gosanonekoma · 7 years
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おはよう ♪
Welcome on my tumblr where I’ll be posting my writings.
Please, make sure to read the presentation article beforehand, I explained everything that I considered important. The writings are divided in the french and english ones.
You’ll find everything by clicking on menu at the top !
I hope you’ll like them ! Bye ! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
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gosanonekoma · 7 years
「 Please keep looking at me with the same eyes. 」
• Please keep looking at me with the same eyes.
• Anon / Reader & Kris ( EXO )
Les rayons du soleil commençaient à éclairer ta chambre et tu ouvrais doucement tes yeux. Tu sentais des bras autours de ta taille et un souffle dans ton cou, tu tentais de te lever mais l'étreinte se resserrait sur toi. Tu décidais alors de rester un peu plus et te retournais pour pouvoir admirer son visage. Il était si beau. Malgré son air dur, il était vraiment attendrissant et mignon, surtout lorsqu'il dormait. Voyant l'heure, tu te décidais à le réveiller. « Bonjour~. - Hmm~. » Sa réponse te fit sourire et tu te levais à contre cœur. Tu partais ouvrir les volets, le ciel était si beau. Cela allait être une bonne journée, ou presque. Après t'être préparée, tu t'en allais travailler ; déposant avant un baiser sur la joue de Kris qui prenait son déjeuné avec un air endormi. C'était une journée quasiment comme les autres. ~~~~~ Les rayons du soleil commençaient à éclairer la chambre et il se réveillait sans pour autant ouvrir ses yeux. Il te sentait se lever mais t'en empêchait. Il ne voulait pas que tu partes. Il ne voulait pas te voir s'éloigner de lui, il avait peur. Peur de commettre une chose impardonnable mais la tentation devenait trop grande au fil des semaines. Elle le séduisait, voulait l'attraper dans ses filets. ◘ 12 semaines plus tôt. « Kris, je suis heureuse, je vais à un concert ! - Et qui vas tu voir ? - Bruno Mars ! - Tu es bien chanceuse alors. - Tu aimes bien ? - Oui beaucoup. » ◘ 11 semaines plus tôt. « Kris, remarques tu quelque chose ? - Tu as changé de coiffure ? - Pas seulement ! - Je ne vois pas alors. - Regarde bien ! - Vraiment. - C'est une nouvelle robe ! - Ah ? - Elle me va bien ? - Oui . ◘ 08 semaines plus tôt. « Kris, peux tu venir m'aider ? - Pour ? - Remplir un dossier pour une demande de divorce. - Tu veux divorcer ? - Oui. - Ne prend pas cette décision à la légère. - Promis. » ◘ 06 semaines plus tôt. « Kris.. - Que t'arrive-t-il ? - Je suis malheureuse. Elle se jetait dans ses bras. - Pourquoi ? - Mon mari est violent avec moi.. - Vraiment ?! Part de chez toi. - Je suis chez ma mère maintenant. - Bonne initiative. » ◘ 03 semaines plus tôt. « Allô Kris ? - Oui, ça va ? - Non, il m'a encore frappée.. Elle semblait pleurer. - Où es-tu ? - Dans le parc.. - J'arrive, attend moi. - Merci.. Elle souriait et se maquillait. » ◘ 01 semaine plus tôt. « Qu'est ce que ? Il ouvrait ses mails. » ” J'espère que cette photo te plaira. Je voulais te remercier pour tout ce que tu as fait pour moi. Je t'aime plus qu'elle ne t'aime. Je ne te laisserai jamais. ” Elle ne portait aucun vêtement. ~~~~~ Tu rentrais d'une dure journée de travail. Tu ne remplissais que des dossiers pour des demandes de divorce. D'ailleurs, tu avais été étonné de voir le nom de Kim YeJin dans la liste. Ils semblaient pourtant s'aimer, être heureux. Semblaient. Tu parcourais alors ton salon afin d'aller manger quelque chose mais ton regard fut attiré sur l'ordinateur. Il y avait un mail de cette même Kim YeJin. ” Je t'attendrais à 18h30 au Cake Café. Tu me manques, je t'aime. Ta bien-aimée YeJin. ” Tu n'y croyais pas. Comment était-ce possible ? Tu regardais alors l'heure sur ta montre, 18h15. Tu avais le temps d'y aller. Tu partais rapidement pour espérer voir que tout ça n'était qu'un cauchemar. Que tu allais te réveiller dans ses bras et que toute cette histoire n'avait jamais existé. Lorsque tu arrivais au lieu de rendez vous, la réalité était toute autre. Il était là. Il l'embrassait. Les larmes commençaient à couler sur tes joues et tu retournais chez toi, l'attendant de pieds fermes. ~~~~~ Il voulait lui dire que cela ne servait à rien de tenter quelque chose envers lui. Il t'aimait et pour rien au monde il te laisserait. Tu étais tout pour lui, jamais il n'imaginerait faire un pas sans toi. Il arrivait vers elle, déterminé à lui expliquer clairement les choses. Mais, pris par surprise, elle déposa ses lèvres sur les siennes. Il tenta tant bien que mal de détacher ses lèvres, en vain. Son cœur se serra. Il avait mal. Il s'en voulait de l'avoir laissé déposer ses lèvres -malgré que cela était inopiné-. Il tentait de l'écarter mais elle s'accrochait. Il n'abandonnait pas puis réussissait enfin à l'éloigner. « Je t'aime Kris ! - Je l'aime pas toi. - Ignores tu tout ce que j'ai fait pour toi ?! Des larmes coulaient. - Cela m'est égal. Je ne serais jamais avec toi. - Tu n'es qu'un idiot Kris ! Ses pseudo-bleus avaient disparus.» Elle s'était moqué de lui ? Quel idiot il avait été. Il la voyait partir, énervée et espérait ne jamais la voir revenir. Il décidait de rentrer chez vous, malgré le fait que son esprit tait encore choqué. ~~~~~ Tu avais réfléchi et ne voulais pas le voir. Tu avais donc fermé la porte de l'entrée, la bloquant avec ta clef. Tu ne voulais pas l'affronter de peur de craquer tant tu avais le cœur brisé. Pourquoi ? Pourquoi le ciel avait-il jeté son dévolu sur vous ? Tu ne voulais pas l'imaginer loin de toi mais ce qu'il venait de faire était impardonnable. Tu entendais alors la poignée de la porte d'entrée bouger. « Part ! - Jagiya ? Que se passe-t-il ? - Part ! Va la rejoindre ? Tu pleurais. - Ce n'est pas ce que tu crois ! - Je suis devenue folle, c'est ça ? Je ne crois que ce que je vois ! Tu criais. - … - Part et ne revient jamais. » Tu n'entendais plus aucun bruit. Tu l'avais fait, tu avais quitté l'homme que tu aimais le plus au monde. Tu étais triste, déchirée. Il te manquait déjà mais tu ne pouvais pas accepter son attitude. Ton portable sonnait. Un premier message. ” J'ai vu Kris se disputer avec une femme, tout va bien ? ”. Se disputer ? Un deuxième message. ” Il lui disait de le laisser tranquille.. Qu'il t'aimait.. A-t-il .. ? ” Le laisser tranquille ? Qu'il t'aimait ? Tu comprenais alors l'énorme erreur que tu venais de commettre. Il t'aimait, ne t'aurait jamais fait de mal. Tu t'étais trompée. Tu partais alors en courant, descendais les escaliers, risquant à chaque marche de tomber et te blesser. Arrivée en bas, tu pouvais enfin le voir. «  Kris !! Tu pleurais de nouveau. - Eh ? Il se retournait. - Je suis désolée Kris ! J'aurais dû te croire ! Tu le serrais contre toi de peur qu'il parte. - Ce n'est pas grave. - Je suis désolée, vraiment désolée ! - Je t'aime. Il scellait vos lèvres. »
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gosanonekoma · 7 years
「 When I’m cold, there’s a light that you give me. 」
• When I'm cold, there's a light that you give me.
