grace-kellerman · 8 months
After doing the Aaron motherfucking Warner thing, I thought it would be interesting to do it with other characters. So...
Xaden motherfucking Riorson.
Xaden "i would rather loose this entire war than live without you'' Riorson.
Xaden ''you gave me your hearth and i'm keeping it'' Riorson.
Xaden "i love You. I'm in love with You. I have been since they night the snow fell in your hair and You kissed me for the first time" Riorson.
Xaden "My house, My chair, My women" Riorson.
Xaden "wich one are you calling out for? Because it's just You and me in this room Vi and i don't share" Riorson??????
Xaden "you're going to be the death of me" Riorson?????
That men??? Yeah, the name sounds kinda familiar
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grace-kellerman · 8 months
The Lost Sister - Part 2
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
A/N: Thank you all for the lovely responses to the first post. And I couldn't agree more about the Garrick pairing, so I will start working towards that! Yet again any feedback or suggestions is always welcome.
Part 1
It feels like hours pass as Xaden and I stare at each other. Even though I knew all these years he was alive, its still a shock to see him in front of me. As usual he is hard to read, but I notice the small twitch in his hand almost as if he is restraining himself from reaching out to me. I know he wont do it though. Neither of us wants to give General Melgren the satisfaction he is chasing in this moment.
In the 5 years since I’ve seen him he’s grown to look more like our father. He always did, but now the resemblance is more notable. Same dark hair, same tanned skin, and the same Onyx eyes. Only different now is he’s gotten bigger, and the mark that snakes its way onto his neck from his uniform. The same mark I have but on the opposite side.
”A mark to show who you really are.”
A girl appears at Xadens side trying to get his attention while she looks through her notes. But her efforts are futile as Xaden stares at me. For the last 5 years he thought me dead. But here I am. And he doesn’t dare take his eyes off me, especially with General Melgren at my side.
Movement to the other side of Xaden catches his attention. As Xaden tilts his head towards them, I feel my heart drop again for the second time. And unlike my brother, their face does not hide the shock at seeing me in front of them alive.
A close friend of mine and Xaden’s. We had all grown up together along with Bodhi. Was he also here? He had to be, right? I could look around and find out, but I dont want to move my eyes from them. Xaden finally tears his eyes from mine and turns to the girl next to him. Her eyes go wide as he says something to her. Her eyes move back and forth between Xaden and I frantically. She finally nods her head and shuffles though her notes and writes something down.
Whispers have picked up around the rotunda, but as Xaden steps forward it goes silent in an instance. Its almost eerie the power he wields over them. He’s clearly one of the better rides in the Quadrant.
“Ophelia Riorson. Fourth Wing, Second Squad, Flame Section.” He calls out.
A hum picks up around the rotunda which is quickly silenced by a stern look from Xaden. But it doesn’t stop the eyes. The hundreds of eyes staring right at me. A mixture of shock and confusion on all the faces now standing at me. I look around trying to find where I am meant to go, but its hard to tell with everyone looking at me. Off to my right someone steps out and motions me forward. I go to move towards them when a tight grip on my wrist spins me around, stopping me in my path.
General Melgren pulls me in close so only I can hear him. “Don’t go pulling any stunts with that brother of yours. I will be watching.” He hisses at me before roughly releasing my wrist.
I walk away as quickly as I can to put as much space between us until threshing in a few months. If I make it to threshing. As I turn back around I see Xaden has an arm out in front of Garrick. He must have moved when Melgren grabbed me.
Xaden resumes whatever speech he was giving before my arrival as General Melgren and the others leave. I don’t hear a word he says as I turn and watch as the General leaves. Almost as if I don’t trust him till he is out of sight. But even as he disappears around the corner, I still get the feeling I’m not completely free from him.
I look to my right and see my squad looking at me. As I look through them I recognise a few other marked ones. Then my eyes fall on Violet Sorrengail. I didn’t have much to do with her during my time with Melgren. But we had studied together in the Archives and talked at dinners we had both attended over my five years here. By the shock in her eyes she had no clue who I really was. I doubt she will want much to do with me now she knows who I really am.
“You sure you’re related to him?” Someone next to me asks.
My eyes move to a boy next to me with dark hair that flops down over his forehead. He’s looking me over as if trying to figure out how I’m related to Xaden. I don’t blame him. Besides the new mark on my arm and neck, I look nothing like my brother. My skin is a slightly lighter shade with freckles scattered over my cheeks and nose, green eyes that are a stark contrast to his onyx ones, and dyed dark burgundy hair.
”Pretty sure.” I say back as we are dismissed for the rest of the day.
Our squad leader I recognise as Dain Aetos tells us to follow him. As he leads us across the rotunda my eyes move towards Xaden and Garrick who are still atop the stairs looking at me. This time joined by Bodhi who is also looking at me. I feel myself relax knowing all three are alive and well. All I want to do is run up there, but I know I will get in trouble for doing so.
