greentyphlo · 4 years
Why I STOPPED Watching Tyranitar Tube
B4 we start mention who u want next
-use to watch him a while back (5 years ago)
It looks like he has delt with toxicity in his comments and discord. I can’t say much because he can’t control his whole fanbase. As long as he isn’t perpetuating and spreading it, its all good
Honestly I don’t know why I stopped but that is what I am going to be looking into.
So First I’m going to talk about what a great channel this is:
Looking at his channel now compared to a while ago it’s not all too different, let's talk more about his current videos in this review.
His webcam is amazing
So a staple of his channel, more than other who do this is the extreme randomizer nuzlocke. I would say these are good.
Problem: Skeptics ----> seeing a legendary in every title and thumbnail might make others think its fake, me not saying it.
Unlike poketips he's never been caught faking so if anyone accuses him they won’t have the best argument.
Bad thing about his randomizers is that they fall to the let’s play format: this is a whole thing that I plan to elaborate on in a future video but to keep it short he falls victim to a stale overdone boring format that has been used for the last decade.
Like the way he shows the pokemon, looks nice
He also does a bunch of other lets plays of fan games. I think once you take away the extreme factor and make it a regular let's play or nuzlocke he just becomes another one of the people doing let's plays. For those who say “What about his personality” I’ll address that later
His wheel videos: Something new or something that hasn’t been seen much in the pokemon community and at the very least it hasn’t been done to death. He does it well, keeps the flow going and even raises the stakes with forfeits.
He does cover some pokemon news stuff
Personality. He keeps it semi-real. He’s not as bad as those who put on some fake personality but sometimes I feel like he's pandering to a younger audience just in his mannerisms. But that could just be who he is.
Seems like he has done some leak videos in the past. From the ones I am looking back at 2 years ago it seems like he clickbaits a bit but he doesn't stretch it to ten minutes. It’s bad but not as bad as other poketubers.
Why I stopped: This plays back in his personality or how he presents himself. I personally get the vibe that at times he panders to kids so odds are I just grew out of his content. Also he had a stretch where he did a lot of stuff besides pokemon. Also the lets play format. Especially with an extreme randomizer. Getting invested in one and going to the next is a little bit overbearing but to be fair that has nothing to do with him.
Overall this is a pretty good channel. Over the years he kept it kinda consistent. I feel like his personality is very hit or miss though
Rating: Watch the video to find out 
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greentyphlo · 4 years
Best Team For Pokemon Insurgence (Part 1)
This is part one of the best team for pokemon insurgence. I will be talking about 3 of the members. Last time I did the best starter. Enjoy and I did a video on this so check that out at the end if you don't feel like reading.
Marowak is found in Telnor Cave. Can handle the first gym. While it will struggle versus the grass types you will easily defeat the fire types in the first gym. However, Ivysaur will be a real nightmare. However, it only has the move sludge so it's not like it can hit delta venusaur too hard. Now the next gym despite having weak types like bug and poison. However here is where our marowak, where it will actually be fully evolved, shines. The reason why it shines is because it can take on mega beedrill. It can also take on heracross and shuckle. This team truly needed an early ground type. However in this best team that’s really the only thing marowak was needed for. However after this gym it is not completely useless. This pokemon actually compliments delta venusaur really well. One gym that delta venusaur struggles with. The flying type gym leader has a talonflame that delta venusaur could struggle with, but marowak could handle it especially if you stumble across some rock coverage before the gym leader. There is an electric steel type gym leader in this game and delta venusaur, as you would imagine, does not handle this gym. Now Marowak would completely body this gym. The only pokemon it struggles with is rotom wash. However delta venusaur might have energy ball by this time so you should be able to easily take care of this pokemon. After this it doesn't perform too well against the last two gym leaders. Now when looking at the cults the types are interesting. Obviously you lose to the water type, I believe it is called the perfection cult. Dark and flying you don’t really need to worry about because delta venusaur has us covered. I want to talk about the elite four but in order to do that I’m first going to need to talk about marowak’s mega. . That’s right in this game marowak is capable of mega evolving. It also gets a very broken ability in parental bond. If you don’t know this allows you to hit twice on any move. This can guarantee you will break many sashes and destroy a lot of pokemon. This mega is a complete improvement over regular marowak. You have more special defense, defense, and attack than before. While mega venusaur will be our primary option throughout the game. Now onto the elite four, mega marowak will be very good in the first and last elite four fight. For the baton pass elite four you will completely own this elite four now that you have ghost stab. You will be very good against Espeon and slowbro. Hitting twice will most likely guarantee a kill on slowbro. You can also kill smeargle because you will break its sash then kill it on the second hit. Also you will kill blaziken before it starts speed boosting and destroys you. For the last elite four mega evolution is optional. You are slower than the elite four’s morwak when they mega evolve but I don’t really think that would help. You will definitely be able to kill mega reuniclus and prevent trick room setup to a minimum. For the champion you don’t do much. Now you do learn shadow sneak so that could help in finishing off some pokemon that will probably be left on low health. For Moves I gave it:
