gourideb · 3 years
The Importance of Storytelling and Story Creation
Stories come in different forms and mediums.
Stories come in a variety of forms: poetry, song, movement, pictures, plays and even Dad Jokes. The creators of the stories use various mediums such as braille, sign language, movies, and dance to share the stories with others.
Some english stories are dynamic, we hear them or experience them and then they are gone. Stories become static when we write them down or record them in some way so we can revisit them over-and-over again.
Children who are visually impaired or Deafblind, may experience a story by tactually exploring items collected on a walk or playing with the materials used to take a bath if these are placed in an experience box or bag. Another child with low vision may enjoy simple picture books with limited print. Audio and braille are other mediums that may be used to share a story with others.
The form or the medium are not as important as the story itself or the creation of the story.
Stories help us cope.
We make sense of our life experiences in part by the stories we learn or tell ourselves. Imagine a story the young child might create and revisit.
“It is dark and stormy. I am frightened. I think I see a monster in my closet. Will it hurt me? If I cry out loud Dad or Mom will come save me.”
At the time the child tells himself the story he doesn’t know if it is fiction or nonfiction. He is just building a story based on his experience of what happens when he cries out at night. But the power of that story may help to calm him and take action to meet his own needs. This can be true of many stories we read or hear.
Even stories that might frighten us a bit, help us to cope because the outcome for the protagonist or hero ultimately turns out well.  So, when we face challenges in our own lives we may have a certain belief that everything will be alright eventually if we take action.
Stories help us remember and imagine.
Humans are constantly creating stories. We make up stories in our heads about how our day will go before we head for the office. We tell ourselves stories about the amazing places we will see and exciting things we will do as we plan our vacations. We tell ourselves stories about how people treat us and how we treat them. We are our stories.
Many people may not agree that this is storytelling, but it is where many of us begin to learn the power our own memory and imagination. Stories told within a family or in a culture become even more powerful as they are shared year after year. They become part of who we are, what we believe, and how we see our future.
When we preserve stories in some static form like a book or a recording or a movie, people from different times and places can share that story. Many of these stories guide whole populations in learning how to live their lives (e.g., religious and spiritual texts, the Constitution).
Stories engage our attention.
When we find ourselves sitting in an airport or waiting to see the dentist, reading a magazine or book engages our attention and helps to make time pass more easily. For many of us, there is no better form of escape than to stick our noses in a book and vanish into the story. With the advent of audiobooks and podcasts, many of us listen to stories as we jog or walk or ride in a car or airplane. For many of us, reading or listening to stories is our favorite form of recreation.
We need English stories
Stories serve so many purposes in our lives. Stories are about so much more than just reading or listening. They are instrumental in cognitive, social and emotional development.
Literacy begins with stories others tell us or we tell ourselves. Co-creating stories with an adult or peers helps our children and students begin to create stories they can share with others.
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gourideb · 3 years
why stories are important for kids
We learned that humanity has understood the developmental benefits of storytelling since the beginning of written history. But what about the benefits for parents and parenting in general?  Those bedtime stories for kids aren’t just for kids! In addition to teaching kids reading comprehension and language skills, children’s stories can bring families closer together and ease some burdens for the parents themselves. Child learn many different ways and storytelling can be a great way to not only help children learn language and literacy, but learn about–and express–the world around them.
1. Context for Real-Life Lessons
Let’s say you just caught your child lying — a teachable moment to be sure. You can explain to them that it’s wrong, even explain why it’s wrong, but that doesn’t guarantee they understand. To help comprehension, you could tell them the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, for example — this story graphically demonstrates the consequences of lying, through the lens of a young character your child can closely identify with.
Stories help secure these lessons in the child’s mind, with relevant context and more memorable “anchors.” They are the perfect companion or complement to real-life lessons, adding a new angle to help children develop a fuller understanding of the issue. As adults, we do this as well — think of how many times a novel, film, or song has impacted your life.
2. Family Stories Strengthen Familial Identity
Each family has their own culture, and it’s not always passed down automatically. Telling your children stories about your own life, your own childhood, or other family members helps build an internal identity around your family — they learn both what it means to be part of this family, and develop a sense of what makes their family different from others.
Moreover, you can carry on story-telling traditions your own parents used for you. Activities like reading stories aloud to children with funny voices, or listening to them as they read to you, are family activities and contribute as much to family culture as they do to kids reading comprehension.
3. Pass on Specific Values
There’s no shortage of stories for kids. Whatever popular value you can think of, it’s likely the subject of a story book for kids. That lets you selectively use stories to help your child’s development, based on their specific needs. For example, if your child has anger or tantrum issues, they may feel a connection to Where the Wild Things Are. If your tween is having trouble with puberty, a Judy Blume novel might make them feel better.
This can also further establish familial identity as well. Reading your own favorite childhood book to your kid may have the same effect on them as it did on you.
Why Stories Matter and How to Use Them to Make a Difference
Stories are powerful – and innately human. They help us understand one another, provide windows into different cultures and time periods, and increase our capacity for empathy. Because they hold great power, the stories kids hear make a difference in how they perceive the world. Sharing stories – from books, podcasts, our even our own histories – can influence culture and gender roles, teach new perspectives, provide insight, and allow children to better understand themselves and others. Not surprisingly, studies show that stories can also increase children’s prosocial behaviors. Here are some ways to amplify the power of storytelling within your family.
