grimmwolfcrafts · 5 months
Don't have much to talk about but i'm trying to build a habit and do some exposure therapy. I worked on a katana/gift for my aunt today. A lot of whittling and sanding was done.
Today was pretty chill.
Thanks for reading, have a good nights sleep!
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grimmwolfcrafts · 5 months
Happy new year!
Still got a cough but I'm hoping to start posting again. So here's my friend posing with the blue rose.
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I'm not too sure on how many hours I put into it total, but here's the specs.
Blue Rose
Length: 17 1/2'
Width: 2 1/2'
Height: 7 3/7'
Weight: 1.12 lbs.
It was a fun project, and I have so much to improve upon. I hope the next one I make won't be so flawed.
So I have some late gifts to make. That's probably what I'm gonna post progress on for a bit. In terms of weapon art, next is gonna be renji's zabimaru shikai.
Thank you for reading, also thank you for all the support during the project. I hope you like what I make next. Have a good night, and hope you have a great year.
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grimmwolfcrafts · 6 months
Hey, how're you doing? I'm sick. Got knocked out for a few days.
So here's the final product, behold it in all it's glory!
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So yeah, I didn't know that the seal would dull the chrome. Ah well. When I do this again, I have a lot of ideas to improve this thing. I hope by then I will have grown more patient.
When I get better I'll take some pictures with someone posing with it.
Thank you for sticking with me to see this one to the end. I hope you like the result.
Have a great night and stay safe and warm. Oh also happy holidays!
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grimmwolfcrafts · 6 months
Heya, quick one tonight.
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So I got the spray paint. Looks good and shiny. I think I overdid it in spots and not enough in others. It seems that a little goes a long way with spray paint.
Thanks for reading, goodnight. Hope you have a great week!
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grimmwolfcrafts · 6 months
Hello hello, good evening! Idk I'm not that positive lol.
I started painting today.
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I did some more sanding on a few spots and did the lines on the left side that I forgot to do.
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So yeah. That's 4~ coats on this side so far. I wanted to wait to see how it looked after some more coats before I commit to the rest. And I'm using these chrome paint markers and I'm not happy with the evenness or the strokes. It's nice and shiny on the clay so that's good. I think I'm gonna try and get some spray paint?
Or, I could just paint it black. It's already a deviation from the original in many ways. I'm just not skilled enough for something so intricate yet. I think it would look sick both ways.
So what do you think? Chrome or black? I'll just stick with chrome if you can't decide. I guess I could always just do basic grey?
Either way, thanks for reading. Goodnight.
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grimmwolfcrafts · 6 months
Sup dude? Short one tonight.
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So I started sanding for a few hours before I thought to take a pic for the before/after thingy. It's honestly not that much of a difference.
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So that was pretty much all day sanding, maybe 7 hours total? Arms still a little sore. I was gonna start on the first coat of paint but thought that I should give it a rest and see if I'm satisfied in the morning with a fresh eye.
Thanks for reading again. Hope to see you again tomorrow. Have a good night!
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grimmwolfcrafts · 6 months
Hey there, good evening!
So I think I'm almost done.
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So I started by sanding down the clay until it could close, then I sanded some more until I could fit the pin. I then put the side plate thing back on and cut out a groove.
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I then put the magnets on the pin to make it lock. Also it's out of order but I put two other magnets on the side there. It's so much better feeling now, when I flick my wrist to close it, is so satisfying.
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Last thing I did was put this wood part. It has no function anymore. The only thing I don't like about the hinge is how... Loose? It is. It is slightly wobbly, in comparison to the first arm that started pretty solid.
Didn't have to much time to work today so that's all I got done. I hope to finish making lines and smoothing everything, and once that's done I hope to start painting tomorrow too. Fingers crossed.
Thanks for reading; have a good night!
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grimmwolfcrafts · 6 months
Hey, how's it going?
So today I did mostly sanding and remaking the cylinder swing arm.
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I'm iffy on some of the clay but I'll see when it dries. I had to redo the arm because I messed it up last week. I was trying to fit the cylinder in the hole but because the mechanism kept breaking on the seam of the wood and I would glue it together again. But each time it was a little bit out of wack, adding up and it just snapped out of the housing. I got super frustrated trying to make it work for a while, to the point that I had to step away and reassess for a few days.
So yeah, hopefully this way will be more sturdy.
IDK, be safe; thanks for reading. Hope you have a good night and good sleep.
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grimmwolfcrafts · 6 months
Hey, how's it going? Didn't get to much done today.
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Next handgun I make I wanna have the trigger work. I used this old hook, broke off the end and bent it right. I had to cut a piece off as you can see, but it glued back seamless.
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I then worked on the sights, sanding it and putting some clay on top. I also decided to get rid of the cylinder lock thing I had going. I think I'll use some small magnets instead? IDK I just wasn't happy with it so I filled in that and other holes with clay as well.
