grayscale-feline · 10 years
Letting out a quiet purr at the pats, Ravage wouldn't admit to it, but he might enjoy some friendly affection. Nothing too drastic; the helm pets would do just fine if given in a larger quantity. Normally at this time of the night he was busy preening Laserbeak, who would in turn rest her wings over him for the night's recharge, hmm...
"Music composition is far from a "stupid" activity, comrade Frenzy," he argued, lifting his helm some. "I would like to hear your music."
Oh, but he would. It intrigued him that the other had managed to keep this hobby a secret for so long.
Not particularly, and it kept the feline from becoming terribly concerned. Not about his activities, even if he was still curious. “I am functioning,” he returned, laying and settling his helm in Frenzy’s lap. Perhaps he was not the most emotive of the four deployers, but Ravage did miss their master… and Laserbeak.
If Blaster did not return Soundwave in working order soon, then perhaps he would have to give him a good reminder why he did not cross them, hm?
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grayscale-feline · 10 years
Not particularly, and it kept the feline from becoming terribly concerned. Not about his activities, even if he was still curious. "I am functioning," he returned, laying and settling his helm in Frenzy's lap. Perhaps he was not the most emotive of the four deployers, but Ravage did miss their master... and Laserbeak.
If Blaster did not return Soundwave in working order soon, then perhaps he would have to give him a good reminder why he did not cross them, hm?
Ravage flicked his tail at the greeting, carefully aligning himself closer. It interested him to know what, precisely, had his comrade so distracted. Was it of human origin, or perhaps something the blue subject gave him?
"Subject Steeljaw has grown rusty, and I tire of our game," he voiced. "Interested in comrade’s state of being."
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grayscale-feline · 10 years
Ravage flicked his tail at the greeting, carefully aligning himself closer. It interested him to know what, precisely, had his comrade so distracted. Was it of human origin, or perhaps something the blue subject gave him?
"Subject Steeljaw has grown rusty, and I tire of our game," he voiced. "Interested in comrade's state of being."
Oh, he was wanted, and the jaguar found and sat next to him. His game of evading Steeljaw had finally bored him, so perhaps Ravage thought he would see to his fellow deployer.
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grayscale-feline · 10 years
Oh, he was wanted, and the jaguar found and sat next to him. His game of evading Steeljaw had finally bored him, so perhaps Ravage thought he would see to his fellow deployer.
If anyone wants Frenzy, he’s going to be sitting by himself, pouring over a datapad. 
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
Ravage was pleased by this response, and knew what Soundwave said to be true. If it had been possible, yes, the feline would have sent things less anonymously, however he hadn't wanted Rumble to become agitated with him for sending such a thing; twas counterproductive.
Comrade -- Neither of us are of many words, but I must send thank yous. It is not my place to question a superior officer, yet it is troubling to see my other comrade so ill of spirit. You may not know your presence helps, but I am much appreciative... 'till our next meeting.
[[…Indeed.  You are probably welcome.]]
[[Though he would be better able to return a compliment if he knew (without all the time it takes to check) who you were.]]
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
“Not me—them,” Ravage corrected, highly aware of the circling tactic and what it meant. Very well, it could not be said that he hadn't at least attempted communications before starting a fight. That was well enough for him, even if his whole intent was, in fact, to clash with Ramhorn. Waiting for the point he was furthest away, the cyberfeline knew better than to attack him head on at first; no, he'd be prepared for that.
Instead, using that wound energy, Ravage jumped away, awaiting a charge. Whether or not Ramhorn was going to follow his own set rule was to be seen, but the jaguar had no intention of using anything past his own physical might. No weapons. He'd had no real want to severely injure Blaster's deployer, nay, just rough him up for his stupidity. That was far enough, although if push came to shove he would defend himself.
You scratch me; I rend you
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
Compiling various data and recordings in his databanks, Ravage would at least take this time to be useful. There was much yet he retained to give to Soundwave, and it would be much more efficient if all of it was sorted and cataloged before his dock. Normally, Soundwave would file them as he pleased, however with the influx of stress and duties, this was something the deployer would task himself with, instead.
Biolights humming and flaring as things were carefully puzzle-pieced together, it took time, shuttering his optics to help further the process. No need to take a visual display and feed the flame, hmm? It probably looked as if he'd fallen into recharge on the spot, but never be fooled; the jaguar was more than alert, dear Allen.
