I mean, I wouldn't do this to just anyone, but there are some that seem cool and chill enough that I would go up and say hi if I met them. When I occasionally run into these two danish hip-hoppers I quite like, Raske Penge and Klumpen, I usually say hello, and how's it going, but then again, They've hung out with my dad bunch so it's not like they are total strangers to me 馃槄
OK I saw a poll about something similar and now I am curious
-Assume it's a celebrity you like and that they haven't made a statement about this sort of thing.
-The celebrity in question is just casually out and about, they are not part of an event or panel.
-By "go up to them" I mean saying hello or asking for a picture
-If you have to talk to them as part of your job it doesn't count unless you also ask for something similar to the above.
-This is a judgement free zone, there is no correct answer I am just curious.
Inspired by this poll
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I think I figured out what polls were meant for
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I was watching The Card Game Job, and fully burst out laughing alone in my room at this scene. See, I volunteer at this monthly kids' LARP event, and there's this very popular costume store nearby, which clearly has also supplied the show, so I'll have at least 4 kids every month in that exact helmet that Elliot is wearing, and it just cracks me up. What I'm saying is: When I look at Elliot, all I see is this:
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Alex really said: In my first season of Dimension 20, I played the tiniest little boy who was the physical embodiment of a man鈥檚 conscience. What would be a good character to choose for my second season? Ah yes. An absolute unit of a mob boss. The logical next step.
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90% of doomscrollers always stop just one post before the clouds of uncertainty part and the shining bridge to the future manifests itself. the chariots, clad in shimmering gold, glide across the sky. Golden flecks of sunlight kiss the doomscrollers pallid cheeks, retuning them to a rosy hue of healthiness and mirth. Apollo stretches his hand out to them. the pain is gone, the winter has passed. spring is carried on the backs of rabbits and in the fur of honeybees. the nightmare is over
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anyone who's always wanted to watch leverage but couldn't afford it and couldn't find it to pirate it, or just prefers watching things on youtube instead of futzing with unofficial sites:
the first three seasons are on youtube, in full, uploaded by the creators, in the correct order (the first season was aired out of order by the network)
(ETA: it's apparently geolocked to only the US and its territories, but THAT'S WHAT A VPN'S FOR BAYBEEEEE)
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Bad Kids Fun Shirts
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Ik I've said this before but one of my favorite bits of internet misinfo is when someone goes "That's not the original saying, the original is [version that was literally coined as a witty retort to the original]"
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magic beans 馃珮
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Can't believe my first news of this wasn't the Destiel meme
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"It may surprise you that the use of the term bisexual to refer to human sexuality is almost as old as the term heterosexual. In his book The Invention of Homosexuality, gay history pioneer and activist Jonathan Ned Katz argues that 'the idea of heterosexuality is a modern invention, dating to the late nineteenth century'. THe first recorded use of the term was in an anymous pamphlet in 1869, of which it was later established that Karl-Maria Kertbeny was the author. Kertbeny . . . wrote extensively about his view that sodomy laws violated human rights, and that such consensual acts in private should not be subject to criminal law. While writing, Kertbeny, who was probably gay himself, found the need to label and define the sexual norm so that he could explain how same-sex desires and sexual behaviors contrasted with it. This is why he came up with the terms 'heterosexual' and 'homosexual'. This means that a gay rights activist coined the word heterosexual as a by-product of creating the word homosexual.
. . .Not long after this, bi, or two, started to be used to refer to people who had both homosexual and heterosexual desires. A way that bisexual researchers often talk about this is that the bi in bisexual means two, but the two are not men and women, they are same and other."
-Bi: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality by Julia Shaw
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happy pride month once again, here鈥檚 a redraw of this iconic medieval art
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Me: I'm gonna watch the new gladiator film for the plot.
The Plot:
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