Then I had to go move stuff and clean up for tomorrow. Anyways that's all for today. Thanks for reading again.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving and weekend. I think I'll be back on Monday. Be safe and goodnight.
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grimmwolfcrafts · 6 months
Hello again, it's been a while again. I was procrastinating. Sigh.
So I worked on the bullets today.
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So I made those original ones with wood and epoxy clay, but they were so wide that it would have taken me most of the day to sand one of them down enough to fit, and even then it might not be evenly sanded anyways. So I remade them in the clay. I rolled the clay into a tube with my hands and then rolled it in the dust from sanding to make it not sticky and then stuck them inside the cylinder. I'm probably gonna use the original bullets I made on another gun project.
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That was all a few days ago, today I sanded the bullets till they could smoothly pass all the way through the holes. Then I cut them and sanded them on one side flat. Also I used a bamboo stick/thing inside the bullets for both stability and to use less clay.
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I then cut some round wood pieces and glued them to the flat bottom of the bullets and sanded them even and thin. Looks like chalk. I realize this pic is before I sanded it. Meh.
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I then sanded the tips. I love how they turned out. They are about perfect. They are so cool. much wow.
Well all that's left is to fix the sights and then I can start working on the details and then smoothing, and finally painting and sealing. It's Thanksgiving week so I have cleaning to do and maybe some cooking? Either way I might not have much tomorrow but I want to get back to regular posting.
Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you have a good night. Be safe.
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grimmwolfcrafts · 7 months
Good evening, hope you had a good weekend.
Besides cleanup and painting, I think all that's left is the bullets.
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So I made a nilla wafer out of wood and glued it to the sides. As you can see it's almost there, just need to pull back those edges.
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I wasn't happy with those curved things so I used more clay to smooth out those curves, also to make the button thing for the cylinder lock pin. Also once I had the clay sitting to dry, I got a visit from the supervisor;
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Her name is Calypso or Cali, and she's great. She and the others love to inspect my work. I would have taken more pics but by the time I thought to take this one she had jumped off and wandered away. Anyways, I made some triggers;
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The one on the right was the original one I made to match the real one, but I thought it would be too thin so I made two spares to sand down to size if need be. I'm thinking I'll just make a stationary trigger instead of fussing with such small parts. Maybe in a decades time I'll have the skills and tools needed to do that easily, but I just don't trust myself enough to not fuck it up.
Anyways, thank you for reading, hope you have a great night and sleep soundly. I know I won't.
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grimmwolfcrafts · 7 months
Good morning! Feels weird to be posting this early. Guess I was more tired than I thought.
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Smells like roach traps but it dries hard and doesn't chip off. It's easy to shave and sand so I think I'll be using similar for the time being.
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The cylinder fits good enough but I'm gonna fill in some of the gaps at the top and bottom of the housing. Also I noticed that when I glued the two halves of the gun back together, it's kinda crooked. I'll try to save it. Also I started shaping the groves on the handle. It feels pretty good but can be improved
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Lastly I started on those... Decorative lines? Stability reinforcement struts? The things on the bottom of the barrels. I freehanded the lines just to see what I was working with.
Also just in case you were wondering. I'm gonna do a pass over at the end to smooth out the cracks and chips and such. It's the most tedious part and I wanna have everything done and finished before I start to clean things up as I know it will take forever.
Thanks for reading, hope you have a wonderful day today. Be safe and see you later!
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grimmwolfcrafts · 7 months
Hey there. I'm finally back to work.
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I didn't get much done cause people came over. I broke off the pin here. And then I glued the two halves together again but I guess I forgot to take that pic.
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I got some epoxy clay to see if that works. I also chipped off the old clay on the gun too. So I'm gonna let these dry over night before I do more and waste it.
Hope to get more done tomorrow. Goodnight.
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grimmwolfcrafts · 7 months
Happy Halloween! Hope you had a fun one!
So I had some inspiration to draw for the past few weeks. I haven't drawn this much since middle school.
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Lots of these will be monsters/aliens from this setting I am working on in my spare time.
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As you can see I still have a lot to learn. I need to look into anatomy and depth lessons. I am not good at making humanoids either.
Anyways, thank you for reading and looking. I hope to start back on the Blue Rose some time this week? Be safe and have a good night!
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grimmwolfcrafts · 7 months
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Hello again. Looks like concept art for a game, and i think it would make a great wallpaper.
Maybe I'll try something Halloween themed tomorrow? Thanks for looking, be safe and goodnight.
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grimmwolfcrafts · 7 months
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Hello again, been doing some more AI stuff. These were some tests I liked the look of.
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It's gotten to the point where I'm spending hours downloading new stuff and trying it out, adding more and more like it's Skyrim and I'm installing new mods.
Hope you had a good week, be safe and goodnight.
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grimmwolfcrafts · 7 months
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Hey there, just some more ai stuff. I want to print this one out.
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This one could be a cover for something. A book? A retro pixel game? Anyways, thanks for looking this time, hope you have a good week. Goodnight.
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