goldieang12 · 3 years
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February 27, 2022 (My last day as an intern at WestJet Airlines)
My placement journey has come to an end! I honestly don’t even know what to feel because of all the emotions that I’m currently feeling, but I will surely miss everyone that I have worked with, the airport, and the morning shift?? LOL! 
Nevertheless, I’m beyond grateful to have this opportunity because it has benefited me a lot from the experience, knowledge, and connections with people from the flights industry. Moreover, while having to work on those three attributes I also got the chance to have fun and enjoy my placement along the way with my colleagues from Seneca and Humber. 
This placement has taught me a lot and has helped me to find my interest as well as discover things about myself that I have not known of. I’m actually surprised of how a two month placement would cause such a big impact in my life. At first, I did not really expect that much about finding new things about myself because at the time I thought I had every qualities that I need, but little did I know that I lack the confidence to stand my ground. Thankfully the placement was there to help me realize this and improve upon. There is actually more that the placement has helped me discover and gain but I don’t want to end up writing a thousand words for getting into detail HA HA. I’m glad to talk privately about it though :) 
I’m currently finishing the remaining school activities that I have in order to graduate in April 2022 and after that I will focus on getting all of my requirements/paper works ready to apply for a job at the airport. Best of luck to me!! I’m surely looking forward to what life has stored for me in the future. With that, I would like to thank WestJet for the opportunity and the two month experience working at the airport as a proud Guest Service Ambassador. 
WestJet Intern, Goldie, signing off. 
P.S. I’m retouching my make up in the washroom that is why I do not have my mask on in this picture but then again, it’s kind of like a face reveal HA HA! Also, me, Christine, Kyra, and Debby went to Terminal 1 today just to buy booster juice on our break. Would somewhat recommend it because it was fun but when we got back we only have 15 minutes left to eat our food.
Last quote of the dayyy~
“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great.”
                                                                              - Paulo Coelho
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goldieang12 · 3 years
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February 21, 2022 (Enjoying my remaining days at WestJet)
I honestly don’t know where to start with this since I’m currently feeling a mix of emotions to my placement coming to an end. Then again all things ending comes a new beginning so I’m focusing on that and not letting myself sulk around and be sad. Speaking of which, I’m having an acad burnout at the moment and surprisingly enough going to work today helped me escape from all of the overwhelming activities that I’m dealing with. Maybe it was just the influence of seeing airplanes that reminded me of “being in a vacation” in which eased my mind.
Also, I have came to my senses and realized that I love working at the airport to the point that even after having a bad day it is easy for me to move forward and focus on what I can improve on compared to my previous workplace in which only filled my void with negativity and anxiety. That is why I strive to work hard and be in a work environment where I love what I’m doing and is happy to be at work with good people surrounding me, just like in the airport/flight industry. I’m thrilled to have found my interest and is relived to know that I have chosen the right path in where I feel happy.
Quote of the dayyy~ 
“If you feel like you’re losing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and still they stand tall and wait for better days to come”
                                                                                    - ctto
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goldieang12 · 3 years
February 14, 2022
No pictures for this post :(((
Today is Valentines day and alsooo our progress check day!! woot woot!!
I was so excited for this day because I know that there was going to be a lot of Seneca students working and I have missed most of the ones that I haven’t worked with since I started my morning shift. Also, WestJet was sweet enough to give donuts during lunch and a cake pop from Professor Kirkland at the progress check room. I was so excited to eat it that I forgot to take a picture and that was even my first cake pop ever, I have failed to commemorate that memory *sobs*. Nonetheless, my valentines shift was great and I got the chance to learn something about myself that I have been refusing on believing for a long time. Which is that I’m a very clumsy person LOL. It’s off topic but it was just witty learning about that trait at work.
