#poverty gang
grapeyv · 5 months
Hi I don’t really use this blog for anything but reblogging stuff I like but I do have two other blogs @grapeyvscanvas and @mood-ring-fanfiction and those are the ones I treasure..
ANYWAY so uh update on my life, I finally moved out from living with my father like I’ve wanted since 2019, and while I am happy, I’ve basically just transferred into another undesirable situation. I’ve gained more weight (I used to be 180 lbs in 2022, now I’ve become 255 lbs), my fiance and I (oh yeah did I mention I’m engaged now?) were about to move into an apartment but ended up having a financial surprise because my fiancé’s car broke, so I had to move in with his parents, we were also going to get married that same month but when I came here I found out that his grandmother and aunts freaked out that we weren’t gonna have a wedding, and so we decided to had to plan for one to avoid family drama, and I also found out my fiance also wanted a wedding but I didnt listen to him because I was being selfish. I have more food options I can eat but it’s also still limited because his mother gatekeeps it all “for recipes”, I started having anxiety episodes almost every night due to my weight gain and it’s stressed me out a bunch, I had a job but then had to quit due to numerous undesirable working conditions and violations that I couldn’t handle contributing to, and now it’s super hard to find a job all of a sudden. My fiancé is now super stressed too because he just quit and got a new job but it pays way way less ($2 an hour but apparent tips are supposed to make up for it??? He barely gets any tips!!!). We have deadlines for multiple payments like car, attending my best friend’s wedding next month, a family reunion in August, our own wedding in September, and getting our own place to live in, and together right now we only have like $1 to our name.
It’s okay though, I’m not worried because now I have more options and opportunities, and I’m with my fiancé so I know we both can get through it. I just need to keep supporting him, calling him a good boy, and I just need to keep searching for jobs all day every day, and keep intermittent fasting. I’ve already lost 2 lbs after 9 days of fasting. Imagine how much more I could lose if I add in exercise…
Also I started using 4chan and it’s fun, I’m gonna post all the art I made in the past few months on my art blog @grapeyvscanvas okay byeeeeeeeeee
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onebizarrekai · 6 months
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I'm trudging through the dsasks tag and I'm sorry it stands for WHAT???? AFTERMATH HANDS????
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dallasgallant · 3 months
Me, after watching: so you think his teacher sent him to a therapist after that?
Grandma: when’d you say this took place the 60s? People didn’t really do that - ready for that- they toughed it out
Me: thus *gestures at the Curtis gang and the various not good coping mechanisms*
Her: y e a h
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psychedelic-soul · 5 months
Gang of Four - To Hell With Poverty
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glosackmd · 3 days
INDIA10942 by a Psychiatrist's view Via Flickr: •“In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.” — ... •“An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.” — ... •“The opposite of poverty is not wealth; the opposite of poverty is enough.” ------------------------------- pleading for alms @ traffic stops New Delhi Photography’s new conscience linktr.ee/GlennLosack
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tetsunabouquet · 1 year
Could you do some headcanons for Hanamiya, Imayoshi and Nash's future as you did for the gom?
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warnings: mentions of organized crime
Like Haizaki, in his twenties he will have his blackest moments and probably will work to redeem himself, but the mistakes in his twenties that he is going to make are obviously much different. Hanamiya isn't a player, Hanamiya is a sadistic fucker. I definitely think he will end up being involved in some shady underground deals that can benefit him. If he continues playing basketball, I can definitely see Hanamiya dealing performance enhancing drugs through the dark web to his opposing team and getting them disqualified for it all the whilst leaving no trace of himself in the process.
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warnings: mentions of gambling
We know Imayoshi's into horse races without gambling, so it wouldn't be far fetched to think upon adulthood he'd actually start betting money on races. He'll fall into the rabbit hole of gambling as a result, trying his hand on poker next. His habit of doing what everyone hates kind of helping him win but it does him a disservice as by the age of 30 he's struggling with a serious gambling addiction.
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warnings: mentions of violence and gang culture
Jabberwock is like I said in an earlier post, a team I see that was formed on the streets and they definitely seem like a team that has beef and fights with the local gangs. This will probably continue onto in adulthood. I definitely feel like at least 1 of their team members will get stabbed or shot someday. Nash arguably being the most intelligent, he has the most chance to making it out alive from this culture. If he ever manages to turn his life and career around for the better, I see Nash being involved with keeping kids from his neighborhood off the streets by teaching them basketball and donating some of the money he gets from games he wins to sport centers in poverty ridden districts.
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remembertheplunge · 6 months
You must really love your work
August 21, 2014. Thursday 2:34am
“As the trial deepens and broadens, I back off from group, from MAC, from Zoe.
When a friend of mine learned how little I earn, $95 an hour doing the Mendosa jury trial, he said “You must really love your work.” I do. Tony Serra and I do it (criminal law practice) for free. He told me he took s vow of poverty.”
End of entry
I wrote the above as a margin note to the following taken from the book Solitude by Anthony Starr at page 75:
“But this does not mean that solitary, creative pursuits are themselves pathological.”
The Mendosa jury trial was a 6 co defendant gang murder case. I represented Lisandro Mendosa. The trial lasted from August 4, 2014 to January 28, 2015. It ended with a hung jury and a mistrial was declared. Trial is an all consuming experience. Personal relationships and outside group activity diminish.Your whole being is dedicated to the trial experience.Tony Serra, a well know San Fransisco attorney, represented one of the co defendants in the trial. Mr. Serra turned 80 during the trial. MAC lived with me at the time and Zoe was my sister.
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amandashaped · 2 years
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“To hell with poverty, we’ll get drunk on cheap wine!” Hi, hello, it’s me!! The guys are FINALLY up in the shop. Find my Gang of Four tribute and other such printed delights in the shop. 🎸
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miiilowo · 1 year
*Goes to send you a sorry to hear what you're going through asks*
*Sees 17 on your blog, all your art flashes through my eyes, and I die on the spot*
On a serious note. I'm really sorry you're going through that milo, and especially at that age. It's real tough, and I know from experience, but it'll get better. When it does things will feel better! There will still be ups and downs, but things will be better eventually
im literally just a little guy i dont deserve this
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prismportrait · 1 year
the Unova games are the best games to ever come out with the subject around the United States of America, and no one will ever change my mind on that
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clatterbane · 1 year
A nice little sing-along for everyone this evening.
That's it, that's the lyrics! 7+ minutes of "Fuck Neoliberal Policy": Swedish Edition, essentially.
It does also make a pretty good summary title for that whole album.
[Autotranslated link, btw.]
Similar vibe harking back to the Thatcher era, which I sorta doubt is a complete accident:
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poz-patrol · 1 year
Max Payne 3 Fan Art
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industrybuzz · 2 years
Elected Government is Dead in Haiti
It's basically a political tyranny and daily-life anarchy situation in Haiti right now.
No elected government is left in Haiti, as the impoverished country sinks under gangs, disease, and starvation. Repeated failed attempts to hold elections left Haiti in a precarious position – only 10 out of 30 senators were left in their parliament, and those had no power and no longer convened. And the terms of those 10 expired on Monday night, meaning that the country has tipped over that…
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ennobaka · 1 year
Wondering what I would've been like if I had been born in abject poverty 🤔
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glosackmd · 5 months
INDIA4318 by a Psychiatrist's view Via Flickr: Sai Baba an Indian spiritual master and fakir, considered to be a saint In Anjuna Goa Photography’s new conscience linktr.ee/GlennLosack
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Dorsal Atlântica  -  Fighthing in Gangs
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