gojolvs · 2 months
Oh my gaawddd I have no clue how your going to save gojo if u are 😭 I have never cried reading a fic but THIS??? Oh my god it was like one after ANOTHER. The cheating? Ouch. Inviting her to the wedding?? OUCH. Barley giving af ab their past??! OUUUCHHH. and the PREGNANCY???????? OH MY GOD IM IN SHAMBLES. I audibly GASPED. JAW DROPPED.
Annyyywayyyyss Love the story so far, already read all 8 chapters in an hour. Shed a tear when I saw that chapter 9 wasn’t there 🥹
Chapter 9 is a roller coaster idk how ima bring back gojo after that chapter but just know he will have a major comeback 😭💕
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gojolvs · 2 months
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gojolvs · 2 months
I still want you.
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Chapter 8
⤿ Satoru Gojo × reader
Falling in love with the Satoru Gojou wasn’t an easy task. You truly love him but will this come to an end?
Warning/ tags; angst, profanity, smoking, cursing, smut, cheating.
Genre; angst, cheating, infidelity, jik, Gojou × reader
Notes: the tag-list is open if you'd like to be mentioned everytime i update just send me a message on the box. Also super sorry for not updating but im back!
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previous chapter ⤏ next chapter
Before you knew it, you had arrived back at your hotel, Sumire sleeping on your arms. With a sigh, you got up from the bus seat and made your way to the entrance. As you carried him to the room, you couldn't help but smile at how peaceful he looked.
As you walked to your room, constantly feeling your phone vibrate with messages and missed calls, a wave of guilt washed over you. You had just stormed out of your sister's wedding party in a fit of anger and now you couldn't help but feel selfish and regretful. You knew that your actions had caused a scene and potentially ruined her special day. The weight of your decision and its consequences weighed heavily on your conscience.
Was she really pregnant by Satoru? Do you mean absolutely nothing to him? Although you had shared an intimate night the night you went to the bar, you felt stupid for believing his lies. These thoughts were swirling around in your head, the reality of the situation sinking in. You couldn't believe that he would do this to you, especially after everything you had been through together. The trust you had in him was shattered, and you couldn't help but feel foolish for falling for his smooth words and false promises. It was a painful reminder that sometimes, people are not who they seem to be.
Maybe you should've taken that trip with Sumire, just the two of you, to clear your mind. But now, it was too late. You were committed to this path, no matter how unsure you felt. As you walked, the sound of your heels clicking on the concrete floor was a constant reminder of the life you were leaving behind. And with each step, you couldn't help but curse under your breath, knowing that your new pair of Jimmy Choo heels were now ruined.
You felt the tiredness of caring him hit you mid way to the elevator. You sighed with relief as the elevator doors opened, grateful for the brief moment of rest.
As you stepped inside, you couldn't help but wonder how much longer you could keep up this routine. But then you looked down at Sumire in your arms, and you knew you would do anything for him. You straightened your back and held him a little tighter, determined to make it through the rest of the day with a smile on your face.
"Well, someone looks happy." Turning to your side, you barely noticed the tall man with pink hair staring at you. Curling your smile into an awkward one, you turned back to continue trying to shove Sumire up, as he was slipping from your hold. Although the man's comment had caught you off guard, you didn't want to engage in a conversation with a stranger while holding your child. Plus, his pink hair and unusual choice of words made you a bit uncomfortable. You focused on sumire and decided to ignore him, hoping he would take the hint and leave you alone.
"Yeah, well I'm happy to be with my son is all," you chuckled awkwardly. Despite the pink-haired man being oddly attractive, you weren't really looking for a conversation because unfortunately for you, Sumire was starting to wake up. "Do you need help carrying him? It looks like you're struggling," the man said, curling his lips into a genuine smile.
As you handed over your toddler, a wave of anxiety washed over you. You knew that letting a stranger hold your child was not a wise decision, but you were desperate for a break from carrying him. With a mixture of hesitation and aggression, you reluctantly agreed. The man's reaction was unexpected - he froze in place as your little white haired boy happily grabbed onto his neck and curled up. You couldn't help but laugh at the sight. "Well since you're carrying my kid, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Y/N."
"My name is Sukuna." The pink haired man said, he silently checked you out. Looking at your heels to your dress he definitely knew you had some type of cash on you. All you were wearing was designer brands. "Nice to meet you." you said clutching your purse. You wondered if the man was here on a business trip because of the way he was dressed. He was wearing a suite which suited his body figure well.
You couldn't help but notice he looked a little like one of sumire's friends from school. However, his intense gaze and calculating demeanor made you feel uneasy. It was almost as if he was sizing you up, and you couldn't shake off the feeling that he had ulterior motives for wanting to meet you. You started to second-guess your decision to meet him, wondering if it was safe to trust him.
"Wait a minute... I know you." He said chuckling.
Realizing that you had never met this man before, you glanced back at the elevator sign, wondering if he had mistaken you for someone else. However, as you looked back at him, his chuckle turned into a sly smile and you couldn't help but feel suspicious. Who was this man and why did he seem to recognize you? You couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off."why is this elevator so damn slow" you thought.
"You do?" You laughed awkwardly, trying to hide the fear in your voice. All you could do was pray that he wasn't some serial killer.
"Mmm yeah I do. You're Satoru Gojos wife right?" tilting his head a little. You sighed, he was definitely one of Satorus business partners.
The man continued to look at you curiously, his pink hair falling into his dark eyes. You couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious under his gaze. "Yes, I am. And who might you be?" you replied, trying to maintain a polite tone despite your growing irritation. It seemed like Satoru's business partners were always popping up at the most inconvenient times.
"Well im just associated with your husband because we both work for the same industry." nodding your head you couldn't help but feel relieved when the elevator doors finally opened on your floor.
"I can take him from here." reaching for Sumire the man just backed up a bit.
"Where's your room? I can take him there," he said. You sighed in defeat as you stepped out of the elevator. Walking down the hallway towards your hotel room, you couldn't help but feel frustrated with Sukuna's constant presence. You knew he was only trying to help, but having him follow you everywhere was starting to become suffocating.
You could also tell that he was most definitely checking you out as you walked towards your room. Where was satoru when you needed him.
"So how long have you been married for?" Sighing, you shook your head, feeling the weight of your failing marriage. Finally getting to your room, you opened your purse to try and find the keys, hoping to escape the tension and disappointment that had been plaguing your relationship.
"Just a few years," you replied, finally grabbing your keys and unlocking the door. You turned around to face the pink haired man, smiling with gratitude. "Thank you so much for your help. Please come in and put him in the bed."
He gently put sumire down on the bed, straightening him self he cracked his knuckles before walking back out. You followed him planning on thanking him before he left. As you followed him, you couldn't help but feel grateful for his help and wanted to thank him before he left. However, you also couldn't help but notice the slight tension in his knuckles as he walked, perhaps a sign of the physical strain he had endured while carrying Sumire to the bed. You made a mental note to check on him later and offer your gratitude for his assistance.
As Sukuna stood by your side, you silently closed the door behind you, leaving only the two of you outside in the hallway. Turning to Sukuna, you couldn't help but smile and say, "Thank you for carrying my son all this way."
"I'm just happy to help," Sukuna replied with a smile, "Your son is a great kid." You nodded, grateful for Sukuna's assistance in carrying your sleeping child out of the elevator.
Sukuna couldn't help but lean closer, and as he did, you caught a whiff of his strong, expensive cologne. Your heart raced, wondering if he was hitting on you. But as you glanced to the side, you noticed someone standing by you.
"Leave her alone," Toji stood in front of you, pushing Sukuna away. Sukuna groaned in disappointment, "Toji, nice to see you too." The tension between the two of them was palpable, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for Toji's intervention.
"What are you doing here?" you said in a low voice, toji stared at sukuna. Not paying attention to you as he was trying to get sukuna to leave. "Come on man, I can't talk to her?" Toji rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed by Sukuna's presence. You couldn't help but feel caught in the middle of their argument.
With a sigh, Sukuna made his way out of the hallway, leaving you and Toji alone. Surprisingly, the tension that had filled the air seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of calm and understanding between the two of you. It was as if Sukuna's departure lifted a weight off your shoulders, allowing you to fully relax in Toji's presence. The atmosphere had changed into something more peaceful, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of tranquility.
"You followed me?" Confused you stared at him
"Yes, I did. I was worried about you," Toji replied with a concerned expression. "I saw you walk out alone and I couldn't just let you go without making sure you were okay." He squeezed your arm gently, his eyes full of worry. "Are you alright?"
Nodding your head you couldnt help but see that Toji's chest was going up n down fast. He had sweat beats forming on his forehead most likely meaning he sprinted here. "Did you run all the way here?"
Nodding your head, you couldn't help but notice that Toji's chest was rising and falling rapidly. Sweat beads were forming on his forehead, most likely meaning he had sprinted here. "Did you run all the way here?" you asked, concerned for his well-being. Toji smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I wanted to make sure I got here in time to see you." You couldn't help but feel touched by his dedication and effort.
Toji was just staring, taking in your facial features. He couldn't help but admire your features, from the curve of your lips to the sparkle in your eyes. Every detail seemed to captivate him, leaving him in awe of your beauty. But as he gazed at you, he couldn't help but wonder, what was your secret? How could someone be so effortlessly and naturally stunning?
