gothchildvirtue · 2 months
A Silent Influence
Let me elucidate to you that there was a time before your disenchantment,
What do you call the moment when time stops and your hypnotized by something so beautiful it's beauty so intricate it stretches to the deepest parts of the void, and yet in the act of witnessing something extraordinary evil ⁸and ego ceases to be, beautified so deeply that even you begin improving by having experienced such alluring magic,
Each decision alters your destiny be attuned then to the ☯️ force, being arrogant causes me nausea once I understood,
You can see the soul in the eyes of children who witness something seemingly impossible with athletic/artistic feats unimaginable to the masses and for some that starts there fable to becoming just as great like it did for me. What quitters and failures don't see is I once was like them thinking wow they must have something special to be able to that and in all reality that also exists in you. Your uniqueness defines you. You are human too!
Somewhere along the line your internal dialogue changed from being positive to being disillusioned or maniacally delusional,
Yet you are from the same cloth you were born to do something great, so change that narrative and begin the art of forgetting everything imposed on you via nature and nurture, step back and recreate in reflection remake...
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gothchildvirtue · 2 months
The Dark Arts
In life the ice you skate on will not always be smooth but overtime it makes you stronger
Knowing the hidden order that fools the fools,
Through my example people are improved,
My magic concealed,
Through my illusion of insanity they are fooled thinking I'm the fool,
But what they don't tell you is that craziness is the twin of greatness, words are spells,
But who taught you them who created this.  I unsubcribe.  I have the formula,
It takes balance to dance at the edge,
The end is a beginning and the beginning an end in an infinite sequence,
Release the restraints,
Refute all limits,
I can do quintuple jumps in figure skating and have mastered quad axel,
Not dependent on any outcome I switch over to the cosmological to explain life through stars my ways those of heaven
" Ever desire less one sees the mystery"
- Lao Tzu
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gothchildvirtue · 2 months
I somehow inherited the spirit of figure skating and have passed it down on to the new generation; I wonder who's really in control,
We don't play figure skating,
If your not insane don't even try,
What happened to the people that want to be the best but never achieved any success,
Left behind, forgotten, a bad joke, my soul was rotten now I refuse to die
I didn't lose anybody the person I lost was me, This comeback ain't gonna make itseilf,
I thought I told you I was different, I was somebody,
I know I can pull it off
I'm not hungry, I'm starving and possessed, been obsessed
Ice was the first form of water on the planet brought by comets,
My dreams stopped haunting me; I walked into a new reality
I'm a different cat thats why I'm a catrovert
So deep into a dream I forgot I was actually dreaming and not working towards the dream
There's someone training in the shadows, perfect timing takes passing into new
I once wanted to kill and to be killed holding still to the rope of entertainment slowly suffocating by its temporary thrill fk the normies and how everyone else thinks fuck society now off the destructive path alas I'm back to where it all started "Do or do not there is no try." -Yoda
There is a reason the word underdog exists lost in a moment, I've already won
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gothchildvirtue · 2 months
Past don't exist I'm just getting started bitch,
I'm not depressed or delusional I'm a paragon of emptiness my hearts not broken its frozen,
Magic there in, fuck suicide, I'll win the spirit war over my life I have no name,  I live no lie, not much to say;
Learning is for life, life is for learning,
Do or die, I stopped by some broken glass and looked whole in the reflection and then it reassembled itself and whole I still appeared how can I be broken and healed, now feeling less reflective I surmise my purpose within existence and continued regardless of the negatives, And what does time mean in all this, the enemy within cannot distract me from without, my focus is what the fights over
I must never return to the asylum or let the shadow out, Unfortunate child no choice in the matter but never being a victim again is a daily choice in the form of unlocking everydoor they locked me out of I'm coming for blood; Life taints your perception as all were made out of which is negative is just a complex waiting to be absolved into non existent fragments, throw the violet dice, the thrill of dancing with the devil I let go.  Arise return to who you really are, forgetting the need for company, I am only the fire, I am only the light I am only the goal.  Feel the phoenix fire accumulate around you as you transition in every new mode of being new way of seeing and fear nothing the Anti-Shadow my imaginary friend/coach whispers in my ear in an icy tone and dissapears in the form of an ethereal green spirit owl ghost made of light into the dark of night 🌙
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gothchildvirtue · 2 months
Time, a worthy opponent;
The Devil almost won but didn't finish the job,
Don't worry about what's behind you your going forward now says the Anti-Shadow. On the left side I hear violent ramblings;
"That's not me, I'm sure Shadow you'd be that reckless, me no I won't be distracted and sucked into your projections again, fuck you and them I'm living in my dimension; born with cold blood and veins of fire,
Untouchable because I have no shape,
Lost in a forrest of the old yet wanting to form is a person I'm letting die so I can live, I closed the trap door,
Me is undefined, keep the ego petrified,
Twilight entry point to other worlds
The future is not determined nobody knows how everything will play out,
Born a genius of the first order,
They're blind to the organizing principles of the cosmos,
Forgetting this is war?
