goldenboysanada · 11 years
((So what if I am? *my body is ready*))
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goldenboysanada replied to your post
((Well, they did pick the freshest Minato. Oho. ALSO THIS IS OFF-TOPIC BUT YOU OWE ME A SERENADE REMEMBER))
[Biased. You’re biased. Shh. /prepares careless whisper.]
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
adven277 replied to your post: ((Hey, Cheska, speaking of Alvin and Elize, did...
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
((Hey, Cheska, speaking of Alvin and Elize, did you see/hear the ToX2 track we worked on back at Taleslations? It was glorious crack. Alvin had me on the floor, laughing. <: And totally done with him. Aha.))
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
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Ah... Hello, Arisato. I didn't expect to bump into you here. But then again, I didn't expect some random cosplayer to pluck me out of the street to talk to another random cosplayer.
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No thanks. Don’t know him, don’t care. But here’s someone who does.
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…hi, senpai.
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
"I'm sorry." [give me angst babbu.]
I'm sorry.
A vaguely familiar voice jolted Akihiko out of his paperwork, his concentration disappearing as he lifted his eyes heavenward. Putting his pen down, he pushed his chair backwards and got up, making his way towards his office's window.
Ten years... A rueful smile creased his features. Has it been that long since they fought against Nyx? Since they lost their memories of that day, albeit briefly? Since their leader bade them an untimely goodbye, without any words exchanged?
He sighed as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he organized his thoughts, placing a hand to his chest. Perhaps he was tired. Yes, he was just hearing things. The dead do not speak, after all. However, there was this inexplicable pain in his chest, as if the speaker himself spoke through his heart, of the emotions and remorse he could not feel on that day he left them to spend an eternity in fate's cruel embrace.
And so, in a fit of melancholy, Inspector Akihiko Sanada opened his eyes and pulled down one of the window's blinds, wondering if the dead heard as well as they spoke.
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
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I don't have the time for this, mostly because I deem this endeavor unworthy of my attention.
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But let me introduce you to someone who would gladly humor you.
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...Wait, what? What does this have to do with me?
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Sorry, old man. Thought you could handle it, being your amazing self and all.
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
#the *bleep* thread huh #goldenboysanada #it's ringing a lot of bells
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
crimsonxheadphones replied to your post: (( Alright, the last ti...
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I don't think it's fair to let this old man do all the work.
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
nihilfists replied to your post: (( Alright, the last ti...
ドキドキ (´ε`*)
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Shall we let our bodies do the talking?
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
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Alright, the last time I checked in here, all I remember was talking about something called the "Minty" fandom. I hope it's still alive, in any case.
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Let's see if I could turn off my Jade-induced sass long enough to do something worthwhile here. It's kinda tricky, making the transition from being a sarcastic asshat to an adorkable boxer, but I hope to make it!
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So, does anyone want to start or restart a thread?
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
"Hey," Akihiko said, cheeks burning in embarrassment as the other returned his greeting, albeit with more enthusiasm than he expected. Then again, he should have expected it, considering this was Rise he was talking about. Forward was her middle name, though he found himself not minding as he returned the hug with an awkward squeeze of his own.
"Some friends thought it might be a good idea to unwind here. Just finished with our exams earlier, after all." He scratched his head as he took sudden interest in a nearby photo of a musical note. "Unfortunately, you're right. Karaoke isn't my thing, and I had to esca--I mean, take a breather for a moment before I lost my sanity in our booth."
He chuckled, then paused, wondering how to bring up the topic of the yellow glint he noticed earlier. "But say, how about you? I didn't expect you to be the 'singing alone' kind of girl. Aren't you with your friends right now?"
>> livin' on your breath (Akihiko!)
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
Akihiko x Rise Skype RP with sightofkanzeon
This particular RP was from a year ago, though this one serves as a basis for our Akihiko and Rise interactions. It's basically a continuation of the Silver and Cold RP we had sometime back, and explains why Rise is rather familiar with Akihiko in this particular RP.
In any case, I hope this serves as good reading material while I attempt replies.
[4/22/2012 3:43:20 PM | Edited 3:46:14 PM] Rise (Kris): Rise knocks Aki over, settles down atop him, and cuddles close, burying her face in the crick of his neck.
[4/22/2012 3:45:55 PM] Aki: Aki falls over. While he'd normally be troubled over this aggressive behavior, he thought that Rise needed someone, and while he might not be the best person for the job, he uncertainly puts an arm around her shoulders and pulls her closer.
[4/22/2012 3:47:22 PM] Rise (Kris): Rise (Kris) closes her eyes, the former idol settling in close as a soft sigh, sad and trembling, escapes her lips. He's so warm, so strong with his arm around her... even if there's not really a romantic spark that she can feel through her pain, it's a welcomed respite to be supported.
