godtiercosplayhelp · 1 year
rlly rlly hoping you’re still active but i need some advice for a first time cosplay as face, specifically where to start. do i look around thrift stores for clothes? do i find things that are similar or that need to be modified? are there any good tutorials on a dave cosplay you can reccomend?
Hi there. Congrats on your first cosplay! Welcome to this fun hobby.
If you haven't checked out this website yet, it's an archive of Homestuck related cosplay tutorials and guides. They have a sections dedicated to specific characters, so just scroll down to you find Dave.
The difficulty of this cosplay depends on which version of Dave you are cosplaying. WhatPumpkin used to sell official Dave shirts, both plain white tee shirts and the red sleeve baseball tees. You should be able to find either of those on eBay pretty easily. Here is an etsy listing for made to order Dave shirts. If you're looking for more DIY, purchasing a shirt at a thrift store and modifying it is also a great option. Here's a tutorial for using heat transfers for the shirt logos.
Here is a Dave cosplay guide. It's for his godtier outfit, but should help you out nonetheless.
Thrift stores would be a great place to start for aviator sunglasses. I think every pair of glasses I ever bought for cosplays were from Walmart or the Dollar Tree, so those are also good starting places if you have them locally.
Here's a link to a pretty cheap blonde wig to get you started. When I first started this blog 10 years ago, there wasn't much of a market for cosplay items on Amazon yet. I've bought a few wigs from there over the years. Just always check reviews! Some other good cosplay specific wig sites are Arda Wigs, EpicCosplay Wiigs, and the Five Wits Wigs, bu they are all on the pricier side because they sell very high quality synthetic wigs. A simple Amazon or eBay wig is plenty to start off with, though. Here's a wig styling tutorial on YouTube.
And lastly, remember to have fun. Cosplay is a hobby and it should be fun for you. Best of luck to you! Please feel free to reach out with any other questions. I'm sporadically active on this blog still, and typically answer messages privately.
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godtiercosplayhelp · 2 years
Yeah looking up how to install lining tutorials might help explain it better. Optionally your lining can be the entire length of the hood as well if you don’t plan on stuffing it
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Alright listen here, I’m about to briefly explain how to make an heir hood. 
Assuming that you are five feet tall and you want your hood to reach the ground when you are standing straight up, then you are going to have to make your hood at least 76 inches long.
The height of the hood, however, is based on your own preference. The standard measurement I use is 14 inches tall. This height produces a tighter hood that is pretty close to my face, as seen here with my Signless cloak:
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See how close to my head it is? If you’d rather have your hood be looser, than you might want to add a few inches to the height idk.
DO! NOT! FORGET! TO! LINE! YOUR! HOOD! Always always always line your hood, it looks nicer and more professional! Your lining should be whatever your hood’s height is, and then 16 inches plus whatever you added. So mine would be 14x16, but if you made your hood 17 inches tall, yours would be 17x19. 
Since I’ve never made an heir hood, I don’t really have anything else to add. Here are some actual hood tutorials to help you further: 1, 2
I hope this helps!
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godtiercosplayhelp · 6 years
Is This blog still alive ahh
Not really but I still check in from time to time and answer questions privately
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godtiercosplayhelp · 8 years
Okay so I'm real new to cosplay and I'm trying to cosplay as Tavros and I need help with the hair and the mechanical legs
Alright fam
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godtiercosplayhelp · 8 years
Hi sorry to bother but do you know where I would find god tier john pants. If you could find some on amazon that would be amazing. Thanks :33
Most of the GT John cosplayers I know use blue scrub pants. Here's a link to get you started. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00794S1RY/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1459010267&sr=8-2&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=blue+scrub+pants&dpPl=1&dpID=41S2P5FnhmL&ref=plSrch
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
i had a question regarding making troll horns - I've seen on pretty much every tutorial I've read that the horns should/need to be sanded. What's the purpose of this, what does it do for the horns? And would I be ok without sanding them?
If you're making horns from any kind of clay or foam, they need to be sanded to make the surface smooth. That being said, you don't HAVE to sand them, but it's a good idea to if you want your horns to look nice and not lumpy
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
Do you have any tips on my tavros cosplay this will be my first homestuck cosplay I already have the horns and the outfit but my biggest concern is makeup.. thank you
Seal your paint. For the love of God seal your paint. You don't need expensive stuff either; most body paint can be sealed with baby powder and hairspray. WEAR EYE MAKE UP. Even if it's just a little eyeliner and mascara, it can make a huge difference if pictures. Moisturize your skin before you paint, and after you wash the paint off. Paint will crack on dry skin and it can dry your skin out! Bring a glue gun to the con, even if your positive that your horns are solid. Sometimes they break for no reason. I sneezed my horns off once and they snapped. Consider not painting your hands!! Even the best sealed paint can rub off, and cons go much smoother when ur not worried about smearing paint. Artists and vendors are also sometimes wary of cosplayers in body paint and worry let you touch their products. I usually don't paint my hands at cons, especially since u can easily edit photos later!!If your horns are hurting your head, take them off!! Take breaks!!! I get bad headaches from wigs and tbh breaks are necessary so that you don't feel worse later DRINK EVERYTHING THROUGH A STRAW. CARRY A BOX OF STRAWS IN YOUR BAG. ALSO CARRY EXTRA MAKE UP IN CASE YOU SPILL SOMETHING AND IT MESSES UP YOUR PAINT. I hope this helps!!
