gothic-hippie-love · 4 years
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gothic-hippie-love · 4 years
When life gives you lemons
With life, I was handed some difficulties to deal with. I have an autoimmune disorder called Graves disease. I dealt with the issues of that. I was married to a narcissistic abusive man for 11 years and have PTSD from the abuse. I tried almost the whoe time married to him trying to become a mother, and the infertility with not conceiving after 11 years was a truely hard thing to deal with. But despite those issues, I am no longer with that man. Life gave me all those to deal with and now I am engaged to a man who is a complete 180 from him. We spend our days together happy. We found out that we were expecting a baby around a year ago. We were not trying. I was told I didnt ovulate and I was on birth control. So this child despite 11 years of trying, this child fought to be noticed and created. She is now around 4.5 months old. I am beyond happy that I did not have a child with my ex. It was not an ideal situation. Life then had both me and my fiance lose our jobs due to covid-19. I gave birth a few days before it started here as an issue in ohio. the jobs lost was hard and we stressed about how to live and survive. Luckly the situation where I gave up my car happened. It ended up being a blessing. I now am saving a few hundred a month. We can now survive solely on my alimony and the help the government aids us with as we continue to search for jobs and care for our daughter. Both of us being out of work after I gave birth was a super help. we both got to be home with her. I had a c-section so the help was needed. We got to work together and get to know the amazing life that is called Hannah. We love not having the car. We take the bus and go out as a family and shop and walk places. The excersize that were getting and having Hannah out experiencing life as safe as we can via social distancing and such. I guess in the end, what may seem life a bad thing at the time, could end up being a blessing. I took the lemons that life gave me and made Limmoncello.
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gothic-hippie-love · 4 years
Adventure Day
So today Me, my Fiance, and our daughter Hannah went on a walk to a local grocery store. The diffrence is, we recently gave up our car and do not have any other vehicle except a scooter. We wanted to get out and not stay couped inside. We love nature and live in an area where it abides in abundance. With all of the Covid-19 around, I feel fortunate to live in an area where the cases are minimal and there is space outdoors in aplenty. plus I want my daughter to appreciate the good things in life, and not rely on technology. Anyways, we took this bike and walking path. It was about 85 degrees here, and sunny. Here in Ohio the shade makes an actual diffrence. The day was beautiful. We stopped for a break about 4 miles into the walk on a bridge. The surroundings was as such; no cars or traffic, no people around, the water below us of the hocking river, a nice shaded spot. Hannah chose then to want to stop and eat. With the beauty of nature around me, I pulled out my breast and fed my daughter. The whole moment was beautiful, my daughter eating in the fresh air, surrounded by birds, water, leaves, in the mountains. It felt so right, no covering up and feeding my daughter there. after that we talked of house plans and where we would like to move on to. We want to get land out in the middle of nowhere in Ohio, and build tiny homes on there and live off grid. we want a well and a septic tank for toilets and running water. We want to get 3 tiny buildings. One for me and Hannah, One for my fiance, and one for a living and dining community space. We then went to a place to get a bite to eat. We cooled off inside the air conditioner after the 6 miles we just walked. We then went to the store to get a few items, and caught the bus home. Now we are home, all cleaned up, Hannah is passed out asleep,my fiance Daniel is playing Tererria, and I am writing this while watching The Vampire Diaries. Im on season 5 of watching the series for the 2nd time. We will make dinner soon and end this day. Have a beautiful night everyone. Enjoy the little things. Until next time.
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gothic-hippie-love · 4 years
True that! 0 fucks given!
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gothic-hippie-love · 4 years
Hello, gothic hippie love here. Let me tell you about myself. I am a 33 year old first time mom to a daughter born 3/10/2020. I have been with my fiance for 2.5 years now. I live in SouthEast Ohio. I spent the earlier years of my adulthood in an abusive marriage that lasted almost 11 years and ended in divorce and me having ptsd. I also have 2 amazing dogs, and am a huge advocate for the Pitbull breed and the legalization of marijuana.
gothic hippie? yes, self proclaimed. I am a huge fan of Metal, and many types of rock. I also enjoy 60s hippie music. I enjoy a healthyish lifestyle. I am 420 friendly, and enjoy drawing, painting, and crafts. I enjoy the outdoors, and crave a serine, peaceful existance away from everyone. I love sugar skulls and skull stuff. Nightmare before christmas is my favorite movie, and I love all other Time Burton movies. I also like to read. Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies.
I want to raise my 3.5 month old daughter Hannah to be her own person, and not to care of the opinions of others. I want her to be a warrior, and be able to stand up for herself and others. I want her to choose the right path, and not the one that everyone deems the right path. I want her to see true beauty as not what the outside shows but what is on the inside. I want her to look beyond the outside and see beauty within others. I want her to excell further in life than I have. I want her to know how much her Mother and Father loves her always.
I will be posting about my journey as a new mom with ptsd, give advice that helps me with life, art, dog mama stuff, food, videogames, etc.
It has been a pleasure introducing myself, till next time.
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