golologo · 11 years
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Lolo, Tete, & Daddy Collabo 3 - Mappy
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golologo · 11 years
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Lolo & Daddy Collabo 2 - Pirate Ship
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golologo · 11 years
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It's been awhile and since our last updates, little Lo has grown to the age of 3. We've decided to start up again and use this page to start documenting our collaborative artistic projects. We started off letting Lo draw today and took turns adding different elements. Even little brother, Dante, chipped in with a bunch of random scribbles. We're gonna try to keep this going so stayed tuned for more. Hopefully, over time we'll get a nice body of work!
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golologo · 12 years
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Not gonna get much into it. You know us here at Go Lo Lo Go are fans of wooden toys and you know when we run upon them, we're sure to put them up. This round, wooden crocs. Go get em!
Wooden Croc Pile at Poketo
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golologo · 12 years
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In our family, we grew up with your typical US cartoons like Smurfs, GI Joe, Mickey & Minnie and so on. But being Asian, we also had the privilege of indulging ourselves with a completely different genre of animation and cartoons from China, Hong Kong, and Japan. When I saw these, they brought me back to the days when I was a youngin having my soup and rice in my Doremon and Tuxedo Sam bowls and plates. Figured these would be a good add to Lo and Te's collection. You know what to do. Go get em.
Poketo Porcelain Wave Bowl
$16 each
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golologo · 12 years
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A couple weeks ago, I was playing around with Lo and noticed that she started crawling underneath tables and chair, curling into pillowing corners, and building little forts around herself. It kinda caught me off guard and I realized that sometimes you're so busy being a parent that you forget you too were once a child and went through a lot of what your kid is going through. In this case, Lo's little forts was nostalgic of when my younger sister and I used to take the pillows and laundry baskets around the house, and we would make ourselves forts and make believe cars. Life's a crazy thing when it brings you back to square one, especially with your own kid. Anyhow, enjoy this little find I ran upon, and like we say around here. Go get it!
Donna Wilson House Throw Blanket Set
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golologo · 12 years
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To every essential kid's toy collection, there usually are cars and trains. I've been holding out for awhile to find something that was simple, beautiful, and friendly to both genders so the toy could be passed to the next. And behold, today, I ran upon the beautiful Densya Wodden Train made in Yakushima, Japan. Densya means "train" in Japanese. A beautiful name for something equally as beautiful. Maple wood and happy faces, all about the details. All pluses in my book. Now you know what yah gotta do. Go get em.
Densya Wooden Train
$98.00 USD
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golologo · 12 years
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Wanted to apologize for the lack in updates. As of lately, I've been overwhelmed with some great news. I'd like to introduce you all to the newest member of our family, Dante. Born on April 25th at 8.75lbs.
Kinda crazy how quickly its all come about. Lo Lo is happy to be a big sister and seems to be happy with sharing her glory on this site. So please welcome him and hopefully in amidst of all the dirty diapers, I'll be getting you all back on track with more updates for Go Lo Lo Go. Stay tuned!
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golologo · 12 years
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Bust out the classics. And then in French, its like a win win. French Pooh. Go get it!
Je T'Aime Pooh Tee
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golologo · 12 years
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With rainy season coming around the corner and hitting HK randomly, its only right to lift everyones spirits with this bad boy. An occasion to bust out the creative spirits and let Lo and your kiddos roam with the crayons and after, they can run through the rain showing their work off! Go get it!
Design An Umbrella Kit
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golologo · 12 years
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I know these things have been out for awhile, but I just had to throw them out again cause it still surprises the hell out of me that these haven't all been swooped up. They're cute as hell and I'm sure, on Lo, they'd be even more bad ass. Go get them!
Hello Kitty Vans Slip Ons
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golologo · 12 years
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Its been awhile since the last update. Things have been kinda hectic but know that little Lo Lo is doing well and is also about to become a big sister. The family doesn't know if its gonna be a boy or girl, so we'll be sure to keep you all posted. 
In the meantime, back to the irregular schedule. Had to share this with you guys cause you know we love our crayons here at golologo. Take a look and nab em up!
Kitten Egg Crayons 
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golologo · 13 years
Sesame Street - Fall
Music by Kid Koala
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golologo · 13 years
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I just caught this online and had to put it up on the site. Its a sleeping back for kids but you wear it like a jacket. As a kid I hated climbing in and out and this bad boy you can roll around in with skipping a beat. Its awesome. Definitely need to rock one for the Lo and obviously one for myself when we go camping! Check it out!
Poler Kiddy Napsack
$100 usd
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golologo · 13 years
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When I was a kid, I remember when coming back from summer vacation was about seeing what kinda cool shit you  and your friends came back with. Check out my new shoes, check out my new pencil box, check out this.. check that out. Now with that, this bad boy floated onto my lap via the interweb and hands down, we gotta nab this up for Lo to up that fresh gear game. Get yours.
Handy Ruler by John Caswell
3.50 pounds
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golologo · 13 years
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For all of you who have been following, I just want to take a moment and thank you for coming to the site. Not many actually know that I started this site for my baby girl in hopes that I could one day get all the cool stuff in the world for her. In the mean time, I'm just gathering ideas and my bear hugs will have to suffice. Anyhow, today is her 1st birthday and I wanted to just wish her a Happy Birthday and a thank you to you all!
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golologo · 13 years
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Dang, cheap, recyclable, and Lo would have loads of fun with, what else can I ask for? Flat packed dollhouses are gonna be the first dollhouse Lo will get. She'll be able to draw on them have fun, and help the environment. Its gonna be a good one. Get yours.
Our Children's Gorilla Dollhouses at Huset Shop
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