goldenkwilde · 3 months
Kitty: I still need to figure out how to approach the topic of “I have a serious boyfriend who btw is the son of the guy who almost cost you your business oh and also he swiped my v card pre-marriage”.
Kitty: Papa Motta would be so happy that I finally have a use for those damn condoms.
Kitty: Fine. A live snake. Or a dead one?
Kitty: That’s actually not the worst idea. Something to sedate her. I don’t know what her deal is these days.
Kitty: She'd make me memorise an old testament prophet book and then probably castrate Hunter with her bare hands. Unless, of course, Christopher actually murdered Hunter first. Kitty: God, can we trade? I got Satan. Tell me not to get her a box of anthrax. Kitty: My first instinct is to say Xanax, but honestly that would be more of a gift for me. I'm sick of her yelling at us during practice. Kitty: Something classic maybe? She's not as flashy as us. Something understated, maybe vintage. Chanel or Dior.
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
Kitty: She'd make me memorise an old testament prophet book and then probably castrate Hunter with her bare hands. Unless, of course, Christopher actually murdered Hunter first. Kitty: God, can we trade? I got Satan. Tell me not to get her a box of anthrax. Kitty: My first instinct is to say Xanax, but honestly that would be more of a gift for me. I'm sick of her yelling at us during practice. Kitty: Something classic maybe? She's not as flashy as us. Something understated, maybe vintage. Chanel or Dior.
Sugar: Damn, what would Alyssa say? Sugar: You know I will. Sugar: Quinn Sugar: I know you practically worshipped her for at least freshman year so I thought you might have some ideas or tips
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
Kitty: I know. I bought a push-up bra the other day. Like, who am I? Kitty: God, thoughts and prayers. Send screenshots of anything embarrassing. Kitty: Who did you get?
Sugar: You're like a new woman Sugar: What? Sugar: Oh! No! It's not guy related. Though I did downloaded Hinge last night so I'll keep you posted. Sugar: I wanted to ask for your help with this secret santa thing
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
Kitty: You would be if you saw my bedroom right now. Kitty: Send me the guy's address and a 1-10 level of how creepy he was, I gotcha.
Sugar: I'm scandalised Sugar: Yeah I'm good thank you, just the same old same old. Sugar: I was just wondering if you could help me with something though
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
Kitty: Hey Mottastic
Kitty: It’s great so far. I’m literally exhausted 24/7, you can guess why, but it’s a good exhausted.
Kitty: How are you?
iMessage ✉️ Sugar ⇆ Kitty
Sugar: Hey bestie! Sugar: How's it going? Sugar: How is life as a taken woman?
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
KITTY: That’s so sweet, I’m getting a dang cavity.
KITTY: I was going to say some kind of trophy, but you already have one of those from Friday.
KITTY: So we’ll have to think of something else.
KITTY: In my defence, I did manage to hold out for a while.
KITTY: It’s true, though, many guys have attempted and failed. Congratulations, we should get you a prize.
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
Now that you’re locked down, has the cherry popped?
On the off-chance that my mother ever comes across this account, I'm going to say; absolutely not, celibacy is the paramount of human virtue. I don't know what a cherry is, I don't know what it means to pop one, and my focus is still entirely on my Heavenly Father, not being tempted by snakes, especially if they only have one eye.
For everyone else; I tendered my resignation from the celibacy club last week. I'd go congratulate Hunter if I were you, Lord knows he's earned it.
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
KITTY: In my defence, I did manage to hold out for a while.
KITTY: It’s true, though, many guys have attempted and failed. Congratulations, we should get you a prize.
KITTY: How is it that you’ve gotten even cockier since we made it official?
KITTY: Yeah, keep it to yourself. Plus something tells me that not having anything now will make it so much sweeter later.
KITTY: I guess that’s^^ the story of this whole damn thing.
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
KITTY: How is it that you’ve gotten even cockier since we made it official?
KITTY: Yeah, keep it to yourself. Plus something tells me that not having anything now will make it so much sweeter later.
KITTY: I guess that’s^^ the story of this whole damn thing.
KITTY: Of course I did.
KITTY: Not gonna lie, taking it off you was a highlight.
KITTY: I have no idea how I’m gonna last til tonight.
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
KITTY: Of course I did.
KITTY: Not gonna lie, taking it off you was a highlight.
KITTY: I have no idea how I’m gonna last til tonight.
TEXT: Kitty and Hunter
KITTY: You left your shirt and tie here, I’m assuming you need them for Warblers.
KITTY: But honestly, I don’t know why I’m telling you, because you’re probably not getting them back.
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
TEXT: Kitty and Hunter
KITTY: You left your shirt and tie here, I’m assuming you need them for Warblers.
KITTY: But honestly, I don’t know why I’m telling you, because you’re probably not getting them back.
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
Besides Sugar, who is somebody you trust 100%?
Hunter. Never thought I'd ever have an answer to this question, but he knows me inside out, and I'm actually stunned at how okay I am with that. I guess that's what trust is.
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
How does it feel watching Ryder move on with Sebastian?
I feel pity for both of them, honestly. Sebastian, because he has to deal with Ryder's nerd shit, and Ryder because he has to deal with Seb's menopausal mood swings.
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@lynnryder @asksmythe
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
If you could have your dream Glee Club, which 12 members would you pick?
Of course, the head bitches of the Tones, minus Satan, because this choir will not have bad vibes. Then from the Nude Erections, I'd have to go with Quinn because duh, Ryder because the choir can't be too cool, and I hate to say it, but Berry. As long as she keeps her mouth firmly shut when not singing during rehearsals. Nobody from Vocal Adrenaline because they're terrifying. And then from the Warblers, Smythe and Nick can hold their own, and of course Hunter, partly because of talent, and partly because of boyfriend nepotism.
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@asksugxrmotta @askdottie @askthingone @asksnixxtana @brittxxbpierce @questionsforjamie @askfabray @lynnryder @askingrachelberry @asksmythe @askwarblernick @askhunterclarington
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
Yeah, he doesn’t need to know that. And honestly, neither do my parents. They’re not insane like him but I wasn’t allowed to listen to music with drums in it til I was fourteen.
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Yeah, the tax evasion isn’t a secret either, he’s really proud of it. Honestly, it’s kind of inspiring.
Knock yourself out, but he'll just call you a minion of the antichrist and say you're probably a spy from Deep Pharma.
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He does, my dad funds his grocery bill ever since he ended up in the hospital with severe dehydration. Of course, the majority of water companies are in on the conspiracy too, so his options are limited. I'm telling you, it's hell inside this man's head.
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
KITTY: Me neither. We really won, huh?
KITTY: Honestly, same. I keep waiting for Hunter to realise what a massive bitch I am sometimes and pack up and go. But he’s still here and, like… devoted? It’s wild.
KITTY: Do you think things could keep going well with Seb?
KITTY: Well it’s good you could build up to it. Congrats on the sex.
KITTY: Yeah, of course. We’re just friends who fight.
KITTY: Yeah, I can’t really believe how well it worked out.
KITTY: Oh?? How was that?
KITTY: I mean please no details but like you didn’t freak or anything?
KITTY: He and I fight sometimes, usually because he gets annoyed at something I say. We get over it eventually but it gets ugly.
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goldenkwilde · 3 months
He’s not a secret agent, but definitely suffers from some bad main character syndrome. Honestly it’s a little embarrassing to watch.
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I mean... not that I think it, but I could def see how someone could think crows are robots. They're crazy smart for a bird... like too smart ya know?? But like.. a personal spy? What is he, some secret agent?
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