He leaned in, gently cupping your cheek in his hand. His intense gaze held yours, making you feel weak in the knees. You could feel your cheeks heat up and your body tense as his hand caressed your skin. The electricity between you was palpable, and you couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in your stomach. Maybe it was time for you to move on and find someone who actually cares about you. Someone who would treat you with love, respect, and kindness. You deserve to be with someone who values you and makes you feel appreciated.
You put your hand behind his head and pulled him closer, your lips inching towards each other. Maybe Toji was that someone, the one who could treat you with love and kindness, unlike the others who had only caused you pain and heartache. As you leaned in for a kiss, you couldn't help but hope that this could be the start of something real and beautiful. The fear of getting hurt once more overwhelmed you, causing you to hesitate and pull away from his soft lips. Memories of past heartbreaks and betrayals flooded your mind, making it difficult to fully embrace the present moment. You couldn't help but question his intentions and whether or not you were making the right decision by allowing him to kiss you.
"What's wrong?" he asked, his face inches from yours. You could see the hunger in his eyes as he gazed at you.
Feeling a rush of desire, you leaned in closer to him, allowing your lips to brush against his. "Nothing," you whispered, before closing the gap between you and giving into the intense chemistry between the two of you. His lips were soft and warm against yours, and you found yourself getting lost in the moment. You knew this was wrong, but you couldn't resist the temptation any longer.
As his hand moved from your cheek to your waist, you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach. His touch was gentle yet possessive, and you couldn't resist the urge to lean into him. He hesitated for a moment, but then his hand slipped under your shirt, sending shivers down your spine as his fingers traced along your bare skin. The butterflies in your stomach only intensified, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what was to come.
You could feel the coolness of his fingers against your skin and you flinched, but at the same time, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Toji's gentle touch allowed your mouth to open just slightly, and Toji took that as an invitation, eagerly pushing his tongue into your mouth. The pleasure was intoxicating and you found yourself moaning in response, losing yourself in the moment.
You knew this was wrong, making out in the hall of your hotel. Anyone could come in at the moment and see you making out with Toji. But for some reason, it sparked excitement in you - the thrill of getting caught reminded you of your teenage years when you would sneak around with him at parties. It was a reminder of the carefree and rebellious nature of youth, and you couldn't help but indulge in the moment. However, you also knew that this behavior was irresponsible and could have consequences, but the temptation was too strong to resist.
"Mm, Toji..." Feeling his hand slide up, you felt a rush of excitement as he reached your breasts. Stopping for a brief moment to ask for your consent, he said, "Can I?" You didn't even have to tell him, you just grabbed him and pulled him into another passionate kiss. Taking that as a yes, he began to gently fondle and caress your breasts, sending shivers of pleasure throughout your body.
It had been a while since someone had made out with you, but it was clear that Toji needed you. Despite being with Satoru most of your life, you had never experienced a makeout session this passionate before. Satoru's kisses were always rough, but Toji's were on another level. They were gentle, yet somehow still intense and rough at the same time. It was as if he couldn't get enough of you.
"We should stop," you said, looking away from him to see if anyone had passed by the hall. "Yeah, we should," but before you could say anything, he squeezed your breast, causing you to look at him. He laughed in a playful manner before kissing you one last time.
You rolled your eyes at him before looking at him with confusion. "Where's Megumi?" you asked. "He's at your sister's house," he replied. "I came here as fast as I could, so I asked if she could watch him."
"Are you serious? you left your soon with a bunch of strangers." you shook your head in disapproval.
"Let's go get him, I need to talk to my sister either way," you hesitently said. Turning around to get your keys out of your purse, you opened your hotel room, with Toji following behind you.
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as you watched your son sleeping peacefully. You knew you had to wake him up, but seeing him so content made you hesitate. You couldn't bear to disturb his peaceful slumber, but you also knew you had to stick to the schedule. You gently shook him awake, hoping he wouldn't be too grumpy about it.
"Come on, baby, wake up." You said in a soft tone, gently trying to rouse your child from their slumber.
Sumire awoke from a deep sleep, confused and disoriented as he found himself in a hotel room. He couldn't remember how he got there, but he was suddenly filled with joy when he saw you, his mother, standing by his bedside. "Mommy!" he exclaimed excitedly, relieved to see a familiar face.
Toji stood next to you as you gently picked up your son. "Hey, let me take him for you." You silently thanked him before handing Sumire to him. Without hesitation, Sumire wrapped his tiny hands around Toji's neck and buried his face in the warmth of his embrace. You couldn't help but smile at the sweet bond forming between him and your and son.
As you walked out, you made sure to carefully lock the door behind you before heading to the elevator. Once you reached the lobby, you made your way out to the parking lot, grateful for the car your sister had rented for you. You promised yourself to thank her again when you saw her.
"Can you drive? I want to sit with Sumire," you asked. Toji simply nodded and got into the car. You carefully picked up your son and positioned him comfortably on top of you, holding him tight. You quickly checked your phone to see if you got any messages from when you left.
3 messages from "Sister" 2 messages from "My love ♡" 5 messages from "Toji Zen'in"
Confused as to why you still had Satoru as "My love" you clicked on his contact. Quickly changing it back to "ex-husband." Curious on what he texted you clicked on his message.
Y/N please call me when you see this. Please tell me if you got safe with sumire if you can.
You scoffed seeing his message. You were filled with anger and resentment upon receiving his message. 'How dare he try to act like a caring father now? He should have thought about the consequences of his actions when he decided to cheat and get another girl pregnant.' It was too late for him to try and make amends now.
You hated him so much. You couldn't believe how different Sumire was from his father. His kind and gentle nature was a stark contrast to the man you despised so much. It was almost hard to believe they were related.
"So we get megumi, I talk to my sister and we leave, Okay?" You said.
"That sounds good," Toji said, placing a hand on your thigh before carelessly rubbing it. You realized he was driving with one hand and for some reason it made him look immensely attractive. His confident and nonchalant demeanor while driving added to his charm and you couldn't help but feel drawn to him. The way his hand rested on your thigh sent shivers down your spine, making you want him even more.
Toji had a way of making you feel youthful, despite the small age difference between the two of you. Although he was only two years older, being around him made you feel more energized and alive. He had a contagious energy that could make anyone feel young and carefree.
"Toji?" Seeing him turn to look at you, you took in his features. His sharp jawline, dark hair, and piercing dark green eyes took your breath away. You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach every time you looked at him. It was no wonder he was the most popular guy in school.
Everyone wanted Toji, even your sister had a major crush on him. She was a freshman when he was a senior. Little did she know you were lucky enough to make out with him the day before he graduated.
"Do you still remember how Highschool was?" With a squeeze on your thigh he began to think.
"Hmm, high school was quite boring actually," he said with a sigh. "Well, except for the fact that I could see you during passing periods," he added with a sly wink in your direction.
"You're dumb." You said, playfully rolling your eyes at him.
"I'm being completely honest with you. I had strong feelings for you, but I was told that you were in a serious relationship with Satoru, so I didn't want to interfere or make things complicated."
You smiled knowing Toji always thought of you in a romantic way, but you also couldn't help but wonder what life would have been like if you had married him instead of Satoru. Would things have been easier or more fulfilling? Would you have avoided the heartbreak and struggles you faced with Satoru?
"We're here," he said, parking the car outside the house. As the music and chatter from outside filled the car, you felt hesitant and unsure if you should actually go in.
"Here, I'll carry Sumire." He said, gently picking up your son and holding him in his arms. You were still getting out of the car, and Toji extended his hand to help you. You gratefully accepted it, feeling a sense of warmth and connection as your fingers interlocked. Together you walked inside the house.
Upon opening the door, you were greeted by Jiyuu, who appeared to have been crying. "Couldn't my day get any better." She said before shoulder checking you and walking out the door. You were in disbelief, she really just said that in front of you. Scoffing you continued to walk towards the patio.
Satoru was frustrated, Jiyuu had ran out and he had to go after her. He began walking to where she had left before stopping in his tracks and seeing you. Toji was holding his son, his baby. He looked at Toji in disgust before his eyes followed to you, seeing that you were holding hands with Toji he chuckled.
Satoru couldn't believe it. After all the trouble Jiyuu had caused, she had just run off and left him to deal with the consequences. And now, to make matters worse, he saw that you were here with Toji, holding hands with him. Satoru couldn't help but feel disgusted and betrayed by both of you. He had always hated Toji, but now it seemed that you were with him. He stood there, unsure of what to do or say next.
All he could do was just walk past you, pretend like he didnt care that you were with another man. He had priorities now, and that was to catch his pregnant lover who had just ran out.
"What a scum." you said
As you walked outside, you noticed a group of people gathered and chatting. Your eyes zeroed in on your sister's fiance, who seemed to be the center of attention. You quickly made your way over.
"Y/N, I'm glad you're safe," he said, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
"Where's Marie?" you asked, scanning the room for any sign of her. However, she was nowhere in sight. You wondered where she could have gone off to and if everything was okay.
"She's in her room, all the bridesmaids are in there," he said, gesturing towards the door before turning to greet Toji and your son.
Looking at Toji, he had just smiled at you and reassured you that it was okay to leave. "It's fine, go ahead. I'll take care of Megumi." His kind gesture put you at ease and you were grateful for his understanding.
You walked to your sister's room, knocking on the door before you were greeted by Utahime. She looked at you with a shocked expression, practically jumping on you. "Y/N! I'm so glad you're okay!" she exclaimed.