• Akaashi & Bokuto ( Haikyuu )
Bokuto avait ses yeux rivés sur la plante posée sur le rebord de la fenêtre. Il ne cessait de se demander pourquoi elle n’avait toujours pas fleuri cette année comme elle avait l’habitude de le faire si magnifiquement. Le temps était il trop chaud ou bien trop froid pour elle ? L’avait-il trop ou pas assez arrosé ? Ses capacités en jardinage plus que moyennes, il ne parvenait pas à trouver de réponses. Et si elles se fleurissaient plus jamais ? Comment ferait-il ? Il avait besoin de ces fleurs si précieuses à ses yeux. Pour lui, elles étaient le signe que sa grand-mère se portait bien là-haut, qu’elle voyageait dans le monde entier en toute sécurité dans le ciel. Elles étaient comme un message qu’elle lui envoyait pour lui montrer qu’elle continuait de le suivre peu importe ce qu’il faisait, dans les bons comme les mauvais moments. Elles lui permettaient de combler ne serait qu’un peu le vide qu’avait laissé son triste envol, sa grand-mère vivant toujours à travers ces sublimes fleurs. Il se précipitait vers sa chère grand-mère. “Mamie, tu es venue ! - Bien sûr que je suis venue, croyais-tu vraiment que je n’allais pas fêter cela avec toi ?” Du haut de ses 20 ans, Bokuto était maintenant un adulte. “Tiens, j’ai un cadeau pour toi.” Elle lui tendit un pot de fleurs. “Qu’est ce que c’est ? - Cet arbre a ton âge, je l’ai acheté à ta naissance pour t’en faire cadeau à ta majorité. Maintenant, il t’appartient totalement, je compte sur toi pour en prendre soin. - C’est un cadeau de Mamie donc évidemment que j’en prendrais soin !” Il prit sa grand-mère dans ses bras, la remerciant encore une fois. Depuis, le même pot et arbre n’avaient quitté le rebord de sa fenêtre. La sonnette de son appartement retentissait mais Bokuto ne bougeait pas, il continuait à observer son précieux arbre comme envahi sous les innombrables questions et peurs qui s’emparaient de lui. La sonnette retentissait encore et encore pendant quelques minutes. “Pourquoi ne m’as tu pas ouvert ?” Akaashi était rentré dans son appartement, remarquant Bokuto figé comme une statue. “Qu’est ce qui se passe ? Tout va bien ?” Aucune réponse. “Tu m’écoutes un peu ?” Akaashi s’approcha de Bokuto et découvrit des perles salées dévalant sur ses joues. Sans même réfléchir, il le prit dans ses bras afin d’essayer de le consoler bien que n’ayant aucune idée des raisons qui le poussaient à pleurer. Les larmes ne cessaient de couler tandis que Bokuto avait déposé son visage dans le creux de la nuque de son ami, emprisonnant sa veste dans ses mains moites. Les jours défilaient seulement il n’y avait toujours aucun signe de bourgeon aussi. Cette absence jouait sur Bokuto, il en devenait désagréable démontrant l’importance que ces simples fleurs aux yeux des autres avaient pour lui. Le midi, Akaashi continuait de manger avec lui, acceptant les piques de son humeur hostile que peu de monde aurait pu supporter bien longtemps. “Tu sais Bokuto- - Quoi ?” Il avait coupé court à sa phrase sans prendre le temps, ne serait qu’un peu, d’écouter ce qu’il allait dire. Bien que désormais son attitude s’apparentait plus à de la méchanceté, Akaashi ne pouvait se résoudre à le laisser. Il le connaissait depuis tant d’années alors il savait que Bokuto était la personne la plus gentille et pur que le monde n’avait jamais créé. Bokuto avait besoin de lui, il était conscient que s’il venait à le rejeter maintenant, il ne ferait que s’enfoncer plus profondément dans le gouffre de ses idées noires. “C’est ma grand-mère qui m’a appris à faire les grues en origami. A chaque fois que je venais la voir, nous en faisions encore et encore. C’était quelque chose qui semblait lui tenir à cœur mais je ne comprenais pas pourquoi, je pensais vraiment que c’était quelque chose d’ennuyeux et ringard. Elle me raconta qu’à la millième grue je pourrais faire un vœu alors qu’en tant que grand-mère, elle voulait m’aider à le réaliser. - Arrête avec des bêtises.” Bokuto se levait, rejetant totalement ce souvenir qu’Akaashi avait voulu partagé avec lui, un souvenir tout aussi important pour lui que l’était ces fleurs pour Bokuto. Même si Akaashi s’était efforcé d’encaisser la douleur qu’extériorisait son ami, il ne pouvait concéder à accepter que ses souvenirs soient réduits à quelque chose de futile. “D’accord, j’ai compris que je t’embêtais. Sache que ça ne va pas durer.” Les journées s’étaient enchaînées sans la moindre nouvelle de la part d’Akaashi. Bokuto pensait qu’il le pardonnerait comme il l’a toujours fait mais l’avenir ne semblait pas se projeter dans ce sens là. Les shots de vodka continuaient de s’accumuler jusqu’à que Kuroo, son ami qui l’avait accompagné, ne le retienne de couler encore plus profondément qu’il ne l’est déjà. Il le raccompagna chez lui tant bien que mal, supportant le poids de son ami sur ses épaules et endurant sa folie alcoolique. Il le déposa devant sa porte prenant le soin de vérifier qu’il était bien rentré. Bokuto tituba jusqu’à son salon, se cognant plusieurs fois à ses murs. Il avançait encore et encore, s’arrêtant devant l’arbre, raison de son malheur. Cependant, il était différent. Il avait fleuri. Non, ce n’était pas ça. Bokuto croyait rêver, était-ce réel ? “Qu’est ce que…” Des centaines de minuscules grues roses pendaient sur les branches ressemblant à de petites fleurs. L’arbre semblait majestueusement fleuri. Une petite carte était posé devant le pot bleu nuit : love you ♡. Le sommeil gagnait Bokuto plus que l’émotion ne le faisait, il tomba dans les bras de Morphée, ne souhaitant laisser la carte s’échapper de ses mains. L’aube apparut une nouvelle fois à travers la fenêtre du salon, forçant Bokuto à ouvrir ses yeux vers cet extraordinaire spectacle ; les grues n’étaient plus, l’arbre était couvert d’un sublime manteau de fleurs roses.
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gosanonekoma · 7 years
「 Shall we stick together a little longer ? 」
• Shall we stick together a little longer ?
