candymaru · 1 year
MOD SEIKO HERE!!!! i promiseeee we'll be active more because I have multiple long fics in progress!!!
these are more of a personal project but if it gets enough popularity i'll consider posting them here for tumblr to read ^^
rtmo dark fic (yandere ritsu x uncomfortable straight (?) mao)
yandere nagito x reserve course! reader
this is also me announcing we're adding enstars to our writing list!! ^^ also theres a few ships ill be willing to write for that too hehe
keep a lookout on progress reports which I'll be posting on here!!!
-yours truly, mod seiko<3
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candymaru · 1 year
AH I JUST REALIZED I READ AN REQUEST WRONG I'M SO SORRY NONNIE :( please lmk if you want me to re do it!!!
-mod seiko
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candymaru · 1 year
I think ill work on some more asks later today! i haven't slept today though and it's 7am so ill be sleeping now </3 i wanna write but I am... to tired
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candymaru · 1 year
Mukuro x an S/O who’s completely in awe of her talent?
Mukuro In Awe of Her S/O's Talent
Pairing: Mukuro Ikusaba x GN! Reader
Warnings: None I think!
A/N: hiya it's mod seiko, i am so eepy but I wanted to get something done anyways!! I pray this isn't too ooc ;;; not the best at writing Mukuro also this is kinda short i'm sorry!
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She is pretty reserved and usually indifferent to most things but learning your talent she's surprised to say the least
Constantly wants to learn more about it or see you in action!
She thought you were amazing before, you're even more so now!!
If it's something you can go to competitions for, she goes to every single one of them.
Constantly cheering you on, even though she knows you'll win.
Whenever you show off your talent (if you can) she's probably following close behind
Will probably fight anyone who tries to trash your talent!!
Will also constantly praise your talent when she can.
She really just admires you and your talent!
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candymaru · 1 year
urrgg will be responding to stuff soon, got some (relatively) long fics in the works (gonna try for 5k+ words)!! school has been brutally murdering us but!! we will post soon!!
-mod seiko
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candymaru · 1 year
I bet Sonia and Ayaka would get along very well lmao
aahh yes!!! i can totally see it!!! i just know their tea parties are the bomb omg
also sonia would probably bombard her with questions so i could also see it getting very exhausting after awhile ;;;
either way they'd def be the best of friends!!!
-mod seiko
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candymaru · 1 year
You don’t have to do all of them, just doing one of them is fine w/ me fufufu
Toko fukawa x Carefree!Reader
Hyoko x joker!Reader (basically the ultimate joker?)
Chihiro x problematic!reader (basically the reader would go out of their to cause problems. Like junko; but less insane abt it lol)
Angie x reader
Ibuki x violinist!reader
Pairing: Toko Fukawa x Carefree! Reader
Warnings: A little bit of angst but a lot of comfort
A/N: hihi it's mod seiko!! Going to get to some of the other ones as well, but I wanted to get started on this and post it! Hopefully, it's alright I did this as headcanons. These are the easiest to write ;;;
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To be fair, this relationship isn't the easiest at first. In fact, it starts off pretty rough.
She despises you at first, thinking you take her as a joke, especially when you confess to her.
Due to your carefree nature, she's very paranoid about how you "truly feel" about her. Believing everything you say to her is a lie.
She believes you're just making fun of her by giving her a glimpse of hope that you love her back
It's pretty hard to get her out of that mindset since she's had it pretty much all her life
She desperately needs a stable relationship, and you're the first one to give her that.
Once she finally accepts that you're not making fun of her or bullying her and you won't leave her, she's a very clingy lover
She wants to be by your side all the time, seeing other people as a threat to your relationship.
Toko wholeheartedly believes since you're perfect in her eyes, you'll leave her for someone better and more deserving of you.
You eventually are able to reassure her she's the one you want, not anyone else.
Although Toko still has her doubts and moments, she trusts you.
In the end, Toko is not a mentally sound person at all and it's not an easy relationship but you love her still and don't care about her faults and she couldn't be happier
You love her, and that's all that matters to her in the end.
It's obvious to how she's changed just from being around you. Of course, she still speaks her mind freely, if anything even more so now, and her old habits are still prevalent, but she's visibly happier and stronger than she was before.
