grapeyv · 30 days
Hey everyone everything is okay now, praise the Lord. We have new jobs we’re still getting married in 13 days and I finally got to finish watching Steven universe after 4 years of Hulu cockblocking me. ^_^ have a screenshot of a place in Roblox I made recreating my childhood bedroom. God is Good!!
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grapeyv · 30 days
Bruh it’s so easy to get a boyfriend, all I did was say “date me retard” to a random guy on Discord two years ago, and now I’m living in his parents’ house and we’re getting married in 2 weeks.
Pukicho how did you get a gf, this shit is hard
I honestly don't know. All I did was be handsome, charismatic, funny, talented, rich and nice and it sorta just worked out
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grapeyv · 2 months
Coming back from the dead to repub this one
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Here is the final result! I was too proud of my line art for once so I included it as well in the post :3 I actually finished it yesterday but I didn't expect the glazing process to take this long. I kept hearing about it so I wanted to give it a try. Also yes, this is why the texture might look weird in some places. I might sell it as a sticker one day so that you guys can benefit from the full resolution.
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grapeyv · 5 months
I finally finished it
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(I'm sorry about that)
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grapeyv · 5 months
Hi I don’t really use this blog for anything but reblogging stuff I like but I do have two other blogs @grapeyvscanvas and @mood-ring-fanfiction and those are the ones I treasure..
ANYWAY so uh update on my life, I finally moved out from living with my father like I’ve wanted since 2019, and while I am happy, I’ve basically just transferred into another undesirable situation. I’ve gained more weight (I used to be 180 lbs in 2022, now I’ve become 255 lbs), my fiance and I (oh yeah did I mention I’m engaged now?) were about to move into an apartment but ended up having a financial surprise because my fiancé’s car broke, so I had to move in with his parents, we were also going to get married that same month but when I came here I found out that his grandmother and aunts freaked out that we weren’t gonna have a wedding, and so we decided to had to plan for one to avoid family drama, and I also found out my fiance also wanted a wedding but I didnt listen to him because I was being selfish. I have more food options I can eat but it’s also still limited because his mother gatekeeps it all “for recipes”, I started having anxiety episodes almost every night due to my weight gain and it’s stressed me out a bunch, I had a job but then had to quit due to numerous undesirable working conditions and violations that I couldn’t handle contributing to, and now it’s super hard to find a job all of a sudden. My fiancé is now super stressed too because he just quit and got a new job but it pays way way less ($2 an hour but apparent tips are supposed to make up for it??? He barely gets any tips!!!). We have deadlines for multiple payments like car, attending my best friend’s wedding next month, a family reunion in August, our own wedding in September, and getting our own place to live in, and together right now we only have like $1 to our name.
It’s okay though, I’m not worried because now I have more options and opportunities, and I’m with my fiancé so I know we both can get through it. I just need to keep supporting him, calling him a good boy, and I just need to keep searching for jobs all day every day, and keep intermittent fasting. I’ve already lost 2 lbs after 9 days of fasting. Imagine how much more I could lose if I add in exercise…
Also I started using 4chan and it’s fun, I’m gonna post all the art I made in the past few months on my art blog @grapeyvscanvas okay byeeeeeeeeee
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grapeyv · 5 months
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This was such a dumb idea I'm sorry www
I was looking at the "Ezlo's Past" cutscene awhile ago and was kinda surprised by Ezlo's immediate negative reaction to Vaati's human form. The cursed thought of 『Vaati is a reverse furry』 has plagued my mind for awhile now so, I decided to redraw the "is that your fursona? thats cringe" meme with these two.
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grapeyv · 5 months
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Heeeeere it is :DDDDD it was a lot of fun aaaaa. Thank you everyone for having sent these suggestions!!!!
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grapeyv · 7 months
Half of these always helped me lol
So you don’t have to watch the video every time you need one of these hacks immediately:
1. If you feel nauseated, smell rubbing alcohol.
2. If you feel like throwing up, start humming.
3. If you have a runny nose, put your tongue to the roof of your mouth and press your thumb to your forehead for about 20 seconds.
4. If you have a headache, pinch the webbing between your fingers and rub it back and forth for about 1 minute.
5. If you’re lightheaded from standing up too quickly, clench your butt cheeks.
6. If your arm’s dead/has the pins and needles feeling, rock your head back and forth.
7. If you need to pee badly, think of sex to trick your brain and relieve the pressure.
8. If you have a migraine, stick your hands in ice water.
9. If you wanna calm your racing heart, blow on your thumb.
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grapeyv · 8 months
Hi I’m still alive, just having a bad existential crisis
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First meeting
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grapeyv · 11 months
Ur art is so pretty…
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Vaati after sizing up to human form for the first time and exploring the world of humans from a different angle.
I headcanon that even though he studied the malicious tendency of the human heart he forgot to prepare to actually become a human and he makes one weird mistake after the other at first.
Watch him admire the tiny size of everday objects and try to pay with things others than rupees until he realizes that he and his peers did hide rupees in the grass for a reason other than them being pretty lmaoo.
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grapeyv · 1 year
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A 10-foot room made from tape in 4 colours by Megan Geckler and a team of crafters. Via Creators Project.
While the end result of the artwork looks very digital and fabricated, when you see it in person, it becomes immediately obvious that this was crafted and you are aware of the amount of man-hours if must have taken to create.
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grapeyv · 1 year
At some point within the past 6 years I shipped this and I regret it
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Accidentally creates a crack ship whoops
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grapeyv · 1 year
Consider this reblog my second like
I love these kids they’re so quirky
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hello four swords adventures fandom. my brain is huge
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grapeyv · 1 year
This is more creative than anything I’ll ever make ❤️
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The colorful four have a run in with a very uncool hinox.
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grapeyv · 1 year
Me and me
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grapeyv · 1 year
This is the ending I’d like
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they won! yay! ive been trying to write this for WEEKS. im very happy with it.
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grapeyv · 1 year
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happy fs manga anniversary once again! i always wanted to try drawing them with earrings and capes and gloves
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