goodmarthajoness · 10 years
Martha frowned and pressed her lips together, keeping her arm firmly secured around Jack's waist. "Now you listen to me, Jack Harkness," she said firmly, probably more firmly than she has anything some she walked into the hub. "None of this is your fault. You're doing what you can and probably even more than that. I know that, I know the rest of the team knows that. The Doctor knows that." She reached across with her other arm to place over his arm. "I cannot let you beat yourself up over something that is out of your control."
Martha knew that it probably wouldn't do a lot of good telling Jack not to beat himself up but she couldn't not say it. The truth was, she undersold where he was coming from and she'd worried how the Doctor might be too, especially since he had been pretty quiet besides offering to come help at the hospital.
With a faint laugh, she gave another nod. "We'll always have that," she agreed with a wink before leaning her head against his shoulder again with a sigh. "Exactly. We still have the Doctor, we still have each other, and we will get through this just like we always do."
We need a doctor - Jack&Martha
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
Martha pressed her lips into a tight smile, happy that Gwen didn't press the matter. She honestly didn't know what else to say in answer to her question anyhow and it was really better this way leaving it be. She gave a slight nod to her head in agreement and tilted her head so that she was looking over at the other woman. "That's the best thing that we can do right now," she agreed, averting her gaze back to the cupcake before finally taking a bite. 
She still didn't know much about the barrier in the forest, so that information intrigued her. She'd have to ask more about that and learn more about the research they'd been doing, but she figured there were better times for those types of conversations. They would have plenty of time to go over those details. Martha didn't think that Gwen sounded completely confident when she said that they could do this but decided not to press it. Who was she to take any form of encouragement from anyone at a time like this. 
Despite only having eaten half of the cupcake, she reached behind her to set it on the counter and picked up the cup of coffee instead, turning so that she was leaning her side against the counter now, completely facing Gwen. She took a slow drink, savoring the bitter taste as she watched Gwen come up with an answer to her question. It broke her heart a little as she watched the surprise register across her face as if she hadn't been expecting to be asked in the first place. 
Her lips curled into a sympathetic frown. She couldn't count the number of times that she had watched things happen and wished it had been her instead. The year that never was when she watched her parents getting tortured and watching Owen getting shot in her place were two things that came to mind right away. Shifting so she was resting her elbow on the counter and reached over to gently touch Gwen's arm with the other in a way that she hoped was comforting. "They weren't your fault, y'know?" She said quietly, before blinking in surprise. The change in topic caused her to let go, her eyes widening. Gwen changed course so quickly that it actually gave her whiplash. Her eyebrows furrowed together, genuinely confused as to what she was talking about before she remembered. "A dog?" 
Queens of Apology || Gwen and Martha
It wasn’t quite sad enough to make Gwen regret making the stupid little toast, but something in her was tense and saddened, more than the usual bit. The word ‘alright’ was just as suspicious as ‘fine’ at times like this. Martha wasn’t to blame. It was the sort of thing that would slip out automatically. That was why Gwen didn’t treat the answer as a lie. It might have just been a kinder way of saying things could be worse. She nodded to the rest of it and busied herself with a large bite from the cupcake. The unlit candle got neglected and quickly plucked from the treat and set aside.
The little cake itself wasn’t the grandest thing Gwen ever tasted. It was too soft and the combination of the frosting and the unexpected filling threw her off. But why the hell was she complaining? It was better than most of the rations they’d been eating and it was the closest thing she’d ever see to a birthday cake ever again. “Brilliant,” she said, not sounding a bit sarcastic, it was more of a gesture of gratitude that fit the solemn theme. “We just need to stick together,” she shrugged one shoulder, failing to look as strong as she was meant to. But she meant it: Torchwood couldn’t lose anyone else, not again. Martha was a part of their little family now and Gwen would damned before she let anything happen to her.