Walking inside, you saw all of your friends gathered in the room, with your sister on the bed crying. You immediately felt guilty, knowing that your actions had caused this emotional outburst. Without hesitation, you walked over to her and embraced her in a hug, apologizing for the scene you had made.
"I'm so sorry Marie, I didn't mean to storm off like that," you apologized to your sister, feeling guilty for your outburst. You knew that your sister deserved an explanation for your behavior and you were ready to give her one.
She reached out and took your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You've been through a lot, but you're here now and that's all that matters," she reassured you with a warm smile. "And I completely understand if you don't want to be a part of my wedding anymore. I love you and everything you have done for me, but I want you to be happy and comfortable with your role in the wedding." You quickly cut her off, reassuring her that her feelings and opinions are important to you.
"Absolutely not, I'm staying for this wedding. Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss it for anything," you said, hugging her again. You had been looking forward to this special occasion for months, and there was no way you were going to miss it. The thought of not being there to celebrate with your baby sister and witness her happiness was out of the question.
She smiled at you, happy that you were going to be in her wedding. "And as for Jiyuu i want her there too." you said, you're sister looked at you confused.
"Are you sure?" she asked again, concern evident in her voice. "I can take her off if you want," she reassured you, gently squeezing your hand. You could tell she genuinely cared about your well-being and wanted to make sure you were comfortable with the situation.
"No, it's fine, I have to go." you reassured your sister before getting up from the bed and giving her one last hug. "I'll be safe, don't worry. And I'll definitely text you." Your sister smiled and nodded before letting you leave the room. As you walked outside, you saw that Toji was getting along well with your sister's fiancé.
You walked towards him and gently took Megumi from his grasp, feeling grateful for his innocent and loving nature. "Hello, my sweet baby," you cooed in a soft, high-pitched voice. His eyes lit up with excitement and he wrapped his tiny hands around your neck, his pure and genuine love bringing a smile to your face.
"Well we should get going, thank you for everything." You thanked him before grabbing Toji's hand and walking towards the entrance.
Toji was walking with Sumire holding his tiny hand while you carried Megumi. You always wanted another kid. Just so Sumire wouldn't be alone. But having another child was basically impossible since his father was no longer in the picture.
However, as the wedding drew closer, you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and sadness. Going home also meant finalizing your divorce and leaving behind the life you once knew. The impending changes and uncertainty made it difficult to truly enjoy the vacation.
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Taglist; @allofffmypeaches @wo-ming-bai @nerdiel-has-no-braincells@creolequeen11210 @doughnuts-eater @narutosagemode@lilith412426 @meojjjsworld @pandoraium @dcvilxswish @cloudsinthecosmos
298 notes · View notes
gojolvs · 2 months
in my active era wait what
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gojolvs · 2 months
i miss u more...
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gojolvs · 6 months
Your back! Yes I’m so that you are okay
The newest chapter of I still want you was amazing. I can’t believe that Satoru finally be exposed to cheating on y/n and got his whore pregnant! Which I think she is lie about because she was drunk as hell. I hope everyone gives him and his mistress shits. Including his son I want his son to say I hate you dad! You hurt mommy! I wish Toji was my dad instead!
Anyway glad you’re back and okay can’t for next chapter.
P.s on the I still want you master-list it going to have 19 chapters. Does that mean chapter 19 is the last chapter?
as for now i think that 19 chapters should be enough but it depends on the later chapters.
and yesss im back im so sorry it took me so long work has been a bit hectic but the chapters will be posted soon! i also believe that jiyuu is lying but who knows 💁🏻‍♀️.
19 notes · View notes
gojolvs · 6 months
I still want you.
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Chapter 7
⤿ Satoru Gojo × reader
Falling in love with the Satoru Gojou wasn’t an easy task. You truly love him but will this come to an end?
Warning/ tags; angst, profanity, smoking, cursing, smut, cheating.
Genre; angst, cheating, infidelity, jik, Gojou × reader
Notes: the tag-list is open if you'd like to be mentioned everytime i update just send me a message on the box. Also super sorry for not updating but im back!
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previous chapter ⤏ next chapter
"Sumire!" Yelling with happiness you ran towards your kid. Seeing Sumire in your mothers arm sleeping soundly you couldn't help but feel delightful to see your son.
It felt like it was ages but finally seeing him in the airport running towards you, your heart felt full. You had been away from home for too long, and you felt a deep connection to Sumire. As you got closer, your heart was filled with joy and love for your son. You couldn't help but smile as you looked upon his peaceful face, and you knew that your family was finally reunited. You embraced your mother and Sumire, and you were grateful for the moment. You smiled and looked at your son, Sumire; his hair had grown so much since the last time you saw him. You noticed it was starting to turn white, just like his father's.
"Mommy!" Sumire hugged you tightly, his small chubby hands gripping your chest. Sumire missed you so much, and sometimes he would cry to your mother about how much he missed you and his father, Satoru. It was obvious that Sumire was a mama's boy.
Despite the sadness of the events that had occurred, your heart was warmed by the thought of your son. His presence in your life was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there could still be moments of joy and peace. He was the one who had the power to make your pain disappear.
"How was grandma's house?" Kissing his forehead you caressed Sumire's white hair. Toji saw your mother struggling to get her luggage into the car and immediately offered to help.
He took one of the bags and loaded it into the trunk, then grabbed the other one and did the same. His kind gesture made your mother smile and she thanked him for his help. Satoru was too busy consoling Jiyuu the whole entire day that he had forgot that Sumire was coming today. You knew that having sex with Satoru was a mistake but you were so caught up in the moment you forgot how much you despised him. You had always known that Satoru was a snake but you had allowed yourself to be charmed by his smooth words and seductive looks. You had thought that maybe this time would be different, but it wasn't. You should have trusted your instincts and stayed away from him. Sumire's own father didn't even come but Toji came.
"Good! Grandma helped me learn how to write" your little 5 year old said. You could tell Sumire was growing up by the minute. You couldn't bare seeing your baby boy grow up.
You smiled and ruffled his hair, feeling a mixture of pride and sadness. You were proud of him, but you couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness that he was growing up so quickly. You looked at your mother, thanking her silently for her help in teaching Sumire how to write. "I know how to spell my name now mama!" Hugging him tightly you felt proud. His face beamed with excitement as he proudly recited each letter of his name. You gave him a big hug and praised him for his accomplishment. Tears of joy filled your eyes as you realized your little one had just taken the first steps towards independence.
"That's good honey, go inside the car okay? I need to talk to your grandma for a bit." Putting him down Toji held the tiny 5 year old hand. Taking him to the car you were left alone with your mother.
You both stood there in silence for a few moments, not knowing what to say. You glanced at her, noticing the wrinkles that had formed around her eyes. She smiled at you, her eyes twinkling with love and compassion, and opened her arms.
You stepped into the embrace, feeling the warmth of her love wash over you. Tears started streaming down your face as you both hugged tightly. "Mom... me and Satoru. We're getting a divorce." Hearing those words your moms eyes widened.
She looked at her daughter in disbelief, her eyes widening as the realization hit her. She had suspected something was wrong for some time, but had been hoping it wasn't true. She had never expected to hear those words from her daughter's lips. Her body seemed to tense up as she slowly processed the news. She stared into your eyes searching for an explanation, her face filled with a mixture of shock and disbelief.
After a few moments of silence, she finally spoke. "What happened?" she asked in a soft voice, trembling slightly. Shaking your head you buried your face on your moms shoulder.
Placing a hand in the back of your head you cried. Not wanting to tell your mother Satoru had cheated because you knew your mother would lash out at him. You wanted to protect him, even though he had done wrong. You knew he was struggling and it was hard for him to stay away from the bad crowd. You wished there was something you could do to help him, but you knew it was out of your control.
"We agreed it was best for us to go our separate ways." Not wanting to go into further details with your mother she knew it wasn't her place to pry anymore. Nodding she just held you.
You knew your mother would be so angry with Satoru and you didn't want that for him. Knowing how much respect he held for your mother for being a strong women you couldn't believe he could actually cheat on you. Seeing how devastated your mother was when your father cheated and he still decided to cheat on you. You wanted to protect Satoru from the wrath of your mother's anger and disappointment. You knew that she would feel betrayed by someone she trusted and admired, and you couldn't stand the thought of him facing the same consequences that your father had faced. You also couldn't believe that Satoru, with all of the respect he had for your mother's strength and resilience, could make such an irresponsible decision.
"Here let's go to the car, we can talk more when we get to the hotel okay?" Letting out a sigh your mother wiped your tears, seeing your doleful expression she knew there was more to the divorce.
Getting inside the car you could see Toji's frustrated face. Seeing Sumire argue with Megumi because he accidentally called you mommy. "No she's my mommy." Furrowing his eyebrow the small 5 year old feud with the toddler. Toji rolled his eyes propping his son to his lap. Scolding him for calling you mommy in front of Sumire even though Megumi wasn't your child.
He sighed heavily, rubbing his temples as he tried to reason with Megumi and Sumire. He glanced over at you, his expression apologetic. "I'm sorry, I know it's not your responsibility to have to deal with this." He said, shaking his head slightly before turning his attention back to the two children.
Sumire pouted his lips crossing his arms, "I don't care, she's my mommy!" Toji sighed heavily, trying to explain to Sumire that Megumi had made an honest mistake.