Aligned with the invisible
The cost of winning is the cost of living,
Uncleanliness, Debauchery Decay and Death are all the same,
The entrance is through discipline,
The exit is through massive success but it must look effortless
Blazing on this new trail/path/way/Tao towards perfection; the rest is infinite and undecided,
What's your next step?
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gothchildvirtue · 2 months
An Owl Whispers
To be left to oneself is an art form,
Delve deeper into the  darkness ,
Desire as dead as the dodo bird, 
I record myself to be forgotten,
I wanted to work but then started thinking
Where am I, what is my mission
Drifting with the wind and ascending to no end I direct my focus inward,
Guided by unseen forces I'm never really alone
Syntax errors, spacing needles in the underworld a fixed grander vision,
Break off from the herd and then from your very self,
Don't lose your authenticity  in the whirlpool of attachments,
Subsiding over subsitence,
Where is the wealth before it exists
What color are a demons eyes?
Do you really have time for bickering,
Pandora I put back in the box and released it again,
Where along the path have I gone,
Snowflakes fall from the sky as it pours melancholy and I roar in the middle of the storm I that cant be stopped indifferent to my problems,
Who am I without language?
Danger makes me feel alive for once at the edge of my blades and not a building because I know in the end  I will be a role model for the broken,
Defeating all dogma cast upon me; I'm not using their words anymore,
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gothchildvirtue · 2 months
Riding the air waves to my parade I rotate in synch witha galactic counterclockwise kaleidoscopic psychic intermissionn that I'm recicieving when then an owl appears precisely when I was thinking of owls I once met before and I knew it had been confirmed in the spirit world I would win the war, I would unlock the phoenix ultimate spirit form Dreamsical diary I decide my reality or am I the Inquiry as to the way things appear as if there not no space for doubt inside my head are many voices being orchestrated by a virtusoso cast no manipulation spare me your tears my higher best version of myself has been helping and guiding me from the end we reverse real hypocrisy and faulty contriving on this side needed contrarion Invoc no emotion be not like the elfs and conformists and it's science bitch an art of forgetting the forgotten watch than how we go back and bend and see that you were always there since the beginning a daemon, expressive form of the eternal mist I'm skating on ice till the end and if there' s a thin line between thriving and depression I'm walking it disappearing deluded and dreary not a romance but a war no choice no return only success or death be it the end of the psychedelic circus yet I'll be on the other side of that final mystic laugh with the cognitive dissonance be dispersed to the unbelievers a return to my own blood as my descendents watch from above and beyond what is known right at the barrier between our world and the imaginary
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gothchildvirtue · 2 months
Anger is the enemy, one looses one's self mastery,
Talking to the part of me that's not me in order to put him back on a leash,
Can't trust my beliefs protected only by being in my own company,
Something has to change I cant let these demons win,
Emotion overload magnified by bipolar, Can't control its hi jacking,
You can only suppress so far my thrist for blood is now seeping out into the day,
With a great light, comes a great shadow,
A great fire consumes me back to the lab until the inner work is done; a break from desire no distractions back to ashes this form isn't ready yet,
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gothchildvirtue · 2 months
Confined by words we didn't invent,
What do you see as the solution?
Is there dissonance or delusion?
"I" is an illusion,
Spacing is important in order to read people,
What's the difference between delirium and destiny,
I'd explain it to you but you wouldn't understand ,
Cold as ice I harness the fire,
Not confined by the echo chambers of social media/society
I don't have any tears left to cry,
Skating makes me feel alive,
Void of love or just not here right now,
I'm my biggest supporter,
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gothchildvirtue · 10 months
Lush greenery keeping my mind away albeit the familiar taste my witch haze remains the same attuned to spiritual union of plant and man,
My name will be Immortal because I know the quad axel is inside of me,
Not falling in line with the implicate order,
The ice calls me, whispers that I've already downloaded everything I need and even more from the collective unconscious,
Pierce the veil of  linear time, let the synchronitys begin that exist when past present and future swirl and collide within,
I know I'll win: still in my hometown at one with cosmic dust I've become spinning up a new Sun,
Soon a star, I the most high; a new vantage point will be my life looking down from the top of a burning mountain I never sigh again,
Wait which dimension is this?