Your carefree attitude has really rubbed off on her and she takes taking it easier and not being as hard on herself.
With how easy-going you are, being with you has also made her a lot more comfortable with touching and hugs.
You often just find yourself touching her in little ways, not really noticing unless she points it out.
Honestly now she expects to be touched by you although she gets spooked a little still when others touch her.
Of course even after all this, she still has lots of problems mentally
Occasionally, she goes through depressive episodes, but you're there with her, holding her close, and it really helps a lot.
She truly sees you as her savior, her soulmate
And honestly, the two of you are really just meant to be.
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candymaru · 1 year
Hello, so weird question. Since you both do Genshin and Danganronpa requests, can you do Crossover request, like Danganronpa casts in Genshin or vice versa?
AHHH absolutely!!! that sounds so fun!!! We'd literally both love to do it so feel free to send in asks about it<3 We already have so many ideas for both
-Mod Seiko
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candymaru · 1 year
Mukuro Ikusaba x reader romance/fluff headcanons? (Idk if I should specify what mod I’m asking, but either is fine!)
Pairing: Mukuro Ikusaba x GN! Reader
Warnings: Very much tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: Mod Seiko here!! Sorry this is kinda short, I hope you like <3
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Mukuro is really loyal to you!! She'd do anything for you, literally anything.
Also really protective, she feels like you're most safe when you're in her arms.
She has really been through a lot because of Junko and it shows. Please take care of her!! She desperately needs a hug (and probably therapy)
Speaking of hugs, she might not act very physically affectionate, but she adores every second of it.
She's also very, very touch starved, will absolutely melt in your arms.
She's just so happy to be with someone who loves her just as much as she loves them.
Mukuro still doesn't fully understand what it means to be in a healthy relationship, but with you by her side, she wholeheartedly believes this is what love feels like. This is where she's meant to be, by your side.
She really needs you. You're her light. She doesn't know what she'd do without you.
Mukuro gets so embarrassed if you use pet names on her, so please use them! She just feels so overwhelmed by love she just melts into a puddle!!
She is so dedicated to you, expect her to go all-out if you ever go on a date, she just wants to be the perfect girlfriend to you, you make her so happy.
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candymaru · 1 year
redoing our intro lol
Hello!!! We're mod Seiko and mod Junibeii and welcome to our writing blog!! Here is a list of what we'll write for:
- Genshin Impact
- Danganronpa (THH, GD/2, UDG, KH/V3))
- Danganronpa Another / 2
- Project Sekai
- Enstars
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Please do NOT follow if you're under the basic DNI criteria, a terf, or just a shitty person overall and please respect that we are people too!! We have lives outside of tumblr so it might take a while for us to get to your request <3
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I'm mod Seiko and I use he/him pronouns and I'm a gay trans man! I got my mod name from one of my favorite media, "Corpse Party" I mainly write horror but I love a good romance story. I'm comfortable writing pretty much anything although I'd prefer not to write romance with females and I won't write smut that's wlw either. I'll keep things gender neutral unless requested :) Also when it comes to Danganronpa, I've really only fully played through the first game but I know what mostly happens in the other games! Also all the stuff I write is crossposted on my AO3 @/watamoteboy !
mod junibeii, hai-hai :3!! my pronouns are she/they/fae and i'm a non-binary angel! my name is silly and has no real meaning. i'm good at writing romance but prefer reading horror and mystery! i'm free to write wlm, wlw, and mlm, alongside non-binary / genderless characters!
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Chihiro x Chaotic!Reader (Headcanons)
Kokichi + Introverted Younger Brother!Reader (Headcanons)
Fuyuhiko/Mondo/Kokichi finding out their S/O got kidnapped (Scenario)
Ibuki x Violinist!Reader (Fic)
Hydro Vision!Aoi x Cryo Vision!Reader (Fic)
Mahiru + Younger Brother! Reader beating up bullies! (Fic)
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We're both fine with nearly anything, go crazy! Here's some of our personal icks/stuff we don't wanna write: Mod Seiko: scat, vomit, pregnancy, pedophilia, insert skin/body type/religion reader x character, OCs, any sort of lolibait or whatever
Mod Junibeii: abuse of any kind, pedophilia, gross kinks (scat, vomit, etc.), discrimination (race, gender, sexuality), original characters.
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