goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
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Been awhile since I bothered with listing these, huh? Well, uh, let's get to it then. Zuko is alive, and ready for some interactions with both his friends and enemies sister what is the difference really man I mean it's Azula. So these are the people I know I owe still who I assume want a reply from my sorry ass even after all this time...
Haruka (I start that or uh ?)
That was shorter than I expected. Anyways, just, I am posting this so I remember and can strike stuff out as I go through everything. I gotta do a drabble or two first to make sure I have him as in character as possible but for the most part I'm confident I can throw myself back into writing as him again. Zuko is someone who is easy for me to get in tuned to. His thought processes are as familiar as they are foreign. He's an awkward dork, but a charming one in my opinion. His obsession with honor, his tendencies to say and do things that are not conventional nor sociably acceptable, his angry spats and affection he holds for his uncle...they're all parts of him I have strived to capture and will continue to do so. Thank you followers, AURP and non alike for sticking with me this whole time. Let's hope my future replies are a shred as good as my old ones were.
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
Ouran and Spica Academy’s Formal Request:
These have been sent to everyone whose Submit boxes are open, teachers and students alike (although edited because that spelling error pissed me off):
Each year, Spica and Ouran Academy switches off back and forth on which school will host both the Homecoming Dance and the Prom. It has been decided this year that the Homecoming Dance will be held on Spica’s school grounds, located in the grand ballroom in the Northeastern wing. Thus, you are cordially invited to attend Spica and Ouran Academy’s combined Homecoming Dance, “Under the Tropics”. Your presence would be wholeheartedly appreciated in this rather special event, as the whole point is to welcome incoming students, returning ones, and commemorate the beginning of a brand new school year! Please bear in mind that this is indeed an officially school funded event, so dressing whether formally or in themed attire must be within appropriate boundaries; so take care to not under dress.
The date is Friday, September 21st, and will go from 7:00 pm to 12:00am.
We hope you will be there.
Thank you, The Spica and Ouran staff
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"Wow. That sounds like so much...fun! Yeah, going to Homecoming and being surrounded by my classmates - the same ones who tore my house apart and brought a party into my house without my permission - those are exactly the kind of people I want to surround myself with. Spiked punch, stiff formal wear, and being at school on a Friday night - what else could a guy like me possibly want?"
Zuko snorted derisively beneath his breath, sarcasm diminishing to be replaced by a scowl. A hand was reached upwards to rub at his forehead, massaging the area in an attempt to ward off the headache he knew was incoming any second now.
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"Tch. As if. If anyone thinks I'm going to that stupid Homecoming dance they've got another thing coming."
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
It was time to head off to the grocery store.
"Be careful!" Iroh called out with a thread of urgency coloring his tone after Zuko as he set off down the street. He gave a muffled laugh and waved his uncle's concern off. It wasn't that far from home, only a couple blocks away or so on foot and hardly worth getting worried about. Besides, this path was one he'd taken before. With a sigh, Zuko turned back to flash a look over the curvature of his shoulder. The Jasmine Dragon stood out, even with the crowd at an all time low - he could still catch the scent of tea and exotic spices that lingered in the night air, glimpse the flicker of glowing lights and silhouettes in the opened windows, and just as he expected; Iroh was still standing at the top of the stairs that lead to the side entrance to the second floor of their dwelling, staring intently at his receding back.
Smiling slightly, Zuko nodded at him and replied back, "I'll be fine, uncle!" before facing forward once more so his attention was riveted on the road ahead. His ears picked up on the sound of coming and going cars that zipped past, snatches of conversation of the few pedestrians still out at this hour.
Friday night, and what was Zuko doing? He was walking to the grocery store with nothing but the endless, expanse of black and thick veil of starlight overhead for company. Not that it mattered a great deal to Zuko. He was not the average teenager in any standard. Even if he was the social, partying type the party held at his place a week ago was more than enough to last him a lifetime. By the time the unplanned affair reached an end, the tea shop was left in a total disarray and Zuko was forced to clean everything up by himself. That included leftover trash to bile left as a gift in dark corners. "Disgusting," Zuko muttered grimly once he finished scrubbing down the carpet. It was miracle he was able to get the stains out at all. Sitting back on his haunches and glowering up at the ceiling, the teenager concluded he would never again put up with something like a stupid party.
Zuko's footsteps were near silent. He may have been awkward and ungainly in a regular social setting, but his body movements when his mind was clear and focused were fluid and even graceful. He knew how to maneuver himself to where he would be undetected; it was a skill that came automatically with a martial arts background like his. A pair of suspicious looking teenagers were lingering around the corner, which Zuko took care to avoid his presence from, not wanting to run into an unnecessary confrontation. Cleared of them, he sighed, and picked up his pace. The store loomed just up ahead. He took hold of the handle with his hand and gave it a twist. Autumn's chill was warded off by the warmth and light radiated from inside.
