gonny123 · 10 years
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weyheyasslinson my edit :3
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gonny123 · 10 years
you've started the project so long ago and produced so few video results do you have any release dates as of yet?
We get this question so often that maybe it’s time to address it properly. Let us enlighten you:
“A series can be in development for more than a year. Even more important than the time it takes is how much it costs to produce. It would be a major shock to me if a single episode of a major production cost less than $50K to produce. Even Dorama take a long time to shoot. The Fuji TV comedy Densha Otoko had only 11 episodes, roughly 22 hours of air time…and each episode took about 3 weeks to produce. The budget for that series was rumored to be about $500,000 an episode. The side scenes of the extras took 2 days per episode, To give you a rough figure for equivalent US TV shows…one episode of FRIENDS (24 minutes) cost roughly $6M an episode…and that was just the cost of the 6 main characters. For the last two years, the main 6 characters made approximately $1M per episode each! It ain’t cheap and it ain’t easy.”
To put it in perspective: We are a small, independent group of voluntary, non-profit artists, writers and musicians; Running on no budget and little experience to bring the fandom a show as high a quality as we can.
Each frame is drawn and coloured by the hands of people that have an education, have a job, have a family, or have potentially bigger problems to deal with than working on this. 
Project Crynime does not pay for our living. It’s not a job. So unfortunately, we can’t cater to the demand.
We would appreciate your patience and understanding. This is not going to be addressed again.
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gonny123 · 10 years
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You know that feel when ur trapped, can't get out and feels like no matter what you try you'll fail or do it wrong? No??..... Ok .-.
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gonny123 · 10 years
kathisnotonfire123 me at moments xD
listening to a sad song that has a nice beat
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gonny123 · 10 years
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....... Oh god..... #anime #lol #bokunopico #whatifitoldyou
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gonny123 · 10 years
What would you do to help starving kids in Africa?
I will give them cake..... Lost and lots of cake....
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gonny123 · 10 years
♡ please write more ♡
I am I am x3 I'm busy this week! :( but soon ok :3
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gonny123 · 11 years
You should totally add arimura ryutaro into it you know who he is. (LeadSinger of Plastic Tree) and also mao knows him rather well so itd be cool
Ur right, how did I forget him >~
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gonny123 · 11 years
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gonny123 · 11 years
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gonny123 · 11 years
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These faces :3
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gonny123 · 11 years
Hey give a like to this page :3 new…. -ish so yeah x3 >~
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gonny123 · 11 years
DINOSAURS!! \m/(•0•)
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gonny123 · 11 years
This page was created to show SID support to consider doing a world tour and hopefully we can get...
Hey im also looking for adnims here! im looking for admin! any takers ^.^ :3
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gonny123 · 11 years
Chapter 3: New friends, New place...
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“Ano… you speak Japanese?” one of them asked me… “Hai, my name is (y/n).” I responded in Japanese with a smile and held out my hand waiting for a response… “Umm… sorry about that I was messing with my friend” the stranger said with a nervous laugh “I’m Yuya by the way.” He continued, changing the subject, and he shook my hand. “And I’m Masao.” The other one said shaking my hand also. “Nice to meet you two.” Those names sound familiar and so did their voices… then it hit me! NAHHH!!! What are the chances? Lots of people can have the same name... “So may I ask why you are going to Japan?” I hear Masao ask catching my attention. “Oh, I’m going to a doctor’s appointment.” “All the way in Japan?!” I hear Yuya ask from behind me which made me jump. “Sorry” Yuya said chuckling “Don’t you sit on this aisle?” “Yeah… but there are only two seats in first class… and this seat is empty so it’s ok” “Oh Ok…” I felt a bit bad; I took Masao’s seat so he took Yuya’s. “Ummm, well I’m going to Japan because the best eye doctor lives there.” “Oh, I see.” Masao said. As I was about to say something the captain announced that we were departing now and the attendants started to explain stuff.  