grimweaver · 3 hours
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grimweaver · 3 hours
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Heyyy, l’ll be doing a book signing this June!
If you’d like a nice Lackadaisy Volume 1 hardcover book signed / doodled-in on livestream, this is how to get one.
Limited books available!
Available through Streamily!
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grimweaver · 8 hours
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Hide and seek
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grimweaver · 2 days
Okay... so... it's entertaining but, in all honesty, I think the comic series was better, and I say that knowing about the Kenders lawsuit stuff that wound up destroying the quality of the series, and still salty about Wynmacher and the situation with Knux's parents, and some other things. But at least it focused on him and his journey of learning more about himself, his past, his people, and the father that seems absent but has remained watchful and helpful in the shadows. The Cinematic Knux series is entertaining and has some fun moments sure, but... It's like they forgot at one point that the show is called "Knuckles" and not "Whipple". And... Wait a second, I thought Knux was a kid and was told to stay home when his dad left to fight, and never saw him again... Now there's a moment in his life when he is older, fighting with his dad, and witnessed his death? Did someone not catch that inconsistency? Eh... It's not horrible but not what Knuckles deserves. Why did ya have to go and do the classic mistake of making a show about the main protagonists about human characters? Like AvP Requiem. People are watching Knuckles to watch Knuckles, not the humans. Human moments are too often and too long, and your not going to change my mind about that with delightful nods to 80s and 90s nostalgia. Thank you for that, though.
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grimweaver · 2 days
And an Indian that speaks modern Hindi
A Yautja hunter encounters a group of humans and he tells his other Yautja hunt brothers "not to worry, I speak their language" only to whip out some 15th century Middle English because it's been more than 600 years since he was last on Earth.
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grimweaver · 2 days
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Dark knight
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grimweaver · 3 days
Sometimes it's good to not give up on your heroes when they disappoint you. I won't name names, but there's a celeb who said something extremely hurtful to me a long time ago. I couldn't believe he was capable of saying something so mean, especially since he's been known to be one of the nicest guys ever in the industry. I almost decided to have nothing to do with him anymore because of it. But then something just hit me-- if it seemed so against his nature to be snarly like that, something's going on in his life or with his head that is unnatural. I decided to be patient and forgiving, and understanding came later when I learned about the thyroid medication. BINGO! I've known others who've taken meds for that, and it (edit: thyroid imbalance, not the meds. Sorry for not clarifying. Apparently, though, it could be either or both... always depends on the individual) really altered their personality in an ugly way. It made sense. I was so glad that I didn't rush to judgement. It paid off by, a few years later, having the privilege of interacting with him, and he did something so incredibly cool and sweet-- he paid me for something that wasn't even supposed to cost anything, and with more than what it was worth. He was back to his old self, which was his young self actually... but yeah. And now we're kind a palsy. That's really just the most awesome thing ever. So, you know how people are all like "Never meet your heroes". Well, I say just go ahead and meet your heroes, just don't forget they're human and they could be in a dark place of hurt. Maybe you'll catch them in a bad mood, but don't give up on them because of that. Just pray for them if you're the praying type, or hold onto hope that they can stop hurting, instead of just thinking about how it's making you feel.
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grimweaver · 3 days
Why is it that, of all the characters in the series, the one I love the most and started watching it for is one of the few that stays dead?? It's hard enough to see anyone, let alone a celeb crush, get rammed by a truck. He couldn't come back to ditch that psycho woman and be with the one he was going to marry first and be a dad?? And why does it have to happen to a pastor that has an actual Christian nature? Well that question is easy to answer -- because that's just how it is in this world... When you actually behave like Jesus wants us to you get targeted by the fake ones with labels and violence. Meh.
But if Season 3 ever happens I hope they bring Rev Tom Hale back anyway.
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grimweaver · 4 days
Yes, I did :)
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Did You Know: Memory stones are rare gems that can be used to record and project people's thoughts and memories?
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grimweaver · 4 days
The kid inside me is just bursting with joy over the Knux series. I've been waiting for longer than a lot of have been alive for this!!! Knux loves Cool Ranch Doritos as much as I do!! Aaah!!! 😆
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grimweaver · 4 days
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grimweaver · 5 days
This needs to be on a Dove chocolate wrapper.
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grimweaver · 5 days
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grimweaver · 6 days
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Skyrim Lucien LaChance / Spectral Assassin
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grimweaver · 6 days
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Pathfinder SE version of Ezrielle (Druid) redone 😊
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grimweaver · 6 days
This is oddly not very odd for them lol
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One of my friends suggested they go to Barbie’s dream house. Hope this is satisfactory.
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grimweaver · 6 days
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