And so Zuko was browsing, walking up and down various aisles as he filled the small, hand-held cart in his hands with goods and produce that were needed back at home. A head of cabbage, fish sauce, tofu, cilantro, oranges, ground pepper, and a box of twinkies because apparently they were a favorite treat of his uncle Iroh's, even though Zuko thought they tasted absolutely sickening and the artificial sweetened cream was nothing more than tooth-decaying fluff. Iroh would not have any of that and Zuko supposed he had no right to judge him regarding his choice of a sweet vice. He himself was a huge fan of chocolate - milk chocolate in particular, though he'd never turn down dark or white chocolate if offered. Perhaps he would try to fight his baser desires especially depending upon who was doing the offering in question...
Zuko shook his head free of those thoughts and surveyed his basket, sifting through all of the items placed inside carefully. He double checked that he did not forget anything that both his uncle and him would need back home. Satisfied when it was confirmed, he gave a small nod of his head, and walked towards the check out late. The line was short, which was unsurprising given the lateness of the evening. Out of the corner of his eye, a sign set up in front of a nearly empty shelf caught his attention, stilling Zuko in place. There were no words for several breaths as he felt his face become open and wide-eyed with uncharacteristic wonder. Was he...reading that right? Quality, deluxe boxes of mixed chocolates were on sale...? And they were buy one and get one box free?!
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Something nudged against his subconscious. His dark brow furrowed in delayed confusion. That was when he realized that he did not even have enough money to buy even a single box. Zuko counted through the cash given to him by his uncle, carefully gauging each bill and coin but to no avail - he wouldn't have enough to afford everything on their unofficial list without sacrificing another item. Damn it. Briefly, he considered putting back the twinkies and lying that there were none left for purchase. This was a one in a lifetime change to buy gourmet chocolates at such a cheap price, after all; but Zuko's hands shook at the very thought of lying to his uncle, much less tarnishing his honor in such a needless way. No, I'm better than that!
Which is why instead of putting back one of the items in his basket and taking, Zuko snuck paranoid glances out of the corner of glinting, amber irises. He strolled forward at a casual, easy going pace at first. Then, when he knew the coast was clear, he surged forth and proceeded to begin grabbing box after box of chocolate and hiding it behind the bags of chocolate covered pretzels. If he could not buy any right now, he would simply have to return later with the cash needed.
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
"Oh. I uh...I meant to...actually ask...uh."
Blinking several times, he slowly pulled the phone away from his ear and eventually glared at it, flexing his fingers around it and simultaneously remembering the whole point of his endeavor. Her immediate response threw Zuko for a loop was all. Jeez. And people said he was stiff and humorless! Well here was his chance to prove all of them wrong - 'them' being anyone and everyone who dared suggest such an invalid, grossly incorrect notion regarding his character; no, Zuko was not some goody two shoes who did not know to have fun. He could kid around and administer a dosage of sarcasm all at once. Slowly bringing the phone back, a smirk swept along his lips as he leaned back against the chair he was seated in. It was time to deliver the message.
"What do you call a fish with no 'i'?" He paused, letting Haruka register his words, before launching into the punchline. "A fsssh!" Even better, he continued with a cackle of humor lightening up his tone, unintentionally dropping his impression of an older male's voice and resuming his typical smooth and rich tone, "What do you call a fish that doesn't like tea? Tasteless!"
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Shit. Coughing again, Zuko fell back into his previous routine. He didn't want Haruka to know who he was - he couldn't have her know and then ruin the deliciousness of this moment of prized glory. Think, think...ugh, what would uncle Iroh say? Zuko inwardly questioned himself, until he experienced a moment of revelation. As long as he spoke as cryptically as much as possible he could get away with spouting off just about anything. It always worked for the old man, right? So why not for Zuko? Zuko of course was too caught up in the rush of adrenaline pumping through his body for it to sink in that even when Iroh seemingly made no sense, he was saying something intermittently symbolic and vague as it was chock full of wisdom.
"There are times in life when you cannot see everything. The darkness eclipses the light. So when you question nature do not waste your time...because the sun always rises."
The Fantabulous NOT AWKWARD Prank Call
Haruka blinked a few times, pulling the phone away from her for a moment to stare at it. Did she just hear the other end correctly? Putting it back to her ear, she held in the urge to let out a sigh. “A blind fish that will die quickly and probably be eaten by a shark or some other fish.” She said flatly. That was the most obvious answer, what other one could there be? She glanced back at the living room, looking at the TV screen. Talking on the phone wouldn’t be too bad. It was better than shouting at the TV for losing in a video game. 