Dain shows us around the quadrant, point out places of interest such as classes before leading us into the first year dorms. Until threshing we will all be sleeping down here together. If we bond a dragon at threshing in a few months time we will be given our own private rooms.
I make my way down the walkway between the beds trying to find a free one. I look up to see Violet motioning me over and points to a bed next to hers.
”Didn’t think you would want anything to do with me after that.” I tell her as I place my pack on the bed.
The smile she gives me is so genuine. Her opinion of me hasn’t changed since the events of today.
”Hardly. We need all the allies we can get in here.” She tells me before walking away.
The dorm is quite empty as everyone heads off towards dinner. I dont blame them. I’m starving after the events of today, and I had the easiest walk over the parapet compared to all of them. I quickly sheathe some of the daggers I managed to hide in my pack into my boots before making my way out the door towards the smell of food. Hopefully I will get to see my brother and friends there.
I stop in my tracks as I walk past a pillar. I feel like I am being watched. But as I assess the area, I come up short. The shadows are extremely dark in here and it makes it hard to see if anyone is hiding behind one of the pillars. But I know someone's watching me. I push the feeling aside as I go to step towards the dining hall. But I barely make it a step before someone wraps a hand around my mouth as I’m pulled into the shadows.
Bonus photo of what Ophelia looks like as well.
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grace-kellerman · 8 months
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Looking at you Rebecca Yarros....
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
Tim:Wow this parking job is about as straight as I am.
Dick:I know I should be focusing on you coming out to me but did you just insult my fucking parking
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
Makeovers - Dick Grayson x Reader
A/N: Thank you for Nightbooty @batlog
Prompt: “Can I do your hair?” Dick Grayson x Reader (requested by anon)
“Oh my god.” You giggled as you observed the scene in front of you. Dick sat cross legged on the floor while your daughter sat on the couch braiding and putting colorful bows in his hair.
“Daddy’s pretty Momma!” She exclaimed presenting her masterpiece to you. You covered your mouth with your hand to control your giggling.
“He’s beautiful baby.” You laughed. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and started taking pictures of the scene.
“Woah, woah, woah babe. Who are you sending those to?” He asked when he saw you typing on your phone with a mischievous grin.
“Oh no one.” You said casually. “Just Jason.” You revealed. He quickly leaped up and started chasing you around the house, trying to take your phone from your grasp. Your daughter followed after him.
“Wait Daddy! I’m not done yet!” She complained.
“Sweetie, if you help me get mommy’s phone I’ll let you finish and put makeup on me.”
“Oh I so want a picture of that.” You quipped at him. Dick and your daughter exchanged a look.
“Get her!” Your daughter said excitedly. The two of them chased you until they cornered you and tackled you to the ground. Your husband and daughter dogpiled onto you and stole your phone from your grasp. Dick gave you a horrified look when he saw that you had already sent it to Jay and his other brothers.
“My own wife has betrayed me! They’re never going to let me forget this.” Dick groaned dramatically, Your daughter took your phone from Dick and looked at the picture.
“You look so pretty Daddy! Can I do your hair next, Momma?” She asked eagerly.
“Sure baby! But you have to promise me that I’ll get pretty bows just like Daddy.” You agreed. In that moment Jason responded to the photo you sent and your daughter looked down at your phone and got a scrunched up confused look on her face.
“Momma what does ‘pussy whipped’ mean?” She asked innocently. Your eyes widened in horror and you took your phone away from your daughter. Dick coughed and sputtered at her question.
“You’re uncle Jay is just being a butthead. Hey! Why don’t you go get my good makeup so we can give Daddy a makeover?” You said trying to distract her from her unknowing vulgar question. It worked and she squealed and bounced excitedly as she ran to get your makeup from your bathroom.
“I’m going to kill Jason.” You groaned when your daughter was out of earshot.
“Might I remind you, you’re the one who sent him the picture.” Dick reminded you brushing away a bright blue bow away from his eyes.
“Whatever Princess Nightbooty.” You said reaching up and ruffling his braids. Your daughter bounded back into the room with an armful of blush, foundation, mascara and a rainbow of eyeshadows. Dick was going to look gorgeous after you and your daughter was finished with him.
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
#15. Secret - Dick Grayson x Reader
It’s day 15 of the 30 day challenge! Halfway through guys! WOOOO!!!! For the full list of the prompts I will be doing for this writing challenge and the ones I have already completed, go here. Enjoy!
“What are you doing, [Y/N]?” Dick asked walking in on you cleaning his Nightwing suit in the bathroom. He had come in exhausted and battered the night before and hadn’t bothered to do it himself. He slept in far later than he usually did so you figured you would be a sweet girlfriend and make him breakfast and clean the blood and debris traces from his suit.