Shadow Sneak
Phantom Force
Rock Slide
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Hawlucha is next. This pokemon is available on route 9. You get this pokemon at the perfect time. Right before the steel-electric type gym. This means you will have a strong fighting type pokemon to take on this gym. While you are part flying type you can either beat the cpu with marowak or you could launch some super strong high jump kicks. In the water gym you will be useful in taking out heliolisk, marowak can’t because it has surf and if rain is not up then you can easily take out kabutops. In the dark gym hawluch a will also be able to hold its own easily. In combination with mega venusaur taking out this gym will be very easy. With the cults you can beat the dark cult and some members of the cult that uses fire, ground, and rock type, I’m sorry I forgot the name. The real reason hawlucha is on this team is because of what it is able to do in the elite four. So far in this best team the middle members of the elite four didn’t really have any good answers. Hawlucha provides us with that. When looking at the sandstorm elite four members you can body 3 out of the 6 members. These are tyranitar, cacturne and excadrill. Tyranitar is a really good one to defeat because it is one of the sandseters on that team. For the ice type elite four you are weak to the type but at the same time you demolish it. While there are certain members like delta trevenant and starmie that you really don’t want to take on, our next member will easily be able to take care of them. Now onto the champion fight. You can destroy tyranitar which is a bigger deal in this battle because it is wearing armor. Also it has no real good attacks to one hit ko you with besides giga impact so you could even set up on this pokemon. Now your fighting stab will help you take out two major threats. These are choice specs kyurem, which is very strong, and delta haxorus. We can’t use morwak because the haxorus has a shuca berry. Hawlucha can also take on delta volcarona if you set up with it. Hawlucha, like a lot of pokemon on this team play very small but important roles. Hawlucha is on this team over other fighting types because it can have the unburden ability and it has a very high speed tier. Also you get it just at the right time during your journey. For moves I gave it:
Swords Dance
Flying Press
High Jump Kick
Steel Wing
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Delta Typhlosion is next. While I am happy I finally get to put typhlosion on a best team it is not here because it is a typhlosion. When looking at this team and the matchups they still struggle against I found out a certain type combination would really help this team .That type combination is electric and steel. Before we get to that I want to tell you guys how to get this pokemon. Delta Cyndaquil is found in the Satellite corps. While this sounds simple it is not a wild encounter. You have to complete a puzzle in order to obtain it. For now I am going to assume you obtain this pokemon in the main game and I really hope that it isn’t post game. If it is then someone please tell me in the comment section below. Anyways if we get it at level twelve then that will be before the first gym. This is the answer to those grass types that morwak and delta ivysaur won’t be able to handle. Now when looking at the flying type gym leader this team has trouble fighting skarmory. By this point in the game we will have a delta typhlosion. Since it has electric stab it will easily be able to take out that skarmory. You are a steel type, so the next gym, which is fairy type, will stand no chance against typhlosion. The steel gym isn't really in your favor but if you really need to use typhlosion you can go ahead and do it. When you fight the psychic/ghost type gym leader you can put in some work versus some of the pokemon. Specifically sableye, cresselia, and even gothitelle. However they all have calm mind so if you don’t kill them quickly you could become set up faughter. Now let’s look at the water type gym.Here you will absolutely shine. This pokemon as you would guess will do great. You will be able to defeat manaphy which is very important, politoed which is the primary rain setter on the team, so killing that would be amazing, and kabutops. If you send delta typhlosion out against kabutops keep in mind that it does get low kick which is super effective against typhlosion. Since typhlosion is steel type you will do very good against the ice type elite four. You will be a great answer to starmie and all the other ice types on that team. You can also put big dents in the baton pass elite four team and destroy certain pokemon on the trick room team. In the final battle typhlosion is really good because you can easily take on delta volcarona and when you are fighting the insanely powerful shadow mewtwo can effectively switch into psyshocks and ice beams. However, it is important to note that it does have flamethrower. Delta Typhlosion is good in the midgame but it overall serves a very niche purpose. Regardless it is a pokemon that will help you in so many matchups. For moves I gave it:
Flash Cannon
Energy Ball
Thunder Wave
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greentyphlo · 4 years
WolfeyVGC: CRINGE or BEST Poketuber
Today I am doing a poketuber review on wolfey vgc. I will just give you some of my thought process when I was making this video. These are my first impression notes but if you want my full thought out ideas on him I would suggest you watch the video that will be put in the bottom of this post. Here we go:
(Also some points that seem vague here are elaborated in the video.