• Kuroo & Tsukishima ( Haikyuu )
Le soleil, à son point culminant dans le ciel, illuminait la forêt décorée d’innombrables fleurs. De nombreux enfants de tout âge y jouaient, ils s’imaginaient policier, princesse, super-héros et même cuisinier. Parmi eux, il y avait un petit garçon blond mais il ne s’imaginait pas être dans son rêve, il lisait calmement à côté de sa grand-mère qui tricotait. Il était bien plus effacé que les autres, préférant la douceur de ses livres. La vieille femme quitta son occupation pour tourner son regard vers les pages que dévorait avec tant d’attention son petit-fils. “Que lis-tu ma petite lune ? - Un livre avec des fantômes. - Et ça ne te fait pas peur ? - Non, le fantôme est gentil.” A l’écoute des mots de l’enfant, elle esquissa un sourire. “Tu veux que je te raconte un secret ? - Un secret ? - A propos d’un fantôme. - Oui !” L’enfant fit le plus innocent des sourire à sa grand-mère délaissant totalement l’écrit qui l’avait absorbé pendant un si long moment. “Tu vois cette église là-bas ? Elle a été construite sur un ancien cimetière il y a fort longtemps. - Alors il y a encore des personnes en dessous ? - Il était si vieux qu’il ne doit plus rester grand chose maintenant mais les âmes de ces personnes doivent encore errer ici. - Des âmes ? - Oui, on dit qu’ils protègent la forêt. On les dit errer entre les arbres de leur corps transparent qu’on ne pourra toucher que lorsque celui ci rencontrera son âme-sœur. - Les fantômes peuvent tomber amoureux même après leur envol ? - Bien sûr, ils le peuvent tout comme toi et moi. Tu sais, notre famille est celle qui a pris soin de cette forêt depuis des générations alors, chaque soir j’amenais à manger dans ce trou que tu vois dans l’église. - Pourquoi mamie amenait-elle à manger ? - Parce que ces personnes sont des habitants de notre village à part entière. - Alors, mamie en a rencontré un ? - J’en ai rencontré beaucoup. - Ils sont gentils ? - Très, ils me racontaient toujours plein d’histoires sur leur vie. - Mais pourquoi je n’en ai jamais vu mamie ? - Parce qu’ils ont peur. - Peur de quoi ? - Depuis mon enfance, les chose ont changé et ils n’ont plus cette même confiance en nous qu’ils avaient avant. - Pourquoi ? - Les gens ne sont plus aussi gentils qu’ils ne l’étaient. Même s’ils ne sont que des fantômes, ils ne veulent pas risquer de se mettre en danger. - Tu penses que je pourrais en rencontrer un ? - Peut être, je ne sais pas.” Le petit garçon fit une moue déçu, il semblait si intéressé par ces êtres surnaturels. Le lendemain, il rentrait chez lui. Les années avaient défilé et l’enfant, maintenant devenu un bel homme, revenait chez sa grand-mère. “Ah ma petite lune, heureuse de te revoir. - Mamie, je ne suis plus petit. - Quoi que tu dises Tsukishima, tu resteras toujours ma petite lune.” Malgré son attitude plus distante, la douceur de sa voix lorsqu’il lui parlait n’avait aucunement changé. “Ma petite lune, est ce que tu pourrais amener la nourriture à l’église aujourd’hui ? Mes jambes me font atrocement souffrir. - D’accord, repose toi alors.” Tsukishima n’avait jamais pensé que sa grand-mère pourrait un jour lui demander cela. Mais à vrai dire, depuis ce jour là, cette histoire n’avait pas quitté son esprit, il tenait toujours autant à approcher ces fameux gardiens de la forêt. Le jeune homme s’empara du plat concocté avec amour et se dirigea difficilement vers l’église. En effet, une odeur succulente émanait de celui-ci et Tsukishima dut regrouper toutes ses forces afin de ne pas le déguster. Ses pas l’emmenaient doucement vers le lieu-dit lorsqu’il aperçut un corps zigzaguant entre les arbres. Cependant, ce corps n’avait pas l’air humain, l’adrénaline et l’excitation grimpait à l’intérieur de Tsukishima. Allait-il enfin rencontrer un fantôme comme ceux que sa grand-mère lui avait décrit il y a si longtemps ? Ses pieds ne cessaient leur marche jusqu’à se trouver derrière ce mystère :  c’était un grand jeune homme, d’une taille similaire à celle de Tsukishima, avec des cheveux bruns. Il tendit sa main, allait-elle traverser ce corps ? “Eh ?” L’inconnu se retourna subitement ne laissant pas l’occasion à Tsukishima de -peut être- le traverser. “Qu’est ce que tu fais ? - Ah... Je... C’est à dire...” Le blond ne parvenait à répondre à la question tant il était gêné de part le fait qu’il s’était fait surprendre mais aussi de part le fait que cet inconnu était particulièrement attirant. “Ah, c’est toi qui amène le repas aujourd’hui ? - Oui.. - Comment cela se fait ? Est-ce que la grand-mère va bien ? - Elle avait mal aux jambes, elle m’a demandé de l’amener à sa place. Je suis son petit-fils. - Je vois, ravi de te rencontrer alors, je suis Kuroo. - Tsukishima.” Le dit Kuroo lui tendit la main mais Tsukishima le regarda étrangement, pourquoi faisait-il cela alors qu’il ne pouvait le toucher ? "Je peux te toucher ? - Ah non, c’est vrai que tu ne peux pas. J’avais oublié que je n’étais plus humain !" Kuroo retira sa main d’un air gêné, lui faisant un sourire d’une gentillesse qui pouvait dissiper l’obscurité de la nuit. Les jours disparaissaient les uns après les autres mais les conversations entre les deux jeunes hommes, elles, restaient gravées dans leur mémoire tels des souvenirs précieux qui s’ajoutaient jour après jour. Une conversation. “Mangez vous vraiment les plats que mamie vous cuisine ? - Bien sûr, on ne peut pas laisser ces magnifiques plats pourrir ! - C’est aussi vital pour vous que ça l’est pour nous ? - A vrai dire non, nous pouvons vivre sans manger mais ils sont tellement bons ! On mange juste pour le plaisir de manger surtout que nous ne prenons plus de poids alors pourquoi ne pas en profiter ?” Encore une autre. “Qu’est ce que tu fais des tes journées ? - La même chose que ce que tu dois faire hormis le travail et les études. - La même chose ? - Oui, je fais la fête avec mes amis, je regarde la télévision, je cuisine... - Je ne fais pas ça. - Sérieusement ? Tu dois t’ennuyer alors.” Et encore une autre. “Dit moi, est ce que les fantômes ont des super-pouvoirs comme dans les films et livres ? - C’est à dire ? - Traverser les murs ou même voler ! - Non. - Ce n’est pas drôle.. - Je ne pensais pas que tu pouvais avoir un air aussi enfantin sur ton visage Tsukki ! - Tais-toi ! - Mais c’est vrai que ce serait drôle de traverser les murs, je pourrais faire des tonnes de blagues.” Les longues conversations sous le clair de lune s’accumulaient toujours sous le bruit de leur rire. Cependant, une question demeurait dans l’esprit de Tsukishima. “Kuroo ? - Hm ? - Comment t’es tu envolé ?” Le jeune homme n’avait pas directement utilisé le mot mort comme effrayé par celui-ci, n’empêchant pas Kuroo d’en comprendre la signification. “C’était il y a quelques années, un chauffeur ivre m’a percuté alors que je rentrais de l’école. J’avais obtenu un A pour ma rédaction et voulait absolument le montrer à mes parents. Je ne faisais pas attention autour de moi, trop absorbé par l’idée de montrer ma note à mes parents. Au final, je n’ai jamais pu leur montrer.” Tsukishima ne savait que dire. “Mes