"Megumi didn't mean to call her mommy. He was just confused, so don't be mad at him, okay?" Toji said, giving Megumi a gentle hug.
Sumire reluctantly nodded his head, still looking a bit disappointed. You knew Sumire would probably not get along with Megumi because his school would always call you and tell you that your baby boy had picked a fight. Yelling at the school principal you remembered you called him and idiot for thinking your 5 year old angel would ever do that. Maybe now you actually seen his true side.
You had always been protective of Sumire, but you knew he was a handful. He had always been a spirited kid, and you knew that he was capable of mischievous behavior. Still, you had always been proud of him for being so independent and determined. Now, you were starting to see that those same qualities could also lead him into trouble. You could clearly see he got most of Satoru's personality. But he still had your nice mannered nature.
The whole ride home was 2 hours, you driving home you kept on looking at rear-view mirror. Seeing megumi and Sumire fast asleep on both of Toji's shoulders. He had his arms crossed and his head was thrown back. You could see his long lashes and the way his eye lids would twitch when the kids would move. You had to fight the urge to pull over and take a photo of the three of them, the moment was so peaceful and serene. But you decided not to disturb them, and kept on driving, admiring the moment in your head. The sun was setting and the orange light was reflecting off of Toji's hair, making him look like a prince from a fairytale. You let out a breath, and kept driving, content with the moment you just shared.
Your mother also fast asleep you were alone with your thoughts. Everyone was asleep in the car but you. You felt a wave of anxiety wash over you as you realized that you had to face him soon. You had no idea what to expect, and it scared you. You wished you had someone to talk to, to help you process your feelings and figure out what to do. But here you were, alone in the car, with no one to turn to. You sighed and took a deep breath, trying to push away the fear and uncertainty. There was only three days left before the wedding of your sister. She was so busy with getting things ready she rarely visited the hotel you were staying, but you didn't mind. You remembered how excited you were when you were planning your wedding with Satoru. You thought back to those days fondly, recalling how you both had laughed and cried together as you finalized the details and the guest list. You wished your sister all the best for her special day, although it was tinged with a bit of sadness as you realized that you wouldn't be able to experience the same joy that you had with Satoru.
Realizing that Satoru no longer cared about you, you felt stupid for still reminiscing the times you were together. It was finally time to move on and you knew it too. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, allowing the tears to stream down your face. You felt a bittersweet sadness as you accepted the truth of the situation. You slowly opened your eyes and wiped away the tears, feeling a newfound strength and resolve to move on with your life.
Stopping the car at the red light you quickly grabbed your phone. Seeing all the pictures you had with Satoru you chose to delete them all. Why would you have pictures of your cheating husband. He probably deleted all of the pictures he had of you. You felt a sense of relief knowing that he would no longer have any reminders of you. You had to move on and start a new life. Taking a deep breath, you slowly exhaled and deleted the last picture. You knew that the only way to move forward was to let go of the past.
Finally what felt like hours you made it to the hotel. Parking the car, you woke up your mom. Seeing her tired face you assumed she felt fatigue due to the airplane. Getting out the car you slammed the door, rushing towards Toji to help him with the kids. You gave your mom a hug and thanked her for coming. You were both relieved to be at the hotel, where you could finally rest after the tiring journey. You knew the trip would be worth it, and you were excited to explore the city with your family. Outside the hotel Satoru was waiting alone. He had his back on the wall, putting his hands in his pocket he walked towards you and your mother.
"Hello mom, how was the trip?" Grabbing Sumire out of the car Gojo carried him towards the hotel room. Your son tiredly groaned in discomfort, wrapping his tiny arms around Satoru.
"It was great, thank you. We had a lot of fun and saw some beautiful sights.”
How are you and Sumire doing?" Gojo smiled at his son as he shifted him in his arms, trying to make him more comfortable.
"Sumire is a bit tired from the trip, but he's doing well."
You stayed back to help Toji, getting Megumi out of the car the little toddler shifted his body. Making himself more comfortable you waited for Toji to get the luggage out the car. Already seeing your husband walking towards the hotel with your mom.
"He's fast asleep, guess you're going to have to stay at my room again, huh?" You took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze of the night, before turning back to Megumi. Rubbing his back you grabbed one of the blankets you brought for Sumire originally. Seeing the small kid shake in cold you placed it on top of him.
Toji smiled softly at the sight. "You're so good with him." He said, his voice laced with admiration. "It's like he trusts you more than he trusts me."
You chuckled, shaking your head. "It's not like that." You said, brushing a strand of hair away from Megumi's face. "He's just comfortable with me."
"Does your mom know about the cheating?" Shaking your head you said no. Telling Toji how you were going to tell your mom after the whole wedding was done not wanting to ruin it for you sister.
"It's not worth ruining my sister's big day with this," you said with a sigh. "I'll tell her after the wedding is over. I know she's going to be disappointed, but she'll understand."
Waiting for the elevator Megumi kept on adjusting himself. Pulling the toddler closer you silently shushed him. "Shh... go to sleep honey." Moving side to side you gently smiled seeing him burying his face on the crook of your neck.
The elevator door opened and you stepped in. You pressed the button to your floor and the elevator started to move. As you felt the gentle lull of the elevator, the toddler dozed off in your arms. You held him close, thankful for the peaceful moment. "Where's Sumire going to sleep?"
Remembering that you usually shared a bed with megumi and Toji slept on the couch you didn't want to tell Toji to leave to his room for some reason. "He can go to bed with me but you can also sleep with me, besides the bed is big enough for us since the kids are small."Stepping out of the elevator you were met with Satoru's gaze.
"It's just for tonight." You said, feeling a bit embarrassed. Toji nodded in understanding before continuing the conversation.
"I think it's a good idea." He said, and you couldn't help but feel a bit relieved that he didn't seem to judge you for it.
"Where's my mother?" Grabbing the keys you put it in the keyhole. Rubbing his neck Satoru avoided your gaze. All the memories of last nights fling coming back.
"She's in her room, said she was going to sleep." Opening the door you nodded and let out a deep sigh, relieved that she was okay. You thanked Satoru for his help and walked inside the room. You could feel his eyes following you as you walked away, but you didn't turn back. Toji behind you, closing the door you could see Satoru's blue eyes stare back at yours. With a sigh you placed the toddler in your arms down on the bed. Toji doing the same with Sumire he excused himself to go to the restroom to brush his teeth. You watched him with a smile as he stumbled out of the room and closed the door behind him. You took a moment to take in the peacefulness of the room. The two children were now cuddled up in the bed with their blankets. You smiled to yourself, feeling a sense of accomplishment in taking care of the two of them. You walked over to the bed and kissed each of their foreheads before changing your clothes. Taking your shirt off you decided to wear one of your loose shirts you borrowed from Toji, wearing sweatpants to accompany the outfit.
Exiting the restroom Toji took off his shirt. You didn't mind seeing Toji shirtless since it wasn't your first time. The first time he stayed at your hotel room he took off his shirt, asking if you were okay with it. Your reaction was priceless, feeling your face hot you remembered how you instantly ran to the restroom to wash your face from all the thoughts lingering in your mind. You had to admit his body was perfect, his toned abs and biceps were enough to make your heart skip a beat. His perfect V-line and broad shoulders were something you couldn't help but admire.
Toji was a sight to behold, and you were lucky to have him as a friend. Stretching your hands you walked towards the bathroom, making sure to wash your face and brush your teeth before going to sleep. Seeing your face you noticed that your skin was getting the natural glow you had lost after the few nights of crying. Washing your face you felt your skin against the cold water.
As the water ran down your face, you felt a sense of relief. The feeling of relief was so strong that you could almost feel the heavy weight of the day lifting off your shoulders. Taking a deep breath you felt a wave of calm wash over you. You knew that it was time to get some much-needed rest. You gently patted your face dry with a soft towel and looked into the mirror. Finishing brushing your teeth you exited the bathroom. Walking towards the bed you could already see Toji laying down. The kids fast asleep next to him. You crept slowly towards the bed, careful not to wake anyone. As you looked at the peaceful scene before you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment fill your heart. You lay down beside Toji and snuggled close. You drifted off to sleep, secure in the knowledge that you were surrounded by the ones you loved the most.
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Waking up you silently got up, seeing both kids snuggled up with Toji you couldn't help but smile. You quietly tiptoed to the bathroom, brushing your teeth and washing your face. You then crept back into the bedroom and watched the peaceful scene before you. It was a moment of pure bliss and happiness and you cherished it, before slipping out of the bedroom and starting your day. Checking to see if you had received any messages you were surprised to see that your sister had texted you.
Sis; Goodmorning! Im having a small party at my house, i have something to announce so please come quick.
Liking her message you walked towards Toji, seeing his sleeping figure you couldn't help but feel a tiny bit bad that you were going to wake him up. You slowly shook his shoulder, trying to wake him up gently. He stirred in his sleep, groaning he sat up.
His eyes opened, and he squinted at you in confusion. "What's up?" he asked, still half asleep. When he saw it was you, he smiled, his eyes crinkling with warmth. You couldn't help but feel relieved, knowing he was in a good mood.
You showed him the text message, and he just nodded. "My sister needs us, let's give the kids a bath and then go."
Grabbing sleeping megumi he woke him up, you doing the same you grabbed Sumire and placed him on your side. Ruffling his hair he rubbed his eyes, still half asleep he placed his head on your chest. Sumire groaned and opened his eyes, blinking a few times he tried to adjust to the sudden light. He glanced at you and smiled, then snuggled closer and yawned. You smiled down at him and whispered "Good morning, Sumire".