“You didn’t answer my question yet. Who is this?” 
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
What's your favorite subject, Zuko? :)
"Huh?" Zuko asked dully. His gaze widened with bewilderment. How random. Finally overcoming his surprised and confusion, warily he proceeded on to his answer. It could not hurt, although the more Zuko probed his mind for a sufficient response, the less luck he realized he was having with coming up with one. "Uh...I don't know. I guess I never really thought about it before. At the moment P.E. isn't too bad. Not all too challenging but on the days we're free to do whatever we want it's...nice."
Well, damn. That was probably the most boring answer he could have given. Oh well, Zuko never said he was all that interesting of an individual. He was asked the question, and he provided feedback. What more could he do? To soften the blow that may have been dealt due to the directness of his words, Zuko managed a slight smile. "Thanks...for asking, I mean."
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
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Because we need some more. 
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
Zuko stared at the girl standing in his bedroom incredulously. "What...just what the hell are you doing here?!" he sputtered, torn between being embarrassed at the presence of a female sitting on his bed or angered that she dared set foot in his private sanctuary like this. He was blushing, but he decided on the latter as he watched her jump to her feet and gawk at him. His face suddenly felt too hot, the tips of his ears tinging an angry red, and it only made his self conscientiousness soar.
Automatically, he assumed she was probably getting a good look at his scar. She wouldn't have been the first. Zuko let out a light snort, turning away from her to stare at a fixed point on the wall, arms folding across his chest. Amber eyes flickered from the lone girl, back to the wall again. The only sound that could be heard was the pulsing, throbbing music blaring just beyond the closed door to Zuko's bedroom. Just as he was about to go off on a tangent - more than likely the gist would be for her to enjoy looking at the good side of his face and get the hell out of his room - and his lips twitched into a scowl whilst parting to let loose his fury at the situation he was thrust into and frustration at not knowing how to deal, when she spoke up. It was a miracle Zuko even made out her voice, which was distinctly soft and resonating.
“I.. I’m sorry.”
Wait, he thought, his one good brow dropping downwards as he frowned. Zuko did not dare to glance her way just yet, but he was seriously at a loss. Was she actually apologizing to him? It startled him, and the stutter was new for him too. In the past he dealt with people being struck dumb and speechless with fear as they openly gaped at his scarred visage, tracing the branded tissue with widened eyes that spoke volumes. Some even unwittingly stepped away from him, and others' reactions were accompanied with vehemence and disgust. It was human to fear the unknown, to fear the mark of failure. And his mark was just that - a testament to his failure earlier on in life. Forever it would follow him, branding him, permanently scarring him. The burden was his to shoulder. It was his guaranteed companion that afforded him everything from pity to pure loathing.
“I was trying to get away from the craziness, but my friend doesn’t want to leave and she’s my ride and yeah..”
She wasn't...saying sorry because of having the breath sucked out of her at the sight of him. She was saying sorry for being where she didn't belong. That was also new. From what her explanation offered, Zuko already knew she was not exactly whom he originally assumed the second he opened the door and spotted her.
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He shot her a quick glance, finally, and then he shrugged the apology off because he didn't know what else to do. "The party just started. She probably won't be wanting to leave anytime soon."
A Doomed Life
Rose sighed softly. She had been brought by a couple classmates telling her ‘It’ll be the best party ever’ and ‘The guy’s uncle isn’t here!’. She protested, but was dragged anyway.
So here she was, alone in someone’s bedroom to get away from the hormonal, crazy teenagers. Most who were either high or drunk off their ass.
Rose heard a slam and jumped up, seeing someone come in. Was this the guy hosting the party?
“I.. I’m sorry.” Rose stammered. “I was trying to get away from the craziness, but my friend doesn’t want to leave and she’s my ride and yeah..” she rambled.
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
Do you have any crackships with people you're rping with?
Dude, for real? I literally just logged on and am finally gonna RP as Zuko when I haven't in like...man, what feels like forever. But all right, I'll humor you.
As of now, I've got threads going on with Mai (that...I guess are discontinued since who knows when she will return sadly), Mei, Erika, Rose, Takatsuki, and I think that's it? I was planning on threading with Riruka if she was still up for it, and same for Chad too. Probably Orihime. Who do I ship him with out of all those people?
Maiko is an obvious one but not cracky in the least. Er...well you know what? That's a good question, but I don't think I'll be divulging that information for reasons.
