grainthe2nd · 1 month
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grainthe2nd · 1 month
my only gripe with Argylle is that there was a perfectly legitimate and justified (narratively) opportunity to make Henry Cavill and John Cena kiss passionately and nobody took it
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grainthe2nd · 1 month
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THE LAST OF US - #It’s just deer meat
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grainthe2nd · 2 months
I like to think that Ed and Stede's favorite new hobbies will start as ways to help each other.
Ed devotes himself to learning to cook, because he wants Stede to always have a full tummy. Stede takes up baking because of how much Ed loves sweet things. Ed doesn't like helping Stede in the garden (dirty, sometimes he accidentally touches a worm) but he gets REALLY good at flower arrangements to keep their home beautiful. Stede learns to knit because Ed's feet are always cold in bed and he wants to make him warm socks.
Just...something about loving each other to the point of creation. Helping each other being a starting point to finding this concrete proof that their hands are capable of putting good things into the world.
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grainthe2nd · 2 months
they dont even know how man in chair i am rn
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grainthe2nd · 3 months
yeah so im not a wlw but im a bi guy slowly coming to terms with the fact that i deeply want to go bigfoot hunting with rhys darby and when we're deep into the pacific northwest woods many miles away from any civilization i want him to pin me against an ancient oak tree and make out with me passionately (and then we do also see bigfoot)
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grainthe2nd · 3 months
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wrecked ☼ the sexualization of steve rutherford
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grainthe2nd · 4 months
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(from Samba Schutte's instagram)
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grainthe2nd · 4 months
"Biden is funding a literal genocide!"
Yeah - and so will Trump. Like, if you don't vote for Biden, Trump will win, and he will continue to send aid to Israel - in fact, he will likely send MORE aid to Israel. That's the reality of the world we live in.
And, to be honest, any US president will support Israel. Because the USA is Israel's ally. That's how foreign policy works.
So who do you prefer?
Biden, who has helped lgbtq rights, reproductive rights, infrastructure, the environment, lowered medication costs, supported unions, and done MANY good, progressive things,
Or Trump, who we already know is awful. Who we already know will destroy any human rights Biden managed to gain. Who will not help the environment. Who will not help trans people, or immigrants, or women.
Because those are your two choices. And if you think they're the same, you are dangerous to all marginalized people.
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grainthe2nd · 4 months
One thing I think a lot of fic writers miss about Stede is that he can be ruthless.
A lot of the time, we assume "ruthless" is synonymous with "unkind" or even "cruel." Stede's neither of those things. But what ruthlessness really means is having a very clear understanding of what it takes to get from Point A to Point B and having no qualms about doing what it takes to achieve that.
People are mean to Ed? Stede wants them humiliated. He does not care what happens to them after they set their own boat on fire. He needs to escape with his crew? He does not care about drugging the Red Flag's crew to make them pass out and stealing their wheel, potentially stranding them in the open ocean. Ned Low insulted Ed and hurt the crew? Stede doesn't care that he's won, he doesn't care that he's neutralized any threat Ned posed, he wants him to pay for what he did, so he kills him anyway.
It's a fascinating aspect of his character that I rarely see writers lean into. Stede has his baggage but he's definitely not above doing morally questionable things without blinking an eye if it means he feels like he's protecting the people he loves or getting revenge for them.
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grainthe2nd · 4 months
So, when Stede tells Ed something about how he's never felt desirable before, Ed's probably not going to realize how deep that issue goes. Ed thinks Stede is so wonderful and hot and amazing that Stede talking about how he never felt like anyone ever thought he was attractive before is probably going to sound to him like Stede is just fishing for compliments. Maybe that Stede has some self-esteem issues at worst.
But then Stede's gonna tell him more, and it'll be these terrible stories about how other boys used to make fun of his appearance, or maybe he overheard Mary complaining to her friends about how Stede wasn't her type, maybe that he's kinda goofy-looking, and slowly Ed's gonna have to realize that Stede doesn't just have low self-esteem or issues with his appearance, he's telling the trueth. He's going to realize that, to Stede, it's an objective fact that he's not attractive.
And I want Ed to vocally and loudly confront that idea every chance he gets! He's loudly saying in bars, "wow, babe, every guy in here wants a piece of you! Too bad they CAN'T because you're MY boyfriend!!" He's going out of his way to compliment Stede's hair, and clothes, and point out things he loves, like the way Stede's nose wrinkles when he laughs. He might be laying it on a bit thick objectively but for Stede it's gonna work wonders.
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grainthe2nd · 4 months
bbc ghosts’ mike is the ultimate wife guy. accepts that his wife can see ghosts almost immediately and doesn’t really gaf. his wife makes him stop tasks or take the long way around otherwise simple things because of the ghosts that he can’t see and cannot tell are there and he’s chill. quits his job in a day because he had a nice phone call. his wife has to do a ghost funeral during an important event for their shared business and he pulls it off anyway. owns a bear. cool guy
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grainthe2nd · 4 months
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grainthe2nd · 4 months
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GHOSTS - S05E05 - Carpe Diem
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grainthe2nd · 5 months
Periodic reminder that Gwen Cooper loves Ianto and if you think otherwise, fuck off
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grainthe2nd · 6 months
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Made a Psalm for the Wild-Built phone wallpaper for myself, so y’all can have it too. If you haven’t read this book, read it now.
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grainthe2nd · 7 months
Current Status
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