parents ne s’en sont pas remis et ont quitté le village, ils ne supportaient plus de passer là où j’avais été fauché. - Tu es seul ici ? Depuis combien de temps ? - Depuis aussi loin que je m’en souvienne.” Bien que Kuroo n’était qu’un fantôme, une tristesse infinie émanait de son corps. Le cœur de Tsukishima se serrait. Il voulut prendre sa main dans la sienne mais tous ces mots échangés lui avaient fait oublier le fait qu’il ne pouvait pas : ils étaient différents. Il refusa de se résigner à cette malheureuse réalité, il prit tout de même sa main et les disposa de sorte à ce qu’elles semblent enlacées. Kuroo fut étonné néanmoins il ne se sépara pas de son ami comme si sa chaleur d’humain allait réellement envahir son corps froid de fantôme. Les nuits avançaient encore et encore mais le doux son des rires des jeunes hommes ne se faisait plus entendre dans la forêt. Tsukishima n’était pas revenu, laissant un Kuroo profondément inquiet assis à attendre la venue de son ami chaque nuit. Une nuit de pleine lune Tsukishima revint. Ce n’était plus le même Tsukishima, sa beauté avait été tachée par des ecchymoses présentes sur son beau visage. Kuroo n’attendit pas que son ami l’atteigne, il courut à toute vitesse et serra son visage dans ses mains. “Aie, tu me fais mal Kuroo.” Le blond se tordait de douleur tant les ecchymoses étaient enflammées. Seulement, Kuroo se rendit compte qu’il n’en avait pas que sur le visage, que son corps en était recouvert ainsi que de coupures. “Qu’est ce qui s’est passé ?! Qui t’a fait ça ?! Explique moi ! - Calme toi.. - Non je ne me calmerai pas ! Tu as vu dans quel état tu es ?!” Le brun ne pouvait contenir sa colère, il souhaitait, du plus profond de son âme, réduire en poussière celui ou ceux qui avaient osé toucher à cette pureté que représentait Tsukishima à ses yeux. “Dit moi, s’il te plaît Tsukki. - Non, tu me rejetteras après.. - Qu’est ce que tu racontes ? Ce n’est pas possible. Quoi qu’il arrive, tu restes mon Tsukki.” Il le pressait du regard tenant son visage avec plus de douceur qu’il ne l’avait fait quelques secondes auparavant. Il voulait savoir, il devait savoir ! “A l’université, j’ai rencontré un homme. Il représentait tout ce que j’aimais chez les hommes, il était attentionné, gentil, beau.. Je l’ai longtemps observé discrètement sans jamais me mettre en avant. Un jour, il est venu me parler, me demander si je voulais venir boire un verre avec lui alors j’ai cru à un miracle et me suis laissé emporter. Seulement, il m’a fait boire, boire, boire jusqu’à que je ne sois plus maître de moi et a fait subir des choses vraiment horribles à mon corps. Le lendemain, j’ai voulu m’échapper de ce cauchemar mais il a menacé de révéler toutes les photos qu’il avait pris la nuit précédente. Je ne pouvais pas le laisser divulguer ces horreurs, c’en aurait été fini pour moi alors je n’ai pas eu le choix que de suivre ses ordres tous plus dégradants les uns que les autres .. !” Kuroo était choqué, comment un visage aussi joyeux et pure que celui de Tsukishima pouvait cacher autant de souffrance et de honte sans même que lui ne s’en rende compte pendant tout ce temps ? “Dès que l’année s’est fini, je suis venu me réfugier ici pensant qu’il me lâcherait au moins jusqu’à l’année prochaine mais j’avais trop d’espoir. Quand je suis rentré chez mamie après notre dernière conversation, il m’attendait devant chez la maison. Je ne savais pas quoi faire, j’étais tétanisé alors il m’a emmené dans une ruelle à l’ombre de tout passage et m’a brisé encore une fois.. Je n’ai rien pu faire..” Des perles salées dévalaient ses joues. Au diable leur différence, Kuroo étreignit son corps frêle et tremblant tout en prenant soin de ne pas lui faire mal. “Je suis désolé Kuroo.. - Pourquoi tu t’excuses ? Tu n’y es pour rien, ne t’inquiète pas.” Il continuait à le serrer, terrifié à l’idée que Tsukishima puisse se briser dans ses bras. Les minutes passaient mais l’intensité de ses pleurs tout comme la force de l’étreinte ne semblaient diminuer. “Et bien ma petite lune, il semblerait que tu aies trouvé l’ami parfait. - Mamie ?” Tsukishima se retourna forçant Kuroo à se décoller de lui à contre cœur. “Je pense que je n’ai pas besoin de te dire que cet homme n’était évidemment pas le bon, n’est ce pas ? - Non, en effet. - Cependant, je pense que j’ai besoin de te dire que cet homme là est évidemment le bon.” Les deux hommes ne comprirent pas immédiatement et se regardèrent. Ce n’est que quelques instants après que la réalité les prit par surprise.. “On les dit errer entre les arbres de leur corps transparent qu’on ne pourra toucher que lorsque celui ci rencontrera son âme-sœur. Kuroo, je te confie ma petite lune. Si tu n’en prends pas soin, je ne cuisinerai plus pour toi, compris ?” La vieille dame s’en alla sans attendre la réponse de Kuroo. “Comptez sur moi grand-mère !” La grand-mère disparue au loin, Kuroo s’empara des lèvres de son âme sœur avec pour seul témoin la lune qui semblait déjà les bénir de sa lumière.in la lune qui semblait déjà les bénir de sa lumière.
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gosanonekoma · 7 years
「 It seems like you're going to come to me if I wait just a little. 」
• It seems like you're going to come to me if I wait just a little.
• Kevin & KiSeop ( UKISS )
The noise of shuttlecock echoed in the gym. I was observing around me, all ran to return them to their opponents. “ What do you look KiSeop ? - Nothing .. nothing .. “ I went back and then play against HoonMin and KyungJae, who had asked the question. When my duel was over, I sat down against one of the posts holding the net. The seconds passed slowly, my thoughts invaded my mind and I wasn't paying anymore attention to the  action that was taking place around me. But I was quickly ruled out of my dreams and I saw a shuttlecock by my side. “ I'm sorry ! I'm sorry ! “ A young man ran up to me, constantly apologizing. When I saw his eyes, my heart skipped a beat, it was of such dazzling beauty. “ It's okay. “ He retrieved the desired object and departed as quickly as he came. Time passed and I couldn't take my eyes off of his body. “ Next match : number 17 and 25. “ My eyes widened, I was against him .. Then I threw a glance at KyungJae, one who understood the situation. He smiled at me and I could read Fighting ! on his lips. So I took my courage in both hands, having no choice, and left to go in front of him. The match began, I did my best to stay calm and fight the butterflies that roamed in my stomach. But, in a moment of inattention, the shuttlecock came bumping against my chest and hit my heart. The whistle sounded and pointed the end of the duel. He came to shake my hand. “ Well done, you played well. - Thanks .. “ He turned and left. After picking up the shuttlecock, I realized that a paper was inside. To Be Continued .. Kevin. I raised my eyes to him, a smile was drawn on his face. “ Kevin, I'm Kevin. “
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gosanonekoma · 7 years
「 Time to tell my love “where are you?” 」
• Time to tell my love "where are you?"