Both of you walking towards the restroom you placed Sumire down, making sure the bathtub was being filled with warm water you were relieved to feel the water warm enough. Undressing Sumire you threw his clothes to the side before putting him onto the bathtub. You slowly put Sumire inside the bathtub and started washing him gently with a sponge, making sure to clean every inch of his body. You added a small amount of shampoo to his hair and began to massage it softly. As you were doing this, you could hear Sumire humming softly, showing how comfortable he was with the situation. Megumi in the other hand was crying so much. Toji didn't know what to do because he rarely gave Megumi a bath he would always shower with him instead.
Giggling at the current scene you came to the rescue, switching positions with Toji you let him scrub Sumire's hair while you bathed Megumi. The little body immediately stopped crying when you came to his aid.
"Kids going to be the death of me." Groaning he let out a sigh, placing more shampoo on Sumire's hair. He had a look of relief on his face as he handed you the shampoo for Megumi.
You smiled and thanked him before kneeling to Megumi's level, and beginning to lather his hair. He still had a look of terror on his face, but his cries had softened into quiet sobs. You worked quickly and quietly, trying to get his hair washed and rinsed before he started wailing again.
You smiled reassuringly as you finished, and he finally seemed to relax. "There we go," you said softly. "All done."
Switching again, Sumire was just playing with water. Sumire had been playing with the water in the bathtub happily, splashing it around and enjoying himself. He was getting a bit too wild, however, and some of the suds from the shampoo got into his eyes, making them sting. You told him to close his eyes and carefully rinsed off the shampoo before it caused any further discomfort. After he was all clean, you grabbed a towel and wrapped him up. Carefully, you lifted Sumire up and took him to the bedroom. You gently dried him off with the towel before carefully changing him into a fresh set of dry clothes. Once he was dressed, you made sure he was comfortable.
Toji doing the same you both got ready quickly before grabbing your bags and heading out the door towards your sister's beach house.
Already entering the house you walked to the back of the house. Seeing everyone gathered around the small patio that led to the beach. Everyone was wearing shorts and dresses. You had nothing but a small sun dress you decided to wear under your swimsuit if you decided to go in the water later. You smiled to yourself in contentment as you took in the scene. The sun was shining brightly, the sand was glistening, and the waves were crashing against the shore. You took a deep breath of the salty air and felt the warm sun on your skin. It was a perfect day for a beach party.
"You made it!" Giving you a hug your sister smiled at you, she had a beautiful white sundress on that made her look like an absolute goddess compared to you. You could say she got the good genes of the family.
"I wouldn't dare to miss this." Hugging her back you separated yourself before calling Sumire over to introduce himself to his aunt.
Sumire timidly stepped forward, bowing his head in respect. You could see the excitement in his eyes as he smiled shyly at his aunt. "It's nice to meet you," he said.
His aunt smiled warmly and said "It's nice to meet you too, Sumire. I'm so glad you could come today. You probably don't remember me because I met you when you were super tiny!" She said warmly.
"The guests should be arriving soon," your sister said as she looked at the clock. "Can you help me unpack?" You nodded and followed her into the guest bedroom, picking up a suitcase from the floor. Together, you quickly unpacked and neatly arranged the clothes and toiletries in the dresser and closet. Soon, everything was in its place, ready for the arrival of your family's guests.
Closing the door, she walked to the closet and pulled out a small box. "I want you to be the first person to see this," she said, handing you the box with a smile. Confused, you slowly opened it and found baby clothes and a t-shirt that read "World's Best Aunt." Instantly, you realized that she was announcing her pregnancy and you were going to be an aunt. Overwhelmed with joy, you hugged her tightly as tears of happiness streamed down your face. You couldn't wait to meet your new niece or nephew and spoil them with love and affection.
"Oh my god. How far along are you??" You exclaimed, your eyes widening in surprise as you took in your sister's growing belly. You couldn't help but feel overjoyed for her - it had always been her dream to have a child and now it was finally coming true.
"Im just a few weeks along. Im so happy because we can finally have children around the same age!" Suddenly, your excitement turned into confusion and amusement as you realized that Sumire was still a toddler and she was talking about having children around the same age.
"This means we can go shopping together for baby clothes! Aren't you happy?" she asked, looking at you with a big smile. "Remember when we used to dream about this when we were kids?" she continued, giggling with excitement.
You couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Your sisterlooked at you with a puzzled expression, clearly not understanding why you found her statement funny. "What are you talking about Marie?”
"I'm talking about the baby, silly!" Marie exclaimed, rolling her eyes playfully. She leaned in closer to you and placed her hands on your growing belly. "I can't believe you're going to be a mom soon!" she said with a smile.
“No. You’re just making things up.” you could feel anger building up.
"Aren't you pregnant?" I overheard Gojo and Suguru talking about you being pregnant." Stunned by what she was saying, you took a step back, unsure of how to respond.
“What exactly did you hear marie.” Your eyebrows were furrowed.
“Geez, why are you so mad? all i heard was satoru saying that someone was pregnant and Suguru looked shocked so i assumed it was you.” It couldn’t be right? Theres no way he had gotten Jiyuu pregnant. Shaking your head you put down the box on the bed. “I have to go.”
"Wait!" throwing everything onto the bed, you could hear your sister running after you. Running down the stairs, you could just hear the sound of your heels hitting the hard wood. Everyone was outside talking, and you could feel the anger rushing through your body as you ran towards the doors. Walking outside, you spotted Satoru talking to Suguru and Shoko, his hands in his pockets and a dumb smile on his face. Seeing that only made you even more angry.
You were fuming with anger towards Satoru for betraying your trust. "How dare you!" you shouted, unable to control your emotions. Your sister's voice calling your name snapped you back to reality as you pushed past everyone to stand next to Satoru. "Y/N?" he asked, confused by your sudden outburst and heavy breathing. But before he could finish, you slapped him across the face, causing everyone around to gasp in shock.
"How could you, Satoru?" His face was stunned as he looked at you in disbelief. You had just slapped him in front of everyone. "What did I do?" Confused, he quickly grabbed your hand before you could slap him again.
letting out a deep breath you could feel the tears building up. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and looked at the scene. “First i was fine with you leaving me for another women but getting her pregnant?!” You could feel the tension in the air as everyone held their breath, waiting for your next words. Your sister's eyes widened in disbelief, her gaze shifting between you and Jiyuu, who stood next to Nanami, casually eating a cupcake. It was clear that the news of Gojo getting another woman pregnant had caught everyone off guard. Letting out a deep breath, you tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over from the hurt and betrayal you were feeling.
"Can we talk about this somewhere else?" Gojo looked at everyone and started apologizing.
"Sorry everyone, she's just tired," he said, placing his hand on your shoulder. Clenching your teeth, you moved away. "No, Satoru. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of pretending like we're still together.”
"What's going on?" suddenly your sister's fiancé appeared. "What's going on is that Satoru cheated on me with Jiyuu and she's pregnant," you sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. As Satoru began to angrily grab your hand, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. His eyes were filled with anger, and you knew this was going to be a difficult conversation.
“what? is this true?” asking Satoru just sighed.
“Yes, me and Jiyuu are together and we are expecting.” The reality of the situation hit you like a ton of bricks. After all this time, Satoru had moved on and was now with Jiyuu. They were expecting a child together, and you knew that meant he was no longer the father of my child. You would have to share that bond with another woman, and it was a harsh reminder that you were truly alone in this world.
Wiping away your tears you knew it was the end. The end of your marriage. “Im leaving.” walking past your sister you could see the hurt filled in her eyes. “Im sorry Marie i didn’t mean to ruin your party, as for everyone else please pretend this never happened and make this a good day for her.” Being the bigger person you walked back into the house. Grabbing your purse and keys you realized that Toji took you here. Not wanting to see his face after everything you just grabbed sumires hand and walked out. Hopefully there was a bus station you could go to.
“Mommy?” Lifting Sumrie you held him in your arms. Kissing his head before walking to a random direction. You continued to walk aimlessly, deep in thought. The weight of your child in your arms brought you a sense of comfort, but you couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that seemed to be following you. As you walked, you couldn't help but think, "Could this day possibly get any worse?"
You made your way to the bus stop and sat down on the bench, letting out a deep sigh of relief. The events of the day had drained you both physically and emotionally, and all you wanted was to escape into a peaceful slumber. As you waited for the bus, you closed your eyes and let the exhaustion wash over you, finally finding a moment of calm amidst the chaos. Should you have really blurted everything out and potentially caused harm to those you care about? You couldn't help but feel guilty as you stared at your phone. The missed calls from your sister, Satoru, and Toji were a reminder of the consequences of your actions.
You couldn't help but wonder if things would have been different if you had kept your thoughts to yourself.
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Taglist; @allofffmypeaches @wo-ming-bai @nerdiel-has-no-braincells @creolequeen11210 @yevene @doughnuts-eater @narutosagemode @lilith412426 @meojjjsworld @pandoraium @dcvilxswish @cloudsinthecosmos @alurafairy
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gojolvs · 10 months
About me!
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⤿ my name is mimi and im currently 9teen years old
• i have two blogs, this one and @gojoluvs
• I love to write and English is not my first language!
• My fav characters in jik are itadori, Gojo (obv), Megumi, and Shoko.