“‘Still doing research, and mainly that involves chucking rocks at the barrier-thing in the forest.” Sometimes it paid to be honest and others, it just couldn’t be helped. “But we can do this.” It might have been a lie but offering up simple orders and encouragement was second nature for Gwen. She didn’t need to maintain her own faith just to keep others moving. it was just too early to tell whether or not Martha would follow it. “Me? I…” she paused. She should have anticipated the question. Finally, she let the honest truth slip out, partly because she trusted Martha and partly just because she was sick and tired of holding it all back.
"Every time something happens, I think, why wasn’t it me instead? I did that back home too, when we lost people. It happened just…" Gwen was barely conscious of her movements but she managed to get a few mouthfuls worth of the coffee into one of the cups and held it in a suddenly unsteady hand. "A lot. But I’m okay. I keep moving. I have to." Thinking it had been a mistake, she set the coffee down carefully on the nearest flat surface and turned to look Martha in the eye as best she could. It was a terrible change of subject but she just had to: "I almost forgot, though: that thing in the police station crawlspace? It was a dog. ‘Ugly little thing, but harmless. Jo Harvelle’s got it now.”
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
Martha grinned, looking over her shoulder at Gwen when she joined her in looking for the cupcakes. "Measuring birthdays in here is a bit of strange territory," she agreed. "But then again, I never quite know what age to say I am back home either," she shrugged, placing the found cupcakes on the counter with a proud grin. She couldn't believe how excited they both were over cupcakes and coffee, but celebrating a birthday when everything had been so dreary seemed important. Like it would be good for them. 
With the coffee made, and two cupcakes between the two of them each containing their own little candle, it would seem the two of them were ready for a special occasion. As ready as they ever could be considering the circumstances. "Happy thirty-fourth or thirty-sixth birthday!" She cheered, raising her own cupcake into the air, mirroring Gwen in a toast. 
Her face fell slightly at Owen's name, but only just. A small laugh bubbled up from her chest. "I can see it now," and she really could. If she thought hard enough she could even here his sarcastic comment about them wasting their time. The smile did fall completely then, and she nodded, "Yeah." She moved so that she was leaning against the counter again, her gaze dropping to her hands as she started to pull at the wrapper around the bottom of the cupcake, twisting her lips together in thought. "I know, and I'm alright," and when she looked back up at Gwen she honestly couldn't tell if she was lying or not. "I think everything just came as so much a shock, honestly. But I'm ready to do what I can to make sure it doesn't happen again.." She admitted. 
"How're you though? I really should be the one asking you," If she had been feeling out of sorts, she could only imagine how Gwen must have been feeling and she felt guilty for not asking how she was sooner. Gwen had not only been stuck in the pocket a lot longer than she had been but she had also been a lot closer to Owen.  
Queens of Apology || Gwen and Martha
She should have known that the Pocket made things far too good to be true. Everyone had started paying dearly for the few benefits they’d gotten from it initially. She didn’t want to risk the painful results and was glad she’d thought to turn the subject to something as simple as a birthday. “Well,” she said. “I think so, yeah. Days are funny here but all the devices are saying it is.” She moved from her seat after a grand total of thirty seconds perched there to go and see what Martha had found. She gave a little cry of surprise and delight that might have come across as juvenile but no less genuine. “We get cupcakes and coffee.” That turned her entire mindset around. It was almost sad how the smallest things now meant the whole world to her but a moment like this was worth savouring. 
As if proving that it was on her side, the coffee maker finished up the pot and quieted down. Gwen followed Martha’s lead pawing through the cupboards. It occurred to her too late that this might be rude. She’d already invited herself over and made herself at home without a second thought. Shrugging off that concern, she offered up two plastic cups that fell from the cupboard and really weren’t meant for coffee. Candles were in there too, little tiny ones meant for celebrations and cake toppings. Gwen had to wonder who put them there in the first place. “Ah, what the hell,” she resolved quickly. “I don’t turn thirty-four-or-thirty-six every day.” The cupcakes were from the same corporation as the godawful Twinkies Owen had been hoarding, but these at least looked appetizing.