Quote of the dayy~
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. IT DOES.”                                          - William James
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goldieang12 · 3 years
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February 12, 2022 *Just some updates*
Ever since I started my morning shift I can tell that I have improved my confidence by standing my ground towards rude guests’ because morning shifts is not a joke. Guest would pull you out of nowhere and yell at you for their own mistake in which they don’t see because of how frustrated they are. That is why staying calm and explaining to them the situation clearly and precisely is better than staying quiet and letting all of their words get to you. By the time the clocks hit at 8:30, I give myself a huge sigh of relief and a little stretch of a job well done because I pulled another day of surviving the morning horde loll. Also, me having a huge amount of patience is quite a blessing because if ever that I didn’t, I would have snapped in amount of seconds HA HA (would definitely not recommend doing). 
Moreover, for these past few days that I have worked, there was a lot of upset guest than usually because of the flight cancellations and rebooking due to the weather. I feel bad for sending the guest that I’m assisting through the kiosk to go to the counter/line up whenever I could not help them check in. The expressions that they give really pushes me to assisting more guest because I do not want to feel that I’m no help to them. I’m all good though, I’m just glad that I can somehow make a motivation out of a bad experience. 
Quote of the dayyy! 
“When it rains, look for rainbows. When it’s dark, look for stars”
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goldieang12 · 3 years
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February 5, 2022 *THE MORNING SHIFT*
First of all, omg. Second of all, O-M-G. I was thrilled and speechless at the same time when I experienced the AM shift. There is surely a lot of hustling than the PM but I was happy about it because I get to move around more and engage with lots of guest (more than I have imagined actually). Even though there were difficult guest from time to time I was still thankful that they have confronted me because whether or not I was able to help them, they still managed to help me to learn more by the end of the day. I use those lessons that I have reflected upon and apply that to the same event that I failed to accomplish before to make it right. 
Quote of the dayyy!
“Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will”
                                   - Suzy Kassem
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goldieang12 · 3 years
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January 29, 2022 *two peas in a pod*
This day has got to be one of my favourites because first of all, the Seneca and Humber Fusion has reunited. Second, a guest gave me a drink (that has not been opened) because she could not get it pass security and also doesn’t want to waste it. Lastly, we all got to work together on a not so busy shift and got stickers from one of the WestJet counters that all of us are excited to stick onto our laptop and phone case. Don’t worry, we got a CSA’s permission to get some. 
Furthermore, this day was also quite funny because since there was not a lot of flights departing, we would immediately rush to a guest that we see approaching because there was barely anyone at the airport and with that, there would be a total of two to three of us assisting one guest.
Also, I got the chance to talk to some of my friends from Humber in the morning because I would always arrive at the airport an hour early before my shift to not be late and chat with them and ask how they are doing. One of them told me their experience being stationed at the US side for the check-in baggage and I was so intrigued that I wanted to experience that too on my morning shift next month. Hopefully they would station me there though because I like trying out new things. That is all what I have for today’s blog, have a nice day!
Quote of the day~
“Aim for the moon. If you miss, you might hit a star.”
                                           - W. Clement Stone
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goldieang12 · 3 years
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January 22, 2022 *Focusing on what is important*
This day was just like any other PM shifts that I have had, busy in the beginning then turns into a ghost town mid shift. However, despite the not so busy hours I still get rude guests’ from time to time, especially with the connecting flights. Some guest would slander mean comments in front of me about the system or how they could not drop off their baggage in the conveyor belt. I, most of the time shrugs it off my shoulder because I would rather focus on helping them move to the security area than to stress about what they said out of frustration. Though, when I get guests’ like those, it would always make me think of my up coming AM shifts because some of my colleagues who have already experienced morning shifts told me that it is busy, BUSY. That is why I’m preparing myself ahead of time before February starts because I have a gut feeling that I am going to get more rude guests’ in the morning. I’m still looking forward to working in the AM though ^^ 
P.S. This puzzle book sure is a great way to kill time when there’s no guest to assist.