I was pretty nervous when the plane took off; it’s been a little while since I last went on a plane. After about eight minutes I could tell we were high in the sky. Again it was silent; I didn’t know what to say. “Hey, (y/n) what else are you going to do in Japan?” Masao asked. “Well nothing really. I would love to go sightseeing but I can't at the moment *chuckle* and well I can’t really go out the room.” I responded. “HEY!” I jumped at the sudden ‘yell’ by Yuya. “You’re jumpy, aren’t you?” I giggled at Yuya’s comment. “Well, now I am thank you very much.” I said with a smirk. “You’re welcome! Anyways let us take you around! So you won’t be stuck in that room so much! It would be fun!” “Yeah that’s a good idea.” Masao said liking Yuya’s idea “Of course you like my idea!” Yuya said in a childish voice making Masao chuckle. “So what do you say?” Masao asked me. “Well as fun as the offer sounds, I’ll have to think about it. I mean I just met you two.” I scratched the back of my head. “Well we still have around 16 more hours to go!” Masao said in a happy voice. [A/N: it took me that long to get there >.<] “That’s true.” I said thinking about an answer. “Ok if you two can convince me, I’ll take your offer. Deal? ” I put my hand forward waiting for their response. “Deal.”  Yuya said as he shook my hand from the back seat, “Only if you tell us about yourself too, Deal?” Masao added “we have a deal Masao.” I said with a smile as I held out my hand. “You can call me Mao; And You can call Yuya… Well you can call him Yuya” Masao said with a chuckle. “Pfft making your move already?” Yuya paused for quick second “What?!?” Mao said with laugh. “So! What would you like to know (y/n)-san?” asked Yuya “Well… umm… I don’t know…”  I started thinking but nothing came to mind. “Well I guess you can just tell me about yourselves.” With that we all started talking about many things, we talked about our interests, hobbies and we shared some funny moments in our lives. They seem pretty nice; I guess I can trust them. “So how long have you two been friends?” I asked Mao curious on the two good friends. “Well me and Yuuya have been friends for a little more than 11 years [I’m counting them since they were in Shula] “Wow really? And how did you two meet?” “We meet when we were in a band called Shula.” Yuya finished off. “No way!” I was right! At this point I was fangirling, but in my mind, I didn’t want to seem crazy. “I can’t believe it! So you two are from the band SID right?!” “Yeah, how do you know?” Mao asked “Well by your names, although it took me forever to notice it, plus the information you just gave me.” “Well that’s cool!” Yuya said in a happy tone… “So did that convince you that we’re safe?” Mao responded. “Hmm… I don’t know…” I said in a teasing tone. “Aww come on, you’ll have fun with us!” Mao said, and Yuya agreeing with him. They kept insisting for me to take the offer. “Ok fine, but only because you two begged.” I giggled. “Yeah whatever, you just want to hang out with us awesome ones!” Yuya said laughing. “Please! The only awesome one here is me.” I said acting cool… We continued talking till we all got tired. “Well I’m going to take a nap ok.” I said with a yawn. “Yeah we should all gets some z’s.” Mao yawned. “Nah I’ll sleep in a little.” Yuya said “ok good night” I said getting ready to drift off to sleep. “Its day…” Yuya responded. “Well its night where I come from, so for me it is.” I said laying my head on my hand to rest.
I was in a deep sleep and I felt comfortable but I was awaken by Mao asking Yuya what he was doing, I just ignored it and tried to go back to sleep but after what felt like one minute later I felt a sudden movement. “Yuya give me the phone!” “No! It’s my phone… and ‘its’ cute!” Yuya said laughing mischievously. “What’s cute?” I asked yawning and stretching my arms… “It’s nothing.” Mao said, I felt his seat move as if he slumped in his seat, Yuya laughed at this. “Well sounds like something, what happened?” after a moment of silence Mao spoke up. “Yuya is acting suspicious with his phone.” Mao said in a childish voice. “That’s it?” I giggled at this. “Attention we will be arriving in Japan in 20 minutes please be prepared.” The captain said and announced more stuff. “I’m so excited I can’t wait!” I was happy. “Hey Mao how does it look?” I asked opening the window with a big smile and turning my head towards him. “Beautiful…”  I heard Yuya chuckle and kick Mao’s seat a bit. “Oh umm… It’s beautiful outside…”  “Really?  I can’t wait to see it myself.” I put my hand on the widow and turned my head to it, imagining what it’s like outside. “Hey (y/n) want to stay with us?” Yuya asked from the back. “what do you mean ‘Stay with us’?” I turned my head a bit confused. “Well I would ask if you wanted to stay with me buuuuut” Yuya paused “Wait what?” Mao responded to what Yuya just said, Yuya just chuckled at Mao’s response. “But I lost my keys.” “And when were you going to tell me this Yuya?”  “I was going to tell you but I forgot... So… can I stay over?” Mao laughed at yuya “Yeah but you owe me.” Mao said to Yuya, I just giggled “Hey what are you two going to do when we land?” I questioned Yuya and Mao “Me nothing.” That was all Yuya said.  “Well Im going to unpack and after that… I have nothing planed… Why?” “I was wondering if maybe you could take me to a café so I could video chat with my parents to let them know I got here safe.”  “I have Wi-Fi at home you can go ahead and use it. If you want, you can use my computer.” “Really? That would be awesome! Thanks!”  
