grand-wyrmrest · 1 year
Send me the name of a muse you want to get to know better and I’ll give you a headcanon.
It could be a useless headcanon, could be a small one, could be one I’ve not found anything to do with yet, or one I’ve just not posted yet
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grand-wyrmrest · 1 year
* talk about your muse!
send 🍯 for a food headcanon
send🥛for a drink headcanon
send 🐢 for a mental health headcanon
send 🦄 for a physical health headcanon
send ⌛for a sleep headcanon
send 💕 for a love headcanon
send 💣 for a stress headcanon
send 😵 for a sickness headcanon
send 🤲 for a religious headcanon
send 🏡 for a home headcanon
send 🍬 for a family headcanon
send 💼 for a work headcanon
send ⛈️ for a sadness headcanon
send 😡 for an anger headcanon
send 💩 for a ridiculous headcanon
send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
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grand-wyrmrest · 1 year
send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully.
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grand-wyrmrest · 1 year
Has your ability altered or manifested in your physical appearance? (For Cami and Tulip)
"Oh? uh... hmmm..." Camilia ponders a moment as Tulip messes around in the background. "Kinda? I... er... Think so." She nods a bit. "I don't really know if this counts... But our eyes. I recently regained my... Anti-Magic aura, and when I activate it, my eye colour changes too a grey." She pointed too her iris with a finger. "Without it activated our eye colours match the elements we use."
Tulip perked up, finally looking over from her distraction. "Yeah! Though Using my Anti-magic doesn't change mine." She shrugs a bit. "But, then, when I use mine on my body it also changes colour."
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grand-wyrmrest · 1 year
Questions for ‘Extraordinary’ Muses
Questions for muses who have superpowers, psychic powers, medium abilities, magic, or any other power that is not considered ‘ordinary’.
When did you realize you had an ability?
Were you born with your ability?
Did you have to train or be educated to use your power?
Describe the first time using your talents.
Does anyone you know have similar powers at their disposal?
Have you ever been bullied, ostracized, or feared for being different?
Has your ability altered or manifested in your physical appearance?
Does everyone know about your power?
Is there anyone who doesn’t know and who you are afraid to tell?
Is having special abilities normal in your community/society?
Have you ever had an embarrassing moment while using your ability?
What is the hardest thing about having a special power?
What is the most useful thing?
Would you ever choose to give up your abilities?
Would you ever choose to trade your ability for another?
Does your power cause more good, or more harm?
What does it feel like when you use your talents?
Have you ever hurt yourself with one of your abilities?
Describe at least one of the things you can do in detail.
Do you find people are impressed by your abilities, or do they express a negative reaction?
Do you have limits of how much of your power you can use?
Have you ever had to hide your abilities around people who wouldn’t understand?
What is one of your favorite ‘tricks’ you enjoy doing with your power?
How did your family/friends/significant other react the first time they witnessed your abilities?
Do your powers cause you any discomfort?
Do you ever consider having a special ability to be a burden?
If you could give your abilities to one person for a day, who would it be?
Do you use your abilities on a daily basis?
Does it ever offend or exhaust you if someone asks for your help because of your special power?
Name one skill you haven’t yet perfected that you want to master.
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grand-wyrmrest · 1 year
*hands the noodles a plate of noodles*
"Huh...?" Tulip would take the late, frowning. Cami would huff. "... This... this is what we were awoken for...?" "At least its food!" Tulip nods happily. She do love food.
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grand-wyrmrest · 1 year
*pokes the noodles*
Camilia wakes up in a start, screaming a little, before staring. "What the f-" Tulip quickly cut her off by waking up and knocking her over. "Eh? Whaaaaa? Why're people here?"
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grand-wyrmrest · 2 years
Byurgle had keeled over laughing a bit, grinning from ear too ear, as he hugged himself a bit.
“Oh! Oh! Oh thats good! Hehehe!”
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grand-wyrmrest · 2 years
“I’ve been remembering people I knew a while ago.”
Cami leaned back against a tree, looking up to the sky, she frowned a little. She seemed to be in a bit of a somber mood.
“I thought about Remilia, she always scared me, I like to think I’ve grown stronger than I was back then... It feels like it was ages ago. Hmmm...”
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grand-wyrmrest · 2 years
Pasithea is napping with a 'plz come back later' sign.
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grand-wyrmrest · 2 years
Pasithea is curled up into a spikey ball in a corner. Nice and comfy, getting ready for a nap.
"Uncy Funfy tells me to avoid people today cuz they act weird... "
She would yawn a bit. "Thats ok... I think... I'll just nap... People can be weird today."
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grand-wyrmrest · 2 years
Pasithea... Weeps.
She hugs her own tail, surrounded by little objects and elements she'd brought to life, very unhappy.
"Just... Another sad dream..."
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grand-wyrmrest · 2 years
send me a symbol for our muses to be trapped together in an old, haunted: 
🏛️  ruin
🌲  forest 
🏰  castle
🏠  house
🏫  school 
⛪  church
⚰️  cemetery 
🏨  hotel / motel
🏢  office building 
🚜  barn / farm building
🏪  grocery store / c-store
652 notes · View notes
grand-wyrmrest · 2 years
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Just doodlin some idea's
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grand-wyrmrest · 2 years
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Just doodlin some idea's
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grand-wyrmrest · 2 years
“Maybe I should go try and visit some people... I wonder how much they’ve changed.”
Cami was sitting on a rock, leaning her elbow on a little spherical clay Golem, humming a little.
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grand-wyrmrest · 2 years
“We grow ever stronger in our time away...”
“But that bothers you, doesn’t it, don’t try to hide it1 I can tell! Cant hide nuthin from me!”
“The thought cant help but cross my mind... are we getting too strong? Growing too much...”
“I think you worry too much... Change is normal! We’re.. changing always.”
“Maybe... thats not a good thing...”
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