Ravage? (kitty? :3 ~)
'Allen?' Ravage parroted, knowing this mech could only want so many things..
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
“Fight, possible, but subject Ramhorn does not listen well,” Ravage was not intimidated by the new bipedal rhinoceros. He did not back down, nor take a step behind. No, he held his ground, but was not foolish enough to not be prepared to dodge an incoming blow. If past experience was anything to dwell on, Ramhorn was powerful and had a mean charge, however he was not nearly as agile or fleet of foot as Ravage. That was his advantage, staring down the menace.
Perhaps while both were in quadruped this Ravage was larger, but the unexpected turn of biped was something to be calculated for. Yet, the jaguar was fearless; the only thing to fear was fear itself, therefore.. he was cold. His entire being enveloped in a collected fury, legs underneath coiled and wound to pounce. Taut, like a mainspring in the clockwork of a fine watch, he was confident. Confident in his abilities, and wanting to teach the other deployer a lesson.
“Unacceptable,” he added to his previous thought.
You scratch me; I rend you
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
You scratch me; I rend you
He left his post with the flick of a tail. Surveying the new Frenzy and his contacts had become a light priority just under making sure his own Rumble didn't do something stupid.. needless to say, the feline was very passively livid. Whatever it was, he did not care, but Ramhorn's gall and inherent lack of loyalty irked him in ways the jaguar hadn't thought possible. It was very rare that he was angry, preferring coldness to outright rage, so this was a situation he felt the need to resolve.
Comrade Rhino was being unacceptable.
Finding him wasn't terribly difficult, either. Ravage may be no Steeljaw, but he didn't need the lion's added skills to find this mecha. He was, well, obvious.
“Subject Ramhorn,” Ravage beckoned, voice cold—efficient. Launching an ambush may have been a well-enough idea, but presently he would only be readied for battle. A fight would be started as soon as it was wont to.
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
((It's being brought. 9u9 /scuttles to write starter
((Woah there, pussycat. Why are you getting pissed off? .-.
((Reading Ramhorn and Eject’s current thread, and Ravage really just.. wants to knock Ramhorn’s block off. Really bad. He’s quietly seething in my mindspace.
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
Peace and quiet was good--a thing that not many agreed with him and his master on. Even Laserbeak was terribly chatty, comming him with odd complaints and otherwise keeping his processor busy with her endless banter. But, ah, he was close to the bird deployer, so Ravage didn't mind too terribly. At the very least it kept her from whining at Soundwave proper.
Padding closer to Allen, the jaguar decided to rest briefly, tucking his forepaws underneath himself for warmth.
Ravage? (kitty? :3 ~)
'Allen?' Ravage parroted, knowing this mech could only want so many things..
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
Not much for talk, he returned the sentiment letter for letter. Perching himself more comfortably within his room's confines, his tail flicked, thinking over what else there was to say. Inquire?
'Reason for contact?' He asked, more curious than stiff.
projectb3ll waits in the shadows
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
the awakening
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
'To what end?' Ravage countered, sweeping himself into a sitting position. Possible offensive action could still be taken, however this, he hoped, would display to the other further that he was uninterested. Whether or not the shadowy deployer approved of his alternate was immaterial to how he wished to proceed, after all.
cassetticon-chaos waits in the shadows
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
Interesting, yes, he accepted the transmission. For the moment, Ravage was only wasting time, besides. Without much of anything to report, why not interact with the multiverse a little? It may just prove useful.
projectb3ll waits in the shadows
Designation: Unknown Status: Pending
Who was this? By any thought it appeared to be Arcee, but the reading he’d gotten over comm was.. different. Hm. Further investigation would be necessary for this one.
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
'You do not,' Ravage returned, relaxing only just. Was it that surprising to be rendered suddenly inert? Skeptical of his alternate, he silently judged the other jaguar's prowess as a deployer. If such little things perturbed her then.. hm.
'But you do not know if it is a lie, either.'
cassetticon-chaos waits in the shadows
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grayscale-feline · 11 years
Who is your biggest follower?
Inquiry: AcknowledgedResult: Cassettelordz
[Unless, of course, the anon meant physically, because then that would be rewarded to the alternate Skywarp.]
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