~Japanese Airport~
As I walked out the plain I had an attendant help me out while Mao took my suitcase. After that Yuya helped me to a seat “Hey (y/n) wait for us here.” Yuya then left. I’m excited to be in Japan, I’ve always wanted to come here, I wish I could see so I can enjoy this experience more. A few minutes passed I heard a suitcase stop in front of me. “Hey (y/n) say cheese!” I turned my head to where I heard Yuya's voice and smiled. “A little bit more to your left.” Mao said with a Chuckled “Oh… I knew that” I giggled and got up. “So what happened?” I asked “Well we managed to talk to people and you can come with us.” Mao said. “Really?! Awesome! Thank you!” I bowed my head. “Let’s get to the car." Yuya said. "Do you need help (y/n)?" Mao asked me as he walks towards me. "No its ok I got it, let me walk between you two and let me know If I need to turn left or right." I gave them a reassuring smile. "If you say so." I put my walking stick in front of me and started to walk towards where I heard Yuya. As we walk, we talk about stuff and what not, I keep bumping into them so it was funny, we kept walking till I was stopped by a small tug on my shoulder. " We have to go another way" Mao said "What happened?" I questioned. "Fans are there. Lots of them." Yuya answered me. "That's bad?" "No but it’s been a long day..." Yuya said. "And it would be fun to escape them once." Mao said in a mischievous voice. "Follow me!" Mao said loudly, he grabbed my hand pulled me with him. "Where are we going?" Yuya asked confused. "We’re going to the car of course." Mao started to walk quicker and it was hard to keep up. “Mao I can’t keep up!” I said ready to fall any moment mostly because its hard for me to walk since I can't see. “Oh sorry (y/n). I didn’t mean to, just didn’t want the fans to see us.” Mao slowed down and we walked a bit further. “Hey Mao… Why did we need to walk fast? It’s not like we are being chased.” Yuya laughed at his own question. “Yeah that’s true… and I honestly don’t know why.” Mao laughed; he stopped and opened a door “Ok almost there.”  I heard a phone from behind me and then I heard Yuya chuckle, he is acting suspicious. After a while of walking we finally reached the car, and it was that time I realized Mao was still holding my hand, he opened the car door for me and helped me in. “Hey Yuya do you want to drive?” He asked. “Nah too tired.” “See, should have slept during the flight.” They put the suitcases in the trunk and then got in. “All right time to go and hug my little babies!” Mao said starting the car. “Pfft I bet Maro and Patty probably made a mess in the apartment.” “They would never do that!” Mao said with a chuckle. “You live in an apartment?” [A/N: I always imagined Mao living in an Apartment ok x3]  “Yes. But don’t worry it’s not that small.” Mao replayed and with that we left.
~At Mao’s place (YESH x3)~
“Here we are!” Mao parked the car then turned it off; he got out and opened the trunk. “Here I will help you.” Yuya said as he got out of the car and came to my side and opened the door for me. “Thank you Yuya.” I smiled as he helped me out of the car. “Ok got everything?” Mao asked as he closed the trunk. “Are(huh)? What about my suitcase?”  Yuya asked “You don’t need it. you are just staying the night. Right?” Mao responded “Oh… this is payback, isn’t it?” Yuya said in a funny voice, Mao just laughed. They are such good friends, I smiled at the thought. “Ok this way (y/n)” Yuya said still helping me. We walked for a minute or two then we entered a building and walked to an elevator. “Hey what time is it?” I asked. “Its… 6 pm.” Mao answered. “Oh ok.” after about 3 floors Mao said “This is our floor.” He then stepped out of the elevator. We walked a bit further till Yuya stopped me. “Ok home sweet home!” Mao said as he unlocked the door and walked in to put the suitcases in. “Wow… It’s so nice in here.” I said “Wait what?” They asked “Well its nice and cool in here. I can’t see so I think the air is nice… Yeah im a weird person…” I said laughing at what I just said. “Well you haven’t been with Yuya a whole day.” Mao chuckled... I heard little paws running towards us; I’m guessing its patty, Mao’s pet poodle. “Patty! Here girl. Look we have a visitor so don’t be rude ok.” Mao said, I giggled at the image in my head of this moment. “Do you still want to call your mom?” Mao asked “Oh yeah. Can I?” “Of course, right this way.” Mao took my hand and took me to a nearby couch. “I’ll set it up ok.” Mao said as he gave me Patty at sat next to me. “Oii Mao can I get some of this miso?” Yuya asked from what I will guess is the kitchen. “Yeah sure. Hey (y/n) do you want anything?” Mao asked as he was typing stuff on the computer. “Umm a glass of water please.” “On it.” I heard Yuya say. “Thamks” I continued to pet Patty. “What’s the Username?” Mao asked me “Its BlueWolf.” “Ok. Is this your account?” “Yup can you tell?” I giggled, Mao also jus chuckled “Ok its set up. Should I call are text?” “Umm call please.” “Ok Calling...” “Here is your water.” Yuya put the glass down. “Thank you” “No one answered.” “Really… Ok can you leave a text saying ill call again later at 6 pm her time. Oh and a photo of me and Patty please” “haha ok sure.” With that Mao took a picture of me with Patty and he sent it to my mom with the message. After that Mao made Yuya wear one of his PJ’s and then we talked a bit longer about pets and what not, I got tired do to jetlag so I got ready for bed, took me awhile... Mao made me sleep in his bedroom while him and Yuya slept in the living room. “Thank you again for letting me stay here!” I bowed “It’s a pleaser having you here!” Mao said then I went in the room to go to sleep.  This should be fun. I went to sleep thinking on the events of today. I made nice friends today, with that I drifted off to sleep.
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gonny123 · 11 years
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When I get home from school x3 lols
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gonny123 · 11 years
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walking in the street while skipping class be like
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