greerkingstcn · 4 years
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{ ♪ } Meet GREER KINGSTON, who is THIRTY years old and a LIVESTOCK VET AT THE KINGSTON RANCH. She was born in WILMINGTON, NC and now calls MURRAYVILLE her home. You might have heard that she can be COMPASSIONATE & ADVENTUROUS, but also be STUBBORN & VENGEFUL. This is HER story.
trigger warning: death, overdose, child abandonment (ish), addiction, drugs
Growing up the middle child and oldest daughter of Olivia and CK Kingston, Greer often found herself feeling a little lost. She wasn’t burdened with the responsibility her eldest brother, the future owner of their family’s prized ranch, and she wasn’t the doted on baby of the family. She was, quite frankly, the seemingly forgotten middle child of the Kingston family and when she was little she found that she much preferred it that way. Born fiercely independent, she was able to make her own decisions, run about the ranch without expectations and responsibilities, without her mother watching every move she made in hopes she didn’t get hurt; she truly was carefree and she thrived in it.
While her parents didn’t hover over her like they did her siblings, it didn’t mean they didn’t care and didn’t spend time with their oldest daughter. The young child was easily a daddy’s girl, a fact made all too certain whenever her mother would ask her to complete a task she didn’t want to do. A young Greer would always turn to CK, eyes pleading, and his reaction gauged whether or not that task would be completed. Oftentimes her gaze was met with stern eyes telling her to do as she’s told, but there were a few times, much to Olivia’s dismay, that the man took pity on his first daughter and would simply wave her off to play. In fact, her relationship with her father was the reason Greer Kingston got into the only activity she’s ever spent more than a year on: show jumping.
After a long business trip away when Greer was ten, her father came home with presents for each of his young children. She can’t remember what either of her siblings had gotten, but she remembers her gift. After the other children were presented with their presents, Greer was led out to the barn where a beautiful white Dutch Warmblood was waiting for her. An incredibly excited Greer gave her father a hug before jumping onto the horse bareback and taking off into the fields. As the pair galloped throughout the property, the ten year old, only having a bridle to hold on to, tried to pull back on the reins as they approached a fallen log, but the horse she’d named Lion had other ideas and jumped the obstacle with ease.
After racing back to the barn and excitingly telling her mother and father the news of what had just happened, Greer and Lion set off on the journey of competitive show jumping. With the best trainers and coaches in the state of North Carolina in her corner (along with, as she would say, her natural talent), Greer easily placed second in her first ever competition. Never having been an incredibly competitive person, something inside of the young woman switched on after that and show jumping with Lion became her life until she was seventeen years old.
They were at a competition doing a walk through of the course they’d be competing on later that day, her coach was leading them through the various jumps, the pair developing a strategy of timing for the series of jumps when Lion collapsed suddenly with Greer on his back. He’d fallen on her leg, causing the bone to break, but that was the least of her concerns as she pulled the broken limb free with the help of her trainer and crawled up to the animal’s head, ignoring the pain and cradling his muzzle in her lap while screaming for help. There was blood in his nostrils and Greer knew what that meant: Epistaxis. It was like her entire world stood still for the fifteen minutes it took for a vet to get to them, the seventeen year old rider refusing all medical attention for herself until Lion could be looked at. He was young, only 11 years old, and had always had amazing medical care at the ranch. Their vet, Scott, was trusted by their entire family to care for all of the animals on their property and even he couldn’t have predicted the chain of events that lead to this moment. Not only did the horse collapse, but in the fall he’d broken one of his legs. They were able to coax him back into a standing position, Greer only allowing herself to be taken to the hospital once she was sure that Lion was going to be in the best hands possible. It was there, while she was waiting for her cast to be put on, that Greer learned of Lion’s fate. Her mother came in, having just gotten off of the phone with her father, and she knew just by the look on the woman’s face. It was the first time Greer had ever broken down, collapsing into her mother’s warm embrace as she cried, mourning the loss of her best friend. Little did she know that not only was it not going to be the only hardship she faced that year, but it was also the end of her show jumping career.
She’d made it through the rest of the school year, her senior year, with relative ease. With her competition days over she had more time to focus on her future. She’d decided that she was going to be an equine veterinarian. She didn’t want to ever feel as helpless as she had the day that she lost Lion, and wanted to do everything she could to ensure that others wouldn’t lose their companions in the tragic way she had. She went into the summer ready to attend Penn State in the fall. It would be her first time away from home, a new city, new possibilities, and she was excited for her future and what it held. Even more so when her eldest brother returned home after being gone for almost the entirety of her high school years. They’d kept in touch while he was away, growing closer even with the distance that separated them, and while his homecoming was a joyous occasion for her and her mother, her father wasn’t as pleased.