Delta means change, I turn a page in the I Ching,
Fool you mess with a Taoist lunatic magician!
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gothchildvirtue · 10 months
I'm in flow even the shadow wants a break and let's me let go,
I tell myself I wont break
I'm in my zone,
Untouchable when I'm alone I'm amused by the present,
A world of words,
Had forgotten that I been split myself to pieces back before or somewhere along the way I changed
I am the final 🎆 firework
Spark the verdant forrest, it covers me with tranquility and quells my demons,
I'm so hot you might as well call me an ego complex trigger
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gothchildvirtue · 10 months
Limited Edition
I have a whole planet of my own; who really is on my wave length,
There is a storm coming...
I'm lightning and snow,
I am the perfect storm and the abysmal hope
The shadow hates when I laugh at it,
tapped into the akashic records,
I've download nothing less but the best,
Fuck the anti-tao's commentary; I'll pay whatever the cost is to win
Which dimension I'm tuned into I decide,
Overlook me and my rhymes
I just heard an echo in my head
I told my cat that I don't have time for formalities and went for a night run again 🙃
Fuck the collective mentality
I've broke the code of life,
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gothchildvirtue · 10 months
Got so many different voices in my head; I'm my own team and creation,
Not accepting or engaing in projections  dont live in this realm escape and define your own,
There are words and phrases that exist as fantsmas but they're really inanimate,
Shooms that rewire,
A taste for the finest things,
Away deep within,
Focused  and ever expanding wisdom,
What is balance without imbalanced it may be imbalanced to always be balanced
Happy Hallows eve 🧙‍♂️ 🪄 🧹
Reverse their psychology....don't get sucked into unesscaceries,
Vanishing right before your eyes the greatest performer of all; dives head into fearlessness without limitations.  Yours truly, the greatest acquaintance; vacant observations ;)
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gothchildvirtue · 10 months
No Return
There is something here but it can't be seen,
It's cousin is the shape of the wind,
Be it what it may I still sin and make mistakes,
The mask we all wear when others are around seeps into our vains,
Rage against your entropy,
I'm way too edgy to be alive,
A fight or war for authenticity on a path where the distance is unknown and you may never arrive,
Boiling temperatures in my blood as I make decisions,
The clock ticks a bit faster now yet im not done...
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gothchildvirtue · 10 months
Roses in a dream world keeps away the spiders,
Took a wormhole here to the place of no desire,
John, a name or a fire?
Reason's twin is delusion,
I am an invincible balloon reaching higher and higher🎈
This body is just a transitional encapsulation of my spirit; not really human I am, I am a prysim man,
This message is encoded,
Let's step into a painting,
I'm not fighting anymore battles, I'm winning the war,
The past is fading ,
Have we met before?
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gothchildvirtue · 10 months
I'm a Wizard
I must activate my Phoenix spirit form,
When I die I want to be immortalized not just merely bones,
a lost cause; desolate scenry and who knows?
I stare back into the demon's eyes kept inside the mirror of past lies, seeing how the look on his face went dry the day I realized that wasn't me talking but the shadow,
I don't look back, I confront and attack life,
Nobody deserves a milisecond of my attention,
Know your worth, I don't want to be known; the true artist code,
Desolate scenery with a mix of the finest taste, a battle you vs I in a foggy haze of opinionated npcs and what you intake you become,
Be wary of distractions!
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gothchildvirtue · 10 months
Illusory World
I'm one in an infinitum,
Don't question the design,
Side quests don't amuse me so I limit them;
Witnessing the flux from a higher vantage point I hold scribbled papers I've transcribed loosly, at the top of one mountain but there's always a higher summit to climb,
The cynical grip from my inner lunatic has loosened and lost its hold for all I know; like I have any say for what goes in the unconscious,
I flip through all of society's roles and none fit me, Independent I flow meticulous within self development, A Phoenix's fire is helping as it is amorphous and disposes me to constant recreation, New neural networks working but my eyes are still adjusting to the light,
Rushing without being in a rush; being mega effective my aura is extra bright,
In the height of your decadence only isolation will cure, I'm burnt like a cigarette swirled in gold, Getting nowhere I finally arrive at the end of the void scared of the sun rays I step out with sunscreen, and immediately go into the shade, I fade not into space but outside of these walls, at the boundary between the physical and spiritual,
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