goodtoknow2 · 3 years
hi there, i really enjoy your blog! i’m studying astrology and i get confused at how to read the interaction between two planets and signs as well as the strength of its energy. for example, does having a sun to pluto aspect considered stronger because of the sun being a personal planet or does a saturn/jupiter aspect to pluto considered stronger because the planets are heavy hitters? thanks!
A hidden secret to the study of aspects is judging the quality of strength of the planets.  You can do this by googling a friend/enemy placement table like this one :
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Then you look at what planets rule the signs involved (classic planets only.) You can also use the modern ruling signs if you more comfortable with that (easier to see with classic planets because the tables are more set up for it.)
For instance, lets say sun in Sun in Cancer Trines Pluto in Pisces. Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon, Scorpio is a sign ruled by Mars. How do Moon and Mars associate on the table above? Mars is a friend to Moon, which means Cancer and Scorpio aspecting planets have resources to offer one another.
When the planets are nuetral then the aspect depends on the houses involved.  If the planets are in enemy signs to each other you will notice the aspect isn’t as strong as perhaps you will read in interpretations.
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goodtoknow2 · 3 years
How Pisces “Dissolves” Houses
Quite a few wrote in today asking me about how Pisces dissolves houses, So I will post a short explanation of how it can work (took all day, doh.)
Pisces in 1st House
Pisces dissolve the 1st house of the physical body, the behavior, self-expression, and self-image.  What we can see here is having a weak immune system and a lack of a barrier between the physical body and the outside environment. 
Another way to see is the Pisces in the 1st dissolves the desire to be in the physical body at all.  Perhaps we can say this explains the detachment from the physical world.  This births the enjoyment of the unseen realms that Pisces loves (like imagination, mystical things, ocean depths, outerspace.)
In terms of behavior and self-expression in one package; the dissolve effect might come across as being more introverted, shy, or exhibiting confusing behavior.  The self-image can dissolve.  If you ever had Pisces Rising friends they sometimes “let themselves go (because of depression for example) or sometimes they alter their body in creative ways so it loses its natural vibe.
Pisces in 2nd House
Pisces in the 2nd house dissolves the value of the house of personal values, possessions, business, early home teachings, money, and wealth. Aquarius rises in the chart so we see Pisces cause a dissolving effect relating to Values. Aquarius is a very impersonal sign that is often regarded as not possessive. So Pisces dissolving the attachment to physical possessions and personal values is the key to creating the objective "society focused” Aquarius Rising.
In terms of early home teachings, they may be dissolved in terms of lacking or confusing. Instead of the early life teaching about the family, in exchange, there may be spiritual values or maybe so much free where there is none at all. The 2nd house usually is about establishing our security through money and Pisces dissolves this to a point too. It can cause no savings or priority in building wealth for the self.
Holding personal assets isn’t a priority like the 2nd house usually commands, which can lead to giving it away instead or even having money slip through the fingers.
Pisces in 3rd House
Pisces in the 3rd house dissolves the areas of courage, valor, self-promotion, desire to be involved in community, siblings, and gathering ideas. Capricorn rises here so Pisces can bring the dissolving effect of being courageous and being outgoing in the community. In this sense, Pisces births the introverted nature of Capricorn rising.
What we can also see is possibly having no siblings or any interest in being involved with them directly. Many Capricorn risings I have known are hard work and don’t have the time to dedicate their life to being involved with local people and the community. They usually are very busy.  Pisces being in this house can be a part of why which contribute to this behavior.  The 3rd house certainly produces a lot of day-to-day distractions. When dissolving this house Pisces frees up time for Capricorn rising to pursue ambitions and personal needs.
Finally, we come to dissolving gathering ideas.  Many people see Capricorn rising as a “know it all” type of sign/energy.  They like to be the boss and don’t like to be asked questions/or ask them.  Capricorn risings like to be in control and follow structure.  The Pisces energy dissolves the need to act on impulse, and classically the 3rd house was assigned “impulse” as its basic meaning.
Pisces in 4th House
Pisces in the 4th house dissolves the early upbringing foundation, the home, family traditions, and the love of a particular idea that brings comfort.
Pisces are in the 4th dissolves attachment to having stable roots. With Pisces in this house, Sagittarius is rising in the horoscope. This is noteworthy because Sagittarius is the sign of freedom that loves to travel.  Pisces in the 4th is the source of this because it dissolves attachment to being home and rooted.
Keep reading
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goodtoknow2 · 12 years
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goodtoknow2 · 12 years
Sa ne imbunatatim memoria cu remedii naturale
Ei contin caroten, remediu grozav pentru problemele de memorie.
Aroma de vanilie stimuleaza cortexul cerebral. Imbunatatind astfel puterea de concentrarre si capacitatea de memorare. Printre efecte, se numara revitalizarea sistemelor cardiac, respirator si digestiv.
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Germeni de grau
Sunt o sursa ideala de vitamina E, care ajuta la tratarea pierderilor de memorie, mai ales in cazul persoanelor in varsta.
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Frunzele de menta contin o multitudine de compusi chimici care inhiba centrele de agresivitate din creier.Desi, efectul calmant este imediat, eficienta maxima este atinsa numai dupa o cura cu menta de cel putin 12 zile, prin consumul de ceai sau prin folosirea uleiurilor esentiale de menta. Este utila cand te afli intr-o stare de oboseala cauzata de stres sau de epuizare mentala.
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In compozitia lor au lecitina, care pastreaza celulele nervoase sanatoase si memoria intacta.
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Taratele de ovaz
Arteroscleroza este asociata cu aparitia placilor de aterom care afecteaza inclusiv creierul, favorizand maladia Alzheimer. Mentine-ti colesterolul in limitele normale consumand constant tarate de ovaz, care absorb grasimile si zaharurile alimentare.
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Aceste fructe, dar si coacazele, murele, sau strugurii negri, contin o cantitate insemnata de antioxidanti si ajuta la imbunatarirea memoriei pe termen scurt.
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Ajuta functia cerebrala prin cresterea fluxului sangvin la nivelul creierului, asigurand o mai buna oxigenare si un aport crescut de nutrienti la acest nivel. nu numai ca ajuta memoria, ci sporeste capacitatea de concentrare, intarind totodata sistemul imunitar. Atentie: este contraindicat in caz de hipertensiune arteriala!
Cand vine vorba despre creier, salvia are efect calmant ajutandu-te sa te concentrezi mai bine chiar si cand traversezi o perioada extrem de stresanta. Vrei sa acumulezi rapid informatii pentru un examen, de exemplu? Consuma cu toata increderea produse pe baza de salvie!
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Un remediu cunoscut mai ales pentru efectele benefice asupra ficatului, anghinarea mareste acuitatea mentala. Iata o reteta care-ti va spori puterea de memorare:
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Pune intr-un borcan frunzele de la o anghinare, umple vasul cu apa si acopera-l cu un cap. Fierbe-lin bain-marie doua ore, la foc mic. Completeaza cu apa oala in care fierbi licoarea ori de cate ori este necesar. Lasa la racit, strecoara si obtii un medicament natural care-ti ajuta memoria. Bea cate 3-4linguri pe zi.
Ceai verde
Contine antioxidanti benefici pentru creier.
Soia boabe
Sursa consistenta de proteine vegetale, ajuta la functionarea armonioasa a creierului datorita lecitinei pe care o contine, la eliminarea colesterolului si la depunerea  grasimilor pe vasele de sange.
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(Sursa: Sanatatea de azi, nr.10/56, Oct.2012, pg.32)
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