The two Kingston mens’ reunion was full of screaming, slammed doors, and another great escape; but while her brother was off doing God knows what, her father, huffing around the house angrily, suddenly went quiet and it was the moment she heard her mother’s shrill call for an ambulance that the entirety of the Kingston family’s lives changed. CK had suffered a debilitating stroke that had left him wheelchair bound and unable to care for himself without their mother’s assistance. It was an occasion that almost prevented Greer from leaving and going to college, telling her father that he was much more important than any school and she’d be happy to spend her days helping with the B&B and tending to the animals the best she could. CK, however, was having none of it, and after a long, tearful conversation between father and daughter, Greer spent the rest of the summer with her family ensuring her parents would be okay before leaving for Pennsylvania.
She spent six years back and forth between Pennsylvania and North Carolina, taking summer classes to speed up her return to her family’s ranch. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy her time away from home, but the fiercely independent Kingston girl was finding that she was only independent when she wanted to be. Being unable to go on rides around the ranch with her little sister, sit by the fire and sip on moonshine with her older brother, and read classic westerns to her father whenever she wanted to was weighing on her. Somewhere along the way she’d grown more attached to her family and the life she led in Wilmington than she’d ever imagined. So after graduating with her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree she returned home and got her license, beginning to work towards her specialized certifications on her family’s ranch where she worked under Scott, her mentor, until he retired five years ago. Since then, she’s been the family’s sole veterinarian, spending her days with the animals and the people she loved. At least for a while, but as fate seemed to have it the Kingston family was never meant to be a full five again.
Bailey had always been a free spirit, the youngest and the most rebellious, the vivacious blonde didn’t want anything to do with the ranch, so when she’d taken off to Miami none of the family was concerned. She was just carving her own path in life, and while that path seemed to be littered with potholes of addiction and bad choices, everyone knew that the Kingston stubborn streak was just as strong within her and she’d have to choose to do better; forcing her would only end the minimal contact they already had with the baby of the family. And while they’d believed everything was going well with the blonde, she’d shown up on their parents’ doorstep of January 2019 with a three year old. She’d had a son nobody knew about and had been going at it alone, choosing to forego the family’s money to do things her own way, which led the three years sober woman to relapse. With no other choice, Bailey had decided to attend an inpatient rehab in Arizona and asked that her parents (with a private plea to Greer and Cass for their help) take care of her son, Easton, until she returned and could give him the life she knew he’d deserved.
It’d been a shock, a lot to take in and process, but in the end everyone agreed to the new arrangements and everything was going great. Bailey was checking in weekly, Easton was growing accustomed to life on the ranch, and Greer, who’d taken quite a liking to her three year old nephew, was maturing in ways even she’d never thought possible as she took on the brunt of the responsibility for raising the toddler. But then Bailey’s check-ins stopped. The first missed week there wasn’t much cause for concern, she’d been in the inpatient facility for six months and they’d expected her to come home soon, the family had brushed it off and waited for the call and apology the following week. However, when she missed that call they became worried and contacted the rehab facility themselves and found out the 23 year old had checked herself out and hadn’t been heard from since. And so the Kingstons embarked on their new journey, one that consisted of finding the youngest member of their tight knit family to bring her home back to them and her son.
Three months would pass before they’d hear anything, the fateful phone call from a detective out of New Mexico confirming Greer and her family’s biggest fears. Bailey had lost her battle with addiction, relapsing and ending up dying in an ER thousands of miles away from home all alone, and the realization nearly broke Greer. She’d been Bailey’s emergency contact and was therefore tasked with notifying her family and Easton of her baby sister’s death along with volunteering to go to New Mexico to bring Bailey home. She’d insisted, even. Bailey had died alone but Greer would make sure that her little sister wouldn’t have to travel to her final resting place alone. Not if she could help it. So with the help of her best friend, Greer went to New Mexico, packed up a life she hadn’t even known Bailey to have, and come home to grieve. The spitfire blonde had been subdued to embers for the next few months as she navigated becoming a full time guardian to her nephew while balancing her own grief along with the grief of those around her with the daily duties of the ranch. It’d been a difficult juggling act, one where at times, Greer felt that she’d had too many plates spinning at once. It was a steep learning curve, once she’d only been able to navigate with the help of her family and friends. And now, seven months after receiving the worst news of her life, Greer is finally settling into her new normal and is ready to face the outside world again. It would shine a little less brighter without Bailey, but that only meant the veterinarian would have to live twice as much life for the both of them. A challenge she was finally ready to embark upon with a new guardian angel watching over her.