• i will also write fanfics about different anime's in the future whenever I can! And bleach is also my fav anime
• My asks will always be open and im willing to do one shots as long as it's not against my rules.
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gojolvs · 10 months
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⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ ⁺˚
NEW MAIN: @gojoluvs
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✭ About me!
✭ © Do not repost, translate or try to change something
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18 notes · View notes
gojolvs · 10 months
The next few chapters are going to be longer maybe around 8k words or more 😱
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gojolvs · 10 months
I still want you.
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Chapter 6
⤿ Satoru Gojo × reader
Falling in love with the Satoru Gojou wasn’t an easy task. You truly love him but will this come to an end?
Warning/ tags; angst, profanity, smoking, cursing, smut, cheating.
Genre; angst, cheating, infidelity, jik, Gojou × reader
Notes: the tag-list is open if you'd like to be mentioned everytime i update just send me a message.
6k words
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Previous chapter ⤏ Next chapter
Opening the door Satoru was met with Toji’s bare chest. Satoru stood there, taken aback. He wasn't expecting to find Toji standing in the doorway of your hotel room, with his bare chest exposed. He knew Toji was a bit of a wild card, but he never expected this. He couldn't help but feel a bit irritated as he tried to avert his gaze from Toji's body. Why was Toji opening the door like this, especially without a shirt on?
“Where’s Y/n.” He spat with jealousy in his voice. Why was there another man in your hotel room. He didn’t care if you both agreed on a divorce you still shouldn’t bring a man into to your especially if he’s awake in the morning without a shirt.
Toji couldn't help but feel a bit smug at the sight of Gojo's obvious jealousy. He knew that Gojo wished he was the one in the room with you, instead of Toji. Toji's smirk widened, amused at the thought. “She’s sleeping, she’s tired from last night.”
Tilting his head Toji had a wide grin plastered on his face. He couldn’t help but feel amused upon seeing Gojos reaction. Gojo was taken aback by the sudden turn of events. His mouth was left agape as he tried to process what had just happened. He was at a loss for words as he stared at Toji in disbelief. “Im just kidding, we didn’t do anything.”
Gojo could feel the rage cursing through his veins. He didn’t know why seeing Toji with you in the hotel room made him so upset. After all he shouldn’t feel anything towards you especially because he brought his lover with him. He tried to suppress his emotions and remain calm, but it was an uphill battle. He was determined to keep his composure, but he couldn't help but feel a wave of jealousy wash over him. He wanted to confront Toji and ask him why he was there, but he knew it wouldn’t do any good. He had to keep his emotions in check and stay focused on the mission. He clenched his jaw and tried to steady his breathing, reminding himself that it was a situation he had put himself in. He had no right to be angry, yet he couldn't help the jealousy that was bubbling up inside him. He had to remind himself that he had made his choice and that he had to accept the consequences of his actions.
“We’re all meeting later to go get some drinks. Tell Y/n once she wakes up to send me a message.” Licking his teeth Toji let out a small sigh.
Gojo merely nodded, not saying a word. He knew that Toji was testing him, but he chose not to give in to the provocation. Toji sighed and stood up straight, shaking his head in disbelief. "That's all?" he asked again, this time with a hint of exasperation in his voice.
Gojo stood up, his face expressionless. "That's all," he said calmly. He knew that his response would not satisfy Toji, but he didn't care. Toji had gone too far and he would not stand for it any longer. He turned to leave, knowing that the conversation was over.
Closing the door Toji headed back towards the bed where a sleeping you laid. He didn’t know how you could deal with gojo for so long. He was a prick and you were such a sweet person. As he watched you sleep, he wondered how you could be so tolerant of Gojo's behavior. He admired your strength and patience, and vowed to himself to be more like you. Toji couldn't help but smile at the sight before him, feeling a warmth in his chest at the peacefulness of the moment. He silently thanked the gods that he had been blessed with such a strong and kind person in his life. Taking one last look, he crept out of the room, closing the door behind him.
He knew that even after everything you would still choose Satoru and not him. Toji was slowly falling for you but your heart wasn’t his. Toji was aware that no matter what he did, it was impossible for him to sway your heart away from Satoru. Even though he was slowly falling for you, he accepted that you were already in love with Satoru and that his efforts would be in vain. ‘Fuck.’ He knew he had to put a stop to his feelings sooner or later. The whole thing about Megumi not being able to sleep without you was a lie. He just wanted an excuse to see your face light up when you saw his child. He wanted to see you play around with megumi. He knew it was wrong to use Megumi as a way to get closer to you, but he couldn't help it. He wanted to spend time with you, and he knew that seeing you interact with Megumi would make it easier for him to express his feelings for you. He was determined to put an end to these unrequited feelings, but he was also filled with anxiety and fear of the unknown.
Toji felt fear because he hadn’t felt anything for anyone in so long. Ever since his wife died he felt like there was no meaning in life anymore. But seeing you with megumi healed something in him. He felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time, a spark of hope. He was afraid to feel something, because it would mean having to open up his heart again and risk being hurt. But, he was comforted by the thought of you being in his son’s life, and it made him feel alive again.
Toji was afraid of getting too close, of letting himself feel something for someone else. He was scared of the pain of losing someone else, of being reminded of the emptiness he felt when his wife passed away. But he also felt a glimmer of hope, a feeling of possibility, as he watched you and Megumi together.
“Toji?” Hearing your voice Toji immediately went back into the room. Seeing your frail figure rub your tired eyes you smiled at him.
“How long was I out?” Toji caressed your head patting it.
“You were asleep for three hours,” he said softly. He brushed a strand of hair from your forehead and continued, “I'm glad you're okay. I was worried about you.”
“It’s already 8 in the night?” Nodding you got up the bed. Remembering that you were wearing Toji’s shirt you felt your face hot.
“Gojo told me to tell you that you’re getting drinks at 9. With everyone don’t worry.” Grabbing his typical black shirt he put it on. Covering his muscular figure.
“Are you going?” Rubbing your hands together you finished fixing your hair.
“Not today, I have to take care of Megumi.” Right you forgot about megumi for a second. Seeing his small sleeping figure on the bed. Thank god you didn’t crush him in your sleep.
“Mm, okay. I’ll just go for a bit if anything text me okay?” Nodding his head Toji went back to the bed grabbing baby megumi and cuddling with the child. Toji was an amazing dad and you both knew it. Oh how you would kill for Sumire to have a father like Toji. Walking out the door you were met with a pair of familiar eyes staring at you. You were taken aback by the sudden intensity of the gaze between the two of them. Jiyuu's eyes were kind yet piercing, while Satoru's were filled with a mysterious emotion that you couldn't quite place. You felt a chill run down your spine as you stared back, unable to break the gaze. Finally, Satoru blinked and the moment was gone.
“Y/n?” Quickly walking past Satoru you ignored him. Not wanting to spend any more time seeing Jiyuu gush about her lover. It made you want to puke that Satoru brought the woman he cheated on you to this trip. You quickly walked away, feeling a chill run down your spine. You could almost feel the intensity of his gaze burning into your back, and you quickened your pace in an effort to get away from him. As you rounded the corner, you could feel the tension in your body begin to dissipate and you breathed a sigh of relief. Walking outside the hotel you saw everyone waiting for you. Utahime quickly ran to you hugging you tightly. “Lets go drink!”
You smiled and nodded, taking Utahime’s hand as you walked with her. You were excited to finally be able to go out and spend time with your friends. As you walked down the street, you could feel the energy and anticipation in the air. You couldn’t help but smile, knowing that this was going to be a night to remember. “So I saw that tojis staying at your room huh,” Wiggiling her eyebrows at you shoko came around and smacked her lightly on her head. You blushed, not knowing how to respond. "What? No, we're just friends," you stammered, trying to explain. Utahime just smiled and said, "Sure, sure. I'm just teasing you." She winked and walked faster towards the bar.
"Hey, don't be like that," you said, laughing lightly. "We were just talking, nothing else. Besides, you know I can take care of myself." Shoko smiled and nodded, "Of course, I know that. Utahime just wanted to tease you a bit."
Grabbing her cheeks, she pulled them upwards, making a funny face, before hearing Utahime whine about how she was no fun. “We’re here!” Running towards the entrance you could see shokos irritated face. It was like taking care of a small child. “Huh, Toji isn’t here what a shame. Guess you’re going to be alone now.” With a giggle she covered her mouth. Grabbing Satoru’s arm and pulling him closer. You hated this bitch so much. "Don't worry, I'm sure I can keep myself occupied," You replied with a forced smile. Trying to keep your composure, but your face was flushed with anger. You wanted to tell her off for being so rude, but he stayed quiet and tried to ignore her. You just wanted her to leave him alone.
He grabbed Jiyuu’s arm and pulled her forward, “Come on, we're going.” Satoru said in a stern voice. Jiyuu looked at him in surprise before she smiled and winked at Satoru. Satoru rolled his eyes and continued walking towards the entrance. This jerk couldn’t even defend you in front of his lover. But then again he choose her not you. You felt disrespected and betrayed by his actions. You had thought that he truly cared about you, but it became apparent that he was willing to put his own needs before yours. It was a painful experience, but you eventually had to move on and find someone who was more deserving of your trust and loyalty.
