holy shit its been a hot minute
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hello dark mode users :)
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Happy STS! How has your writing style changed since you started? What’s been the biggest challenge for you as of yet?
happy sts! my writing has changed SO much over the years. I’ve gotten much better at dialogue, its my favorite thing to write :)
i’d have the say the biggest challenge for me is sticking with wips and describing characters. i always forget to describe my characters while i’m writing, so then when i go back through i never know how anybody looks
thanks for the ask!
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this is amazing! i love your writing, the description and the characters seem so real! and this story sounds so cool, i love superheroes. could i be added to the taglist?
A Test Scene from my superhero WIP The Magician
~1400 words
After a couple weeks of completely ignoring the Magician, I finally realized what direction I wanted to take this story in! I wrote a little test scene just to make sure that the shift in tone is going to work out, and I was pretty happy with it, so I figured I’d share here.
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hi yes this sounds really cool and I would love to be on the taglist :D
Alright, I’m gonna introduce one more WIP, then I’ll have told y’all about all four of the projects I’ve been bouncing in between.
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The Grimm Realm - WIP Intro
Fun fact: This one actually has actually evolved from the book I wrote all the way back when I was twelve years old, though it has changed into something so different from the “original” version that they might as well not even be related.
–> GENRE: YA fantasy
–> POV: third person, past tense, dual POV
–> MAJOR THEMES: friendship, found family, magic, kindness, coming of age
–> FEATURES: visibly LGBT+ and disabled characters, an emphasis on non-violent problem solving, a wholesome brotherly relationship
–> STATUS: drafting
–> PREMISE:  In the early nineteenth century, the original brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, stumbled into another realm, where they traveled all over the land collecting stories that they could bring back and share with the people of our realm. Now, roughly two hundred years later, a couple of their descendants find their way back into the Grimm Realm.
Some quick character intros after the break
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*Technically* New Writeblr!
Hi! I’m Gray, you might remember me from my old blog, @writing-instead-of-fighting! I took a bit of an extended break, but I’m back now, and I have this new blog!
I currently have three main projects, one that has no name and I am currently calling Project July for camp nanowrimo, one that I am calling Something Isn’t What it Seems, and project kestrel! I talked a little about SIWS on my old blog, but not very much. Out of those three, i probably talked the most about project Kestrel.
anyway, i’m 16, she/her, i love to write, and my favorite food is spaghetti! i hope you’ll stick around as i try to write!
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Character Intros Part 3: TRICKS
WIP: Project Kestrel
nonbinary, Leo, ???, magic
Birthday: July 24
Age: ???
Sexuality: Aromantic
Likes: being mysterious, winter, magic, dragons, flying, colorful shirts
Dislikes: being mysterious, making decisions, nighttime
absolutely amazing could kill me and i’d be happy
Current Best Line(s):
“Oh darling,” Tricks said, eyes flashing pure gold, “whoever told you that you need wings to fly?”
@tenacious-scripturient, @sunlight-and-starskies, @quilloftheclouds, @ditzysworld (Please ask if you’d like to be added or removed!)
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Character Intros Part 2: KOLTEN
WIP: Project Kestrel
male, Tarus, centaur, angry boi
Birthday: May 19th
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: books, archery, fall leaves, the night sky
Dislikes: dragons, Kestrel (oof), snow, shirts (don’t ask)
tragic backstory™
Current Best Lines:
He frowned. “What’s wrong with it?” Is it defective?”
 “She’s a dragon, not a toy.”
“Then that’s your problem,” Kolten said, slinging his bow across his back.
@tenacious-scripturient, @sunlight-and-starskies, @quilloftheclouds, @ditzysworld
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Character Intros Part 1: KESTREL
WIP: Project Kestrel
female, Aries, human, the main character :)
Birthday: April 8th
Age: 14
Sexuality: Demisexual, but does not really like labels
Likes: Musicals, space (at least before… things ;)), her jacket, birds
Dislikes: Butterflies (it makes sense after a few chapters), labels, spinich, nail polish, long hair
A typical Gen Z kid
Current Best Lines:
“Uh-” I don’t think stranger danger is a legitimate problem when you’re most likely in another world, so I decided to be truthful. “Richmond. Virginia. Earth?”
I was going to have to majorly think about my life once this was all over, there’d been way too much crazy lately.
“Sorry! I’m Kestrel! I don’t know how I got here!”
“She’s a baby! You can’t call a baby defective!”
@tenacious-scripturient, @sunlight-and-starskies, @quilloftheclouds, @ditzysworld
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A Long Overdue Wip Intro…
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Project Kestrel:
Kestrel has never felt normal. She’s always felt out of place, like she wasn’t where she belonged, but she was never sure why. She has a perfect life, and a perfect family. 
But then… things start happening. Bad things, and Kestrel is thrust into danger. She very nearly dies, before she is saved by a power she never knew she had.
Kestrel jumps. Through reality, through space, all the way to another dimension. She doesn’t know how she did it. She wants to go back home.
But she can’t, not yet. She’s being chased, and she’s running out of time. This battle, this inter-dimensional war, has become her problem, and she has to fix it.
With the help of some new friends, of course.
Genre: fantasy, action, adventure, LGBTQ+ (maybe a bit of sci-fi?)
Themes: war, found family, (and more that I can’t think of right now asfag)
YA, told in both First person pov (kestrel) and third person limited pov (other characters)
Main Character: Kestrel
Character Intros coming soon!
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