
Describe this character in your own words:
When it comes to weapons, Celine and a garrote are one in the same. What’s more lethal than possessing the conviction to seek out resistance, only to instinctively pull tighter when it’s found? If she were a season, be it fall. Dancing leaves falling from grace, a distraction from the bitter cold leering around the corner. The sole Lefevere daughter is Whiskey, dark and opaque; simultaneously warming your insides while sparking a fire. Some of our favorite things can be surprisingly sinister, but never as much as Celine Chambers.
Personally, I think that what forms a kind, soft, considerate person is their instinctual need to find love and acceptance. This is a search that Celine never knew, because was born right beside all the companionship and understanding she would ever need. As a child she never quite understood other people’s vulnerabilities until she realized that they didn’t have a Lucien. And while he is her greatest strength, he is also her biggest weakness. Being so connected to someone, makes it feel like there is a phantom limb when they aren’t around. In many ways she is codependent on him and he is a factor in every single one of her decisions. Some would even say, her achilles heel.
If I had to sum Celine up, it would probably be in the fact that while she considers Valentina a daughter, but instead of nurturing her she poisons her with malice. Honestly, to Celine that is the best nurturing a girl could get. It also speaks volumes that she is heartless enough to ignore her children as much as she can. Most mothers would be so proud to have a son as just completely good as Zaine, but she’s disgusted.
Having no soul to call her own, Celine has found mild amusement in testing out a multiplicity of artificial ones. She does the same with Louboutin’s and expensive cars, it all depends on what type of mood she’s in. This is how she ‘relates’ to others, finding the experience utterly nauseating and gleaning nothing from it except conformation that they’re hopelessly inferior. She’s taken bottom tier emotions such as empathy and kindness for a spin and they proved to be completely frivolous time and time again. So she no longer bothers with them, and if you ask her she’s better for it. There’s more time to sharpen her wit and strengthen her resolve.
Celine’s motives
1) Herself
2) Herself
3) Herself
4) Lucien
5) Herself
What drives Celine
1) Herself, in a Limited Edition Bugatti Veyron.
2) Her obsession with power and influence. It’s more than just an obsession, for Celine power and breathing go hand in hand.
3) Basic human need for destruction.
4) Distancing herself as far away from the mediocre life that she was born into.
5) But seriously, the one person who really drives her is Lucien of course. They feed off of each other and they are the most fabulously evil duo in the world. Whenever she wakes up missing a particular manipulative edge she calls up her brother and it snaps right back into place again.
Celine’s goals
1) To graduate from breaking people to breaking entire families and dynasties. It’s so much more fun, you know? She hardly got a kick out of creating her own empire, the real thrill is causing someone else’s to crumble.
2) Making sure that baby brother doesn’t bite the two hands that fed him all these years. Her biggest fear is that Giuliana will think she can be the Geppetto to their Pinocchio.
3) To break as many people as possible, and have fun doing it!
4) Staying away from her children and Selena as much as humanly possible.
5) Instill fear into the hearts of all those who cross her.
6) Remain eternally youthful.
What potential plots do you foresee for this character?
“When the enemy is relaxed, make them toil. When full, starve them. When settled, make them move.” Sun Tzu. The perfect piece of wind down literature to calm oneself to. Before Celine could begin to appreciate the quote in applying it to her own superior art of war, something that could only be a fucking banshee tore across the hall. A serine crimson smirk twisted into a quick grimace before her immaculate features turned completely neutral. Kiah’s sobs reverberated through walls that Celine had so been meaning to soundproof. Her assistant’s first task in Rome would be to create a place to retreat into utter silence. Pink silk slid against white satin as Celine reluctantly slipped out of bed. With one swift movement her manicured hand cupped her cool glass of wine. Rose colored robes bellowed around her, feathering against the floor with the momentum she used in approaching the doorway.
Leaning against the doorframe, bored eyes drank in the sight of spoiled girl fighting with her father. As Kiah alternated between screaming and crying, she decided the scene was rather unflattering. Sure, this was an acceptable tactic for Celine as an infant, back when she lacked basic motor skills. It wasn’t until she was finally a toddler that she realized there were far more respectable ways to get what she wanted. From the sound of things Harland was going to have to dangle his daughter’s- their daughter’s- bank account over her head until they landed in Rome. Unable to remember a time where she was in want for more money, Celine supposed she should pity those that were. However, the national debt was at an all time low, and she always regarded as cash dirty and unhygienic. What did it get you, really? Objects can be broken, considering the amount of tantrums she threw, Kiah should know that. A goddess’s currency was power, a concept her daughter failed to grasp.
Regardless, incessant arguing was a surefire way to kill the buzz provided by few glasses of wine and The Art of War. Serenity was the motivation for Celine’s swift intervention, eyes on her daughter as she approached, sipping her white wine. Red nails found their way across Harland’s wide muscular back, and it was no surprise when he visibly relaxed. “Mon cherì, let me know if I need to purchase four plane tickets- or three.” Not bothering to address Kiah with even a glance, she pressed a quick kiss to her husband’s cheek before descending the stairs. At least Zaine knew how to be quiet.
In the kitchen, Celine was greeted by the only tolerable child in the household; her Persian cat Jinx. Not to be mistaken for a family cat, Jinx spared not a single should from her wrath, save for Celine. Everyone avoided the furball, even Lucien, because the hate radiating off of her was palpable. It made her even more ruthless than Celine, and she loved and respected Jinx for that. It was clear the feline appreciated the sudden peace and quiet, as did her owner who was now topping off her glass of wine. “Rome. Jinxy.” Celine purred against soft fur as she scooped the cat against her chest. “We’re going to rule Rome.”
001) Celine is bisexual, but prefers being with men because there’s something less thrilling in manipulating women.
002) She’s very into fashion, but in a classic way. Celine doesn’t like to display labels but there’s always the need to be the need to be the best dressed woman in the room.
003) Celine fawns and fusses over Christian, not because’s she’s genuinely concerned for his well being. Everyone watching, including them both, need to be subconsciously reminded that Celine was the number one woman in his life. She’s in charge.
004) White wine over red, because the latter stains your teeth, darling.
005) She spends more time with her cat Jinx than she does with her own children.
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Hi! I love the concept of this RP but I've been holding off on applying until the final bios come out. Are there still a few more coming or did I misunderstand?
Sure, I understand that. Yes, there are three more open characters I will be working on posting ASAP. I have been sick and bedridden for a week so I am just now getting the chance to be online. Thanks for understanding!
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Our submit box has been closed! We're off to deliberate, and we'll post an update as soon as we can!
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