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
How To Apply Face Paint! (warning : music is a bit loud so lower your volume)
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
Dem Sexy Claws Tutorial
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Lets make some sweet Homestuck claws
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
A-ntaresCos’ Cat Ears Tutorial
IT’S FINALLY HERE. My cat ear tutorial! I know, it’s taken me so long to do this, I am so sorry D: That being said! I won’t talk too much about them, but these ears are one of my favorite things to make and I hope you like this tutorial ALSO if you use it, please do submit pics to me and stuff <3 I love when people use my tutorials <3 This method was used for SNSD Ahri, Fancy GodTier Jade, and my future Blake Belladonna cosplays.
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MATERIALS: > Wire: IDC what gauge just make sure it’s not TOO thick and not TOO thin. It needs to be bendable with your own hands and shouldn’t require tools to cut or bend it. If the wire is too thick, you’ll be able to see it from the bottom of the ears once you mount them, so be mindful of that.
> Foam Sheet: In whatever color you want the inside of your ears to be.
> Faux Fur: A nice long haired faux fur is perfect, but short hair is cute too! 1 piece of faux fur from Micheal’s is enough to make two sets of ears, so.
> Sponge Foam: Usually bought at Joann Fabrics, it’s basically just a big sheet of sponge foam. Not to be confused with foam sheets.
> Scissors, Hot Glue Gun, Mirror, headband OR wig clips.
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
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Piexes Tiara/Crocker Tiaratop/Batterwitch Tiara Template
Hello, I’m in the middle of making myself a Jane Crocker Cosplay, so I told myself I needed a tiaratop. (Which is basically just a red version of Feferi’s tiara! hahaha.) So, this is the template I made, then I got bored while waiting for the table to clear, so I made a Her Imperious Condescension tiara template, too. 
Its a bit bigger than like how it’s like in the comic, but costume pieces tend to be just a tad larger just so they can show up in pictures. I’ve cut them out and compared them to my own melon and they look good, but I kinda have a big head so you might need to resize it if you’re head is smaller. 
The little roundy bit in the middle, I didn’t make, so ya’ll on your own. Sorry. 38)
Have fun cosplaying, I hope this helps anyone.
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
homestuck troll cosplayers
has anyone seen this ram horn tutorial? because i swear it could make our lives about 3252535x easier
the horns attach easily to the headband (hot glue & some wire wrapping)
incredibly lightweight (made of trash bags) so you can make them quite large (the horns made in the video could work for the Handmaid)
realistic texture
you bend them into the proper shape AFTER creating the proper girth/texture (so you don’t have to fumble with awkward horn shapes as you’re wrapping the garbage bags/wire)
the ONLY downside is that the shape may not be terribly sturdy so you may need to either reinforce it with something or just re-adjust the horns for each wearing
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
I'm looking to cosplay Meenah. I actually have glasses that are *almost* the same shape as hers, and so I want to use my real glasses. However, I want to change the rim color to pink. Is there any sort of paint/marker/something I can put on the rim of my glasses to change the color and not be permanent?
I’m gonna be real blunt here. Don’t use your real glasses. Just don’t do it. Get a prop pair or just wear your normal glasses. Don’t try to alter them because you might ruin them and glasses are expensive. Go to goodwill and find a $2 pair of reading glasses and pop out the lenses. Don’t use your real glasses. 
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
You can buy pre-made fins here
Here’s some tutorials for how to make your own fins out of craft foam X, X
Here’s some other tutorials that might be what you’re looking for X, X, X
HELP! Cosply Troubles!
So hi there! I am going to be cosplaying as Meenah Peixies in a few weeks like 3 weeks and im in the process of making my cosplay, and i was wondering if anyone has any idea how to make fins? Im very low budget and probably wont have access to liquid latex or anything expensive like that (i have hot glue and clay and can afford wire if that is necessary and also its like a $20 budget, i have the clothes already so thats not the concern). So please anyone have anywhere that i can learn to make them? If so please message me
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
Is there any possible way you could give a run down of how you made your psii shirt?
Ok, let’s see if I can make this understandable.
First off make a mock-up out of muslin (always make mock-ups, kids) I used a plain ol tshirt pattern.
I’m also using tshirt material for this, if you wanted to know.
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Draw your markings on then cut them out.
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I’d take a picture of all the parts cut out but I threw them away :c
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Trace your pattern piece onto your fabric and add seam allowances to the edges that need them.
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The seam allowances don’t have to be perfect but don’t make them too crazy.