This character is portrayed by HILARY DUFF and penned by BRI.
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
iMessage 📲 Greer
Sammy: My lips are sealed. You know how dangerous mommas can be!
Sammy: It wasn't mine! I swear!
Sammy: Of course you're cool enough for the sweater vests. I hate that Sydney has made that a thing. I hardly wear them!
Greer: Yeah I do. That wooden spoon my mama carried around STILL haunts my dreams lol
Greer: Suuure. That's what they ALL say... but don't worry, your secret is safe with me 😉
Greer: Hardly, really? They're a STAPLE in your wardrobe! 😂
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
WHO: @sydncyfitzpatrick​ WHERE: Sydney’s Apartment, Downtown
Carrying a pan of her mama’s fudge in her hands, Greer didn’t both to knock as she made her way into Sydney’s apartment. “Honey, I’m home!” She called out as she deposited her keys and the fudge on the kitchen counter after sliding out of her boots and leaving them by the front door. “And I brought presents! Aside from myself, ya know. Because my presence is a gift.” Smirk on her features, the blonde made her way further into the apartment, hearing music and running water coming from the bathroom, she debated for less than a second before opening the door and walking in, padding quietly so she didn’t alert her best friend to her presence in the small bathroom yet. She paused for a moment before opening the curtain part of the way and sticking her head inside with a big, grin. “Boo!” She said as she waited for Sydney’s response, laughter already bubbling up in her chest.
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
Sam’s smile waned ever so slightly at the mention of Greer’s late sister. Bailey’s funeral had made Samuel come face to face with fears he never wished to acknowledge - and so he was reminded to cherish his sisters all the more. As the joint sparked, he’d tuck the lighter back into his jacket pocket, observing Greer with noted amusement in his eyes. “Well you know if you ever need a proper dance I’m happy to oblige.” He offered genuinely. “Oh, of course. I came with Penelope, so plenty of drinking and dancing and lewd humor.” The man chuckled under his breath, accepting the joint and sucking in a smooth hit. He wasn’t sure if it would surprise Greer or not that he wasn’t unfamiliar with the drug - while he wasn’t exactly boastful of his usage, it was sometimes the only thing that could get him to chill out after a long day. “You look lovely, by the way. The boots are very you.” Sammy noted with a prevailing smile as he offered the joint back.
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She saw his smile falter, having been privy to looks of pity and sorrow for the past eight months whenever Bailey had been brought up, Greer was practically an expert at spotting the look. She wouldn’t point it out, though, as she knew that Bailey’s death had been hard on more than just her immediate family and close friends. Hers was a reality a lot of people feared and others had more experience in, and while she’d done her best to remain strong and steadfast for her nephew and the rest of her family, there were times the blonde simply couldn’t hold her grief in any longer. But tonight wasn’t one of those nights and she wasn’t going to allow her own pain to bleed out and stain the night for others. “Look at you, ever the gentleman.” Her smile grew, opening her flask and taking a sip from it. “But I’m not much of a dancer unless you get me out there for Copperhead Road. You’d be smart to find a partner who wouldn’t step on your toes.” Chuckle passing through her lips, Greer’s shoulders rose and fell quickly in a shrug. She wasn’t lying, her dancing skills were sub par at best, but she didn’t care about how silly she’d look if she had enough Jack in her... something that she was sure would happen with the amount she’d already ingested. “All you had to say was Penelope, of course you’re havin’ a good time. She’s everything you’d need for a good weddin’ date.” Watching as he inhaled easily, Greer’s eyebrows raised slightly as she was both impressed and surprised in the ease he’d accepted the smoke into his lungs. He’d never seemed like the type to her, but she also admittingly didn’t know him all that well. “Oh, thanks.” Accepting the joint with a smile, Greer paused to finish speaking before taking another hit. “Sydney actually picked everything but the boots out. You should’ve seen how hard she tried to get me in heels.” Chuckling softly, she placed the joint between her lips and inhaled once more. “You don’t look too bad yourself... then again, we all knew that. You look better in a suit and tie than most in town. Come to think of it... I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen you in jeans.” She paused, thinking back as she held the joint back out to him. “Do you own any?” She asked, realizing she truly hadn’t seen him in anything but slacks in the years she’d known him.