[4/22/2012 4:13:37 PM] Aki: Aki tenses a bit at the contact, but visibly relaxes after catching a wiff of Rise's shampoo. It's quite calming, and though he was not one for fruits, the scent of strawberries always had that effect on him. He begins to stroke her hair and whispers, "It'll be alright."
[4/22/2012 4:15:04 PM] Rise (Kris): Rise (Kris) nuzzles further against his neck, her eyes opening just barely as she nods, faintly, in agreement with his sentiments. When she speaks, he can feel her lips moving against his skin-- the contact's not intended to be sensual, but it might seem it regardless. "...doesn't mean I can't hate feeling this way."
[4/22/2012 4:22:17 PM] Aki: Aki is startled when he feels her lips against him, but doesn't withdraw. There was no other way he could describe it... except that it tickled, perhaps? But there was no denying the warmth that rose to his cheeks, which were certainly red right now. There was a strange feeling building somewhere... a place quite unfamiliar to him. Nonetheless, he tries to set aside the strange sensation... for now. "Mhm. I can imagine," was all he can say.
[4/22/2012 4:24:40 PM] Rise (Kris): "Yeah," is all the more she says as she drifts into a lingering silence, the tension slowly leaving her body in stages. By the time she finds what she wants to say, she's almost back to normal... herself again, or as close as she's going to be for the next little while. "...thanks, Akihiko-Senpai. I..." A sheepish chuckle. "I'm sorry for being so... clingy."
[4/22/2012 4:30:35 PM] Aki: Little by little, Akihiko feels Rise relax against him. The turn of events were relieving, to say the least. For a moment, he thought that she might try something more, but it was fortunate that she seemed to regain her senses as the case looks like. "It's okay, Rise." He chuckles along with her and playfully ruffles the top of her head. "Nothing to apologize for."
[4/22/2012 4:32:25 PM] Rise (Kris): "Good.. 'cause I think you're gonna be stuck like this for a little while." The redhead snuggles closer to him, her lips again making contact with the side of his neck when she speaks again. It's still not intended to be seductive, but... "You're comfy." A hand rises to rest upon the cheek opposite of where her head is settled, the touch used for a light and rather odd sort of hug.
[4/22/2012 4:44:34 PM] Aki: A bemused smile crosses his face as Rise closes in once more. It was the first time he discovered that his neck was... rather sensitive as far as necks went. While overall, the situation made him uncomfortable as he barely knew the girl, there's no denying that her lips felt pleasant against his skin. Deciding to just let things be, he sighs and gives up resisting, letting the feeling wash over him. He shudders slightly as Rise envelops him in an awkward hug. "...Yeah. As you are."
[4/22/2012 4:46:11 PM] Rise (Kris): "...might make this a regular thing, until I'm back on my feet all the way." A faint, amused chuckle escapes her as she shifts again, this time pulling away enough to be able to meet his gaze. Her own eyes are slightly unfocused, although she's still largely in control of herself. "Maybe a more comfortable venue than the shrine grounds, though. Your back can't be happy..."
[4/22/2012 4:53:13 PM] Aki: "...Really now." He returns the chuckle. The slight shift in weight was disconcerting, more so the strange twinkle in Rise's eyes. "My back's a lot stronger than you give it credit for." He continues to meet her gaze, momentarily losing himself in those brown depths. When he realizes the long silence that has passed, he tears his eyes away from her, cheeks burning once more. "Sorry about that."
[4/22/2012 4:55:09 PM] Rise (Kris): "I'm sure it is, Senpai, but that doesn't mean I can't want you to be more comfortable." A soft smile tugs at her lips as she looks down at him, the long pause one that she only dimly notices since she winds up caught in his gray depths just the same. When he breaks the spell by looking away, her cheeks flush as red as her hair. "A-Ahm, it's alright..." Rise scrambles to her feet after that, offering him her hand. "...c'mon."
[4/22/2012 5:02:48 PM] Aki: Akihiko manages to summon a smile as Rise spoke. "Point taken." He notices the weight lift from him, and for a second there, he finds himself missing it. Gingerly, he sits up. While his back felt somewhat sore, what with him taking a tackle upfront, he was fairly sure it would be a thing of the past come the next day. He manages to stand up without Rise's help. That's when he takes the redhead's hand. Smiling once more, he asks her to lead the way.
[4/22/2012 5:05:35 PM] Rise (Kris): Her eyes go wide when he takes her hand like that, although she's not about to complain. "A-Alright..." Smiling softly, almost nervously at him, Rise leads the way down the steps and across the street, down the sidewalk to the alley beside the family tofu shop. Fumbling out a key from her pocket with her free hand, she unlocks it before letting go of his hand. "This way."