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Here’s a picture of all the parts cut out on the first version of this I made. I don’t have a picture of the second version, sorry :[
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For the second version I made the top circle of the neckline black and I made the big black circle go onto the sleeves. You can make the black parts all one piece if you want but I don’t think anybody will be close enough to me to scrutinize my seams so I just cut up the black parts where the orange is then sewed them together to make my life easier lol.
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When you sew the circles together you gotta be really careful that they’re all the same width. And since I personally didn’t bother making the seam allowances perfect at the beginning I have to sew these together a different way. I took the top ring and sewed it to the second ring normally, then redrew the seam allowance on the unsewn side on the yellow ring so it would be the right width. Then I sewed the second and third rings together, then redrew the allowance on the black ring and blah blah I kept doing that until all my rings were sewn together. It was a bit of a pain but it was worth it if it meant all my rings were even.
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Here’s a picture of the second version all sewed together
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For the collar I cut out a strip of yellow long enough to fit the neck hole but twice as high as I want it to be. I folded the strip in half and sewed the two edges to the neckline so the top of the collar is seamless and pretty. I put the vertical seam on the back of the shirt. Also USE A ZIGZAG STITCH when you sew the collar and the, like, upper 3 or 4 rings so your seams won’t rip when you put your head through. The collar on this is all big and stuff because otherwise my head won’t fit through. If you want a fitted collar I think you have to install a zipper in the back or something. Or if you use super stretchy material I think you can have a fitted collar, idk.
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Uh, I’m not really sure how to explain the sleeves so here’s some drawings. Sew the black on the sleeves first then sew the rest of the shirt to it.
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When you attach all the rings to the rest of the shirt hold off on sewing the edges of the rings together. If you lay the pieces together and sew a plain straight seam your rings probably won’t line up and they’ll join at a weird angle and look like the thing on the left. You want them to look like the circles on the right. You can sew the rest of the shirt together though.
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This is gonna be tedious so just bear with me. Don’t sew all the way to the ends of the circles, leave the ends unsewn like in number 1. What you need to do is take each circle and sew the ends together, where the red dashes are in number 2. Your circles shouldn’t be connected to each other yet, only to themselves. After that, sew where the horizontal dashes are in number 3 so all the openings are sewn shut. This way you can get nice circles. I didn’t do it this way the first time because I didn’t know what I was doing so I had to rip out all the stitches and redo it all, so now my circles still meet at weird angles because I had already cut off the excess fabric and didn’t have enough to make it work right. I’m probably gonna remake it all here soon.
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Here it is being worn. Uh, if you go the black sleeve route and want those and the shirt to be one piece then sew the black sleeves to the bottom of the yellow sleeves. I wanted mine separate cause I can’t decide if I like Psii better with black sleeves or no sleeves :V Also idk if this would be helpful but I sewed the black belt part to the shirt. I’m sure most people would sew it to the pants or have it separate but I sewed the bottom of the shirt to the middle of the inside of the belt (I made the belt the same way I did the collar, except I rotated the belt so the seam is on the middle on the inside so there’s no visible seam on the outside anywhere) so I could make the shirt, like, puff out a bit on the bottom and not have to worry about it messing up? I’m a lil fat and it’s the best way to hide it for me because skintight anything looks bad on me lmfao.
SO YEAH that’s how I made it. I’m p sure I made the black stripes too big but I’ll worry about fixing that after I finish making Mituna’s suit cause that’s more important. I hope this helped :0
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
Feferi’s blue/pink necklaces.
ok, so heres a short tutorial for these damned necklaces. they seem a bit hard to do at first but they really arnt, so bare with me here. im going to put everything under the read more so its not super long on the dashboard cause i tend to ramble on so. 
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godtiercosplayhelp · 9 years
alright—ive finally gotten to it!!!!!!!
today, we will be making
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cute fins!!!!!!!!!!! (that cutie is neonnebulosa ))
first— materials. you will need:
a large white(optional but easier) foam sheet, i use the medium thickness foam sheets
glue gun w glue
a pencil
a needle
a thin, wire headband.
and paint!
(jewelry is optional as well!!))
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BAM theres your foam sheet. now fold that son of a bitch.
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good, now draw your fins!
then follow your child like instincts and cut them out so you have two of each.
like so
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try to cut as evenly and cleanly as possible.
now fold them and line them up in the ordered desired. then take your string and thread and start  sewing them together— this is just to keep them together better! its TECHNICALLY not needed but definitely safer. try keeping the strands off to the side,  itll be easier for later.
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now take your glue and glue where they connect. youre gonna have to hold it in place for a bit
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now take your thin wire headband
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and you are going to have to take a tooth pick or a thick needle to make a hole for the wire to go through to make it easier, but you need to force the wire through the area that they all join— not close to the edge but tucked as close to the fins as possible. then hot glue the edge of the fin to the headband to keep it up and perky!
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aw ye
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paint those suckers grey
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add markings and whatever else
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add jewelry
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and put them on a cute friend.
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