She stuck a candle in both of the little cakes with some odd, misplaced amusement a moment before she realized they obviously wouldn’t light automatically. “Whatever,” she said, feigning exasperation a moment before she let out a giggle instead. She picked up one of the cups and raised it in a mock toast. “Owen,” she said with a little too much emphasis. “Because he’d be making a face right now.” She’d be damned if they resorted back to small talk after that. Instead, she just had to say it. “You know, there’s nothing any of us could do. We just have to take care no one else goes missing. You-you’re okay, right?”
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
Martha folded her hands together in her lap, as she listened intently to what Jack had to say about the grocery store. She'd only talked to River a few times, but she'd always gotten a good impression from her and even more so she trusted Jack's opinion who seemed to have a lot of faith in the woman. If Jack thought she could handle it and would do what she could to protect the people of the pocket, than she did too. 
Her lips quirked into a little smile as Jack mentioned that year. That year plagued some of her worst nightmares but for some reason Jack, and only Jack, was able to make it something she could smile about. It made sense she supposed. They both went through a lot that year and it was the year the coincidentally met.  "It might not be necessary, but the extra precautionary couldn't hurt, right?" 
She shrugged, the smile dropping into a frown as Jack continued, pressing her lips into a tight line. She hated seeing him so defeated, but his fears weren't unwarranted. She wished that she knew what to say to help, and set his fears aside, but she felt just as hopeless. Everything about the situation they were in with that pocket world was a mystery and ever since she got there things just seemed to get worse and worse. 
With a sad sigh, Martha stood up from the chair and walked over to Jack, hopping up to sit on the desk next to him and wrapped an arm around his side in a sideways hug. "You don't have to be sorry for that," she murmured, turning her head to look over at him before tilting her head to rest her head on his shoulder. "I don't think anything either of us have been through could have ever really prepared us for this place. But we'll make do. Always do, don't we?" She wasn't completely confident and turned into more of an actual question than she had meant for it to, but it felt right. 
We need a doctor - Jack&Martha
Jack raised a brow at Martha as she mentioned the grocery store. That was a thought he’d had since he first got back and read Gwen’s false PSA, but he hadn’t voiced anything about it, until now. “Well, Cain’s gone missing but last I heard the store was in very capable hands.” Jack paused for effect before continuing on. “River Song is controlling it, and if I know her as much as I believe I do, she wouldn’t let anything terrible happen, not to herself and not to the people of the pocket.”
Taking a deep breath, Jack sat back on the desk and shrugged a shoulder. “But if you believe it to be the best to add an extra eye onto the store, then I think I should trust you. After all, I did trust you to save the world once before.” Smirking at her, Jack didn’t like to think much about the year that never was, but with her and him just being there, well, he couldn’t help but to bring it up at least once.
"But to bring up a point you’ve made, yes, everyone’s frightened and people are disappearing and I honestly don’t know what to do except to sit and take it. I’ve left once, who’s to say I won’t leave again? Hell Martha, who’s to say I won’t come back?" The more he spoke the more passionate he became. Calming down, Jack merely shook his head. "I’m sorry, I’ve just… I’ve never really been this lost before."
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
The silence didn't last long thankfully, and Martha realized that part of her relief as they started to discuss the food crisis had nothing to do with the fact that the food was safe and everything to do with the fact they were no longer sitting in silence with the sadness and guilt of Owen weighing between them. Talking about work, and about the people of the town was good. Of course, her relief that the people weren't actually being poisoned was completely genuine as well. 
Martha spun her chair around so she was completely facing Jack and nodded, pressing her lips together. "I'll keep an eye out." She would have had to been completely blind to have not noticed the discontent with the Torchwood team with some of the people in the town, even if she would never understand the discontent. "Right now, everyone just seems equally frightened by the situation we've been in, so it's really difficult to tell. Do you think we should keep a closer eye on the grocery store food as well? If someone really does plan on targeting the food, the grocery store might be a little easier o get to then the rations you've been keeping. " 
We need a doctor - Jack&Martha
Jack sighed and nodded, expecting as much. It was horrible thinking that Owen has already been gone a week or more. That meant that the doctor was once again nothing but shattered remains down in where Torchwood Three used to be. Closing his eyes, Jack slowly shook his head before pushing himself into thinking about something else entirely. Something more along the lines of Martha now being a part of the team once more and being there to help out as much and as best as she could. Which was one of the many reasons why Jack loved Martha Jones. Another reason would be her compassion.
