goodtwitch · 5 years
Money becomes sand Become blood becomes Tears becomes silence Becomes time becomes Old news.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
The streets are paved with blood, So long the languid passing years Have walked in tears and gore With wounded souls that weave and wind And leave their brutal past behind For some new future, menacing and sore.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
We should invent new words that have only one intention, to save people from the terrors of insanity.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
The degradation we try to pass off onto other people will always find its way back into our heart, for we're always running towards it as we flee it.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
We're so tormented that the suffering we experience taking in so-called "entertainment" is accepted as the price we have to pay to forget who we are for awhile.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
We say that we use language, but perhaps it is language that is using us. Our reactions are colored by our thoughts, which are made of language. We're trapped in an echo chamber of words defined by other people that contaminate our state of mind. We are never alone, society is always in our head.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
I was nine by one nine seven four And twelve by seven seven, But when 2000 and nineteen met My life was nine eleven.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
I like being damned, I emit fever dreams, When I scream I am caught In what screaming thought means. I am loathe to escape For there's nowhere to flee, If it weren't for my errors What else would I be?
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goodtwitch · 5 years
I-Ching Hexagram 56: Seeking
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This hexagram is about someone who is in transition between two stable states of being, seeking something to live for and devote themselves to. They are unsteady and compensate for the their unsteadiness with constant wandering. I’m reminded of the recent game release, Death Stranding, which places an emphasis on walking with a burden which you must work to keep balanced.  
Intelligence rules the inner world and outwardly one is muted. You keep yourself unknown, in a sense, and only present a very toned-down version of yourself to others. For this reason there is a feeling of loneliness and isolation amidst the wandering. Your search is not really for love, but for something TO love. It’s a philosophical search and a vulnerable place to be.  
The first moving line attempts to make a home of an unworthy or inappropriate situation, leading to unhappiness and a feeling of being stranded. It’s too soon for you to make a home of the situation. 
The second line suggests keeping your balance and inner wholeness amidst the changes and thus attracting good people and help. It presages success in your overall journey.  
The third line suggests irritation and anger, possibly even violence, as one is unable to find a sense of belonging in a situation and takes it out on others. This is ultimately self-destructive.  
The fourth line suggests settling down and finding a role, but your heart isn’t connected to it. It isn’t “yours” yet and so it feels odd and artificial. New beginnings can be awkward.  
Here, in the fifth line, the individual is at the heart of their intelligence and finds what they’re seeking. They clearly grasp it and define it and are rewarded for finding it with an end to their wandering. It’s a relief to find your place.  
The sixth line suggests nihilism and self-destructive behavior, such as drug abuse or taking out your anger on others. Finding no meaning, you have a breakdown and begin to behave rashly and lose your patience with everyone. You’ve traveled too long without finding any meaning. It might be time for a more inward and reflective journey.
Ultimately, if you get this hexagram without any moving lines it suggests that the restless and hungry nature of the intellect continues to seek meaning but must search for it. There is no rest, no easy answer, until the right connections are made internally and meaning is discovered.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
When teeth are naked But the tongue is cloaked It is upon our own words We have choked, For clever though they be, They tell a lie, Instead of truth, a prisoner's alibi.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
Demons might be appealing until comes feeding time.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
A marble store of luxury and gold Replaces the community of old Where smiling friends that cared could once be heard A parking lot now covers every word.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
If someone in the woods fell would we care? For maybe there was never someone there, The trees that witness this have naught to say But in the evening breeze they'll dance and sway.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
Great Leader
Lie prostrate at his feet, For he knows best, Great Leader wears a red shirt on his chest, His giant belly’s wise, his thoughts are pure, But why he loves his honey, We're not sure.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
The frenzied fingertips of spinning slaves Has sent ancestors flying from their graves, Their sacred rest disturbed, they rave and rant, But future does the monstrous things They can't.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
What a foul mess I have made of this alone, To skulk around with mood that's carved in stone, And fearing my own shadow, oft' depressed, My scarlet desperation burns my chest.
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goodtwitch · 5 years
Lo-fi, low pulse synthwave from polistirex!
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