• MyungSoo & SungYeol ( Infinite )
I was seeing you on the doorstep, luggage in hand, ready to go. You were going to Japan. I didn't want to imagine you away from me for so long. I had become accustomed to your presence at my side, so that it became an addiction. Your smile, your voice, your body had become essential to my well-being. It was time, the car was there. You were trying to smile so I don't see your sadness, in vain ; I could perceive deep in your eyes the misfortune that filled your soul. Although I tried to resist as best I could, transparent drops passed the barrier of my eyes, then rolled down to the ground. You didn't hesitate to take me in your arms and to whisper me words in my ear before putting your lips on mine and go : “ Wait for me. I will come back quickly, I love you Sungyeol. “ The days, the weeks, the months passed but you were still not there. The emptiness caused by your absence was becoming unbearable. I missed you .. I felt empty like a sunless sky. Today is my birthday. It's really strange to think that this is the first birthday, for 5 years, that I would spend without you, without my love. I try to put things into perspective, to convince myself that you'll come back soon and will offer me a tremendous gift. The bell rang. I open. A feeling of surprise come over me but it's quickly erased by the joy that emerges on my face. You are there. In front of me. “ Myungsoo .. - Happy birthday Yeolie. “
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gosanonekoma · 7 years
「 I will embrace you in my arms forever. 」
• I will embrace you in my arms forever.
• Anon / reader & ChanYeol ( EXO )
The sun set slowly behind the tall buildings of Seoul while a light breeze was twirling your long hair around. You were sitting there on the edge of the river and you were waiting. You were waiting for him. You were wearing a simple white dress adorned with a brown belt which highlighted to perfection your soft curves. You looked around you, many couples were walking hand in hand. You envied them and sighed. But where is he ? You couldn't stop watching the clock on your mobile, the time was so slow. The wallpaper of this one was none other than the two of you with a huge smile. Every vision of it, you smiled, remembering you oh you had to insist to make this picture. 45 minutes. It had been now 45 minutes since you waited for him. However much you loved him, you couldn't wait more. You were accustomed to his repetitive lateness and you always forgave him. But today was different, you could just allow yourself to see him only one hour because of the exams approaching quickly. You picked up your few belongings scattered on the green grass in order to bury them in your bag then you got up,  passing quickly your hands on your dress to remove tiny twigs that were there. You looked around you to check one last time if he was here, in vain. You then walked towards the way out of the park, sneaking you in the middle of couples, jealous. Suddenly, you heard the ringing of your mobile. What a beautiful voice he has. You searched your bag to find it hidden under that scarf he had given you. You saw his name and picked up. “ So Baby do not go ~. “ Your shivered hearing these words, why his voice always made you feel this way ? You had then stopped in the middle path. “ Please, do not escape from my vision. Do not disappear even when the morning comes .. “ You shivered again and felt, with surprise, arms tightening around your waist and listened to a breath the hollow of your ear. It was him, you could recognize his unmistakable embrace, warmth, breath, body. You couldn't confused him with someone else. However, not wanting to give in to forgive him, you made a pout and crossed your arms against your chest. “ You're late. - Sorry, I was delayed. - Always the same excuse. “ He moved away quietly from you and you turned around, not wanting to look at him. But you couldn't avoid it for long, he took your chin on his fingertips and forced you to put your eyes on him. At the sight of your pout, he laughed. “ You're really adorable when you're like that. - Hm. “ You admired every inch of skin on his face. He was so handsome. His skin was as smooth as porcelain. His sublime smile made you even more melting every second that went by. And his eyes .. His eyes were your weakest point. When yours caught his, you couldn't resist. He laughed again at the sight of your fascination for him and put his sweet lips on yours. They had a strawberry flavor, what a gourmand. After a few seconds of happiness, yours croissants flesh separated from lack of air. He squeezed you tight in his arms, as if he was afraid that you escape. “ I have to go. - No ! We haven't been able to spend time together today .. - Whose fault is it ? - Not mine ! “ He was trying so hard to make you change your mind, he wanted you to him. “ You prefer your books to me, right ? - No, it's just that .. “ Suddenly, he turned around. What is he doing ? You saw his shoulders trembling and heard sobs. Your heart sank. Is he crying ? You didn't want that image of him having salty pearls rolling down his cheeks. It horrified you. You tried to glimpse his face, not without difficulty, but in vain. “ I … “ He deigned to show his face. No, did he really dare ? He did. He used an infallible weapon ; his cutie face. “ Please, stay with me a little more ! Please~. “ Is he really serious ? He looked at you with puppy eyes that you couldn't resist long. He knows me too well. “ A little while so. “ He was jumping everywhere. You then wondered who was actually the oldest of you. He left a furtive kiss on your lips and you walked along the river. The moon reflected in the water while flowers were sailing on this one. Everything was quiet around you. You rested a little more in his warm arms, you didn't want to leave them for anything in the world and then shut your eyes, feeling his breath in your ears. “ If we just walk together like this, Wherever we go, it will be heaven. “ You smiled, hearing these words. You loved it when he sang for you, nothing anymore existed around you. There was only you two. “ I love you Park ChanYeol. “
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gosanonekoma · 7 years
「 Think about the time we were everything to each other. 」
• Think about the time we were everything to each other.
• Chen & XiuMin ( EXO )
Your shadow appears slowly. Your shadow grows slowly. You come there. You pass by me and don't turn around. Where are you going ? Why do you go ? Why do you leave me ? I don't want to be without you. I want to continue to be able to smell your perfume, listen to your voice, to hold you in my arms, to kiss you, to make one with you, just to be with you. Why don't you want ? What did I do ? I've always done everything for you. I have given up everything for you. I have been disowned by my family for you. Do you realize ? I made so many sacrifices for you and now you throw me like a vulgar toy. I feel dirty. Maybe have you found a better screw than me ? Maybe I'm not anymore well enough for you ? Now are you going to use someone else as you did with me ? Will you play with someone else as you played with me ? I believed so much in our history ; you smiled, whispered to me “I love you” all the time, was still emotional to me. So was it really just a lie ? Illusions that were doomed to disappear under a wave of gloom, right ? Have you thought even for one moment how you were going to break me ? I have no faith in anything. Neither the world nor the sincerity and even less love. I'm only a web of fear that can, henceforth, tear at the slightest wound. At the end, you're just a pile of all the vices that were attributed to me. You're a cold and manipulative person, nothing else and you led me to hell. You walk, without even turn around to look at me. “I don't love you anymore.” These words resound again and again. Your shadow fades slowly. Your shadow disappear slowly. You're not anymore.
His steps move slowly, leading him up to this building. He continues to walk and doesn't stop. He falls. His hair and clothes fly with the wind. A huge crash resonates. He isn't more than a dislocated marionette in a pool of blood. “News of the Day : Kim JongDae, said Chen, lead singer of popular band EXO-M has been found dead at the foot of the building of his company, SM Entertainment. The suicide theory was advanced, though the reasons remain unknown.” So Kim Minsuk, satisfied ?
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gosanonekoma · 7 years
「 Please keep looking at me with the same eyes. 」
• Please keep looking at me with the same eyes.