Walking inside the bar you were met with a scent of cigarettes and a bunch of cologne. Conversation filled the air as people laughed and talked with each other. Music played in the background, providing a mellow atmosphere. The clinking of glasses and ice cubes filled the room as drinks were poured and served. The bar was alive with people, each one living in their own little world. “Y/n drink with me tonight.” Smiling at you Mei grabbed your hand and pulled you onto one of the bars.
She looked at you, her eyes intense and serious. "We have to talk about something," she said, firmly. She scooted closer to you, signaling the waiter for two drinks before turning her attention back to you. "What do you want to talk about?"
“Whos that woman that’s always with Satoru?” Gazing at her mei’s gave a disgusted look at Jiyuu. Seeing her so openly romantic with him in public. “Oh, me and satoru are no longer a thing. That’s his new lover.” Drinking your diamond cocktail Mei’s eyes widened. "What happened?" Mei asked, her voice filled with surprise. She hadn't expected the news, and she could tell by the look on Satoru's face that it was true. "It was for the best," you said, taking a sip of the drink.
"We just weren't compatible." Mei nodded, understanding. They sat in silence for a few moments before Mei finally spoke up. "Well, I'm sorry it didn't work out," she said. You nodded and smiled sadly. "Me too."
“But why is she here?” Remembering that Satoru actually suggested on bringing her you both your tongue. You knew Mei respected Satoru because of his well dedication at his business. Not wanting to take away the respect for him you just shook your head, “An old friend of my sisters, what a coincidence huh?”
Taking another sip of your drink you realized you quickly finished it, ordering another round of drinks you sat in silence. Mei didn’t know what to say after hearing the news. She loved you like a sister and seeing you hurt, hurt her too. She reached out and held your hand, squeezing it gently in a silent gesture of comfort. She knew words were inadequate to express how sorry she was, so instead she stayed silent and just offered her presence. You tried to smile, but the sadness was too much and the corners of your lips only slightly curved up. You looked away, not wanting to show the tears that had started to well up in your eyes.
“I’ll pay for your drinks, it’s the least thing I can do.” Smiling she gave you a pat on the head before drinking her expensive martini.
“Hows Sumire? Im sorry I couldn’t go to this birthday party I was quite busy.” Remembering the events that happened the day of Sumire birthday you felt an ache in your heart. You remembered the fight you had with your husband that day. You felt like that day was cursed and that nothing good would ever come from it. You felt a wave of guilt wash over you, for not being able to make it a special day for Sumire. You wished you could turn back time and make it a better day, but you knew it was too late. “He’s good, he’s coming here in two days so.” This was probably your third drink of the minute. Finally feeling the wave of nausea hit you, you knew you weren’t far from being drunk. You took a sip of your third drink, feeling the alcohol burn its way down your throat. You could feel the effects of the alcohol, as your vision began to blur and your head started to spin. You knew that if you didn't stop soon, you would be in real trouble.
“You know I really… I really thought me and Satoru would end up together forever. But I was dumb and young to think that. Look at us now.” You felt tears falling down you cheeks. Gripping the glass you had you just wished everything went back to normal. You took a deep breath and tried to compose yourself. You took a sip from your glass and looked at Satoru. You remembered the days when Satoru would take you out and you would laugh together. You thought about the times you would talk until the morning and the feeling of being so in love. You wished you could turn back time and fix all the mistakes that had been made. You took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. You felt your chest heaving against the pain. You closed your eyes, wishing that the tears would go away. You wanted to forget this feeling of sadness and regret, but it seemed to be etched into your heart. You felt like you had been wronged and it was impossible to get back the time you lost.
“I expected us to last longer Mei.” Crying you held back sobs. Mei couldn’t help but try and console you. You were drunk and all your feelings were scattered. You hated Satoru for making you feel like this. Mei put her arms around you and whispered, “It’s okay, it’s not your fault. It’s okay to let it all out.” She gently wiped away your tears and continued to hold you until your sobs subsided. You felt a bit better, but the pain of the breakup still lingered in your heart.
Both you and Satoru were both drunk but it looked like he wasn’t. Deep down he saw you cry with Mei and something in his heart broke. He didn’t know why seeing you cry hurt him so badly. He felt so helpless that he wanted to do something to help you, but he didn't know what. He could only stand there and watch as you cried. The pain he felt was unbearable and he wished that he could find a way to make it go away. He felt a deep sense of guilt and regret for his actions that had caused this pain. He wanted to say something, to apologize and make it right, but he didn’t know how. He just stood there, watching you with Mei and feeling the weight of his guilt and regret.
“What’s wrong Satoru?” Smelling the intoxicating smell of Jiyuu’s breath he knew she was also drunk. Not wanting to deal with her he pursed his lips. Satoru sighed, “Nothing, I'm just tired,” he said, taking a step back. He knew that Jiyuu had a tendency to be overly affectionate when she was drunk and he didn't want to encourage her.
“Here I’ll order you a cab go back to your hotel room, you’re drunk.” Grabbing her hand he took her outside. Waiting for her cab to arrive he felt irritated feelings her arms wrap around his back. She leaned into him, her lips grazing his neck. He felt her breath on his skin and his heart raced. He wanted to give in to the temptation and take her in his arms, but he knew it would be a mistake. He stepped away from her, his voice firm. "Here's your cab, now go back to your hotel room. You're drunk and I'm not going to take advantage of you in this state."
She looked up at him, her eyes glistening with tears, and said, “Thank you for looking after me.” He could feel the warmth of her breath against his neck and feel her heart beating against his chest. He softly said, “You’re welcome, just take care of yourself.”
He tried to push her away but to no avail. She was too drunk to understand and kept clinging to him. He tried to reason with her but she was not listening. Finally her cab door opened and he helped her get in, making sure she was safe. He watched as the cab drove away, feeling relieved that she was finally on her way home. Seeing your wide eyes he was surprised to see you also outside the bar. You were also waiting for a cab to get back to the hotel room. He was taken aback to see you outside the bar. He expected you would have gone back to the hotel room already. Your eyes were wide and puffy, like you had been crying recently. He was about to ask what was wrong but decided against it. He knew it wasn't his place to pry.
Walking towards him you tumbled a bit. He immediately knew you were drunk just by seeing you struggle to walk towards him. As you got closer, he could smell the alcohol on your breath. His face softened with concern and he put an arm around you to steady you. “Be careful.”
“I hate you, soo so much.” Hearing you slur your voice he knew you didn’t mean it. He sighed, wishing he could take away all the pain and anger that was causing you to make such a statement. He tried to give you a comforting hug, but you shrugged him off and backed away, tears streaming down your face. He said nothing, just looked at you with a sad expression, and waited for you to calm down.
“Why Satoru? Why’d you have to do this to me,” crying you hit his chest. Despite being drunk everything you were saying was true. Every single word that came out of your mouth came from deep in your heart. Tears streamed down your face as you spoke, your voice shaking with emotion. You had trusted Satoru with everything, only for him to break your heart. You felt betrayed and hurt, and the pain was overwhelming. You wanted him to understand how much he had hurt you, but he seemed oblivious to your feelings.
Satoru stood there, his eyes glistening with tears. His heart was heavy and he was filled with regret. He wanted to take back what he had done, but he knew it was too late. He had hurt you, and he knew he had to face the consequences of his actions. Feeling the alcohol in his system Satoru turned to look at you. Grabbing your face he gently rubbed your cheek with his thumb. “Im sorry.” You felt yourself leaning closer to him. His mouth inches away from yours
"I want you to mean it Satoru," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper. You closed the distance between you and pressed your lips against his. His skin was warm and his lips were soft as you felt your body melting into his embrace. You could feel the heat radiating from his body and you were drawn to him. Everything melted away except for the two of you, and you felt the urge to move closer. You could feel the warmth of his lips against yours as he leaned in closer. His hands moved around your waist as he deepened the kiss, and you could feel his heart racing. You could taste the whiskey he had been drinking, and the taste mixed with the sweetness of his lips. Both of you drunk, you passionately made out, lost in the moment as the world around you faded away.
Not caring if anyone saw you, you were so caught up in the moment you didn’t even realize your cab was waiting for you. Separating from the kiss Satoru leaned his forehead on yours. “Lets go back to my hotel room.” Without a second thought you nodded in agreement, taking Satoru's hand in yours and leading him to the cab that was waiting for you. You were so lost in the moment, you barely noticed the cab driver watching you with a knowing smile as you climbed in. You and Satoru settled in the backseat, still holding hands and sharing a few stolen kisses as the cab drove away.
Before you knew it Satoru was undressing you. Making it back to the hotel room was hard. Currently you were at Satoru’s room. Kissing him intimately he took off your shirt. His hands were all over your body, exploring every inch of it. His touch sent a shiver down your spine. His lips were warm, his breath tickling your neck as he moved closer. You could feel your heart racing as the tension between the two of you increased. You felt like you were in a dream, everything around you fading away into the background.
You felt your heart beating rapidly, as you were nervous and excited at the same time. His hands were gently caressing your skin, as he moved closer to you and whispered in your ear that he wanted you. You felt a thrill of anticipation as you felt Satoru's lips pressed against yours. Removing his shirt you were met with his muscular figure, pushing you onto the bed he unbuckled his belt, taking it off and putting it to the side knowing he would need it for later. His hands ran up and down your body, tracing the curves of your figure as he leaned in to kiss you passionately. You felt his breath on your neck as he continued to explore your body, sending shivers down your spine and making you forget the world around you.