“I’m cleaning your suit!” You say enthusiastically proud of how sweet you thought you were being. “Oh! And I made breakfast!” You mentioned motioning towards the kitchen with a flick of your hand. He walked over and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks darling, but why don’t you let me finish? The suit has some tricky failsafes I wouldn’t want you to set them off.” He said, gently nudging you out of the room.
“You know you could teach me how to work around them. I just want to make your life a little bit easier, Dick.” You argued.
“I know [Y/N], and I love you for it. Maybe some other time though ok? I’m sure you have more important things to be doing than wasting your time with my dirty laundry.” He insisted, more persistently leading you away from the forgotten suit. “I’ll finish this babe, but thank you for trying to help.” He said giving you a quick kiss on the lips. Before you could protest any further he closed the door to separate the two of you.
When he was sure that the door was closed and you had walked away he returned to his Nightwing suit and opened a hidden compartment of the bracer. Dick let out a huge sigh of relief when he saw that the ring he intended for you was right where he left it. He wants to ask you but not yet. For now, the contents of his suit would remain his secret.
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
Heiress at the Ball - Dick Grayson x Reader
Dick Grayson x Reader: Imagine a soulmate AU in which your OTP gets a step-counter. For each step they take, the number on the counter goes down, marking the moment they meet their soulmate. (Prompt from @otp-imagination)
Jason  Tim
You come from a world of lavish parties, social climbing, and peacockish flaunting of wealth. You were disgusted by it but it was your life and you were required to at least pretend to participate. Your family dragged you to all of the spotlight social events. They were convinced you would be the key to furthering your family’s influence over Gotham to the next level. You were a pawn in their games and they didn’t care about the consequences.
You had a soul mate number ticking on your collarbone but you were under no illusions about your family’s intents. If he wasn’t what your family considered suitable you knew they would do everything in their power to keep you apart. You had a greater role to fill according to them.
When your mother heard second hand gossip that Bruce Wayne’s number is about to hit 0, possibly at the next Wayne gala she sprang into action. Your number was getting low as well and your mother had been scouring the social scene for a potential “suitable” soul mate for you. You explained to her many times that wasn’t how the system worked but she was determined to control fate herself.  You decided it wasn’t worth the effort to argue with her. You were nearly certain that Bruce Wayne wasn’t yours but if fate would have it, you would still meet your soulmate at the gala.  
Keep reading
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
yes, I’m British, so I do use the British way of writing the date (day, month, year) 
Last Updated: 09/08/21
Fluff; ☀️
Angst; ⛈
Angst to Fluff; 🌈
Crack Post; 🌪
Bruce Wayne
The Reveal; Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings; Arkham Knight spoilers! ⛈
The End; Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings; Arkham Knight spoilers!!, Character Death!! ⛈
Forgotten Friendship; Gender Neutral Reader; ⛈
You Made Your Bed With Her So You Can Go Lie In It; Gender Neutral Reader;  Warnings; Cheating, Heartbreak, Breaking a family apart, swearing ⛈ - part 2 ⛈
Why Is Everyone So Mad At Jason?; Gender Neutral Reader 🌪
Jason Todd
Dramatic Entrance; Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings; Slight Angst; Arkham Knight Spoilers!! ⛈☀️
Where Does Your Heart Sleep At Night? Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings; Heartbreak, Cheating ⛈
Did I Mention He Was Dumb?; Gender Neutral; Reader; ☀️
A Speedster And A Robin; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
There’s Just Something Special; Gender Neutral Reader;☀️
You Could Have Just Told Me; Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings; Cheating, Swearing; ⛈
I Just Think This Would Look Nice; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️🌪
Is He Being Serious Right Now?; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Dick Grayson
Perfectly In sync; Gender Neutral Reader;☀️
Idiots In Love; Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings; Takes place after Arkham Knight - slight spoilers ☀️
Partner; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
We Do This Together and You Go On; Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings; Character Death, A crying Dickie Bird. ⛈
After Everything We’ve Been Through; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️ - Part 2 ☀️
Ignore Him He’s Just Protective; Gender Neutral Reader;☀️
Batman’s Sidekick No More; Gender Neutral Reader;  Warnings; Character death, little talk of torture(not mentioned in detail), Swearing,⛈
Why Is Everyone So Mad At Jason?; Gender Neutral Reader 🌪
You’re All I Have Left; Gender Neutral Reader; WARNINGS- Angsty, fluff, swearing, villain reader 🌪☀️
The Simple Things That You Do; Gender Neutral Reader;☀️
It Can Be Your Secret Base; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
It’s Really Not My Responsibility; Gender Neutral Reader; warnings; Cheating, affair, swearing ⛈
Damian Wayne
I Was Attracted To You First; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Why Is Everyone So Mad At Jason?; Gender Neutral Reader 🌪
I’m So Thankful For You; Gender Neutral Reader ; ☀️
I Don’t Want To Hear Anything You Have To Say; Gender Neutral Reader; 🌈
Tim Drake
Your Perfect Little Family; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Cassanda Cain