• Anon / Reader & Kris ( EXO )
The sun began to illuminate your room and you slowly opened your eyes. You felt arms around your waist and a breath on your neck, you tried to get up but the embrace tightened on you. Then you decided to stay a little more and you turned over to admire his face. He was so handsome. Despite his hard look, he was really sweet and cute, especially when sleeping. Seeing the time, you decided to wake up. « Hello ~. - Hmm ~. » His answer made you smile and you got up reluctantly. You opened the shutters, the sky was beautiful. It would be a good day, or almost. After you prepared, you went to work ; given before a kiss on Kris' cheek while he was taking his lunch with sleepily. It was almost a day like any other. ~~~~~~~~~~ The sun began to illuminate the room and he woke without opening his eyes. He felt you getting up but prevented it. He didn’t want you to go. He didn’t want to see you get away from him, he was afraid. Fear of committing an unforgivable thing but the temptation became too much over the weeks. She seduced him, wanted to catch in his nets. ◘ 12 weeks earlier. « Kris, I’m happy, I’m going to a concert ! - And who are you going to see ? - Bruno Mars ! - You are very lucky then. - You like him ? - Yes a lot. » ◘ 11 weeks earlier. « Kris, do you note something? - You changed your hair ? - Not only ! - I don’t know so. - Look carefully ! - Really. - This is a new dress ! - Really ? - Does it suit me ? - Yes. » ◘ 08 weeks earlier. « Kris, can you come help me? - For what ? - Fill a file for a divorce. - You want to divorce ? - Yes. - Don’t take this decision lightly. - I promise. » ◘ 06 weeks earlier. « Kris .. - What is happening ? - I am unhappy. She trowed herself into his arms. - Why ? - My husband is violent with me .. - Really ? Leave your home. - I’m at my mother’s house now. - Good initiative. » ◘ 03 weeks earlier. « Hello Kris ? - Yes, everything's okay ? - No, he still hit me .. She seemed to cry. - Where are you ? - In the park .. - I’m coming, wait for me. - Thank you .. She smiled and made-up. » ◘ 01 weeks earlier. « What ? He opened his mail. » “I hope you enjoy this photo. I wanted to thank you for everything you did for me. I love you more than she loves you. I will never leave you.” She was not wearing any clothes. ~~~~~~~~~~ He wanted to tell her that it was useless to try something. He loved you. You were everything to him, he never imagined to make a step without you. He came, determined to explain things clearly. But, taken by surprise, she placed her lips on his. He tried somehow to detach his lips in vain. His heart sank. He was wrong. He blamed himself for letting her lips touch his -although it was unexpected-. He tried to pull away but she clung. He didn’t give up and finally managed to leave. « I love you Kris ! - I love her not you and you know it. - Do you ignore everything I’ve done for you ? Tears flowed. - I don’t care. I’ll never be with you. - You’re an idiot Kris ! Her pseudo-bruises were gone. » She had fooled him ? Which idiot he had been. He saw her leaving and hoped never to see her again. He decided to return home, despite the fact that his mind was still shocked. ~~~~~~~~~~ You came home from a hard day’s work. You filled in only files for divorce. Besides, you had been surprised to see the name of Kim YeJin in the list. They seemed to really love each other, to be happy. Seemed. Then you wandered your living room to get something to eat but your eyes were drawn on the computer. There was an email from the same Kim YeJin. “I’ll wait for you at 06:30pm at Cake Café. I miss you, I love you. Your beloved YeJin.” You didn’t believe it. How was this possible ? You looked at the time on your watch, 6:15 pm. You had time to go. You went quickly hoping to see that it was just a nightmare. You’d wake up in his arms and would see that the whole story had never existed. When you arrived at the meeting place, the reality was quite different. He was there. He kissed her. Tears began to roll down your cheeks and you went back home, waiting for him. ~~~~~~~~~~ You had thought and didn’t want to see him. So you had closed the entrance door, blocking it with your key. You didn’t want to face him for fear of cracking that much you were broken-hearted. Why ? Why did the sky have one’s heart set on you ? You didn't want to imagine him away from you but what he had done was unforgivable. Thus you heard the handle of the front door move. « Leave ! - Jagiya ? What’s going on ? - Leave ! Go with her ! You cried. - It’s not what you think ! - I’m crazy, right ? I think what I see ! You screamed. - … - Leave and never comeback. » You didn’t hear any more noise. You had done it, you had left the man you love most in the world. You were sad, torn. He was already missing you but you couldn’t accept his attitude. Your mobile rang. A first message. “I saw Kris arguing with a woman, all right ?”. Arguing ? A second message. “He told her to leave him alone.. He loved you.. Did he.. ?” Leave him alone ? He loved you ? Then you understand the huge mistake you had just committed. He loved you, he would never hurt you. You were wrong. You ran away, went down the stairs, risking at every step to fall and hurt yourself. Arrived there, you could finally see him. « Kris ! You cried again. - Eh ? He turned. - I’m sorry Kris ! I should have believed you ! You tightened him scared that he’d leave you. - Don’t worry. - I’m sorry, really sorry ! - I love you. He sealed your lips. » 
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gosanonekoma · 7 years
「 I just want things back the way they were. 」
• I just want things back the way they were.
• LuHan & SeHun ( EXO )
Inconceivable. Unrealistic. Unimaginable. All this story is a lie. Why did you do that ? Why did you lie to us ? Why did you betray us ?
You denied the happiness that you had lived for eight years with him. Be inseparable, never arguing, thinking the same things, love each other. It’s not “to be happy” ?  You had everything of the perfect couple. Despite the presence of some black spots on the picture of your life, white was ubiquitous. You were the only ones who still resisted the wave of separation which force itself on families. You experienced good and bad times, but you still got back on your feet ready to face new challenges. Many couples would have surely give anything to be like you, you had an incredible opportunity but you let it vanish. Why ? Just because you gave in to and betrayed the fundamental principles of a couple : fidelity and honesty. Reducing to dust eight extraordinary years of your life.
Slowly, I saw you change. You, usually so joyful, kind and funny, you weren’t the same. At the slightest remark from me, as serious or ironic it was, you became unpleasant. Even your face, so cute, was now just a web of coldness. The simple fact of looking at you in the eye froze the blood. Before, you worried more about the well-being of your beloved than yours. Now, it was as if it was equal to you. You still asked him how he felt but without much conviction. There wasn't more than an impertinent and capricious kid in front of the other members. You often raised the voice against them if they didn’t deny to execute your wishes. You had become unbearable with your attitude and your repetitive absences.
As time progressed, less we could see you. From now, you dropped by quickly in the apartment, you rarely came to the repetitions. The only moments when we could see you, it was the official appearances ; your presence was obligatory for it. You pretended to want to get some fresh air. You pretended to be sick. You pretended to buy food. You pretended many things. This man, whom you knew only since a few months, had become more important than us, your friends for several years ? Or were you just going to satisfy your desires for man supposedly in need of love ?
I was wondering all the possible questions to try to find a plausible reason to the fact that you had become a ghost. An answer was soon brought to my spirit. A day, maybe remorseful, you came tell me about what happened. You said yourself lost. You repeated me « I love SeHun, I don't want to lose him. ». You explained me, again and again, that all this had been only a bad period of your life which you wanted to forget. I didn’t really know what to think, I tried to weigh up the pros and cons. It’s true ; on one side, I was mad with you for the pain which you inflicted upon SeHun but, on the other side, you really seemed to blame yourself and to be sure of what you claimed, it was just a dark moment of your life. Finally, I believed in your words. The sincerity and the sadness seemed to be read in your eyes.
Nonsense. These words were only nonsense. Nonsense. Nonsense. While I came back earlier from training, I discovered you in a position of the most uncomfortable. You had sworn me that it was finished, that you wanted to put something behind you and to forget him. You tried to justify yourself by stuttering pieces of sentences. What I thought understand « I planned to tell it to you… I promise you that I tried to leave him ! ». More lies, always lies. Did you realize that you were at a point that low that you could lie to me ? To me ? To JongIn your best friend ! By the biggest of the misfortunes, he made his appearance. Him, the man suffering from a story of cuckoldry. When he saw this scene, he didn’t make the effort to think and took the stone vase next to him. In a fraction of a second, droplets of blood ran down the man's skull. I could read the anger of SeHun on his face whereas transparent pearls, evoking his sadness, rolled down on his cheeks. « TaeHyuk ? » ; these words crossed the barrier of his lips. It was then under the charm of his childhood friend he had fallen ? Improbable. I saw the man with the broken heart leaving while I put my look on the culprits. They didn’t know what to say. After a few seconds, I ran to console SeHun.