The surprise and relief in her voice caused Jack to look up and nod. “Really.” Tightening his lips into a twist, Jack sat for a moment and tired to think on who it could possibly be. There were plenty of people in the pocket who didn’t like Torchwood and more who didn’t like him. But the one person he could guess had been quiet for a while and he doubted that he’d break his silence just to do something like this. So, without being able to tell Martha a proper answer, Jack gave a useless shrug. “I honestly have no idea. Without our cameras working, I’m not sure.”
He didn’t like having to admit to something like that. Having to say that he didn’t know. Jack was always a man with a plan and it was clearly evident on his face just how frustrated that little admission had been. “My only advice about it is to continue to keep watch on people and make sure that whoever did this, hasn’t actually begun poisoning anyone. That and to keep an eye out on suspicious behavior.”
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
Pretending that she didn't see the where Gwen's gaze had drifted to, Martha let out a breathy laugh, nodding her head in understanding as they walked to the lounge together. Gwen's answer seemed like the best possible answer to that kind of question those days. with everything that had been going on. "Mental," she repeated, returning Gwen's smile just before the reached their destination. 
It wasn't the same as before, but it was still nice to hear the halls echoing with a little bit of life again as weird as that sounded. Ever since Owen had disappeared, Martha had been spending even more time at the hospital than before- even starting to sleep in her office on most night. Even with just the little bit more noise, it felt better. Martha hadn't realized until then how much she had been craving company.  
Martha leaned against the counter as Gwen started to make the instant coffee, wearing a sad little smile of her own as she watched Gwen work. Her eyebrows shot up, "It was your birthday?" The realization that even birthdays weren't a concrete thing in the pocket gave Martha an entirely new outlook. "Well, we'll just have to do something about that." She announced, standing away from the counter only to turn around and start rummaging through the cupboards. "I think there might be some cupcakes in here somewhere..." she muttered, looking through the small supply of food, a quiet 'aha' slipping past her lips when she found what she was looking for- a small pack of Hostess Cupcakes. "It's not much, but it's something." She smiled, placing the cupcakes between them on the counter. "We might even have some candles." 
Queens of Apology || Gwen and Martha
That hug was perfect. Gwen pretended just briefly that she and Martha were better friends than they had been. This would be a sad but sufficient reason to bring them closer. “Mental,” she said, a cheeky response as to how she was doing. “How’re you?” Martha was like Jack in the sense that she knew when she had to be serious verses when she could make room for playfulness or sentimentality. For a moment, Gwen could only smile. She’d never imagined she would look at a can of instant coffee and consider it a godsend. She’d never expected to spend a late night in an almost-empty hospital either. But as she watched Martha move to lock the door, her eyes drifted down the path that would lead to the morgue downstairs.
Owen had turned the place into his weird little flat and a part of her felt the need to confirm that it was empty. If he’d left any possessions behind, he’d probably have willed them to Tosh or Martha anyway. There was nothing there for Gwen: an affair and an old friendship without any sense of closure. She shook her head to dismiss those thoughts and laughed, sounding uncharacteristically shy as she followed Martha into the sort of lounge that, thankfully, included a coffee maker. Gwen had been spoiled. The only coffee she drank was either Meg’s or Ianto’s. A can of instant that had been sat in Sebastian Moran’s cupboard for months would be shite in comparison, but she really didn’t care. Not now.
"You know just how crazy things are these days, Martha?" Gwen bore a sad little grin as she got water and the coffee filter into place. "I forgot my own birthday. Sixteenth August…” she wanted to ask if the medical charts would confirm this but apparently, they’d stopped self-filling some time ago. “I’m either thirty-four or thirty-six.” It would depend on how she measured time: the year she came from or the year the Pocket claimed to exist in. A reassuring hiss came from the coffee pot and Gwen left it to brew while she moved to take a seat, hoping it would be decent coffee. God knew they could use a small reward for all this.