The reason why I said cringe: people don’t seem to like him. Tbh idk why. This is just what I would assume. Only cringey thing is that he pronounces videos with a w sound. Assuming that's intentional if not then I apologize
Why he is the best poketuber:
-the way he came up: used title as VGC champion in a smart way, collabed with bigger poketubers
Talking about his content overall
-intros can sometimes be cringe, can see how they are but they are funny for the mostpart (tries to add something new to the intro each time)
-keeps it real during his vids (can imagine if the cameras are off he would still talk like that when battling (appreciate that)
-noob friendly- wolfy explains a lot of stuff to newer players and seems welcoming of them
It does more than just battle. He challenges himself with using certain pokemon
Issues with his channel
Seeing him make some kind of emotion in every thumbnail is kind of annoying. It seems a bit exaggerated but that’s obviously the point. Personal nitpick of mine
Video times are hella inconsistent- not a lot of people like 40min to 1hr videos. I definitely could see how it could turn a new viewer off.
Honestly, this is probably a me thing put sometimes his videos fail to keep me watching for the whole way.
Overall: Not the best poketuber but I actually like this channel. If you want to try out vgc or competitive battling in general this is the place to go. Rating
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greentyphlo · 4 years
Best Starter For Pokemon Insurgence
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Hello people of tumblr today I will be telling you guys the best starter for pokemon insurgence. I did a youtube video on this and the link will be down below so I would greatly appreciate it if you guys would check out that video, especially if you don’t feel like reading any of this. Here we go:
Delta Charizard is the worst starter for pokemon insurgence. Despite being the worst starter it’s really not because it is really bad. The other two outclass it. Delta Charizard has the dragon ghost type. Naturally based on its typing you can assume this pokemon is going to be an offensive juggernaut. Additionally it gets a strong mega that replicates the stats of mega charizard Y. That means it has a sky high special attack stat. When looking at this charizard’s matchups here is what you need to know: It has only two good matchups. As you can tell this is bad. It shines against the fire type gym leader, which for the most part has a bunch of pokemon that revolve around abusing the sun. So as you would expect this gym leader will mostly be using fire types and grass types with the chlorophyll ability. Even though you have the natural advantage you can still be destroyed by the gym leaders charmeleon with dragon pulse. The other good match up it has is the psychic/ghost gym leader. You can most likely destroy this team with ease but this gym leader does have a whole cresselia and a gengar which will outspeed charizard even if it's in its mega form.The gym leader is definitely charizards weakest point throughout the game. In insurgence I think, please correct me if i am wrong but the evil teams are replaced with cults. Each cult more or less has a specific group of types that they like to use. Charizard is good against none of them. To make it even worse it is bad against two of them. The dark cult needs no explanation but the dragon cult needs to be explained a bit more. While charizard is able to beat other dragon types it also loses to them. Here is how this basically works. If the dragon type charizard faces is below base 100 speed your good, if it isn’t then good luck. To cap this whole charizard talk off let’s talk about the elite four. Here it is not bad, rather it's very good. Versus the baton pass elite four team it can break through espeon and slowbro and since it has sky high attack with its mega it will probably be able to break through them even if they have boosted defenses. Fighting sand is actually bad because the sand guy has two dark type pokemon. You don’t really wanna fight the hail team for obvious reasons, I mean it learns flamethrower but it still isn’t the best idea. Then the trick room team matchup works like this: if they have trick room set up you are at a complete disadvantage but if its not set up then you are good to go. Overall Charizard is not the best in this game but it has such a good design to the point where I would say use it if you want a cool looking pokemon but for this best team it is not recommended for use.