Since the beginning of this misadventure, I was compressed between two camps. Although I brought as much support possible for my best friend - before this annoying event, I did my best for SeHun. I had seen his mind deteriorating day by day. Every night, at late hours, he came to sneak into my sheets to cry while I held him in my arms. He confided me how he felt ; how he suffered to see you going away from him. You were everything for him, he would have never imagine make a step without you by his side. Every morning, he became another person. He tried to seem happy, loving with the others so that they don't suspect anything. He lived as it for a long time ; a hard shell formed with his false joy with inside a soul destroyed by the infidelity of his love. When he discovered you with him, his soul died. Nothing counted to him as you had slipped through his fingers. He found no more sense in his “pathetic and useless life” as he described it. Day after day, I took care of him in the shadow while you, you just took care of your small person.
Today, you’re alone. You lost everything, your goods, your friends, the so-called man of your life and SeHun, the one who would have given everything for you. Then, where is the happiness LuHan ?
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gosanonekoma · 7 years
「 When I’m cold, there’s a light that you give me. 」
• When I'm cold, there's a light that you give me.
• Akaashi & Bokuto ( Haikyuu )
Bokuto had his eyes fixed on the plant on the windowsill. He kept wondering why it hadn’t flourished this year as it used to do so magnificently. Was the weather too hot or too cold for it ? Had it too much or too little water ? His gardening skills more than average, he couldn’t find answers. What if it never flourished again ? How would he do ? He needed these flowers so precious for him. They were a sign that his grandmother was doing well up there, that she was traveling safely around the world in heaven. They were like a message she was sending him to show him that she continued to follow him no matter what he did, in good or bad times. They would allow him to fill even just a little the emptiness that had left her sad departure, his grandmother still living through this sublime flowers. He rushed towards his dear grandmother. "Grandma, you came !” "Of course I came, did you seriously think I wasn’t going to celebrate with you ?" From the age of 20, Bokuto was now an adult. "Here, I have a present for you." She handed him a flowerpot. "What is it ?” “This tree is your age, I bought it at your birth to give it to you at your majority. Now it belongs to you, I count on you to take care of it.” "It's a gift from Grandma so obviously I'll take care of it !" He took his grandmother in his arms, thanking her once again. Since then, the same pot and tree had not left the edge of his window.
The bell of his apartment rang out but Bokuto didn’t move, he continued to observe his precious tree as overwhelmed by the countless questions and fears that seized him. The bell rang again and again for a few minutes. "Why you didn’t open ?" Akaashi had entered the apartment, noticing Bokuto frozen like a statue. "What’s going on ? Everything is fine ?" No answer. "Are you even listening to me ?" Akaashi approached Bokuto and found salty pearls running down his cheeks. Without even thinking, he took him in his arms to console him, although he had no idea what the reasons were for him to cry. Tears kept flowing while Bokuto had placed his face in the hollow of his friend's neck, imprisoning his jacket in his sweaty hands.
The days were passing yet there was still no sign of bud growing. This absence played upon Bokuto, he became disagreeable, demonstrating the importance that these simple flowers -for the others- had for him. At noon, Akaashi continued to eat with him, accepting the pikes of his hostile mood that few people could have endured for long. "You know Bokuto-” “What ?” He had cut short his sentence without taking the time to listen to what he was going to say. Although his attitude was now more similar to wickedness than anything else but Akaashi couldn’t bring himself to leave him. He knew him for so many years so he knew that Bokuto was the kindest and purest person the world had ever created. Bokuto needed him, he was aware that if he rejected him now, he would only sink deeper into the abyss of his black thoughts. "It was my grandmother who taught me how to make origami cranes. Every time I came to see her, we were doing it again and again. It was something that seemed to be important to her but I didn’t understand why, I really thought it was something boring and old-fashioned. She told me that at the thousandth crane I could make a wish and, as a grandmother, she wanted to help me realize it.” "Stop with nonsense." Bokuto stood up, totally rejecting the memory that Akaashi had wanted to share with him, a memory as important to him as those flowers were to Bokuto. Even if Akaashi did his best to accept the pain that his friend was experiencing, he couldn’t concede that his memories should be reduced to something futile. "Okay, understood, I’m bothering you. Don’t worry, it won’t last. "
The days came one after another without any words from Akaashi. Bokuto thought he would forgive him like he always did, but the future didn’t seem to be projecting in that direction. The vodka shots continued to accumulate until Kuroo, his friend who had accompanied him, kept him from sinking even deeper than he already was. He took him to his home, bearing the weight of his friend on his shoulders and enduring his alcoholic madness. He let him go at his home’s door, making sure that he was in. Bokuto staggered to his living room, bumping into his walls several times. He went on and on, stopping in front of the tree, the reason for his misfortune. However, it was different. It had bloomed. No, it wasn’t it. Bokuto thought he was dreaming, was this real ? "What…" Hundreds of tiny pink cranes were hanging on branches looking like flowers. The tree looked majestically flowery. A small card was placed in front of the blue night flowerpot : love you ♡.
Sleep gained Bokuto more than emotion did, he fell into the arms of Morpheus, wishing not to let the card escape from his hands. Dawn appeared again through the window of the livingroom, forcing Bokuto to open his eyes to this extraordinary spectacle ; the cranes were no more, the tree was covered with a sublime cloak of pink flowers.
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gosanonekoma · 7 years
「 Shall we stick together a little longer ? 」
• Shall we stick together a little longer ?
• Kuroo & Tsukishima ( Haikyuu )
The sun, at its highest point in the sky, illuminated the forest decorated with countless flowers. Many children of all ages played there, imagining themselves a policeman, a princess, a superhero or even a chef. Among them was a blond little boy but he wasn’t imagining himself in his dream, he was just quietly reading next to his grandmother who knitted. He was much more self-effacing than the others, preferring the sweetness of his books. The old woman left her occupation to turn her gaze towards the pages that devoured her grandson with such attention. “What are your reading my little moon ?” “A book with ghosts.” “And it doesn’t scare you ?” "No, the ghost is nice.” Listening to the child’s words, she smiled. “Do you want me to tell you a secret ?” “A secret ?” “About a ghost.” “Yes !“ The child gave the most innocent smile to his grandmother, totally abandoning the writing which had captivated him for so long. "You see this church over there? It was built on an old cemetery a long time ago.” “So there are still people underneath ?” “It was so old that it must not remain much now, but the souls of these people may still be wandering here.” “Souls ?” “Yes, they are said to protect the forest. They are also said to wander among the trees with their transparent bodies, which can only be touched when the latter encounters his soulmate.” “The ghosts can fall in love even after their departure ?” “Of course, they can as you and I do. You know, our family is the one who has taken care of this forest for generations so every night I brought food to this hole you see in the church.” "Why did Grandma bring food ?” “Because these people are inhabitants of our village in their own right.” “So, did Grandma meet one ?” “I met a lot of them.” “They are nice ?” “Very, they always told me stories about their lives.” “But why have I never seen one Grandma ?” “Because they’re afraid.” “Afraid of what ?”“Since my childhood, things have changed and they no longer have the same confidence in us that they had before.” “Why ?” “People are no longer as nice as they used to be. Even if they are only ghosts, they want to avoid any possible danger.” “You think I could meet one ?” “Maybe, I don’t know.” The little boy made a disappointed pout, he seemed so interested in these supernatural beings. He went home the next day.