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
where: the copper penny who: @greerkingstcn​ & owen fitzpatrick
It had been a particular stressful days – one of those days where it felt like every little problem and issue collapsed one after the other, weighing on Owen’s shoulders like a backpack full of stones glued to his back. Abel had been particularly fussy, Colleen had been under the weather and unable to take care of him whilst Owen met with contractors to talk about the deli reconstruction. So, not only was the meeting continuously getting derailed by his son’s incessant crying, but the estimate was turning out to be far more costly than anyone had expected. Just the other night, he was on high, celebrating his birthday with friends without a care in the world. Like old times. Now, though? It felt like everything was crumbling into the dirt. 
Naturally, he found himself at the Copper Penny, having left his son with one of his cousins who’d happened to be available and in need of some serious baby time. Drinking solo was a frequent past time of his, so he was looking forward to do just that – well, until he realized the only seat in the damn place was next to a particular blonde. “Kingston,” he narrowed his brows, figuring that some annoyance was worth it for a stiff buzz. “What fresh hell hole did you crawl back out of?”
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Greer usually avoided the Copper Penny, the quaint bar serving as the usual hangout for people she’d rather avoid, but then again she hadn’t exactly been thinking clearly as she’d made her way downtown. The day hadn’t been an easy one, with Easton asking question about his mom and dad, a virus infecting quite a bit of their livestock, and her head about to explode she’d gone downtown with the intention to find Sydney. She’d showed up at the brunette’s apartment and let herself inside to find it empty, and while she’d sat on the couch for an hour or so, waiting, she’d finally decided that sitting in her best friend’s apartment was no better than sitting in her own home alone. So there she was, sitting among the crowded bar, drinking from a glass of whiskey and hoping her choice wouldn’t come back to bite her in the ass. And she’d held that hope until a familiar voice cut through the cloud like nails on a chalkboard.
“Owen.” She countered with a roll of her eyes as she finished off the liquor in the glass and set the empty vessel down in front of her, leaning forward on the stool as she attempted to catch the bartender’s gaze so she could order another drink. “The one right next to yours. Can’t you find somewhere else to sit? Someone else to bother? I’m tryin’ to actually have a good night.”
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
Kindred gave Greer a smile, “thanks G. Everything just feels like it’s gone to shit.” She told her friend and sighed. dramatically.  “Oh my God… you did?” Kindred asked raising an eyebrow and stifling a laugh. “I would have liked to have seen that. I bet you would have handled it with a lot more grace then I would have. You’re not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?” Kindred went on and nodded at the other woman. “Sure, yeah. A drink sounds good. Why not? It’s five pm somewhere right? Where were. you thinking?” The HR manager asked as she went closer to Greer so she could wrap her arms around one of her good friends for a much needed hug.
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Nodding her head in understanding, Greer offered Kindred a warm smile. “I get that, darlin’. I really do.” She said, straightening up and nodding once more, this time with an accompanying chuckle. “Sure as shit did. It was embarrassin’ and I was honestly covered in mud. Usually not a big deal for me but there were legitimately fifteen corporate types sittin’ on horses with Cass leadin’ the ride and I fell right on my ass.” Her laughter growing slightly at the memory, Greer shook her head. “I would never! It happened, ask Cass. I’m sure he’ll happily tell you the story. I swear he almost fell off his horse from laughin’ at me so hard.” Wrapping her own arms around Kindred, Greer squeezed the other woman gently as she placed an affectionate kiss on the side of her head. “It’s 5PM always, honey. How about the brewery? It’s only a few blocks from here and they have some good apps. Food and beer cures everything.” She chuckled, pulling back from the embrace and offering Kindred her hand. “C’mon. Let’s turn your day around.”
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
He spotted her as soon as he rounded the corner of the house and mason couldn’t help the wide smile that took hold of his face. “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” He hadn’t expected to see Greer at all, the last he’d heard, she was out of town after her sister’s passing and even though he had fired her a text after finding out, it had been too long for them to really keep in touch. Wrapping his arms around her, Mason picked the blonde up, off of the floor for a moment before setting her back down and taking a step back. “Oh, I know, I come back to Wilmington and suddenly there’s a destructive storm, I’m sorta hoping they’re not related.” 