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
I've been so out of it I didn't even realize that I basically just said the same thing to you twice in a row. Sorry about that... But really, come any time. 
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Quick reminder-
Hehe haha, yes indeed!
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
Martha's eyes lit up with the sound of Jack's laughter, a sound that she hadn't realized just how much she had missed until she was hearing it again and for a moment, things genuinely felt okay. She gave Jack one of her brightest smiles before he started to lead the way across the lobby to one of the doors that she could only assume led to the hub. Sure enough, he was soon typing in a pass code for Martha to get them downstairs. The smile on her face softened as she looked down to watch him type in the code, pride echoing through her with Jack's words of trust. 
She walked in ahead of him once they reached the bottom of the stairs and did a little spin to take everything in. It was nothing like the old hub and yet so similar at the same time. It was strange. "It's perfect," she murmured, in the process of turning around to face Jack again when he asked about Owen. The smile on her face dropped and she averted her gaze to look around again, easily spotting the desk that was probably hers after he'd mentioned everyone else's. She let out a soft sigh after Jack gave her back a gentle pat and dropped her chin to her chest before lifting her gaze to Jack across the room. "It's been a couple weeks at least," she answered finally, the corner of her lips lifting into a small, sad smile as she remembered the last time she saw Owen around the hospital.  
With a sigh, she walked over to the empty desk and sat down, tracing the wood patterns with her finger instead of walking around any further. She figured she'd have plenty time for that. She perked up with the news about the food though, and spun around in her chair, raising an eyebrow at the captain. "Really?" She asked. surprised but with an air of obvious relief. "Do you have any idea who would say something like that?" She didn't know that many people in the pocket yet, but she had hoped that no one there would intentionally want to panic everyone when things were already so tense. 
We need a doctor - Jack&Martha
Laughing loudly in a truly jovial manner, Jack had half a mind to spin the other woman around in circles if it weren’t for the steps and the doors being in the way. Returning the tightness of the hug, Jack waited a moment before pulling back and grinning down at her. “I’m glad to have you back, even if it’s under these circumstances.” Raising a brow and tilting his head, Jack stepped back and began to walk towards the stairs that led to the basement. “I’ll have to get you a passcode on your own, but for now you can use mine, I trust you.” Smirking, Jack waited for her to catch up before he put in his code and waited for the security door to pop open.
"Welcome to Torchwood Pocket’s Hub. It’s small, not like our old one, but it works. Ianto’s around here somewhere and I’m sure Toshiko is in her room over there. And my desk is straight to the back, can’t miss it." Smiling, Jack placed his hands onto his hips as he looked down at Martha. "How long ago was it since you’ve last seen Owen?" He knew he had to bring it up at some point, so he might as well do it now. Glancing around the room, Jack’s smile slowly faded. At least when Martha gets to get out of the pocket she’ll be healthy and alive. Placing a hand on her back, Jack patted her gently before walking past her to lean against Gwen’s desk.
"Feel free to look around. What’s ours is yours," Spreading his arms out, Jack beamed at her before folding his hands into his lap—a habit he’s relearned to do in recent times. "Also I should tell you that the food supply we have is not tainted, it was a fake PSA, someone’s trying to sabotage us. And trust me, I tested the food myself, I didn’t die." A grim smile traced his lips before he looked down and cleared his throat, hoping that Martha would fill the silence.
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
Martha had just finished her rounds through the hospital, checking that everything was where it belonged and shutting off all the extra lights before settling down in her favorite office by to fuss around with the computer. Normally she'd log onto her blog, check up on things and write down a log of the days events in her own personal folder. But the computer decided to work against her that night, refusing to do anything that she wanted it to do. The only thing she managed to successfully do was beat up the side of her computer which did nothing to help anyone. 
She jumped at the sound of the front door opening, followed by the sound of a familiar voice until she remembered that she had left the door unlocked for Gwen. It wasn't that long ago that Gwen had been staying in the hospital. They didn't talk much while she was there, nor did she ever bring up what she suspected had been the status of her and Owen's relationship. It wasn't any of her business. But now that Gwen was coming to meet her from outside the hospital instead of from somewhere within, it served as yet another reminder of who exactly was missing and why they were even meeting in the first place. 