The years had passed and the child, now a handsome man, came back to his grandmother’s house. “Ah my little moon, happy to see you again.” “Grandma, I’m not a child anymore.” “Whatever you say Tsukishima, you’ll always be my little moon.” Despite his more distant attitude, the softness of his voice when he spoke to him had not changed. “My little moon, could you bring food to the church today ? My legs are terribly painful.” "Okay, rest.” Tsukishima had never thought that his grandmother would ever ask him that. But to tell the truth, since that day, this story had not left his mind, he always wanted to approach these much talked about guardians of the forest. The young man took the dish concocted with love and walked with difficulty towards the church. Indeed, a succulent odor emanated from the dish and Tsukishima took it on himself in order not to savor it. His footsteps slowly led him to the place where he saw a body zigzagging between the trees. However, this body didn’t look human, the adrenaline and excitement climbed inside Tsukishima. Would he finally meet a ghost like those his grandmother had described him long ago ? His feet kept walking until he found himself behind the mystery. He was a tall young man, of a size similar to that of Tsukishima, with brown hair. He held out his hand, would it cross this body ? “Eh ?” The stranger suddenly turned around, not giving Tsukishima an opportunity to -maybe- traverse him. “What are you doing ?” “Ah .. I .. Well … ” He was so embarrassed by the fact of being discovered that the blonde couldn’t even answer this simple question. Plus, this unknown person was particularly attractive. “Ah, it’s you who bring the meal today ?” “Yes..” “How can it be ? Is the grandmother fine ?” “Her legs hurt so she asked me to bring it instead of her. I’m her grandson.” "I see, nice to meet you then. I’m Kuroo.” “Tsukishima.” The said Kuroo held out his hand but Tsukishima looked at him strangely, why did he do this when he could not touch him ? “I can touch you?” “Oh no you can’t. I had forgotten that I was no longer human !“ Kuroo withdrew his hand with an embarrassed expression but showing him a kind smile that could dissipate the darkness of the night.
Days disappeared one after the other, but the conversations between the two young men remained engraved in their memory like precious memories which were added day after day. A conversation. "Do you really eat the dishes that my grandmother cooks ?” “Of course, we can’t let these wonderful dishes rot !” "Is it as vital for you as it is for us ?” “Actually no, we can live without eating but they are so good ! We eat just for the pleasure of eating especially since we no longer take weight so why prevent ourselves from enjoying it ?“ Another one. "What are you doing during the day ? “The same as what you must do except work and study.” “The same thing ?” “Yes, I party with my friends, I watch television, I cook ..” “I don’t do it.” “Seriously ? You must be bored then.” And yet another. “Tell me, do ghosts have superpowers like in movies and books ?” “Like ?” “Cross the walls or even fly !” “No.” “It’s not funny..” “I didn’t think you could have a face that childish on your face Tsukki !” “Shut up !” “But it would be fun to cross the walls, I could make tons of jokes.” The long conversations under the moonlight kept accumulating under the sound of their laughter. However, one question remained in Tsukishima’s mind. "Kuroo ?” “Hm ?”"How did you fly away ?” The young man had not directly used the word dead as if frightened by it, not preventing Kuroo from understanding its meaning. “A few years ago, a drunk driver hit me while I was coming home from school. I got an A for my essay and was so excited to show it to my parents. But I wasn’t paying attention around me, too absorbed by the idea of ​​showing my note to my parents. In the end, I was never able to show them.” Tsukishima didn’t know what to say. “My parents didn’t recover and left the village, they couldn’t bear to go where I’d been knock down. "Are you alone here then ? Since when ?” "From as far as I can remember.” Although Kuroo was only a ghost, an infinite sadness emanated from his body. Tsukishima’s heart tightened. He wanted to take his hand in his but all these words exchanged made him forget that he could not : they were different. He refused to resign himself to this unfortunate reality, he took his hand and arranged them so that they seemed entwined. Kuroo was astonished nevertheless he didn’t separate from his friend as if his human warmth was really going to invade his cold ghost body.
The nights went on and on, but the sweet sound of the laughter was no longer heard in the forest. Tsukishima had not returned, leaving a deeply anxious Kuroo sitting waiting for his friend’s arrival every night. Tsukishima came back a full moon night. It was no longer the same Tsukishima, his beauty had been stained by bruises present on his beautiful face. Kuroo didn’t wait for his friend to reach him, he ran at full speed and squeezed his face into his hands. “Ouch, you’re hurting Kuroo.” The blonde was twisting in pain as the bruises were inflamed. Only, Kuroo realized that it wasn’t just on his face, his body was also covered of bruises and cut. “What happened ?! Who did that to you ?! Explain to me !” “Calm down..” “No I will not calm down ! Have you seen what state you are in ?!” The brown wasn’t able to contain his anger, he wished from the depths of his soul to reduce to dust those who had dared to touch the purity that Tsukishima represented in his eyes. “Tell me, please Tsukki.” “No, you will reject me after ..” “What are you talking about ? There’s no way I would ever do that. Whatever happens, you remain my Tsukki. ” He pressed him with his gaze more gently than he had done a few seconds before. He wanted to know, he had to know ! “At university, I met a man. He represented everything I loved in men, he was attentive, kind, handsome. I watched him for a long time discreetly without ever putting myself forward. One day he came to talk to me and asked me if I wanted to have a drink with him. I believed in a miracle and let myself be carried away. Only, he made me drink, drink, drink until I was confused enough to do really horrible things to my body. The next day I wanted to escape from this nightmare but he threatened to reveal all the photos he had taken the night before. I couldn’t let him divulge them, it would have been the end for me then I had no choice but to follow his orders all more degrading than the others ..!” Kuroo was shocked, how could a face as joyful and pure as Tsukishima’s one hide so much suffering and shame without even realizing it all this time ? “As soon as the year ended, I came to find refuge here thinking that he would let me go at least until next year but I had too much hope. When I returned to grandma’s house after our last conversation, he was waiting for me in front of it. I didn’t know what to do, I was paralyzed. He took me into an alley in the shade of any passage and broke me again .. I couldn’t do anything .. ” Salted pearls rushed down his cheeks. To Hell with their difference, Kuroo embraced his frail and trembling body while taking care not to hurt him. “I’m sorry Kuroo ..” “Why are you apologizing ? You didn’t do anything wrong, don’t worry. ” He kept holding him, fearing that Tsukishima would break into his arms. The minutes passed, but the intensity of his tears and the strength of the embrace didn’t seem to reduce. “Well my little moon, it would seem that you found the perfect friend.” "Grandma ?” Tsukishima turned around, forcing Kuroo to pull apart reluctantly. “I believe there’s no need for me to tell you that this man was obviously not the right one ?” "No, indeed.” “However, I believe there’s a need for me to tell you that this man is obviously the right one. ” The two men did not immediately understand and looked at each other. It was only a few moments after the reality caught them by surprise. “They are said to wander between the trees with their transparent bodies, which can only be touched when the latter encounters his soulmate. Kuroo, I entrust my little moon to you. If you don’t take care of him well, I won’t cook anymore for you, understood ?” The old lady walked away without waiting for Kuroo’s answer. “Count on me grandma !” The grandmother disappeared in the distance, Kuroo captured the lips of his soulmate with the moon as only witness which seemed already to bless them with its light.
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