Over his last summer spent in Wilmington, he and Greer had developed a friendship, they had bonded over their mutual love of the work on the ranch they’d needed to do and from her and CK, Mason had learnt a lot about the animals he loved so much. Of course, they’d enjoyed the benefits that came with a friendship between two young people with Mason even driving hours at a weekend to spend it with her. But apart from that last weekend before he’d met his wife, he didn’t remember if he’d seen her since. “Time’s been good to you, Kingston, I didn’t expect to see you or I’d have asked my mom to bake an extra pie.” How’re you doing? You been back long?”
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“I’d like to think so.” She mused with a playful grin, Greer lifted her feet off the ground as he lifted her, a soft laugh leaving her lips as she gave him a squeeze before plating her boots back on the ground and releasing him from the embrace. “Funny how that works out isn’t it? I’m not sayin’ they go hand in hand but... its been a while since any kinda storm like that has blown through here but then you come rollin’ home and the storm’s right on your heels?” Greer sucked in a breath through her teeth as she held back a smile and shrugged. “Gotta say, it’s an awful big coincidence.” She teased, finally allowing the grin to overtake her features once more. Outside of a sporadic text or two throughout the years, the pair hadn’t seen each other since college and so much had changed for the both of them since then. However, standing there with him it felt like barely any time had passed. It was strange, having people who knew a different version of you that no longer existed, but it was also nice to have the ability to get to know someone all over again. 
“Oh, I know, right? I’m like a fine wine, Mase. Only gettin’ better with age.” The grin on her features and laugh leaving her lips showed she was only joking. “But I could say the same to you, lookin’ like a tall glass of water on a hot day.” She mused, smirk coming to her features as she shook her head. “Been back since November, yeah. What brings you back to town, hm?”
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
   “Oh, I am very aware, between you and Syd it’s like havin’ grown up around two neon signs in the shape of human beings.” Dominic teased, having actually more so grown up with Greer’s older brother; as well as Sean and Logan. Still, the sentiment remained intact. “I’m just saying, don’t go passing the buck onto me girly.” He brushed off, knowing full and well that Greer had every reason and right to recoil into herself after her loss. He’d been at the funeral, seen Wilmington go through the paces of loss a few times in his lifetime. Logan Fitzpatrick, for one. His dad, another. Then– Bailey. “You have a good reputation?” Dominic shot back, smirking to himself; though half expecting Greer to deliver a smack to the back of his head for the comment. Maybe he should have told her that she didn’t need to ‘be put together’ for him, but, he presumed she already knew that much. Today wasn’t the day to be stubbornly sentimental. “If you were going to text me ‘I see you’ and add how good my butt looks in these jeans, it would’ve been acceptable.” A teasing snicker laced his tone, tattooed arms absently adjusting their grip on Greer. “A compromise? Wow, look at you maturing before my very eyes. Sounds fair, I can agree to that.” 
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An amused laugh left her lips at his words as her head rested down atop his. “You love us. Could you imagine just how boring your life would be if we weren’t in it?” Ruffling his hair gently, Greer’s broad smile remained on her features as she stayed perched atop his back. “Oh honey, I can’t pass somethin’ I never had. That’s still all your thing. I’d never dream of takin’ it from you.” Her words were teasing but her smile faltered for just a moment, lips still curved upwards but the sparkle in her eyes dimmed as her mind drifted to her younger sister. Bailey had been the first person Greer herself had lost and while things had gotten easier with time, there was still nothing inherently easy about losing a sibling. “Um, yes. Compared to you I have a wonderful reputation, thank you!” Her full smile was back as she lightly flicked him in the back of his head, laughter spilling past her lips. Being around Dominic had always been easy, their friendship one that had lasted time and distance and while she’d known that he was one of the people she’d have been able to call on to come share in her sorrows without judging her, but she hadn’t wanted to face anyone. “But your butt doesn’t look good in those jeans, sorry. Kinda looks saggy, actually. You should probably work some more squats into your workout.” Her voice was teasing, playful grin on her features as she crossed her ankles together in front of him, locking her leg’s hold on his body. “Don’t get used to it.” She joked with a smirk. “But good, let’s go. I’m keen to say giddy up but I don’t think you’d take too kindly to it.”