Unhooking your bra you took it off. Covering your chest Satoru leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Don’t cover yourself.” He ran his hands over your exposed skin, feeling the warmth radiating from your body. You felt a shiver run through you as he kissed your neck, his hands exploring further down your body. He pulled you closer, and you felt his breath on your skin as he whispered, "Let me make you feel alive."
Removing your panties he could see you were already wet, smiling he went down on you. Leaving trails of kisses down your legs. He reached your inner thighs and the heat between your legs intensified. His tongue and lips were soft and gentle, yet his touch was electric and you could feel the pleasure radiating through your body. His hands were skillfully exploring your body and you could feel yourself becoming more aroused with each passing second. Satoru's tongue was soft yet firm as it explored your sensitive folds. His touches were gentle and gentle, and his mouth felt hot against your skin. You felt your pleasure build as he licked and sucked on your sensitive areas, and you couldn't help but moan his name. His tongue felt like pure bliss as it sent waves of pleasure through your body. You felt yourself reaching the brink of orgasm and you could barely contain yourself. "Satoru!" you cried out as your body shook with pleasure.
It was clearly one of his favorite activities as he licked and sucked with vigor, bringing you closer and closer to orgasm. His fingers joined in the pleasure, teasing and caressing your inner walls until you were left shaking and screaming his name in pleasure. “Fuck your so beautiful.”
Feeling yourself cum you brought Satoru back to you. Kissing him roughly before making him lay down, getting on top of him you trailed kisses down his chest towards his boxers. You tugged them down, grinning at his gasp as your hand reached his now exposed flesh. You started to stroke it, your thumb rubbing circles around the tip as you leaned in to press a heated kiss against his neck. He moaned, his hands gripping your hips as you continued to tease him. You could feel him pulsating and throbbing as you caressed and kissed him, your hands exploring every inch of his body. He moaned softly in pleasure, his breathing becoming more and more erratic as you continued. You could feel his anticipation and excitement growing with each passing second.
Not wanting to waist any more time you aligned yourself with your entrence. Seeing his icy blue eyes stare at you, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. In his eyes you looked like a goddess. The way the night sky hit your beautiful face making you look unreal. You felt yourself slowly go down on him. You let a small moan come out as you bit your lip, watching him throw his head back in pleasure. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment, feeling every inch of him inside you. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” Licking his lips he couldn’t wait anymore. Slamming you on his dick you felt your eyes roll back. He couldn’t wait anymore he wanted to fuck you so bad. His thrusts became harder and faster as he felt himself getting closer to the edge. You could feel your pussy tightening around him as the pleasure coursed through your body. You felt yourself getting closer and closer to the brink of orgasm and he could feel it too. He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer, thrusting inside of you. He let out a deep moan and started to move faster, pushing deeper and deeper. His hands roamed all over your body, exploring every inch of your skin. You felt your body heat up as the intensity of the pleasure increased and you both moved together as one, lost in the moment.
He kissed you hungrily, exploring your mouth with his tongue as his hands roamed your body. His touch sent sparks of pleasure through you, and you felt yourself melting into him. You were lost in the moment, your body aching for more as he moved against you. You felt the heat of his body as he pressed against you, your heart pounding as the intensity of the kiss increased. You could feel every thrust of his hips as he moved inside of you, the sensation of pleasure building until you were left breathless and trembling with desire. “I missed you so much,” groaning you could feel his tongue dance around with yours. His lips deepening the kiss while moaning in his mouth. You felt your heart racing as his hands explored your body, eliciting a moan from deep within you. The sensation of his lips against yours was like a spark of electricity, sending waves of pleasure through your body. His tongue continued to tantalize your senses as the kiss intensified, and you felt yourself melting in his embrace.
Feeling his thrust get sloppier you knew Satoru was going to cum soon. Lost in the mood you didn’t care. “Cum inside of me toru, I want you.” Smirking Satoru felt him release himself into you. His thrusts became more erratic and his breathing became more ragged as he got closer and closer. You could feel his release inside you as he let out a loud moan. You felt satisfied and content as you felt the warmth fill you. You looked into his eyes with a satisfied smile as you both laid there in each other's arms.
Feeling his cum dripping on your thighs, you were still drunk. Satoru smirked seeing your frail figure. “How about round 2?” Moving you he got on top of you. Grabbing his belt he tied it into your wrist. Making a handcuff, he smirked. Seeing you biting your lips. He moved his hands around your body, caressing and massaging you slowly. His touch sent shivers down your spine as his eyes stared into yours. He moved closer and closer until you could feel his breath on your neck. His lips were about to touch yours when he suddenly pulled away and whispered in your ear, "Let's make it even wilder this time"
"Oh how I love to see you like this, helpless and weak. You are all mine now." He brushed his lips against your neck, leaving a trail of kisses as he went down lower. His breathing grew heavy as he started to explore your body. You felt your heart pounding in your chest and your body trembling with anticipation.
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You slowly opened your eyes and groaned as the light pierced your head. You felt a sharp pain in your temples and a dry, scratchy throat as you tried to swallow. You had a vague recollection of the events from the night before, but it all felt like a foggy dream. You looked around and noticed you were in a strange room - you had no idea how you got there. You had a splitting headache and all you wanted was to get out and get home.
You had no idea how much you had drank or what you had done. You could hardly bring yourself to move, feeling like your body was made of lead. You slowly dragged yourself out of bed, dreading what the day may bring. You’re heart skipped a beat as you suddenly realized you were naked. Instantly, you began to question what had happened the night before. Did you really get so drunk that you had forgotten what had happened? Had you actually gotten laid the night before?
Walking out the restroom Satoru’s wet hair dripped down his face. His lower body was covered with a towel, seeing his defined body your eyes widened. ‘No way, I didn’t…’ Not being able to believe that you slept with your unfaithful husband you felt angered. You were drunk and you let yourself have sex with this scumbag.
You felt ashamed and embarrassed for allowing yourself to be taken advantage of in such a vulnerable state. You couldn't believe you had allowed yourself to be treated this way, and your anger quickly turned into overwhelming sadness. You felt betrayed and used, and you knew that you needed to do something about it. About to protest before you heard the hotel room open.
Seeing Jiyuu rub her head with her eyes closed she opened it. Seeing your naked figure wrapped around with the sheets her eyes widened. Seeing Satoru with just a towel she had tears in her eyes. She felt her heart break and she wanted to run away and never come back. But she stayed, standing there frozen in time, unable to move or speak. She felt her world crumbling around her, and her emotions overwhelmed her. She wanted to cry, but could not make a sound. Finally, she fled the room, unable to face the truth. “Jiyuu!” Running after her Satoru left you alone in the room.
‘Fucking hell.’ Slapping your forehead you cursed yourself for sleeping with Satoru, quickly changing into your old clothes your legs felt like jello. Closing the hotel room you were met with Toji’s eyes. Staring at you with disappointment all he could do was just walk back inside the hotel room. Seeing you exit Satoru’s hotel room he already knew what happened.
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taglist; @allofffmypeaches @wo-ming-bai @nerdiel-has-no-braincells @creolequeen11210 @yevene @doughnuts-eater @narutosagemode @lilith412426 @pandoraium @dcvilxswish @cloudsinthecosmos @alurafairy
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gojolvs · 10 months
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gojolvs · 10 months
wait does reader’s mom know gojo cheated? bc i remember in ch4(?) reader called her mom crying…
wondering how reader’s sister will react to the fact that not only gojo cheated but she was buddy with his mistress? i think reader should have at least told her sister
does mei mei know about the affair or suspect something? bc she gave the mistress a dirty look 👀
at first i thought that the title I Still Want You was from the readers pov only bc she’s obviously still in love with gojo BUT now i have a gut feeling - the more the story unfolds - that the title can be from gojo pov too but that doesn’t mean reader will not proceed with the divorce…or maybe not?
just the fact that gojo cheated - at the party - he supposed it was a ons is bad enough, but he even proceeded to get into a whole ass affair…and bluntly lied to his mistress (that’s what she is until the divorce is finalised) too.
so in my opinion: gojo is still in love with reader - he has yet to realise it - BUT choose to give up on their (stalled?) marriage and seek something fresh and new, like the infatuation - he thinks is love - with his mistress 🫣
starting a relationship with a big fat lie, now that’s not good gojo, does it? 🤥 can’t wait for the mistress to find out the truth 🤭
cant wait to
This is such a good take I love reading all your thoughts🤫 to be honest I completely forgot about the whole mom thing LOL.
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gojolvs · 10 months
Ik you probably have an idea of how you’re going to navigate ‘i still want you’ but I want to see gojo suffer and end up alone. I want to see yn happy with Toji or catch them in the act idk but my toes are curling just imagining him suffering
don’t worry gojo will suffer soon 🤫
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gojolvs · 10 months
my other blog! I will be releasing a new story in this one :p it’s about an arranged marriage with gojo idk why I made another blog I just wanted to be extra 😙
My blog!
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On going franchise
⮕ forever yours (Satoru gojo)
⮕ Dont leave just yet (Megumi Fushiguro)
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✯ keeping it simple! Please don’t request pedophilia, incest, or any foot fetish or anything of sorts.
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Taglist is currently opened for all of my works please send me an ask or message me if you’d like to be added.
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gojolvs · 10 months
chapter 6 is gonna be pretty long probably around 6k words or so
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gojolvs · 10 months
sleep schedule so bad im going to need to have a time to post the new chapters instead of posting them at 1 am or 12 am 😭
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