Quote of the dayyy~
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”
                                                                          -Bill Gates
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goldieang12 · 3 years
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January 16, 2022 *Preparing for the good & worse*
When I first started my PM shift I was somewhat disappointed because I thought that it was going to have many busy hours since people are usually up and about by that time of the day. I even prepared myself every night by reading the notes that I have written down on both my note pad and phone. As well as doing my daily affirmations to motivate myself before going to work. Though, I was not expecting that whenever the clock hits at 6 or 7PM the whole terminal turns into a deserted area... its not entirely deserted but most of the people that are in there are the employees only. That is why I was somewhat disappointed because I expected the PM shifts to be busy so I can challenge myself or perhaps discover new a skill/trait. 
Also, the reason as to why I kept mentioning the word ‘somewhat’ is because PM shifts is not THAT bad. I just assumed a lot of stuff that I thought I needed to know and adapt immediately once I start my placement which is not a good way to grow because rushing things will not enhance my abilities properly. Still and all, PM shifts gets its fair share of busy hours but only in the beginning of the shift which is still good because that is still an experience. Plus, it is pretty lay low so I get a lot of time to reflect on what I did wrong/what I need to learn more about in order to improve my ways of delivering assistance to the guest. What’s also great about it is that I always get the chance to talk to the CSA’s and GSL’s and ask them questions when it’s not busy. 
So, did I regret preparing myself every night to a shift that barely have busy hours? NO. Did I still learn something valuable from it everyday? YES.
Now that you have reached my blog’s conclusion, you have also reached....
... Quote of the day!!
“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”
                                                                        - Dolly Parton
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goldieang12 · 3 years
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January 14, 2022  *Teamwork :)*
Today is just like any other day at the airport, hustling and assisting guests. Yet, it still manage to remind me of an important lesson about how communicating with your colleagues or the people that you work with is a must. The reason behind this is because it gave me the opportunity to easily create bonds/friendship with the people that I have met recently.
What is even great about this is that we feel comfortable working with one another to the point that we handle our group very well during the busies hours on our shift and if there is any problem, we help each other out.
Quote of the day~
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win Championships.”
                                                                                    - Michael Jordan
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goldieang12 · 3 years
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January 13, 2022  *A quite eventful day*
This day surely did not fail to make me feel like riding a roller coaster during my second day as an intern at WestJet, but in a good way at least. The first few minutes were great because it was pretty tame and I got the chance to get along with my colleagues from Humber. Then funny enough, the next minute after that had the whole WestJet area swarming with guests on a connecting flight and are trying to drop off all of their baggage.
For me, I saw this as a great opportunity to put my knowledge & skills to the test. Most of the guests’ that I have approached during that time were already in a bad mood because unfortunately the conveyor belt for the self baggage drop-off could not read the bag tags that they had on their first flight which is why the guests’ could not move to the security area. I checked their tags to make sure that it is still valid and it still is.
After trying all of the ways I can to help the guests’ move on, it was still not working. So, the alternative that I did was I approached the GSL (Guest Service Lead) during that shift and explained to him the problem. He went to the crowded area immediately and told me that I can escort the guest to the side and use the other baggage drop-off (that can only be used with a CSA/GSL’s permission).
The area was soon getting back to its normal state and the greatest feeling after that was when the guests who were frustrated at first became happy & thankful afterwards. Which assured myself that the assistance that I gave did not go to waste. What is even better than that is the GSL observing me the whole time. Honestly, it was quite intimidating but I kept my focus on helping the guest to show my dedication to my role.
Also, a somewhat similar event happened on the same day where there was an unhappy guest that came in. The problem was that the name on her vaccination and passport are not the same which is why she is having a hard time checking herself in through the kiosk. One of the trainer’s gave that guest to me to assist and help. Fortunately, I was successful in providing her with all of the things she needed and walked out of the area with a smile. The trainer who gave me the guest was observing me the whole time and was also happy with how I turned the guests’ experience into a positive one.
Quote of the dayyy~
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there”
                                 -Theodore Roosevelt
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