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
LOCATION: Kingston Ranch
During the two months that he’d been here in Wilmington, David had spent most of his time exploring the vast nature this place had to offer and being mostly alone with his thoughts. The fresh air was helping tremendously with his mood - it was crazy how clear the air was compared to what he’d been breathing for most of his life in Los Angeles. Another thing that had vastly improved was his sleep. He didn’t have as many nightmares as he used to. But that didn’t mean he had forgotten what happened. While he absolutely enjoyed his downtime, it was becoming clear to him that this unproductive life wasn’t for him. David thrived when he was busy and of service to others, so when he saw an online ad about help wanted at the Kingston ranch, he thought It was a great opportunity to do some good. David absolutely loved animals and the photos of the place were beautiful, so after giving it some thought, he contacted the people there and drove up to the ranch with his rented car the following day. 
Upon arrival, David was surprised at how big the farm actually was in real life. He took his time walking around the property, and when he made it to the horse barn he found a nice office in the back.  He knocked a few times before going in. “Hi,” he started, “I’m supposed to meet up with Greer about helping out here at the property? I’m David.” 
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With Easton becoming such a major part of her life now and Cass wanting to start a family of his own and their parents getting older, it was finally time to reach out to hire more people at the ranch. It was something they’d been trying to put off, as finding and training new people was a time consuming hassle none of them were sure they could manage but it’d become rather clear rather quickly that they no longer had a choice. While Greer had been happy to pitch in and help with the business side of things, she was now being pulled in far too many directions and was the first to give, her family finally following suit and allowing her to post the ad online. They hadn’t gotten a lot of responses but David’s had been one she was most impressed with and curious about. You didn’t see a lot of doctors asking to come work out on a ranch. So she’d set a time and date for a meeting, having to set an alarm to remind herself so she’d be in the office rather than out with the animals when he arrived. Even still, she’d almost been late, only plopping back into the chair at the desk in the office a couple minutes before his arrival.
“Hi there.” She greeted him with a wide smile, standing up from her seat and extending a hand out to him. “I’m Greer. It’s a pleasure to meet ya, David. You find the place alright? I’m admittingly real bad with directions.”
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER: @greerkingstcn​
LOCATION, TIME: Jesse’s apartment complex, downtown, 1:34 P.M. 
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if it were up, to Jesse, the days, post, a 24-hour shift, would’ve been spent, entirely, on his ass. in bed. in, and, out, of sleep. as of late, he’d, often, drink so much, the night, prior, that, this, was easily attainable, as his inevitable hangover, hardly, allowed for anything, but. in fact, after, a night out, after work, the night, beforehand, it’d been his plan, for the day, at current. by one o’clock, half the day, had been lost, as it was, but, still, he’d tried his best, to slip, back, asleep. the one thing, that’d stood, in his way, being, – the incessant, ringing, of his cellphone. at first, he’d attempted to deter Greer’s call, – assuming, that a decline, of it, would signify, that, he… were, busy. it’s safe to say, he’d thought, wrong. somewhat, relentlessly, – she’d called, until he’d answered, and, reluctantly, had agreed, to meet her, on the street, outside, of his apartment complex. slipping on, his typical, day-to-day, pair, of cowboy boots, under faded, blue jeans, he’d meandered, his way, downstairs, and, out, to her truck. leaning, against the frame, he’d peaked a nappy-haired head, partly, inside, the window, of the passenger’s side, his eyes, squinting, from the newfound, light of day, he’d been reintroduced to. she hadn’t told him, what she’d needed. in fact, she’d told him, little… more, than, where, he could find her, parked. regardless, – still, there, he’d stood, with the framework, of a smile, in place. “woman, you best be dying.”
The grin on her features as Jesse made his way over to the truck was wide, the country music playing in the background as he peered into the vehicle having to be turned down so she could hear him. “Oh c’mon darlin’, you know you’re happy to see me.” She teased, arm outstretched across the back of the bench seats as she looked over at him. “Get in, we got plans. C’mon.” Moving her arm down to pat the spot next to her, Greer invited the obviously sleepy man into the vehicle. She’d noticed that Jesse hadn’t been quite himself lately, something that had her worried enough to plan an impromptu day out on the ranch property for the two of them. She’d only run into one hitch so far, though- getting the man out of his bed and to the ranch with her. “And just so you know, I’m not takin’ no for an answer so you might as well just agree and make it easier for both of us.” Sliding across the seats to the passenger’s side and opening up the door for him, Greer then slid back to the driver’s seat and waited for him to climb inside. 