Despite that reminder, that she knew might never go away, she smiled as soon as she saw Gwen. Martha didn't need asked twice to step towards the woman and wrap her arms around her in a tight hug. "Gwen, how are?" She smiled warmly when she pulled away, one hand lingering on the woman's arm for a moment before she let it drop back to her side. "That coffee isn't even brewed yet, and I think it might smell better than any coffee I've ever had," she mused, walking behind Gwen to lock the door before leading the way deeper into the hospital to a little kitchen/lobby area where they could settle down and brew the coffee. 
Queens of Apology || Gwen and Martha
Carrying a torch in one hand and a can of instant coffee in the other, Gwen Cooper took careful, but hurried steps across the town. Either one of these items could be swapped out for the Beretta holstered at her side if need be. The walk from the Sheriff’s Station to the hospital wasn’t a very long one but it was made worse by the fact that she didn’t feel safe. There was a psychopath still to be hunted down and a number of creatures from any of three worlds that could come out ready to attack. Coupling that with the fact that people were vanishing at random every single day made Gwen’s mind simply refuse to settle down.
It was more depressing than worrisome to walk past the empty pub. In better days, the place might have looked like a solution to her. As it was, she pressed on and soon enough, she found herself at the very familiar front doors of the clinic. It was the entrance she always used when she lived there. Most of her nights had been spent in Owen’s bed. Come to think of it, so had most of her days. When she did little things to help clean up around the hospital, Gwen wondered just how much Molly and Martha knew about the affair. She’d unofficially ended it a few days before Owen disappeared. She got back together with Meg just in time to see her girlfriend vanish as well. No one knew about that bit.. at least, no one was supposed to know about it.
Jack had just returned. It gave her some hope, not a lot, but probably more than she could have asked for. Another good point was Martha Jones. There was no replacing Owen and everyone involved with Torchwood would know that, but they needed a skilled medic on the team and, more than that, they needed a good and trusted friend. Gwen nudged one of the doors open with her foot and, once inside, she shifted, clicked the torch off and pocketed it. Keeping the coffee visible in her other hand, she held both arms out, demanding an embrace, and she called to get Martha’s attention, “Come here, you!”
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
You're more than welcome to come by. I think I could really use some of your company. 
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Quick reminder-
Both! Need something to keep me busy. Finished the pool, even after stretching it out for as long as possible. I could do for some doctory Doctor stuff.
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
The closer Martha got to the town hall she could feel the nerves start to buzz more excitedly in her veins. If she wasn't so used to it after travelling with the Doctor and working with Torchwood before, she would have thought that it was impossible to have so many different emotions buzzing through her at once. It was too difficult to even piece out each emotion from the other and figure out which was stronger which was actually quite annoying and of course adding that to the mix of emotions did nothing to help. 
As soon as she looked up the steps and saw Jack opening the doors, a smile slowly spread across her lips and for a moment, she was genuinely happy. It wasn't surprising that Jack could have that affect on her after everything they'd been through together and the fact that it was Jack. He could probably make anyone smile with his presence in the most stressful of times. In fact, he knew that he could.  
"Captain Jack Harkness, I should be saying the same to you" Martha smiled with a slight nod to her head, stepping up onto the last step so that she was level with with Jack. She paused for just a moment before she was reaching forward to wrap her arms around him in a tight hug, standing on her tip toes until her chin rested on his shoulder. "I'm alright," she answered, still holding onto Jack in a tight hug, her voice low. "I'm ready to get started with you all again- to see what you lot have in store for me this time." 
We need a doctor - Jack&Martha
Jack didn’t sleep that night, he felt as if he had no real reason to. So much was going on, so much that Jack felt the need to keep an eye out for everything, which ultimately meant he had absolutely no time for sleeping. Of course, the immortal had trained himself to go for days without sleeping, it wasn’t like he was going to die forever if he didn’t rest. Sighing, he pushed himself away from his desk and his computer before standing and stretching. What he really wanted was a cup of coffee but unfortunately, coffee had grown thin around the hub and Jack could tell it was taking it’s toll upon his team, let alone himself.