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.
If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
/Albert Einstein/
What makes storytelling so effective for learning?
Stories play a vital role in the growth and development of children. It boosts speaking and listening skills. Stories help your children to develop their language skills and thinking and this is an inseparable part of the learning process, communication and social interactions.
Children absorb many words which they would use throughout the first years of their lives! Whether you tell stories or read them from books, stories are one of the ways children learn to enjoy reading. English Stories can help to learn about concepts such as shape, size, colors and numbers. Helps to teach everyday tasks, values, complex ideas such as the importance of sharing, compassion for others. Story telling is fun, interactive and makes it so effective also because it works for all types of learners. It helps to improve confidence level now, in school and grown- up life!
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gourideb · 3 years
The Villager And The Spectacles
There was a villager. He was illiterate. He did not know how to read and write. He often saw people wearing spectacles for reading books or papers. He thought, “If I have spectacles, I can also read like these people. I must go to town and buy a pair of spectacles for myself.” So one day he went to a town. He entered a spectacles shop. He asked the shopkeeper for a pair of spectacles for reading. The shopkeeper gave him various pairs of spectacles and a book. The villager tried all the spectacles one by one. But he could not read anything. He told the shopkeeper that all those spectacles were useless for him. The shopkeeper gave him a doubtful look. Then he looked at the book. It was upside down! The shopkeeper said, “Perhaps you don’t know how to read.”
The villager said, “No, I don’t. I want to buy spectacles so that I can read like others. But I can’t read with any of these spectacles.” The shopkeeper controlled his laughter with great difficulty when he learnt the real problem of his illiterate customer. He explained to the villager, “My dear friend, you are very ignorant. Spectacles don’t help to read or write. They only help you to see better. First of all you must learn to read and write.” Moral: Ignorance is blindness.       
Short Bedtime English Stories is a free app that gathers a lot of free english stories collection, and the interface design is simple. After opening, you can select the storybook you want to read, quickly scan at least more than 30 categories, and there are short stories (Short Stories) ,Animal Stories, Classic Stories, Bedtime Stories, Kid Stories, and English Stories.
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gourideb · 3 years
english stories collection : April Fool’s Day
Once upon a time on first day of April, a woodsman discovered a hoard of golden coins. Knowing well that his wife was a terrible chatterbox, he started thinking about the best way to keep his secret. He made same careful preparations, and then went off to fetch his wife. “Look! Look!” he shouted out suddenly, as they passed beneath a tree, “there's a fish, a trout, my dear, growing on that branch.” To his wife's amazement, he took down the fish, which he had out there himself. Then they went on to the river where he often went fishing. There, the woodsman pulled in his hook, and drew out a hare, which he also had placed there earlier. They went on again, and he pretended to stumble upon the hoard of golden coins. The wife was surprised to have discovered so many gold coins. And so his wife, despite all the woodsman's pleas to keep the matter quiet, began to boast to their friends. The woodsman was ready for this problem and asked. “A hoard of treasure in the woods? When exactly did this happen, dear?” “You can't have forgotten!” insisted his silly wife. “It was when we found the trout growing in a tree and caught the hares in the river!” Naturally, her friends assumed that she was making it all up, and they did not believe one word about the treasure. And so what she said was considered to be the first April Fools!
Short Bedtime English Stories is a free app that gathers a lot of free english stories collection, and the interface design is simple. After opening, you can select the storybook you want to read, quickly scan at least more than 30 categories, and there are short stories (Short Stories) ,Animal Stories, Classic Stories, Bedtime Stories, Kid Stories, and English Stories.
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gourideb · 3 years
english stories collection : ungrateful tortoise
Once upon a time, there was a big feast in the sky; all the birds were invited to a feast by the people of the sky. Tortoise was very clever and very hungry. As soon as he heard about the great feast, it began to plan how it would travel to the sky. Tortoise went to the birds’ home and asked if he could go with them. The birds agreed and they each give him a feather, with which they made a pair of wings for the Tortoise. The great day came, Tortoise and the birds set off on their journey to the sky.Finally, the birds and Tortoise arrived at the party. The people of the sky invited the birds to eat the delicious food they had prepared, but then Tortoise asked, “For whom have you prepared this feast?”“For you, because you are special animals,” replied the people on the sky.
Tortoise turned towards the birds and said, “Remember I am is the most special animal, cause I am the only on Tortoise who can fly. You will eat after me.” The birds waited angrily as Tortoise ate and drank most of the feast. Then they came forward to eat, but a few of them were too angry to eat. Before flying home, each bird took back the feather they had lent Tortoise without the Tortoise noticing. So, there Tortoise stood full of food and drink, but without any wings to fly home. When the feast was over, birds and Tortoise jumped back to go home, but the tortoise was surprised because he lost his wings. So, the Tortoise fell and landed with a great crash on the ground. He wasn’t hurt but its shell broke into pieces. Fortunately, there was a good doctor in the neighborhood. Tortoise’s wife sent him to the doctor and she collected all the bits of Tortoise’s shell and stuck them together. That is why Tortoise’s shell is not smooth.
Short Bedtime English Stories is a free app that gathers a lot of free english stories collection, and the interface design is simple. After opening, you can select the storybook you want to read, quickly scan at least more than 30 categories, and there are short stories (Short Stories) ,Animal Stories, Classic Stories, Bedtime Stories, Kid Stories, and English Stories.
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