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
“Mommy, I’m thirsty.” Prepared as always, Beth immediately reached for her bag, pulling out a couple of cartons of juice. “You can have a juice if..” Handing a daughter a child sized bottle of water, the blonde nodded. “You finish that.” Holding up the different juice cartons for Ellie to choose one, Beth placed the other one back into her bag as her daughter took small, reluctant sips of water bottle. “But water is boring, mommy!” Pushing her sunglasses up onto her head, Beth handed over the juice carton as Ellie finished. “I know, but it’s good for you.” Ellie sat down on the blanket, snuggling into her mother’s side for a second before she heard Greer’s voice. “Auntie Greer!”
The five year old jumped up, running the few paces to greet Greer and Easton, the two children already talking and hurrying to the blanket to look at Ellie’s new toy. “Way to rub it in that I don’t live with my favourite pie maker anymore.” Smiling over at the two children, Beth leaned over, wrapping her friend in a tight hug before pressing a kiss against her cheek. “I went through that with Ellie, although I could never find her left, so it sounds like we probably make a pair.” Chuckling softly, Beth nodded as she leaned back on the blanket, propping herself up on her hands. “I’m good, things are actually pretty good. How’re you? You guys doing okay?”
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“Hey now,” Greer began with a wide grin, “I don’t live with her either. We just live on the same property.” She teased, wrapping her own arms around the other woman to return the hug. “To be fair, though, she was callin’ to tell me so Easton could have a piece but we’re kind of a package deal these days so he has to share.” Chuckling softly, Greer pulled back from the embrace and leaned back on her hands as her eyes watched Easton and Ellie play together with a warm smile on her features. “So it’s normal then?” She asked with another chuckle, her head shaking in slight disbelief at the thought of having to consistently find Easton’s shoes. “When did it stop? Because I swear to you he cried for fifteen minutes straight when I told him I couldn’t find his other spiderman shoe and he had to wear somethin’ else.” Reaching into the bag she’d brought with them, Greer pulled a bottle of water out and opened it up to take a sip before speaking again. “I’m glad to hear it. Did you have fun at the weddin’? I barely go ta chance to see y’all.” Setting the bottle down on the blanket, Greer’s gaze shifted back to Easton as she nodded. “We’re doin’ alright. We have our good and bad days, you know? But it’s gettin’ better. Today’s been a good day, minus the shoe meltdown so I’m hopin’ for more of ‘em.”
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
WHO: @deanstrick​ WHERE: Just outside of New Hanover Correctional Center, Downtown
She’d gotten the call in the middle of one of her (now few and far between) afternoon baths and debated on not answering it for a moment. It’d been weeks since she’d been able to relax like this, but as the phone continued to ring she’d groaned quietly to herself and answered. She’d known the number flashing on the screen, knew who was calling her and why, so when she’d answered the phone and heard ‘This call will be recorded and monitored. I have a collect call from an inmate at New Hanover Correctional Center’ she was already climbing out of the warm water and wrapping a towel around her body. As soon as his voice was heard over the line she sighed playfully, “You have the absolute worst timin’, you know that?” She asked, assuring the man she’d be down as soon as possible to bail him out before getting dressed and climbing into her truck, bail jar money in hand as she began the trip down town while calling her mom to ask her to keep Easton for a bit longer.
“You owe me a bubble bath, wine, and some primo alone time.” She said with a smirk as soon as she saw Dean emerge from the building, arms crossed over her chest as she leaned back against her truck. “I’d only been in that tub, quiet and child free for ten minutes. Who’d you piss off this time, hm?” She asked, grin slowly spreading across her features, pushing herself off the truck to greet him with a hug once he was close enough. “Whoever it was looks like they got ya pretty good.”
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
iMessage 📲 Tex 🚔
CALVIN: you can only be sorry if you bring over some of your mom's peach cobbler. fuck, that will be the only way i accept your apology.
CALVIN: yeah? good. that's good to hear. can't have you sitting still for longer than a couple of weeks.
CALVIN: fuckin christ, yeah. i didn't think i could get tired of lasagnas. you'd think someone fuckin died or something, kingston. but it's been nice considering the best thing i can do is order take out or heat somethin up without poisoning her.
CALVIN: lemme talk to caleigh and get her input on it but that might be something i take you up on. i'm taking a couple of days off after the wedding to relieve the company she's been keeping. plus, well, sadie's probably going mad being stuck in the loft.