Why Is Everyone So Mad At Jason?; Gender Neutral Reader 🌪
The Joker
Batman Is Who?; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Rumours and Jealousy; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Harley Quinn
Your Harley; Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings; Swearing, Death ☀️
Date Night and A Bat; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Fireworks; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Flirting on the Job; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Bossy Boots; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Should We Do This; Gender Neutral Reader: ☀️
What’s So Good About the Riddler; Gender Neutral Reader;☀️
Jealousy and Confessions; Gender Neutral Reader; 🌈
Jonathan Crane
The Batman; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Rumours and Jealousy; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
An Unexpected Vision and an Unexpected Conclusion; Gender Neutral Reader; ⛈
Oswald Cobblepot
Nobody Hurts My Family; Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings!!, small amount of torture, death, swearing ⛈☀️
Kara Danvers
Coffee and Compliments; Gender Neutral Reader;☀️
Clark Kent
Family Meetings; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
The Meeting of Your Two Favourite People; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Barry Allen
Cheer Up; Gender Neutral Reader; 🌈
I’m So Happy You’re Awake; Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings; Crying Speedster, Talks about comas 🌈
Caitlin Snow
Smug Love; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Cisco Ramon
Oliver Queen
This Is All Your Fault; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Felicity Smoak
Jerome Valeska
Proud Dad; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Edward Nygma
Riddles of Love; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
New Beginnings; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Donna Troy
The Call That Finally Came; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
They Aren’t Here Anymore; Gender Neutral Reader; ⛈
Hank Hall
Well It’s Not Like You Can Wear Your Other Suit; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Dawn Granger
Gar Logan/Beast boy
I Should Have Been There; Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings!! Character Death, Panic Attack ⛈
It Can Be Your Secret Base; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Rachel Roth/Raven
It Can Be Your Secret Base; Gender Neutral Reader ☀️
Kory Anders/Starfire
It Can Be Your Secret Base; Gender Neutral Reader ☀️
I Hope You Enjoy Your Life With Him; Gender Neutral Reader; Warnings- Slut Calling, fighting, swearing ⛈
Floyd Lawton/Deadshot
And We Are Not Friends; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
Zatanna Zatara
Do You Want My Coat?; Female Reader; ☀️ - Gender Neutral Version ☀️
Roy Harper
An Overprotective Brother; Gender Neutral Reader; ☀️
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
dating dick grayson includes. . .
warning : sexual content
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— okay, so let’s be real
— when you first met dick, you were a employee at detroit pd, and you swore to stay away from him
— you weren’t getting fooled by the dark and mysterious and hot as hell facade
— but he smiled at you every day, and sent you those winks that made your knees go weak from across the room
— and you knew that, dammit, it was definitely on.
— he was sweet, kind and gentle
— however you could see that a darkness and pressure was building up
— but you knew it was nothing you both couldn’t handle together
— backrubs after long days at work
— he’s definitely the cook
— dick as a high sex drive
— and i mean high
— anytime, anywhere, he’s always ready
— and you never complained
— he was a god; a dom and a fan of quickies
— liked teasing you at work and social events so he knew he was on your mind
— it drove him crazy seeing you clench your thighs and try desparately to keep your cool
— because it meant you were already putty in his hand
— but not everything’s about sex
— every week you force yourselves to have a date night, despite how much work you two have
— he holds your hand everywhere you go
— forehead kisses
— jaw kisses from you
— mornings, with you on the kitchen bench and him kissing you as breakfast waited on the table
— eventually finding out about his ~other~ job
— loosing your shit for a few weeks, but eventually hearing reason
— when rachel walked into your lives, you stood by him
— he and the rest of them taught you some basic fighting skills
— you all eventually became a little family
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
Edward: Recent evidence has shown that vampires may not be immune to COVID-19, so you better wear your MASK!
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
me age 12: oh god i missed a two millimeter spot of hair when i shaved i guess i'll go to the beach in five layers of clothing so no one notices
me now: Hello friends it is i Bigfoot #confirmed
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
The Passover Story in Memes
My family has an annual tradition of telling the story in a creative way so here it is, told through memes:
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
this is beautiful
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
no one:
the vegan teacher: this video
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
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grace-kellerman · 3 years
bi person: i headcanon this character as bi
y'all: ok
bi person: cool so [male character] is dating [female character] and they're both bi
y'all: lol shut up hettie these characters aren't straight
bi person:
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