[4/22/2012 5:12:36 PM] Aki: Momentarily, nervousness takes hold of him, and he froze in his tracks. It only struck him then, when Rise led him to the front of their shop. What was his business, going with Rise like this all of a sudden? He was supposed to be the responsible one, for crying out loud. He starts shaking his head vigorously, hoping that the action would erase those thoughts. As expected, it wasn't very effective. "I-Is this a good idea, Rise?"
[4/22/2012 5:14:25 PM | Edited 5:14:32 PM] Rise (Kris): "...I want you to be more comfortable than on the ground, Senpai." Her eyes rise to meet his. "...I don't intend on seducing you, just... sleeping with you, for a little while." A pause; her cheeks turn as red as his sweater vest. "...l-literally, I mean. It's been.... I've been having nightmares, lately."
[4/22/2012 5:22:23 PM] Aki: Akihiko contemplates on her words. He sees no reason for her to lie, and overall, he finds her to be a trustworthy person, though he was not sure if the other residents of the tofu shop would think similarly about him. "Fair enough." The word sleep alarms him for a moment, but his fears prove to be unfounded as Rise hastily corrects herself. His face creases into a look of concern as the redhead trails off. "...I see. Let's hope this works then."
[4/22/2012 5:24:54 PM] Rise (Kris): "Yeah..." And then they're inside and up the stairs, no one in the tofu shop-- her grandmother included-- any wiser. Her room is a bright and cheerful place, unsurprisingly enough... although it is shockingly tidy, considering how one would assume Rise to be a bit of a slob. Waiting for them both to be inside, she closes and locks the door. "...turn the little knob to the left if you want to unlock it. It's just to make sure we don't get busted."
[4/22/2012 5:36:22 PM] Aki: He follows her inside, and as his custom was, he surveys his surroundings. It was his first time in there, as he did not find any reason to visit the place during daylight. He eyes the other doors warily as they make their way to Rise's room, praying none of them open at this time of the day. To his surprise, her room was a lot neater than he expected it to be, though the details overall and the choice of decoration did not come as a suprise to him. He jumps a bit when she locks the door, though her logic was correct when she passed it off as a necessarily precaution. "...Okay."
[4/22/2012 5:37:53 PM] Rise (Kris): Stepping out of her shoes, those pale fingers reach up... and begin the process of taking down those iconic pigtails, letting her hair down. It's a surprisingly complex process, although not if one is accustomed to having long hair to work with. "...make yourself comfortable."
[4/22/2012 5:46:31 PM] Aki: His eyes fall on her bed, and he quickly looks away after a mental image of what they were about to do crosses his mind. Upon seeing Rise mess around with her hair and hearing her remark about making himself comfortable, he settles on the floor, a little next to the bed. He closes his eyes then, resting his shoulder on the side of the bed slightly. He reclines his head on the mattress, musing on how that bit of mattress felt comfortable against his head. At that point, little did he know that he started to fall asleep.
[4/22/2012 5:48:40 PM] Rise (Kris): "...Akihiko?" The redhead chuckles faintly as she finishes letting her hair down, walking over to gently nudge his shoulder with her leg. "C'mon, sleepyhead... up onto the bed." Once he's at least sitting on it, Rise finds herself settling down by his feet to at least get his shoes off so as to not be tracking dirt onto her sheets.
[4/22/2012 5:56:30 PM] Aki: "Mmmm..." He stirs slightly in his sleep, dimly hearing Rise speak. Something about a bed, wasn't it? He feels something at his feet, must've been Rise taking off his shoes. Normally, he'd be embarrassed at the thought of someone having to take off his shoes for him, but at the moment, he was too tired to protest. Bleary-eyed, he manages to climb up the bed and edges himself towards the other end, taking care to leave Rise some space.
[4/22/2012 6:00:10 PM] Rise (Kris): Settling onto the bed beside him, she nudges her way beneath one of his arms, settling in close to his side with her head upon his shoulder and her arm slung across his chest. Rise yawns softly before she closes her eyes, getting comfortable in rather short order. "...g'night." And then she's out like a light. 
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
Mintys milkshakes bring all the boys and girls into the yard
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
Minty’s Milkshakes audio clip
I don’t know what made me do this
Save me pls I’m going to murder people with my terrible singing and voice
I’m so done with myself
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
Hi guys, I might be roleplaying Jade on my Akihiko RP blog.
But, seriously, I cannot Aki right now.
I'm so sorry.
Maybe I'll try to reply to stuff later.
But for now, you get my OOC mayhem.
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
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goldenboysanada · 11 years
Oh? Then enjoy the show around you, and take a Minty milkshake while you're at it.
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I should be asking you that question, considering how it's your dignity that's at stake here, not mine.
The "Minty" Fandom
But of course, you should know I prefer the chaos.
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Oh? Are you certain you would be up for that~?
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