greyquills · 6 months
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Now hear me out here...
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greyquills · 8 months
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the barker, her flight, 2/3
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greyquills · 9 months
equally fucked up alternate version of the orpheus and eurydice myth where i successfully bring the great love of my life back from the dead without looking back but the unresolved trauma of their death leaves me so scared of losing them a second time that i can't bear to look at them ever again
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greyquills · 1 year
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Enjoy this preview of our zine, courtesy of @ilexdiapason!
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greyquills · 1 year
he breasted the boulder boobily up the hill…
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greyquills · 1 year
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if i was a ghost and i followed u around while u tried to survive a death game would u be mad? be honest
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greyquills · 1 year
i like sailing myths and superstitions because most of them can be boiled down to "if the ocean doesn't like you it will chew you up and spit out your bones. and if it really loves you it will swallow you whole and keep you forever. good luck 👍"
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greyquills · 1 year
Personally I'd rather see the entire Hollywood movie industry fall apart than the strike fail. Movies won't stop being made, they will just stop being sponsored by worker abuse, and if that means no more millions of dollars worth epics then so be it idc
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greyquills · 1 year
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greyquills · 1 year
character who is sun-coded but not in the traditional ray-of-sunshine way. character who is sun-coded in the sense that they burn hot and bright and powerful, that they're a raging fury of fire and passion, and that maybe, just maybe, they are destroying themselves as they do so.
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greyquills · 1 year
oh wont youw take me down to da pawadise city whewe da gwass is gween and da ouija boawd spiwits awe angwy
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LITERALLY homophobia in action
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greyquills · 1 year
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I've been curious about this survey concept for quite some time now... After all, we all define things differently, especially when it comes to subjects of debate. So, after gathering a bit of preliminary feedback, I'd like to announce a MCYTblr-focused survey, that aims to answer these two questions:
"How do we define RPF?" and "How do we feel about it?"
There are no required questions, I just ask that you answer as honestly as you can, and skip any that you're not comfortable answering.
I've tried my best to be unbiased with the questions I'm asking, but if I've missed something, feel free to either send me an ask here, or say so in the form itself.
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greyquills · 1 year
i will ALWAYS clap my hands excitedly and lean forward in my seat when someone tells a character to "keep your dog on a leash" only for it to turn out they're referring to another person
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greyquills · 1 year
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greyquills · 1 year
it’s time for who-wrote-it guessing again!
that’s right, cf is back at it with round three of the anonymous style challenge! rules are same as always, we started with the same set of three characters, prompts, and songs, and wrote our own interpretations of those prompts. but here’s the twist - we wrote original fiction this time!
all participants are listed in the collection’s description. a google form will be linked soon for you to guess who wrote which story. go forth and guess! meet oliver davis, jodi bea, and ferdimand o’casey!
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greyquills · 1 year
i should be allowed powers because i am special boy
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greyquills · 1 year
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(click for better quality)
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