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Delta Blastoise is not the best starter but it is a pretty good midground. It has the dark fighting type which like charizard makes for a pretty good offensive typing. Delta Blastoise has some great stab moves like aura sphere and dark puls. It even has priority in vacuum wave. This pokemon has some pretty good matchups throughout the game, but none of them occur in the early game. Sun is not a good look for you and bug poison resists your stab moves. The next gym involves the fairy type which if you couldn’t tell based on its typing, delta blastoise will get shitted on by fairies. The gym before that isn’t a favorable matchup either. Things will get kinda better in the next gym. It uses steel types which delta blastoise would naturally have a good matchup against. Honestly delta blastoise could beat every member of this team without breaking a sweat. This team has no real coverage for delta blastoise and add in some mega evolution action and this team stands no chance at all. The next gym is also pretty good for blastoise. The dark gym also looks really good for this pokemon except the gym leader has a choice scarf tyranitar with superpower and that will probably kill blastoise. Now this pokemon also has a ton of sweeping potential with its mega. It has the ability shadow dance which is like swift swim but for a dark type terrain. As you could imagine, stab dark pulses coming off of that special attack stat will punch some holes in several teams. Now when looking at the cults you are kinda good against one of them because they use rock types, you are very good against the dark cult, but you will be very bad against the cult that uses dragon and flying types. The elite four is very interesting because you are only extremely good against one elite four typing which is ice. In the baton pass elite four member you can beat some of their psychic types but you will struggle against sylveon and blaziken. To keep this one short blastoise is very average. It has a handful of very good matchups but at the same time delta blastoise struggles in so many parts of the game. Truthfully this pokemon misses the water typing. It is powerful and can definitely put in the work throughout the game. If you are a die hard blastoise fan then go with it but for the best team it is not recommended for use.\
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Venusaur is the best starter for pokemon insurgence. Either you have narrowed it down and you left the video or you are an outrage blastoise or charizard fan that demands to know why venusaur is the best starter. Well the obvious answer is that it has a great typing that will give it several crucial and meaningful matchups throughout the game. Before we get to that i wanna talk about three amazing components this pokemon has. First delta venusaur is still capable of learning grass type moves. While delta charizard and blastoise can do the same with their original typings for delta venusaur it means so much more. There is a certain water type gym leader in the game that just from the eye test looks borderline unbeatable. This gym leader has a plethora of water types with swift swim but that’s not the unbeatable part. This gym leader has a manaphy with tail glow. With energy ball you may actually be able to stand a chance against this gym leader. Also they have a dragonite and delta venusaur now has the fairy typing which means dragonite will easily be taken care of. Second I would like to talk about the very, very good stab move that mega venusaur gets. This is psycho boost which is also known as the signature move of deoxys. This means you will have a very powerful stab move that will most likely destroy any matchup that has a neutral typing. This complements mega delta venusaur and its ability. You will have a very beefy special attack stat and more importantly you have a very good new ability. This is known as hurbis. This can be compared to moxie. However instead of getting an attack boost for each kill you will get a special attack boost. For the other gym leaders here are some great matchups for you. The bug gym kinda because bug type attacks are neutral and you will have stab psychic moves to destroy a lot of pokemon. Next you go on to the flying gym. In this gym you will destroy anything with a dragon typing. While you may suffer against scarm we will have other teammates. Also I think it goes without saying but you will do very well against the dark gym. You only need to watch out for drapion. You can manage to beat the cult members. With the right amount of coverage all four of them will be easy to take on. You can beat two of them based on your stab alone. The elite four is interesting. With grass coverage you can beat the sand team. The baton pass team might be difficult but if you get several special attack boosts you can break through easily even if they raise their defenses. Also venusaur can handle most of the trick room member teams like jellicent and conkeldurr. This pokemon is without a doubt the best starter for pokemon insurgence. For moves I gave it:
Psycho Boost
Energy Ball
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