CALVIN: she's grown fuckin massive, kingston. might give that tennessee a run for their money. 😜
GREER: WOW now he's making DEMANDS??? you're lucky you got on olivia kingston's good side... i'll bring y'all some when i pick sadie up 😉 i should bring two though right? one for you (ya pig) and one for caleigh... it's the only way i can make sure she'll get a piece
GREER: nope. as mama says, idle hands are the devil's play things.... and we all know how much trouble i can get in to when i'm bored lol
GREER: oh yeah, i remember. i still have a few in my freezer from when everyone found out about bailey. i'll be honesty with you though, if i don't see another lasagna or tuna casserole in my life i won't be upset about it. but YOU on the other hand... you're right. you need em. poor girl's already been through enough she doesn't need to be subjected to your cooking 😂
GREER: yeah! definitely talk to her and let me know. she could use a vacation of her own i'm sure and there's so much room out here. she'd love it. and you and caleigh get some time to yourself to just relax. y'all deserve it ya know?
GREER: hahaha it's not harder to be bigger than tenny but he acts like he's the biggest and baddest thing around here. i'm sure you remember. he actually chased a bull the other day clean out into the pasture like a psycho
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
iMESSAGE | Matt G 📽🍿
MATIAS: You’re not bad at it, either, hahaha.
MATIAS: Right or wrong, doesn’t mean you needed to SAY it.
MATIAS: Yeah, that is definitely not the recommended viewing method. YOU might need the wine, though, if he decides he likes it because dogs, never mind no living dog has ever looked so ... artificial. I liked Onward, too, actually! I mean, I will say I’m usually a Disney guy, so I wasn’t surprised, but I definitely liked it.
MATIAS: If Easton ever wants someone to watch Moana with, that’s definitely something I can do. I don’t wanna tell you how many times I’ve seen it now, because, well, it’s a lot. And I still love it.
GREER: I know 💁🏼‍♀️ I've got a great influence though 😉
GREER: Yes it DOES. Don't be mad just because I called you out 😘
GREER: Yeah no I am not watching it. You've made official thank you for your expertise. Onward was super cute and I wouldn't mind watching it a couple of times. It looked like it was going to be sad when I saw the previews but it was funny!
GREER: Look I'd happily set up a Moana play date for the two of you if it means I can catch a nap or watch something... ANYTHING else lol. Sounds like you two will get along like a house on fire.
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
iMessage 📲 Greer
Sammy: If you're sure I didn't offend
Sammy: Right.
Sammy: I could live off of my mother's peace cobbler, so I get it
Sammy: Thanks for humoring me at the wedding, by the way
Sammy: I don't think we've every actually spent time alone together before
Greer: You didn't, honey. I promise.
Greer: Not gonna lie your mama's peach cobbler is better than mine so I get it... but don't tell anyone I said that or mama's liable to have my head
Greer: Hey, no problem! Thanks for sharing your "found" weed with me 😉
Greer: Uh... I think you're right. I was never cool enough for you and your sweater vests 😂
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greerkingstcn · 4 years
iMESSAGE | Stephie 🍦💃🏻
STEPH: if that was all it was, u know i'd take u up on it in a heartbeat. i'm just not good at letting him outta my sight yet. if that's even a thing u can get good at
STEPH: yeah, i know the feeling. and, yeah. you really are. i dont wanna think what'd be to mourn somebody i didnt rly know
STEPH: i miss ya too (and im not just sayin that for the pie 💖💖
STEPH: they had a fight, and, well, nina came and got his stuff. or most of it, his molinillo is still in the utensil drawer. anyway, i dont rly know, i tried txting a few times bt i didnt get much back
STEPH: OOPS? i havent rly told anyone yet if that makes u feel better. and i dont know abt that either, i WANT to, bt it's not that simple, u know?
GREER: i'd be happy to come over, bring easton, and let you nap while i hang out with the kids. i'm gonna keep offering until you take me up on it btw 😉
GREER: ❤❤❤
GREER: it's okay i know the pie takes the cake 😂 gotta say, i taste better tho 😏😂
GREER: his what now? i've texted him but it was about movies we didn't really talk about anything else... is he alright? they were together for like ever
GREER: OOPS??? YOU SAID OOPS??? jesus steph lol but it does. and... this may sound real slow of me but why isn't it that simple?
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