But he forced a smile that soon turned genuine when he realized that today would be a day he’d get to see Martha Jones once more. Forgoing his jacket, the captain straightened his suspenders before heading towards the security door and opening it. He’d have to get her a passcode as well as all the proper equipment that she’d require. Ascending the stairs, Jack knew that Martha was always on time, if a bit early.
Holding his smile, Jack slid his hands into his pockets before moving to lean against the lobby doors, which faced the front so that when Martha entered she’d see him standing there. There was a lot the two needed to talk about, a lot that would probably and inevitably have them both dredging up the past. But more-so he knew that the conversations they’d have were going to be centered around one person; Owen Harper.
But that was fine, at least they were both mutual friends of the doctor and two people who definitely would miss him entirely. Pushing himself off the door when he saw her approach, Jack couldn’t wait to wrap her into a tight hug. So, he pulled the front door’s open and grinned at her. “Martha Jones in the flesh, seems like a lifetime, feels like a lifetime, but you my dear have not changed one bit. How are you?” Holding out his arms, he waited for the woman to greet him in return. 
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
That sounds perfect. I never thought I'd miss coffee so much. Alright, I look forward to seeing you. Thank you, Gwen. 
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That's all I need,
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Believe it or not, I just got some instant coffee. ‘Could bring it by later if you like. I’ve got a few things to tell you, actually. Really, though, welcome back.
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
We need a doctor - Jack&Martha
Everything had been such a mess since the food started to disappear and things just seemed to be getting worse. Food had been tainted which increased the odds for people to get sick as if malnutrition hadn't already been a concern enough. Ever since things started to turn sour, Martha spent a lot of her time at the hospital, just in case anyone needed anything.
 But then people started to disappear without even the slightest explanation. Martha thought she'd be happy when people were given the opportunity to go home. Especially the ones who had been trapped in the pocket for so long. But how was she supposed to be happy about one of her closest and dearest friends had gone missing- when that friend had no where to go outside of the pocket. Happiness was definitely not the emotion she'd use to explain the way she felt about the situation. 
As it happened, a new spot had opened up in Torchwood and Martha found herself being inducted to the team. She was of course happy and honored to be a part of that team again. She had the highest respect for each on of them and she'd always do anything that Jack asked. All she needed to do was focus on the positive side to all of it, working with Jack, Gwen, Tosh, and Ianto. She was sincerely thrilled. If she focused on that, she could maybe ignore the guilt that weighed heavily on her heart. 
Just like she promised, Martha woke up early and made her way to the town hall after making sure that hospital was secure- a good habit of Owen's that she intended to follow through on. Things were still quiet as she walked across town and into the hall where she knew Jack was probably already awake and waiting. 
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
That sounds about right. That's exactly it, isn't it? We're just all pieces in one big game of survival. Which isn't much different from home aside from the fact it's magnified so much.  With the tea and coffee running out, we'll be in some real trouble soon. I'm sure there's some somewhere. 
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I was, and I'm happy to be a part of the team again, really. 
That's all I need,
I suppose the world would implode if it gave us anything good to work with. You’ve got that right. I’m still calling other people civilians but I guess we’re all playing the survival game now. That sounds great, Martha. You know, I did pretty good when the alcohol ran out. But coffee is like a basic human right. We’d best find some.
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Also, I heard you were offered a job. We’re really glad to have you.
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
Do you mean in general, or are going to come help out at the hospital? Wouldn't mind the added company while I'm there. 
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Quick reminder-
Count me in for the helping stuff! 
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
I'm so sorry, Jack. 
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Missed me?
I believe the same thing that happened to John Hart and I, happened to him. Except, both John and I  are alive and he isn’t. We got out but somehow I came back. I’m sorry Martha.
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goodmarthajoness · 10 years
He's not okay, is he? 
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Of course. She'll be by first thing tomorrow. 
Missed me?
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You’ll find out in due time, trust me. Perfect. Tell her to stop by the hub, I have a desk for her.
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