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
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More cactus juice shenanigans…
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
A Doomed Life
The hands of the clock seemed to tick slower as Zuko willed time to pass faster. It was ridiculous. History was not his favorite subject and never would be. And yet for the past few hours, Zuko remained busy with his head bent low over the table, annoyed and frustrated. Several textbooks were opened before him; a neat stack of paper sat on the right of the desk. His pencil made scratching noises, the only sounds to permeate the air save the ticking of the clock. Amber eyes moved from the opened textbook to the notebook where his pencil scratched on. Every now and then, his gaze would slit, and a scowl would twitch at his lips. Takeshi was supposed to be here an hour ago. I should have known he wouldn’t show, Zuko groused.
Letting out a loud, exasperated noise from the back of his throat, Zuko shoved away from his desk and tugged at fistfuls of hair with his hands. “UGH! This always happens to me! First, uncle doesn’t even have the courtesy of saying goodbye before going on yet another tea retreat. No, what does he do? He uses the magnets on the fridge to write me a stupid note like I’m just a kid! And then my stupid assigned partner bails on me to probably head off to some stupid party with all of his stupid friends. Now, what am I doing? I’m stuck here doing this entire stupid project by myself. I hate my life!”
Cue the sound of the doorbell dinging and consequently interrupting Zuko in his rage-induced tirade. He glanced up, dropping his hands down to his sides and sitting up straighter.
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“Wait,” Zuko muttered quietly underneath his breath, shock racing through his system. The doorbell went off again. This meant that that meat-headed jock did not ditch him after all? He really pulled through and actually showed up? Well, damn. As Zuko stared at the red, brightly blinking numbers - 9:00 - that flashed at him, he blinked in disbelief. Deciding he was taking long enough, the teenager rose to his feet and proceeded down the hallway. In the silence that filled his house, the fall of his footsteps across the floor was almost obnoxiously loud, although it was nothing compared to the background music that would be erupting within the walls of the tea shop downstairs and his living space alike soon enough. Zuko just didn’t know it yet.
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“It’s about damn time,” Zuko snapped after unbolting, unlocking, and throwing open the door. He took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. What mattered was that the guy even came, right? His uncle would have said something witty and cryptic about the value of patience and understanding he was sure. A sigh was let out, eyes closed, and he reached a hand up to scratch at the back of his neck uncertainly. “Whatever.” The lids covering amber irises drifted open, finally fully taking in the sight awaiting him. “As long as you brought…the…stuff. Uh.” Disregarding his last train of thought, Zuko’s gaze rounded perceptibly, and a twitch entered his jaw. Angrily, confusedly, Zuko yelled out hotly, “What is this? Who are all of these people?! No, what the hell are you doing—”
“All right! Whose got the booze?!”
“Hell yes let’s get this thang started up in hurr—”
“We’re here for the party, Zuzu!” some random, cheeky female crooned to the visibly flabbergasted male in a nearly sing-song manner whilst waltzing past him. A wink was flashed his way, a flirty raspberry as well, and Zuko suddenly felt doomed. He’d been forced back against the wall as a constant stream of people flowed into his house uninvited. The house was rather large, but there was already a huge crowd crammed inside. Some began dancing, others engaged in loud discussions, their hands gripping glass bottles and red cups, and others watched for new arrivals, or waved in his direction. Zuko’s feeling of utter discomfort increased as he became aware of the teenaged girls eying him boldly, making his self consciousness flare and a hand itch to jerk up and touch the scar marring his countenance.
Whispered comments were easily picked out of the crowd due to his unnaturally good hearing. It felt as if the spotlight was positioned on him. The attention made Zuko squirm and shoot fiery glares.
“What are you looking at?!?” he snapped.
Zuko could feel his face heating up; it then contorted into an expression of embarrassment. Emitting a yell of exasperation, he ducked his head down and ran, storming through the hall and pushing past people until he was within the safe perimeters of his bedroom. The door was promptly slammed closed behind Zuko, sealing him off from the outside pulsing, vibrating, laughing, shouting and hormonal driven teenaged world; or so he thought.
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
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"Heehee. My mistake.
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Clearly I confused you guys -
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With some other pedophiles.
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Except not!"
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“Since when were they ever a problem around here?” 
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
"Pedophiles!" yelled Zuko. Instead of his voice resembling its typically deeper and more masculine self, he sounded on the more girly and whiny side. The look on his face reflected his inner hatred.
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
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goldensunrising-blog · 12 years
Magic Anon! For the rest of OOC day Zuko is now Sailor Zuko! This CANNOT be undone by any muse or mun or anon!
Zuko doesn't like you very much mister.
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