simonouma · 2 months
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Kokichi Ouma the Ultimate Supreme Leader of DICE as I rp him for Persona 5 and Digimon in a twin tailed fox form. This is a gift for @tiftifbee as a thank you for all the art she's done me for my channel. I commissioned @lilyearte to make Thank you so much we both love it a lot!
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Eudora & Tiana's kingdom - Aurelianum (headcanon name)
"It's a beauty beyond words, princess."
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cipriannicolaepopa · 7 months
Gastronomie: cum afectează temperatura ouălelor calitatea produselor de panificație și patiserie
Când vine vorba de coacere, ingrediente precum făina, untul și zahărul sunt adesea în centrul atenției, dar ouăle joacă un rol la fel de important în prepararea deserturilor delicioase. Dincolo de aspectul lor umil, ouăle servesc ca ingrediente multifuncționale care influențează semnificativ rezultatul produselor de panificație. Unul dintre rolurile cheie pe care le joacă ouăle în coacere este…
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brunker3 · 8 months
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dodorel62 · 1 year
Plăcinta cu spanac
  Plăcinta cu spanac este foarte buna și gustoasa . Plăcinta cu spanac se face în orice anotimp . Aceasta plăcinta cu spanac este o adevărata delicatese. Este o plăcinta foarte gustoasa care se face și în Grecia . Pentru a face aceasta plăcinta cu spanac avem nevoie de urmatoarele ingrediente : Ingrediente pentru plăcinta cu spanac : Spanac – 1 kg 2 bucăți de praz 2 legături de ceapa verde 2…
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This is my new favorite duo picture of them lmao
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venusssus · 7 months
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OMG IS IT HANS??? No way! im so happy
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mickeysclubhouse · 6 months
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"Yay! Goofy got his treat. Great story, Minnie."
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116t98 · 7 months
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Why do they look like that?? Why is Doris so short?? Why does Goob’s mustache look thicker?? Why are their eyes so BIG???
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not-equippedforthis · 21 hours
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biology boredom means certain bards and witchers get drawn
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zuliobro · 11 months
I love this reddit migration, it feels like cousins i've never met came over to stay at our place
just a big ol' sleepover! lets stay up all night & tell each other stories hehe ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧
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mudkirby · 4 months
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One of the only times I bothered to make something digital. I work exclusively on a phone so it's a pain in the everything arm related. This is my second Rainworld OC (the first being Kipper, a Rivulet based Scug). I adore this goof and now you can as well. Also, that lore is *slightly* outdated cuz world building is going well. Don't disregard it though because if you care, you'll remember this for later. :>
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Once Upon a Studio: Frozen scenes review
I absolutely loved the short! 🥹✨ So much nostalgia and love! All those characters from our childhood! I was smiling the whole way through, especially when our girls Elsa and Anna showed up. Loved the interaction between Olaf and Genie. Both are side characters and a third wheel to the main two protagonists but are so iconic and lovable (and have their biggest wishes fulfilled at the end of their first movies - Genie to be set free and Olaf to experience Summer). It's understandable that we didn't get to see more of some of these characters because Mickey and Minnie are the prime of Disney and the Short is only 12 minutes long.
It is unfortunate for us Hans fans to not get more of him than what we saw in the teaser trailer and the big group photo but I believe that could actually mean a good thing in a way. Let me explain why. In the scene solely belonging to Frozen, Elsa and Anna walk by a frame of the scene just before Hans and Anna begin "Love is an open door", which is while he's good. Anna asks Elsa “Do you think all the villains will show up?”. Elsa replies “Not all” while she turns around and freezes Hans seeing him trying to jump out of the frame. She does it with a mischievous playful smile. And if we look at this from a Helsa shipper point of view, Elsa froze him in the frame, with a possible hint to Elsa not wanting him to come out and be part of the villains, maybe showing Elsa forgiving Hans, or not wanting him to stay a villain just like us. But then he somehow makes it to the final big group photo as do all the characters featured in the short. Whether Elsa unfreezes Hans off screen or another character with a source of heat, we don't know.
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And notice how Pabbie is there beside him. We see people from Northuldra and Mattias and even Kristoff and Sven in the short but no Pabbie right until the very last scene. Yes I know some characters in the big photo were too not in the scenes but I'm focusing on Pabbie's involvement and placement in the photo. He is so iconic to the franchise and I love him and the trolls. They are part of the lore too as they set up what's about to go down in the movie. So yes I'm going towards the Troll theory which I'm on and off about. I see why the theory makes sense but then I don't see why he would do such a thing even if it's for Kristoff's sake. Pabbie's is noble and wise, I would totally see the other trolls doing this but we've only seen Pabbie using magic. So I guess this could be taken as a hint to the theory being true that indeed the Trolls made Hans the Villain just so Kristoff could be with Anna. To be honest I would love to see this happen, because I would love to see Anna and Kristoff's reaction and Elsa's too. They would wonder if they would ever have been together if it wasn't for the Trolls, and if Hans was genuinely good as they first saw. This could also lead Helsa into happening. I mean if not this theory or any other, is it really a coincidence the two, Hans and Pabbie, were put side by side in the photoshoot? If not, they did it just to troll us which is sad. But I'm not expecting too much. I'm just going by what we have gotten so far and being grateful for it. At least we got a Hans/ Helsa moment!
And I know it's sad that Santino as Hans didn't have a single line in this but perhaps they're saving his debut for Frozen 3. If he voiced here then we would have more of a hope and certainty of Hans' return but while we want that, I think they're keeping the element of surprise here. But we'll see.
But overall I loved their moments in the short! I wholeheartedly did. Disney is one of a kind and really knows how to pull our heartstrings especially for a once in a lifetime or two opportunity! 🎉
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evanyaglad · 5 months
So was Once Upon a Studio supposed to play before the Wish movie? Because that didn't happen in my theater. It just went straight to the movie. Was this all just a rumor, or are people getting Once Upon a Studio before their showings?
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They pre transformed ur fiction btw. They pre-troped ur tropes. Oh you thought about putting a little kitty collar with a bell of your problematic fave and have them go from feral to babygirl at the drop of a hat? They already did that. You were gonna make them talk about their feelings and internal turmoil candidly with their pirate friends? Did that. Have your oh tea pee look into each other's eyes with a deep yearning and express their love in a direct callback to a previous line of dialogue that you couldn't stop thinking about because they were insane for that? THEY ALREADY DID IT ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING
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Elsa at life in general: 😳
Elsa when Anna rambles next to her: 😊
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